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  1. + Chestiile astea: https://rstforums.com/forum/games-hacks.rst
  2. New Computer Algorithm Learns Rap Lyrics and Writes Its Own Rap Song Have you ever wondered how musicians write music? Do you think its possible to technically generate a composition and write lyrics to music? Like writing a program that could compose and simulate a song? Understanding and creating music by humans has always been a very mysterious concept owing to the complexity of the human brain. However, this certain genre of music called rap music was able to be simulated through an algorithm that gleans rap lyrics based on rhyming from a collective database of rap songs and produces a song on its own song – a project called “DeepBeat”. Rap music generally has a steady beat, a story line of some sort and a rhyming scheme. This led to a team of researchers to write an algorithm that is able to produce a song on its own. So these researchers, keeping in mind these collective rules, have done a widespread research on rap music and then put efforts to have a computer create its own rap songs. The research consisted of gathering more than a 10,000 rap songs, with over a 100 artists represented and putting the lyrics into a database. Then, routine was written and executed that looked at rhyming in the songs, most particularly , those called assonance, which is where similar vowel sounds are repeated. The researchers concluded that this rhythm and rhyming pattern was rampant in the rap lyrics and therefore, decided to make a feature of their song using algorithm. Before the algorithm could be written however, a neural network had to be created to examine the lyrics in the database and learn something about the rhyming that was present in them, and when it had to be placed etc. Then the algorithm was written, which works by scanning the lyrics, then using information from the neural network to pick a line that could be used – over and over until a complete song has been written. All that said and done, the rap song generated did resemble a rap song but it lacked emotion, something that any good song should have; despite the rhythm and lyrics. I mean, teach a computer emotions and it might just take a step ahead of humans! But I bet this rap song algorithm is much better than many rap artists today though. Recommended: Some of the Weirdest and Awesomest Music Genres You Probably Have Never Heard Of. New Computer Algorithm Learns Rap Lyrics and Writes Its Own Rap Song
  3. Dupa cum bine stiti lista cu reguli pentru AdBlock este hostata pe site la Zoso. Detalii: Oamenilor care reclama?i bannere neblocate de RoList... | zoso blog Chestia ce ma enerveaza e ca muistul nu si-a blocat reclamele de propriul site (logic), cat si de pe cel al lui Arhi cu care e prieten. In schimb, sunt situri din comeptitie sau pe care el nu le sufera si care sunt blocate de la body, adica intri pe site si nu i se vede aluia nimic. Nu am mai verificat recent dar stiu ca am citit lista de reguli acum ceva timp si asa era. Spre exemplu eu am rezolvat problema si le blochez reclamele ambilor si multe alte reclame "permise" de ei insa multa lume ori nu stie, ori nu se pricepe. Chiar nu se poate sa hosteze cineva de pe rst lista aia pe un server ca sa fie neutra si nu care cum o prinde sa-si bage la liber propriile reclame, astfel incat sa nu mai poata baietii juca murdar ?
  4. Deleting your browser history could land you up in prison for 20 years in United States Clearing your browsing history is a crime in United States according to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 In a recent article published in The Nation, it revealed the improper use of a law meant for completely different purposes by by federal prosecutors. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was meant to provide authorities with tools to prevent criminal behavior by corporations. It was put into practice after the Enron meltdown when it was found out that executives or their servants following orders torn into shreds every document they could think of which may prove them guilty. The legislation’s goal was to stop companies from committing large fraud and then damaging the evidence of their conspiratorial criminality while investigations were under way. The appropriate section of Sarbanes-Oxley reads as follows: Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. Khairullozhon Matanov, a friend of the Tsarnaev brothers, the Boston Marathon bombers was interviewed by the Federal authorities about his association with them. However, the federal authorities never accused him for any activity linked to the bombing nor have they said that he was having knowledge of their plans or felt for them. During the interviews, he did however perpetrate a few small lies, of which none had any actual relation to the case. For instance, he lied that he had last time prayed with Tamerlan Tsarnaev together. On that grounds, … they charged him with four counts of obstruction of justice. There were three counts for making false statements based on the aforementioned lies and—remarkably—one count for destroying “any record, document or tangible object” with intent to obstruct a federal investigation. This last charge was for deleting videos on his computer that may have demonstrated his own terrorist sympathies and for clearing his browser history. Based on the records section of Sarbanes-Oxley mentioned above, the last charge was applied. The law meant to stop and punish corporate wrongdoing is instead used as a hammer against a private citizen to a great extent. Some people may feel that any possible application of a law is tolerable, especially in the continual war on terror. However, if that law is ever used against them, they might end up feeling differently about it. The most unpleasant or offensive part of this is that it is being used to punish “pre-crimes.” When Matanov deleted his browser history, he had not been accused of anything and was not aware that he was under a formal inquiry. His crime was not predictable that federal agents may someday make a decision to examine him and thus failing to maintain any self-incriminating potential evidence. As Hanni Fakhoury of the Electronic Frontiers Foundation put it, the government is saying: “Don’t even think about deleting anything that may be harmful to you, because we may come after you at some point in the future for some unforeseen reason and we want to be able to have access to that data. And if we don’t have access to that data, we’re going to slap an obstruction charge that has as 20-year maximum on you.” The article in The Nation shows that this is not an remote and unfair use of Sarbanes-Oxley, discussing many other similar cases. Traders and bankers danced away with multi-million dollar bonuses after their criminally reckless maneuvering almost put an end to the global economy. Their companies paid fines that are not worth to be considered for market manipulations and criminal money laundering. Until now, none of them have go to jail and none of them have been sued under Sarbanes-Oxley. However, it is a different rule of law for an undistinguished or average citizen. As more and more data are stored online, the government wants and believes it has the rights to access that data for policing purposes. But Fakhoury disagrees. “The idea that you have to create a record of where you’ve gone or open all your cupboards all the time and leave your front door unlocked and available for law enforcement inspection at any time is not the country we have established for ourselves more than 200 years ago.” This law has been in the books for thirteen years now. It has not managed to control the corporate wrongdoing, but it is proving to be having a negative effect on citizens who have never swindled a shareholder in their lives. Combined with federal investigations through our online communications and their efforts to break secure encryption in our data storage, they want us to completely give up our personal freedom of thought and privacy. Sursa: Deleting your browser history could land you up in prison for 20 years in United States
  5. Che


    Si ? Cati bani ai reusit sa scoti profit ? Din ce anume ?
  6. Che

    Fun stuff

    Trebuie sa recunoasteti ca au talent !
  7. Ma gandeam la un moment dat sa-mi fac propriul meu distro sau un BackTrack cu meniul complet, dar m-am lasat pagubas. Am salvat meniul respectiv pe email si l-am trimis si unora care aveau o tentativa de distro dar au renuntat. Adevarul e ca e multa munca pentru asa ceva. Ma jucam cu Backtrack si am observat ca unele programele si/sau scripturi desi existau in versiunile mai noi, nu mai apareau in meniu, probabil pentru a nu fi prea stufos. Mai erau si unele programe si/sau scripturi care nu apareau in meniu in nici o versiune dar puteau fi accesate in linia de comanda. Am luat toate chestiile astea si le-am pus la un loc si am facut un meniu complet, eu personal, in care sa vezi absolut toate alea. Nu mai stiu daca se opreste la BackTrack 4 sau la BackTrack 5, verificati voi chestia asta, cei care sunt interesati. Nu ma mai intereseaza subiectul de BackTrack, Kali si alte chestii de genul dar am dat peste acest meniu in email azi cand setam niste filtre anti-spam si am zis sa-l dau aici ca poate este cineva interesat, poate vrea sa fac vreun distro personal sau sa se joace cu el. Cu un file compare puteti sa mai adaugati chestiile noi care au aparut si sa faceti o versiune imbunatatita. Spor ! meu.tar
  8. De unde cumperi asa ceva si cat costa ? Un link, te rog ? Vad ca pe situri ca emag nu sunt asa servere de asta intreb.
  9. Che

    Fun stuff

  10. Acum ceva timp (nu demult) circula pe tot netul o stire de genul "How to build a supercomputer from raspberry pi", din cate stiu parca erau si ceva filmulete pe youtube. Am niste nelamuriri in legatura cu chestia asta: 1. E mai ieftin decat daca ti-ai face un superPC normal ? 2. Care ar fi avantajul daca l-ai face din raspberry pi ? 3. Cat ar fi de puternic comparativ cu un superPC cu Xeon nu stiu de care (ultima generatie), cu placa video din aia de vreo 1500 de euro bucata, cu 150GB RAM ? 4. Poti sa pui Windows pe el ? Poti sa-l folosesti ca si pe un PC normal ? 5. Placutele alea de raspberry pi tin loc de procesor sau de RAMi ? Mai trebuie sa mai cumperi si ram si HDD si/sau procesor si placa video sau doar placutele de raspberry pi fac toata treaba ? Multumesc anticipat !
  11. 2024 e anul ala in care vin terminatorii. Parca asa era in film, nu ?
  12. Despite all the recent hullabaloo concerning artificial intelligence, in part fueled by dire predictions made by the likes of Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, there have been few breakthroughs in the field to warrant such fanfare. The artificial neural networks that have caused so much controversy are a product of the 1950s and 60s, and remain relatively unchanged since then. The strides forward made in areas like speech recognition owe as much to improved datasets (think big data) and faster hardware than to actual changes in AI methodology. The thornier problems, like teaching computers to do natural language processing and leaps of logic remain nearly as intractable now as they were a decade ago. This may all be about to change. Last week, the British high priest of artificial intelligence Professor Geoffrey Hinton, who was snapped up by Google two years back during its massive acquisition of AI experts, revealed that his employer may have found a means of breaking the AI deadlock that has persisted in areas like natural language processing. AI Guru Geoffrey Hinton at the Google Campus The hope comes in the form of a concept called “thought vectors.” If you have never heard of a thought vector, you’re in good company. The concept is both new and controversial. The underlying idea is that by ascribing every word a set of numbers (or vector), a computer can be trained to understand the actual meaning of these words. Now, you might ask, can’t computers already do that — when I ask Google the question, “Who was the first president of the United States?”, it spits back a short bit of text containing the correct answer. Doesn’t it understand what I am saying? The answer is no. The current state of the art has taught computers to understand human language much the way a trained dog understands it when squatting down in response to the command “sit.” The dog doesn’t understand the actual meaning of the words, and has only been conditioned to give a response to a certain stimulus. If you were to ask the dog, “sit is to chair as blank is to bed,” it would have no idea what you’re getting at. Thought vectors provide a means to change that: actually teaching the computer to understand language much the way we do. The difference between thought vectors and the previous methods used in AI is in some ways merely one of degree. While a dog maps the word sit to a single behavior, using thought vectors, that word could be mapped to thousands of sentences containing “sit” in them. The result would be the computer arriving at a meaning for the word more closely resembling our own. While this sounds well and dandy, in practice things will prove more difficult. For instance, there is the issue of irony, when a word is being used in more than just its literal sense. Taking a crack at his contemporaries across the pond, Professor Hinton remarked, “Irony is going to be hard to get, [as] you have to be master of the literal first. But then, Americans don’t get irony either. Computers are going to reach the level of Americans before Brits.” While this may provide some small relief to Hinton and his compatriots, regardless of which nationality gets bested by computers first, it’s going to come as a strange awakening when the laptop on the kitchen counter starts talking back to us. ‘Thought vectors’ could revolutionize artificial intelligence | ExtremeTech 2024 ?...
  13. Exista 300GB RAM ? Iti recunoaste Windows-ul 300GB de RAM ? Eu stiam ca maxim 64GB RAM iti poate recunoaste.
  14. Che

    The Bug

    Deschis in hexeditor mai zice ceva in plus. Mai departe nu ma pricep.
  15. Che


    Vezi poate vrei sa le dai mail si celor de la udemy ca sa te lauzi putin.
  16. Che


    @Kalashnikov. Ai uitat focul, flacarile. Acele simle-uri din coltuir arata aiurea. Si scrisul e kitsch. Nu ai pus gri de ala care se foloseste la flat colors ptr. web. Focul merge bine pe gri de ala. Si rosul la fel. Si verdele intens si albastrul fulger la fel. Apropo, albastrul sa fie luminos, fulger, nu ca niste cerneala scapata pe perete. Rosul la fel, dar rosul poate fi si sange. Hai ca ai tu talent !
  17. Ma refeream la imagini pur si simplu ca sunt retele neuronale pe net care recunoasc obiectele din imagini. Poate ca nu am dat eu un exemplu prea bun, nu ma refer la un scanner 3D. Totul e sa fie un fel de retea neuronala care sa recunoasca obiectele din imagini prin diferentele dintre ele si nu prin asemanarile dintre ele asa cum o fac deja retelele neuronale cu care se lauda astia pe youtube.
  18. La stanleybet de exemplu, daca dai la meciurile care sunt la oferta iti apare un "+". Dai click pe acel + si iti arata si alte tipuri de pariuri pe care le poti folosi la acel meci. Tot la fel si la publicbet, numai ca acolo dai click pur si simplu pe numele meciului. Stie cineva cum s-ar putea parsa aceste date la tine pe site ? Multumesc mult !
  19. Am mai rasfoit internetul legat de retelele neuronale. E destul de frumos subiectul, si pe cat de vast si de complicat, pe atat de frumos. In mare, o retea neuronala e un algoritm de clasificare. Practic ii dai programului mai multe fructe si ii specifici care sunt mere, care pere, care cirese s.a.m.d. si apoi el, bazandu-se pe caracteristicile comune ale obiectelor date ca input (adica fructele respective) iti va spune si data viitoare cand ii dai un mar ca ala e un mar sau cand ii dai o cireasa ca aia e o cireasa. Chestia e ca el se bazeaza pe caracteristicile comune ale clasei respective: iti zice ca ala e un mar fiindca marul e verde si rotund, iar la cireasa iti zice ca e cireasa fiindca e rosie, mica si cu coada ceva mai lunga decat corpul. Caracteristicile astea comune le determina el, intern, eu le-am exprimat acuma in limbaj uman dar el le determina matematic etc. Revenim la chestiunea in cauza. Stiti cumva daca este vreun algoritm care sa-ti clasifice si sa-ti recunoasca tot asa ca si retelele neuronale care e mar si care e cireasa, de exemplu, dar nu studiind caracteristicile comune ci diferentele dintre ele (dintre obiectele date ca input) ? Adica, tu ii dai ca input fructe: un mar, o cireasa, o piersica. El ti le recunoaste astfel: Marul este mar fiindca nu e mic si rosu si cu coada lunga asa cum e cireasa si nici galben-portocaliu si cu sant pe mijloc asa cum e piersica. => prin deductie rezulta ca ala e mar. Cireasa -----idem---. Piersica ----idem---. Multumesc !
  20. Ca sa ai un graph asa cum se presupune ca e la facebook, cu date, cu tot, datele sunt stocate intr-o baza de date MySql si accesate la nevoie de graph sau se afla in graph "on the fly" fara a fi stocate intr-o baza de date ? In cazul in care graphul acceseaza datele dintr-o baza de date, nu se pierde mai mult timp decat daca ar fi luate pur si simplu din baza de date cu MySQL syntax ? Nu se poate construi o baza de date MySql care sa simuleze practic ceea ce face si graphul ? Si daca se poate, de ce nu se face asa si se prefera "graph algorithm" in locul unei baze de date obisnuite ? Va rog sa ma lamuriti si pe mine cu aceste probleme fiindca nu prea am inteles cum sta treaba. Multumesc anticipat !
  21. Che


    Fa-mi o imagine pe care sa o pot pune ca semnatura pe forumuri. Sa fie misto, 3D, cu foc, cu fulgere, cu albastru, cu rosu, cu verde, si putin gri (sau mai mult), sa fie tare de tot. Poti face orice vrei, ideea iti apartine. Si creativitatea conteaza mult. Multumesc !
  22. Che

    Fun stuff

    Sursa: S?pt?mânale… Asta ca sa aveti baza in caz ca va trebuie o imagine mai "speciala".
  23. Arhi - cum iei permisul de conducere cu spaga data la instructor
  24. Multumesc pentru ajutor !
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