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Everything posted by QuoVadis

  1. Chill the fuck out dude, nu e nevoie sa urli in caps aici. E Babuinland si atata tot
  2. Reciteste postarea initiala unde fac referire la “infrastructura”. Daca ai nevoie de traducere o pot oferi. Inteleg ca adevarul supara pe unii de aici care sunt cu musca pe caciula. Dar ca unul care merg cu motorul, am vizitat in spitale motociclisti si mers la inmormantari la ei in Romania, am exprimat o parere, kill me for it.
  3. Nu ma pun cu mintea prostului pentru ca e odihnita. Insa cifrele vorbesc de la sine: https://etsc.eu/euroadsafetydata/ https://ec.europa.eu/transport/facts-fundings/scoreboard/compare/investments-infrastructure/quality-roads_en
  4. Romania on a motorbike is a bad idea dude. Bad roads, stupidly placed or nonexistent road signs and full of morons with a driving license. If you value your life and health, go the opposite way, to Croatia or even Italy.
  5. Legenda spune ca cei din Teleorman i-au invatat pe elvetieni cum sa isi faca WC in casa si ce e canalizarea.
  6. Registered office address Flat 6 Addison Court, Brondesbury Road, London, United Kingdom, NW6 6AS - firma de apartament Nature of business (SIC) 79120 - Tour operator activities - nu i-a iesit treaba cu turismul Directoare - Xi Huang ( + mutra: https://i.postimg.cc/LXL0v7Dp/download.jpg ). Momentan studenta si dupa cateva internship-uri acum proprietara de firma cica, cu £100k capital. Miroase a spalare de bani si/sau o smecherie cu vizele.
  7. Remedii spirituale: https://www.fiverr.com/gabonne Awesome insight and still is answering follow up questions. Thank you so much for caring! 2 days ago Great as usual. Thank you! 3 days ago seller was quick with delivery, he also was very kind and gave good advice. I'm going to try to be patient and hope for positive results. 2 days ago
  8. Ti-as explica de ce esti prost si cum sa nu mai fii prost dar esti prea prost ca sa intelegi ca esti prost. "Succesuri"!
  9. Bre omule, daca ai niscai 2-3 circumvolutiuni pe creier, ai putea si tu sa lasi mai multe detalii si un context. Ori tu astepti sa iti ghiceasca lumea imprejurarile tale. Daca nu te sinchisesti sa pui o intrebare cum trebuie, de ce s-ar obosi altii sa iti raspunda cum trebuie?
  10. Pentru pasionati... In this paper we introduce a hiding method which is based on justified text in a pdf file. In this proposed method, first we compress the secret message by Huffman coding. Then we choose some special lines of the cover as host lines. The embedding operation occurs by the replacement of the added spaces by the normal spaces of the host lines. Finally we re-pdf the file and send it. This scheme has a key, and in each use we can choose a new key for increasing the security of the communications. In this proposed method we can embed more information in a cover-text compared with several other text steganography schemes. Also the size of the file of the cover is not changed in this method. The next advantage of this method is that the parties of secret communication do not need to send electronic files and furthermore this method is printable.
  11. During the last two weeks of December, a security enthusiast who uses the online handle SandboxEscaper released details and proof-of-concept exploit code for two privilege escalation vulnerabilities in Windows. Researchers from ACROS Security have released a temporary “micropatch” for one of them through 0patch, a service that provides in-memory binary patching for zero-day flaws, and they are currently testing a patch for the secondary issue as well. One of SandboxEscaper’s vulnerabilities allows a low-privileged user to read any file on the system, including those belonging to other users. The exploit abuses a Windows feature called MsiAdvertiseProduct that performs operations with SYSTEM privileges, so it can lead to information disclosure, especially if attackers know the path to potentially sensitive files they can expose. The second vulnerability is even more serious and allows low-privileged users to overwrite arbitrary files as SYSTEM, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution with the highest possible privilege. This flaw has been dubbed the AngryPolarBearBug and is the one that 0patch.com has released a micropatch for. https://github.com/SandboxEscaper/randomrepo https://www.techcentral.ie/windows-zero-day-exploit-gets-temporary-micropatch/
  12. A man has been charged with flying a drone near Heathrow Airport on 24 December. George Rusu is accused of using a drone on a field near the runway just days after a scare at Gatwick grounded more than 1,000 flights.... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-46935933 Bre, daca stiti ca aveti pitici pe creier, stati acasa, oricum geme tara de prosti, va puteti camufla bine acolo si nu va are nimeni treaba..
  13. Catre cei care sar in sus pe aici cu pierdutul de vreme si ca vreti sa stiti salariile, etc.: sunt unele firme, care au deja o reputatie ca platesc foarte bine, ca ofera oportunitati excelente, etc. si doar cine nu si-a facut tema de casa in privinta lor nu stie asta. Si la job-urile care le afiseaza doar daca te accepta incep sa discute si remuneratia. Pe de o parte vor sa vada motivatia voastra de a lucra pentru ei, ce va diferentiaza fata de multe alte mii de aplicanti (vorbeam cu cineva, au o chestie de "AI" de a elimina aplicanti caci primeau si cate 4-5k de aplicatii pentru unele posturi si omeneste nu aveau cum sa se uite peste ele). si apoi sa va ofere un pachet in functie de persoana decat ceva pre-stabilit intr-o banda salariala care nu va ajuta. De exemplu unii au nevoie de ceva concesii de munca flexibila sa poata petrece timp cu copilul. Altii vor sa se perfectioneze, etc. Nu se invarte totul doar la bani. Exemplu concret - ma uitam recent sa aplic la PwC: se merge pe acest model. Nici nu vor sa vada competitia ce li se ofera angajatilor pentru a oferi ceva in plus si a lua talentul. Exemplu Si multe firme care ofera comfortabil peste media salariala in domeniu si vor mai intai sa vada oameni motivati, pasionati, care au un anumit etos, practica acelasi lucru. Nu e ceva comfortabil si e riscul si sa pierdeti vremea dar de multe ori se merita insa probabil nu in Babuinland unde mai mult isi bat joc de voi.
  14. IBM has built the first standalone quantum computer, packing some of the world’s most advanced science into a 9ft glass cube. But so far there is only one — and while IBM does not rule out one day selling such systems, its business plan calls for renting access to the hardware over the internet rather than shipping it to customers. Until now, quantum computers, which harness the power of quantum mechanics to handle calculations that could eventually leave today’s machines in the dust, have existed only in disassembled form in research labs. They are made up of a number of elements: reinforced chambers to hold the quantum bits, or qubits, that handle the computation; tanks of liquid helium and other cryogenic equipment to keep the qubits at a temperature close to absolute zero; and racks of electronics to control the action of the qubits and “read” their output, all tied together by hundreds of yards of cabling. Articol complet: https://www.ft.com/content/f0d63c74-12c6-11e9-a581-4ff78404524e Intrebarea e... dpdv al securitatii, daca functioneaza si evolueaza dupa cum unii spera, cand vor trece de metodele standard de encriptie? Nu cred ca se va intampla imediat, dar e foarte posibil sa tina secret cand o vor face.
  15. Pentru $5 ti-l da Gabonne - https://www.fiverr.com/gabonne/make-a-wish-come-true
  16. I'd shag a blue bitch... @archerise - dai un goagle la "caller id spoofing"
  17. @ARUBA iti bati capul cu toate jegurile de spammeri..
  18. Screenshot la convorbire telefonica? Daca vrei iti vand mai bine o sabie cu luneta sau un derulator de cd-uri?
  19. @aelius, de ce il injuri de mama? De Craciun sa fii mai bun...
  20. Yeah, but even the fact that whoever pwned eBay, couldn't be bothered yet to do any serious damage and just set up a bot to do lots of small transactions. Maybe one strategy is that they were hoping to go undetected by not being greedy or perhaps testing the capabilities of the vulnerabiliti/es or building up for something larger. What annoyed me more though is that the lady on the phone was like "yeah, we know they're doing this but we don't know how or why". I was like.. well when the fuck are you going to warn people that their financial and personal data are at risk? Why the fuck are you keeping this quiet? I am actually going to raise a complaint with the ICO in here to fine them mofos...
  21. Cateva observatii retorice: aschia nu sare departe de trunchi sau daca are low IQ, inseamna ca te-a facut pentru alocatie? cine e mai prost, ea ca te tine in casa la ea sau tu ca inca stai cu parintii?
  22. Putin whistle-blowing...share, comment & distribute Vad ca inaptii tac ca "porcul in papusoi" despre treaba asta asa ca postez aici: se pare ca au fost hackuiti si tac in privinta asta. Am aplicatia eBay pe telefon si Sambata dimineata (aproximativ ora 8.30) primesc o notificare de la app ca produsul meu s-a vandut. Nu aveam nimic postat de vanzare si nu folosisem pana atunci eBay-ul de vreo 1-2 luni. A trebuit sa astept pana la 9am sa vorbesc cu cineva de la support si tipa cica "da, stim ca sunt ceva hackeri care fac chestia asta insa se pare a fi automata". A verificat adresa de IP de unde s-a postat produsul si era de Hong Kong. Ce-i mai nasol e ca sunt foarte discreti in treburile astea - nu am primit nici o notificare referitor la schimbarea parolei, ca a fost postat un item nou, ca am vandut ceva nimic - de obicei primesc toate astea prin mail. Daca nu aveam aplicatia pe telefon nu aflam poate nimic, poate doar cand era prea tarziu. Si tipa de la eBay support cica "da, stim ca fac chestia asta, dar nu stim inca cum o fac, se pare a fi un bot care face tranzactii multe si marunte", etc. And the English version - eBay have been hacked and they seem to be keeping quiet about it. I have the eBay app on my phone and on Saturday morning (approx 8.30am) I get a notification from the app that my item has been sold. I did not have any item on sale and have not been using eBay for the past 1-2 months. I had to wait until 9am to ring their support and they were like "yeah, we know there's some hackers who are doing this, seems to be automated". And they checked the IP address from where the listing was made and it was from Hong Kong. But what's more worrying is the stealth with which they've done this - I had no notification of my account changing password, had no notification that an item has been posted for sale, etc. If I wouldn't have had the app on my phone, I would have probably not found about it until too late. And the lady on eBay support on the phone was like "yeah, we know about this, but we don't know how they're doing it, seems to be some bot as they're doing loads of small value transactions", etc.
  23. Da-i pm la @aelius, are toata gama
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