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Everything posted by awnly3jhc2g
RATB Unii sunt mai 'destepti' si nu le trebuie bilet
awnly3jhc2g replied to Zeeko's topic in Discutii non-IT
... si Dan Voiculescu -
Infractiunile informatice din Noul Cod Penal
awnly3jhc2g replied to Nytro's topic in Stiri securitate
Iti lasi serverul vulnerabil, ti-l acceseaza 1000 oameni, bagi niste bani sa ii dai in judecata si ceri despagubiri de 999kkkkk$$$$$$ si devii bogat peste noapte manipuland astfel de legi? -
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"... the cigarettes will be made available for sale through marijuana-licensed outlets in the state of Colorado ... " atata timp cat marijuana este interzisa, normal ca nu o sa ajunga si la noi.
nu daca nu au marca inregistrata
esti in Romania, vorbeste romaneste, nu stii romaneste, ce vrei? sa invat eu maghiara ca sa te servesc cu o paine? mergi in Ungaria si cere o paine in romaneste.
SirVic , aradeanul care a spart mai multe server NASA , a fost ELIBERAT!
awnly3jhc2g replied to sleed's topic in Off-topic
Pentru cunoscatori intreb : Daca iei 3 ani cu suspendare, si trec 4 ani, si faci ceva si ti se da 1 an cu inchisoare, faci si cei 3 ani care ti s-au dat cu suspendare ulterior? Sau cum? Scuze de offtopic, pot primi raspuns si prin PM, multumesc. -
ZeroDoi este baiat de treaba si daca o sa ii invete pe altii cum sa faca treaba asta, o sa arate pe site-ul tau. Nu fi nesimtit blade4ever, puteai foarte frumos sa ii dai un PM lui ZeroDoi si sa il rogi frumos sa nu puna site-ul sau sa editeze postul, dar daca preferi sa incerci sa il injosesti pe ZeroDoi, nu-i frumos. Oare cum ar fi sa iti intre lumea si sa iti dea report ca folosesti metode ilegale si sa nu mai primesti banisori? (nu zic ca asta o sa se intample, dar ideea este ca este usor sa faci un rau, nu fi nesimtit)
Cinci produse oferite gratuit de Ashampoo – Promotie limitata
awnly3jhc2g replied to Nytro's topic in Programe utile
on: multumesc off: sa muriti voi toti care ziceti mersi, ca nu va aparut sa introduceti licenta pentru versiunea full dupa instalare? un edit ar fi putut sa faca vre-o unul, sa zica "dupa instalare cere licenta pentru versiunea full". defapt sunt trialuri, nu are rost sa mai downloadati. am asteptat sa vad daca comenteaza vre-o unu, am crezut ca sunt eu mai prost si nu stiu sa instalez un program, dar se pare ca nu sunt singurul prost: Cinci produse oferite gratuit de Ashampoo – Promotie limitata -
Get Started now to get your Domain for just: 0.50$ ( Limit 1 Per Order Hurry! Offer Expires January 24, 2014. Connect With Us LIMITED TIME OFFER. Offer valid for new customers in the US and Canada only, limited to a total of one domain. Upon expiration, all products will be renewed at the then current price. Offer does not apply to premium domains or renewals. Please do not reply to this email. Replying to this email will not secure your services. This offer and related services are subject to the terms and conditions of our Services Agreement. Please click here to unsubscribe. Please note that unsubscribing from our marketing emails, will not affect important transactional correspondence such as administrative and renewal notices related to your account. Please review our Privacy Notice for any questions related thereto. ©2014 by, Inc. All rights reserved. 12808 Gran Bay Parkway, West | Jacksonville, FL 32258 is a Group, Inc. company. Pentru neatenti, vedeti ca scrie ca doar pentru cei din US si Canada merge, oferta limitata pana pe 24 ianuarie si este valid doar pentru un domeniu.
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Cont STEAM => Cont/Yang Metin2.RO sau Orange sau PayPal
awnly3jhc2g replied to DarkPanda's topic in RST Market
Recomandare/Sfat sau cum vrei tu sa il iei: Pretul este prea piperat pentru niste jocuri pentru care se ofera gratuit licente si gift-uri pe . Daca oferi o copie sau o dovada pentru faptul ca ai platit licentele, iti mai maresc sansele sa vinzi contul, altfel nu ai cum, ba chiar imposibil. Succes totusi -
Trebuie sa mentionez urmatoarele: Daca ei te interceptioneaza ilegal, este ilegal. Daca ar fi sa discutam despre democratie si libertate, presupun ca nu este threadul care trebuie, ci mai degraba la o bere sau cu o portavoce prin centrul Bucurestiului unde nu te asculta nimeni si te crede nebun. Odata ajuns in Instanta dosarul este public la fel ca si dovezile, unde acestea nu pot fi admisibile daca sunt procurate prin mijloace ilegale. Mai multe detalii presupun ca ti se pot oferi, avand in vedere ca pe acest forum se afla multi avocati sau persoane capabile sa dezvolte acest subiect. Eu cred ca ai sa fii si tu in stare si avocatul tau daca este cazul (ca doar de asta platesti avocat), cand este vorba de un prejudiciu si de multi ani de inchisoare, incat ai sa citesti acele 200.000 de pagini si pe intuneric daca este cazul. Dupa cum am mai spus, sunt cazuri si cazuri, nu toti procurorii sunt la fel de nesimtiti precum crezi. Nu ma intelege gresit, nu vreau sa ma pun in gura cu tine, dar sunt cazuri si cazuri, poate gresesc si eu, dar nu vreau sa ii "trash-uim" omului thread-ul Multumim pentru informatii ps-axl vom tine cont.
Nu este ilegal? @behave, ps-axl a deschis acest thread cu titlul "Cum sa te ascunzi eficient." si nu cu titlul "Cum sa te ascunzi 100000000%". Cat despre faptul ca este legal sau ilegal conteaza foarte mult, atunci cand este vorba de instanta, unele dovezi pot fi inadmisibile tocmai pentru ca sunt ilegale (aici e cu dus si intors si variaza de caz) @ aelius Nu ma intelege gresit, nu iti pun la indoiala cunostiintele in domeniul IT si nici nu te insult.
Logan Laplante is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be home schooled instead. Not only was he home schooled, but Logan had the ability to tailor his education to his interests and also his style of learning, something traditional education does not offer. As Logan has mentioned, when he grows up he wants to be happy and healthy. At a TEDx talk in 2013, he discussed how hacking his education is helping him achieve that goal. Logan’s story can be seen in a similar light as Jacob Barnett‘s story who was first put in Special Ed by his school until he was pulled out of standard education and is now seen as an incredibly intelligent young person who is on track to winning a Nobel Prize one day. More on Education & Homeschooling Education is often considered the foundation for creating a well rounded and productive society, but this belief usually stems from being sure that those coming out of the education system are able to keep the cogs of society turning in order to maintain profit margins of large companies in a system that requires constant growth. Instead of having creative and out-of-the-box-thinking people, the current style of education creates more submissive, obedient and trained graduates so the current system is always maintained. What this means is that standard education is focused less on each individual and their growth and more on creating a supply of worker bees that can go out into the world and follow within the confines the system sets out. Sir Ken Robinson gave a famous TED talk in 2007 where he discussed his beliefs about how education kills creativity. This TED talk is one of the most viewed TED talks of all time and has inspired many to re-think the way we are educating our children. Since traditional education is still taking its time with adjusting, many are turning to homeschooling as a solution as it allows children to explore education much like Logan did. Currently about 3.8% of children ages 5 – 17 are home schooled in the US. In Canada, that number drops to about 1%. This is a number that is expected to continue growing in both countries as more see the limitations of our current education system. Also, studies done in the US and Canada show that home schooled children out perform their peers from both private and public schools. In my view, home schooling is much more likely to create a creative, adaptive, and forward thinking person who is less conditioned to think only within the small confines of a crumbling system. Does this mean it is for everyone and that one can’t turn out that way through standard education? No, I simply feel the chances are far greater with homeschooling. My decision to leave school behind when I was in college came from the same beliefs I hold today about education. I felt confined within the system and I felt it wasn’t going to lead me somewhere I wanted to be. It didn’t matter whether I was studying business, engineering, marketing or music, I did not enjoy the methods and couldn’t see a way to change things except by leaving. Aside from what society would make us think, leaving education and a diploma behind was one of the greatest decisions I have ever made as I was then able to explore and learn anything I wanted without having to worry about a rigid structure which promotes memorization and useless testing. I believe we will be OK if we leave the current education system behind and choose other methods. This isn’t to say homeschool is for everyone, but I truly believe that a drastic, and I mean drastic, change in the way our education system functions needs to happen, and soon. Does Education Kill Creativity? Nu poate fi categorizat ca fiind STIRE, dar nu am stiut in ce categorie sa postez. Daca nu l-am pus unde trebuie, puteti sa il mutati.
De ce fura blugi? - Pai se merita ? - Doaa - Mai ai dosare penale ? - 5
To protect and infect - The militarization of the internet
awnly3jhc2g replied to aelius's topic in Stiri securitate
Change your password, change your password, change your password. Pentru toate problemele legate de conturi de pe siteuri yahoo, etc : change your password, change your password -
Multumesc. Voua va merge sa modificati parola?
Pentru cei care au facut comenzi, ati facut comanda catre un P.O. Box ? Sau o adresa cu un nume?
A reusit careva sa isi inregistreze domeniul pe numele lui ? Just asking
esti destept (nu te-am ofensat, am facut o gluma, dar esti prea intepat/incordat ca sa te prinzi) frumos ar fi fost din partea ta, daca ai fi scris si explicatia pentru care uneori vezi ca sunt mai multe persoane defapt care vizioneaza un thread, desi in lista iti apar ca sunt mai putine pentru cei care vor sa stea pe invizibil pot accesa :