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Everything posted by Cifre

  1. Si tu ai nasu maru deci care ar fi problema? //tex
  2. Inainte de a vinde ceva trebuie sa gandesti pretul. Ca si in tehnologie pretul se face la sfarsit de exemplu tu vrei sa iti deschizi o firma care face portofele. Pretul unui portofel il setezi ultima data in functie de materialele folosite si calitatea acestora + mana de lucru. Asa trebuie sa faci si cu domeniu. Daca vrei sa faci licitatii iti sugerez flippa si vorbind serios in maxim 2 zile o sa iti vinzi domeniul. Bafta!
  3. Ai incercat sa vinzi asta pe hackforums si ai vazut ca nu mere si ai zis hai sa incerc si aici ca poate astia sunt prosti. 250 E pentru ala? Domain = 7$ Script (open source - wordpress) = free Database (goala) = 0$ Tu incerci sa faci din 7$ - 250 euro? Bafta la vanzari.
  4. Cifre

    Fun stuff

  5. Am propus si eu ceva de genul acum ceva timp dar inca nu am primit raspuns. https://rstforums.com/forum/79913-sugestie-notificare.rst
  6. Nu am auzit in viata mea de kickstarter. Toti zic acelasi lucru si la 2 saptamani te trezesti fara bani pe card.
  7. Depinde despre ce este siteul tau. Trimite detalii pe pm si o sa vad ce pot face.
  8. Browser --> Tools --> Web Developer --> Web Console (firefox)
  9. Incearca aici. Sunt si cateva bune spre exemplu "The art of SEO" & "SEO Panda Dundee". Bafta.
  10. Cifre

    Delete Windows

    Eram la o partida de MILF cand am vazut topicu` asta.. Astept likeuri, subscribeuri, reputatie si tot ce se mai da pe aici.
  11. Omu de rand nu stie ce e ala php, html si mai stiu eu ce. Omu de rand o sa zica "Da ba merita" deci degeaba ne batem noi capul cu ei pe aici..
  12. E ciudat ca pe leak.sx are comentarii pozitive..
  13. Cifre

    Fun stuff

    Discutii inteligente.
  14. The method basically goes like this: You bet 1/3 of the bitcoins you have deposited. Then you click on 2 minefields and cashout. This will give you an earning of ~10% of your deposit. Follow the guide below: 1. First Go Here And then Deposit any amount of BTC to the address shown in your browser. (I recommend a minimum of 0.0003 BTC and a maximum of 0.6 BTC) 2. Now you select how much bitcoins to play with. Select 1/3 of your initial deposit. In the video I made a deposit of 0.0003 BTC and played with 0.0001 BTC.Make sure you chose to have 3 mines on the field. 3. Choose 2 minefields and click those. The first minefield will give you ~13% of your bet & the second will give you ~15% 4. Now click cashout and you will receive a total of ~28% profit (almost a third of your bet and almost 10% of your initial deposit) 5. Repeat this 11 times and you will earn more than 100% of your initial deposit. 6. Continue playing for more Bitcoins or withdraw it all. Why it works: It is quite simple why this works. When you chose 3 mines on the field, it gives you a 12% probability of hitting one of the mines. This means you can play almost 10 times in a row and not hit a single mine. If you click 2 minefields and cashout each times, that means you will earn 250% of your bet from the 9 games you win. Then if you lose the 10'th game which means you lose 100% of your bet, you will end up with a 150% profit(!) Ending notes The website allows instant withdrawals. However, your deposit needs to have 3 confirmations by the bitcoin network before you are able to withdraw your earnings. You can see how many confirmations the payment has received using Blockchain: https://blockchain.info/address/[Your deposit address] Source: leak.sx Proof:
  15. Daca tot zici ca a furat si ca nu a facut nimic da si mie un exemplu de persoana (din Guvernul care este acum) care a facut ceva pentru tara si care nu a furat o sa iti fie imposibil. Si te rog frumos sa te controlezi cand te adresezi unei persoane care este mult mai respectata ca tine. Din moment exista gugle nu o sa stau sa iti enumar tie cate a facut Becali pentru Romania. Peace!
  16. Ai gresit forumu prietene.. nu intereseaza pe nimeni ca "este" pentru scopurile tale personale ce ceri tu aici e ilegal. Reported.
  17. Uite aici bata de baseball din metal.
  18. Nu exista un limbaj de programare pentru incepatori, orice limbaj de programare pe care o sa il studiezi pe viitor o sa ti se para foarte greu si aici citez din experienta. Odata ce ai invatat un limbaj de programare o sa iti fie usor sa inveti altul dat fiind faptul ca toate au o ramura comuna. Cat despre Hackerville cum a mai zis un coleg ar trebui sa se numeasca Lamarville avand in vedere ca oameni de acolo umbla numai cu cacaturi si daca tu vrei sa ii iei exemplu pe ei atunci iti dau un sfat prietenesc: "nu scapa sapunul". Bafta si bun venit.
  19. Eu cum nu folosesc de fel hotfile sincer sa fiu nu am stiut ca e seized pana astazi, astazi din intamplare am intrat si am vazut ca seized am dat un search pe forum am vazut ca nu e nimic de tip stire si am zis sa postez. Cui nu ii convine sa nu citeasca. Peace!
  20. Cifre

    Email inexistent

    Da, in cazul in care serverul lor de email merge cu 0.000000001MB/DAY. Normal ca nu o sa primesti mailurile e ceva de genul "Cainele e mort dar eu zic sa il pastram..".
  21. Hotfile, a leading file hosting site has been banned by United State federal court. Website has been charged for violation of Copyright Law. Before this another file hosting site megaupload.com was banned by federal government for the same reason. Hotfile has been ordered to pay $80m to movie studios, and shut down unless it starts using filtering technology to prevent copyright infringement of their works. The settlement came just before a court case triggered by a lawsuit against the online storage service, led by industry body the MPAA – its second such victory in a matter of months, following the shutdown of BitTorrent search engine IsoHunt in October. The studios had claimed that more than 90% of Hotfile’s daily downloads were of copyrighted content, although the company had argued that it was merely an online storage service that was not responsible for its users’ behavior. File-sharing site Hotfile agrees to pay $80 million in damages File-hosting website Hotfile has agreed to pay $80 million in damages and was also ordered to stop operations unless it uses copyright filtering technologies that prevent infringement of the works of studios, the Motion Picture Association of America said Tuesday. The entry of the judgment against Hotfile marks the end of the studios’ litigation against the cyberlocker and its principal, Anton Titov, the movie industry body said. The jury trial of the case was scheduled for Monday. Five U.S. movie studios filed a copyright infringement suit against Hotfile in 2011, alleging that the company paid incentives to users for uploading popular files to the system, that were widely shared. The scheme hence provided incentives to users to upload popular copyright infringing content to attract users who would pay for premium accounts to access and download the files, according to the complaint by the studios. The US District Court for the Southern District of Florida found in August that Hotfile was liable for copyright infringement, and Titov was personally liable for Hotfile’s infringement. Details of the Tuesday judgement were not immediately available on online court records. In an earlier filing, Hotfile said it and Titov ran a business that was in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other U.S. copyright laws. The website said it removes access when notified about files that allegedly infringe copyright and also has provided copyright holders, including the five studios, the ability to block infringing files on Hotfile’s servers through “special rightsholder accounts.” Hotfile in Panama could not be immediately reached for comment. MPAA CEO Chris Dodd said in a statement that the judgment was another step “toward protecting an Internet that works for everyone.”
  22. Din moment ce nu are treaba cu IT-ul cred ca trebuie mutat aici, morti nu sunt dar inconstienti da, dar cine sunt eu sa ii judec poate oameni fac asta de cand erau de o schioapa si mai sunt multi care fac parkour la extreme. Oricum multumesc ca ai postat.
  23. Dar sa nu uitam ca RST a fost fondat acum mult timp si sa nu uitam ca sub numele de Romanian Security Team sunt de parere ca nu este nevoie de un alt forum atata timp cat exista RST dar acum e alegerea ta/voastra oricum si sa nu uitam ce zice regulamentul forumului. Chiar daca nu am apucat sa vad tot videoul, tin sa te felicit.
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