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Everything posted by M2G

  1. Il muta tex pe un ip din insulele cucu si nu pateste nimic.
  2. Chestia aia merge jenant de incet...
  3. Nu serverele celor de la norton au fost sparte. Codul sursa era pe un server din india. Un server al armatei indiene din cate stiu.
  4. Da, are multe functii. L-am testat si eu azi dar se pare ca nu merge "show passwords", ramane in pending si nu arata parolele. Ala din screen e chiar coderul aplicatiei, nu e o persoana prinsa. Se pare ca e gamer DarkcoderSC asta ca are tastatura G15.
  5. So finally the v5 is there after a long and hard work, i recode many part of the program mostely the multithreading i also change a bit the main GUI and the whole file manager. it is faster and more pro. changelog : <quote>DarkComet-RAT v5 aka Fynlosky* ------------------------------ By DarkCoderSc - [GUI] The main window had change, dirty buttons removed from the bottom and are now display as tabs in the title bar - [GUI] Other options such as generate server / downloader / settings etc.. are in the button menu in the title bar then i gain in space for the SIN (static ip notifier) - [GUI] The EULA/DISCLAMER had changed, read it carefully it contain also lot of informations in the last paragraphs about how to use darkcomet. - [FUNC] The download file system had totally change, it still multithreaded that means you can download many files from many computers at the same time, but during the file download the current user file manager can't be used, then the transfer will be faster and of course far more stable. - [FUNC] No more limitation in data sending, now for example you can kill 320 process at the same time, download 1000 files. - [FUNC] The upload file system had totally change like for the download (see beyound) - [GUI] Toast GUI had change a bit - [GUI] File Manager GUI had totally change, it is now more userfriendly pro and less bloated of shit, GUI inspired by TV Software. - [FUNC] Add usefull shortcuts in the top of both files list in file manager - [FUNC] Download folder added with recusive option (FAST and STABLE) - [FUNC] Search manager had been recoded and is now more use friendly, fast, stable and functionnal and the big advantage now it is fully multithreaded (Server and Client) you can cancel a search or cancel the listing after the reception of the result etc.. it is also fully linked to the file manager to act on the search files easily. - [GUI] Some icons changed, i try to uniformise all icons step by step - [DEL] Control center logs removed because useless since few versions - [DEL] Control center plugins manager removed because useless since many versions @TODO: Make a better one - [FUNC] Remote shell bug fix for some countries, now it correctly show accents etc.. - [FUNC] Remote shell multithreading been recoded entirely, now it is fully stable - [FIX] In the users list RAM is now correctly displayed in % used. - [FUNC] Remote Desktop >> Now the picture compression is directly done by GDI+ API's more fast, stable and consume less memory - [FIX] Remote Desktop been optimized in threading, speed and stability - [FIX] Resizing image algorythm been optimized - [FUNC] Quality bar added in desktop settings - [FUNC] Remote control for desktop capture been improved - [FIX] Webcam speed and memory usage is better now multithreading been optimized aswell - [FUNC] Now you can change the quality of the picture in Webcam capture - [FIX] A big bug fixed in remoteshell now it doesn't use all the CPU also the GUI change a little bit - [GUI] New webcam capture design more friendly - [FIX] Password support now FireFox 9 - [FUNC] SIN Users thumbnail multithreading been revisited and is now faster and stabler - [FIX] SIN Users thumbnail resizing algo revisited and is also better now - [FUNC] Main connection handler of the Client Socket was revised - [FUNC] Main connection handler of the Server Socket was revised now user listing is more smooth fast and stable, it can handle more users - [FUNC] Better garbage collector --- * : Fynlosky is the funny name given by Antivirus. <3 u all ! </quote> Screens : http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/7555/screen1tm.png Official website : http://darkcomet-rat.com/ Official forum : OpenSC - Security Research Forum - The Front Page Download link: http://www.opensc.ws/attachments/malware-samples-information/5810d1326623911-darkcomet-rat-v5-darkcometrat5.rar Sursa: DarkComet-RAT v5
  6. De ce 10 si nu 100 sau 1000. Si dupa ce rezolva alea 1000 sa le punem pe astea: List of unsolved problems in mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sa fim seriosi, e forum de securitate nu Ouverture Facile : Enigmes Flash / Flash Riddles
  7. O sa poti si dupa. Doar ca prin magnet link si nu prin torrent. Am zis mai sus. // nexus200 Fixed, ms.
  8. In a month The Pirate Bay will no longer offer downloads of .torrent files. Instead, the largest torrent site on the Internet will only provide so-called magnet links to its visitors. The first step in this direction was made today with The Pirate Bay replacing the current default torrent download links with magnets. Could this be the end of an era? the pirate bayAfter half a decade of loyal service, The Pirate Bay shut down its tracker in November 2009. The Pirate Bay argued that BitTorrent trackers have been made redundant by technologies such as DHT and PEX. In addition, The Pirate Bay team said that they might move away from torrents entirely and switch to offering magnet links instead. “We’re talking to the other torrent admins on doing magnet links and DHT and PEX for all sites. Moving away from torrents and trackers totally – like pick a date and all agree ‘from this date, we’ll not support torrents anymore’,” a Pirate Bay insider told TorrentFreak at the time. Now, two years later, that date is coming soon. Today, The Pirate Bay made the first step towards this new future by making magnets the default download links instead of torrents. TorrentFreak was further informed that in “a month or so” the largest torrent site on the Internet will stop serving torrent files indefinitely. The announcement is bound to lead to confusion and uncertainty among many torrent users, but in reality very little will change for the average Pirate Bay visitor. Users will still be able to download files, but these will now be started through a magnet link instead of a .torrent file. The Pirate Bay team told TorrentFreak that one of the advantages of the transition to a “magnet site” is that it requires relatively little bandwidth to host a proxy. This is topical, since this week courts in both Finland and the Netherlands ordered local Internet providers to block the torrent site. Perhaps even better, without the torrent files everyone can soon host a full copy of The Pirate Bay on a USB thumb drive, which may come in handy in the future. Unlike the site’s users, existing torrent sites that scrape .torrent files from The Pirate Bay will have to make some drastic changes. If they want to continue serving .torrent files they will have to fetch them from DHT. Also, hotlinks to .torrent files will stop working and will soon redirect to The Pirate Bay’s detail page for the files in question. One of the potential downsides of using magnets is that it could take a bit longer for downloads to start, especially if there are relatively few people sharing a file. This is because the .torrent file has to be fetched from other users instead of being downloaded directly from the site. More background on these and other technicalities can be found here. The good news is that all mainstream BitTorrent clients support magnet links. This wasn’t the case back in 2009, but when The Pirate Bay hinted that in the future they could become a magnet-only site, all developers quickly made their clients fully compatible. There’s no doubt that a torrent-less Pirate Bay will certainly mark the end of an era. At the moment it’s hard to predict what the impact of The Pirate Bay’s decision will be on the BitTorrent community. But torrents, however, will never disappear completely. Sursa: http://torrentfreak.com/the-pirate-bay-will-stop-serving-torrents-120112/ In linii mari, nu or sa se mai serveasca torrente ci magnet links. Asta nu opreste filesharingul dar aduce cateva schimbari destul de importante. La magnetlinks nu mai poti alege fisierele pe care o sa le descarci ca si in cazul torrentelor desii din cate am vazut poti sa dai skip la fisiere cu ajutorul clientului (utorrent in cazul meu) dar doar dupa ce downloadul a inceput. Sunt de parere ca odata cu aceasta schimbare vor aparea noi metode de spread, manipulare si torrente fake. Cum majoritatea utilizatorilor folosesc internetul doar pentru facebook, IM si alte chestii de genul acesta si nefiind educati in domeniul securitatii IT...O sa devina interesant.
  9. Ii zici lui flux sa scoata rst_bot sau sa scoata comanda !injura. And that's it!
  10. Cand o sa imi fac timp sa ii fac un update o sa va dau versiune fara depenende de JVM si mai multe funtionalitati programului. Pana atunci, nu am ce sa va fac. Cel mai probabil e din cauza unor incompatibilitati sau probleme la Java. La mine merge perfect si merge si la altii...
  11. Invitatie oferita lui Mandrake1942. Momentan nu mai am alta.
  12. Up! O invitatie disponibila. Si nu, nu o sa o dau celor care abia si-au facut cont sa cerseasca. Daca esti membru activ si vrei invite, da un reply aici sau un pm.
  13. http://vimeo.com/34598369 Hacking wifi WPA easily using a new tool called reaver 1.1 | Network and Security
  14. Poti sa te uiti pe aici: Index of /Users/M2G/Linux/ Sunt o gramada de tutoriale video care pot sa te puna in miscare. Bafta!
  15. PDF cu prezentarea: slides-28c3.pdf || Am postat la Stiri Securitate si nu la tutoriale video pentru ca nu este un tutorial ci tine mai mult de stiri din securitate.
  16. Nu stiu sigur daca merge prin astia. Pay by mobile: Send and receive money online with Onebip Am vazut ca cei de la ANNO1777 il folosesc pentru plata prin sms. //LE: Shit, nu am citit bine! Scuze! This was stupid.
  17. Stiam si eu ca versiunile noi de PGP au backdoor. Din cate imi amintesc era mai demult o stire despre o persoana care a fost prinsa si avea hdd criptat cu PGP. Autoritatiile nu au reusit sa faca cu succes brute pe acel hdd si au dat in judecata (sau i-au obligat) pe cei de la PGP ca in versiuniile viitoare sa introduca o portita prin care autoritatile sa poata trece de acea encriptie. Cred ca am si citit un articol despre asta dar momentat nu imi mai amintesc pe unde. Cineva sa ma corecteze daca gresesc...
  18. Pe pagina THN este un comment: Deci nu cred ca e leak.
  19. The Source Code of Crypo.com , One of the Famous Free Online Encryption Service is now available to download form a File sharing website. This Script will encrypt your messages using a strong encryption algorithm, and then your information will be secure for sending. Site: http://www.crypo.com Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! Mirror: crypto.rar Sursa: Source Code of Crypo.com Available to Download ! | The Hacker News (THN)
  20. M2G

    sa-o facem ?

    Fara frauda pe RST! Mai bine sterge topicul pana nu iei ban.
  21. Asta e ca si cum ai zice ca modul de viata a unei virgine e sa faca 2 filme porno pe zi. Welcome.
  22. M2G

    Ebook Search (ITSec)

    Noi avem mai multe doar ca nu avem search.
  23. M2G

    Cum sa invat VB ?

    Eu ti-as recomanda sa inveti C#. E doar parerea mea. Cel mai bine inveti din proiectele pe care le faci. Iei anumite proiecte si incerci sa le implemetezi. Cand nu stii sa faci ceva te ajuti de documentatia de la Microsoft si de pe forumuri. Use Google! Stii cum se zice "pofta vine mancand", asa ca apuca-te de treaba daca vrei sa inveti ceva.
  24. Nu o sa cumpar niciodata asa ceva dar ms oricum. Eram curios doar.
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