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Everything posted by Silviu

  1. Nu. Sursa: Stackoverflow.com
  2. Silviu

    Free bitcoin.

    Functioneaza, dar ba imi da, ba imi ia. Il las pornit o ora, sa vad unde ajunge.
  3. Polo folosi un api pentru geolocation sau o list? cu clasele de ip-uri corespunz?toare ora?elor. Te ajut când intru pe pc dac? vrei.
  4. Nu te trage de sireturi cu mine, poate nu am bani sa il iau nou, sau poate vreau sa cheltuiesc banii cu cap, nu trebuie sa iti dau tie explicatii. Daca nu esti pe topic, nu posta.
  5. Salutare! Sunt interesat de un Raspberry PI, versiunea a 2-a, cea cu 512 MB de RAM. Astept oferte daca vinde cineva asa ceva, sau s-a plictisit de el.
  6. Cum zice si colegul de mai sus, dar ce ai gasit tu spre download s-ar putea sa fie un fisier fals, doar cu numele a cea ce ai tu nevoie si asa tinzi sa rezolvi survey-ul.
  7. Ai aici cerinte de sistem: OSx86
  8. Silviu

    Play Vplay

    Din ce m-am uitat eu prin cod, pare a fi jPlayer : HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery .
  9. Ba are cea mai mare legatura cu driverul placii de baza, adica cel video. Inainte sa spui prostii documenteaza-te si argumenteaza.
  10. Voia sa spuna sa il cumpere decodat normal, fara alte cacaturi de gevey si prostii.
  11. S-ar putea s? mearg? cu flood-ul în cazul ?sta, doar s? nu sune la provider. Sau ai mai putea dac? are router s? îi blochezi portul respectiv, dar nici asta nu e o solu?ie pe timp mai îndelungat.
  12. Pai tu nu ai specificat faptul ca l-ai sters, ai spus doar ca nu il gaseai! Edit: greseala mea, acum am vazut ca l-ai sters.
  13. Sper ca glumesti. https://www.facebook.com/friends/requests/
  14. Da, intri aici si iti vor aparea cei care te-au adaugat.
  15. Silviu

    ce canta

    Da, si melodia o poti afla utilizand SoundHound sau Shazam.
  16. Cel putin mie, designul nu imi place, mai ales backgroundul si ma duce mai mult cu gandul la un site de jocuri/stiri despre jocuri. Mai e de lucru. Cat despre continut, am dat pe un episod vocea romaniei, iar calitatea video-ului era foarte slaba. Deci, in principiu ai nevoie de redesign total.
  17. If you think that a computer which is not connected to a network, doesn't have any USB sticks attached to it and doesn’t accept any kind of electronic connection requests are reasonably safe against hackers and from all the malware, then you are Wrong. Here we have something shocking update that Some German Scientists have developed a proof of concept Malware prototype, could allow a hacker to infect your computers and other digital devices just using Inaudible Audio signals. The ability to bridge an air gap could be a potent infection vector. Just imagine, a cyber attack using high-frequency sound waves to infect machines, where stolen data also can be transferred back to attacker without a network connection, Sounds very terrifying ? When a few weeks ago, a security researcher Dragos Ruiu claimed malware dubbed badBIOS allowed infected machines to communicate using sound waves alone, means that the devices are physically disconnected from any networks, including the internet, people said he was crazy. But Now German Researchers have published a paper on how malware can be designed to cross the air gap by transmitting information through speakers and recording it via microphone. Rather than relying on TCP-IP, they used a network stack originally developed for underwater communication and the signal was propagated through the use of a software-defined modem based on the GNU Radio project. In a scenario based hacking, “The infected victim sends all recorded keystrokes to the covert acoustical mesh network. Infected drones forward the keystroke information inside the covert network till the attacker is reached, who is now able to read the current keyboard input of the infected victim from a distant place.” paper explained. In another scenario, the researchers used sound waves to send keystroke information to a network-connected computer, which then sent the information to the attacker via email. While the research doesn’t prove Dragos Ruiu’s badBIOS claims, but it does show that even if the system is disconnected from any network, could still be vulnerable to attackers. However, I would like to appreciate Dragos dedication about badBIOS research because this extraordinary concept was first introduced by him only. Researchers POC Malware is able to transfer data at 20 bits per second only, which is very low, but that's still capable of transferring your password or credit card number to the hacker in a few seconds. Some basic countermeasures one can adopt to protect against such malware are: *Switching off the audio input and output devices from the system. *Employ audio filtering that blocks high-frequency ranges. *Using an Audio Intrusion Detection Guard. Sursa: thehackernews.com
  18. Bitcoin is gaining ground all over the world, especially now that its value has increased considerably. As more and more companies accept payments in Bitcoins, cybercriminals also turn their attention to the virtual currency. Over the past weeks, we’ve seen a lot of Bitcoin-related websites being hacked. However, that’s not the only way cybercriminals can gain access to wallets. Security researchers from Trusteer have come across a variant of the Citadel Trojan that’s capable of capturing screenshots when the users of infected computers visit Bitcoin-related websites such as BTCsec.com, bitcoin.org or bitcoin-trade.biz. In addition to Bitcoin websites, the threat also targets websites related to other payment systems such as Perfect Money, Yandex Money or Web Money. Trusteer warns that we should expect other pieces of malware designed to target the platform. Experts say that more and more discussions regarding the use of Bitcoin and other payment systems for cybercriminal activities are taking place on underground forums. Some aren’t too keen on using Bitcoins to cash out their criminal proceeds, mainly because it’s so volatile. “Bitcoin can’t serve as a method of accumulating money, since this is just a toy at the hand of speculators. It’s much easier to register/buy a disposable/verified account rather than try cashing out BTC. So that’s PM+ BTC-,” one user said. “WM and PM are regular anonymous payment systems (WM is more formal, PM is straight-on-fake info), knock on wood, everything is good. I use them daily, cashing out a minimum of $1K per week,” another cybercriminal noted. On the other hand, there are many on the cybercriminal underground who support the use of the virtual currency. Some of them even say they might drop other payment systems completely in the future. Sursa: news.softpedia.com
  19. Silviu


    Incearca asta: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.motioncoding.emulator&hl=ro
  20. „Dup? p?rerea mea, ar trebui s? gândim c? fa?? de nivelul general de via??, fa?? de media câ?tigurilor românilor, cuantumul actualelor amenzi, ?i m? refer doar la cele contraven?ionale, este îndestul?tor. S-a spus c? amenzile nu sunt încasate ?i pentru asta trebuie s? le m?rim. Trebuie s? avem în vedere ?i faptul c?, de la 1 ianuarie 2014, amenzile vor cre?te ca urmare a cre?terii salariului minim pe economie, astfel încât la finele anului 2014 fiecare categorie de amend? contraven?ional? va cre?te în medie cu multiplu de un milion, ceea ce cred c? este suficient“, a intervenit Grebl?. Sursa: adevarul.ro
  21. Si ce cota de 1.01 aveai?
  22. Nu te mai contrazic, vad ca o ti pe a ta. @meelky: Am gasit ceva ce pare user-friendly: Welcome to the WorldSpot hotspot management system Din ce am citit cam face ce iti trebuie tie, daca reusesti sa il instalezi lasa-ne un feedback. Edit: Vad ca e pe bani. Oricum cea mai buna solutie ramane cea care am prezentat-o in postul anterior.
  23. E un htmlentities la un $_POST, nimic mai mult, ce ar fi de exploatat? Si fa-l cu get, macar sa fie mai frumos de explicat in caz de ceva.
  24. Cica e mai simpla decat Freeradius, dar se bazeaza pe freeradius. Epic.
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