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[CENTER]SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator Designed for Windows® 7, Vista™, XP[/CENTER] SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator v.8.0 just released! Top internet accelerator (according to PC Magazine), a network settings optimizer to speed up your existing Dial-Up Modem, DSL, Cable, Wireless, LAN, High-speed internet connections. SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator is a powerful Windows application designed to optimize your network connection and speed up all your internet activities. This translates into a faster internet connection, faster browsing and email, faster downloads, faster online gaming, improved Skype connection. The speed of your network connection doesn't just depend on the speed of your hardware. Windows is an operating system that is designed to work on a variety of different hardware and network setups. Because of the abstract nature of the operating system, it cannot be optimized for user-specific hardware setups. Depending on the type of network connection you have, you might be able to tweak your connection so that the speed of your Internet, as well as your local area network, will be faster. By changing the System Registry and optimizing the TCP/IP parameters, SpeedConnect can fine-tune the values to take advantage of more reliable, faster Internet connections. Download Link
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Recent am mers in Germania si ma intrebam cum e treaba cu pirateria pe aici, in general sa descarc jocuri de pe filelist, mby sa folosesc un proxy sau vpn?
Starlink internet este acum disponibil pentru inregistrare si in Romania sub forma Beta testing. Echipamentul pentru receptie costa aproximativ 600$ cu tot cu transport iar abonamentul lunar 100 $ dolari. Internetul de la Starlink nu este totusi unul mobil. Inregistrarea contractului se face pe o adresa fixa iar echipamentul trebuie instalat si utilizat doar la adresa respectiva. Securizarea Starlink impiedica receptia semnalului (sau a accesului la internet) in afara coordonatelor Lat, Long GPS specificate in contract ce corespund cu adresa de shipping (livrare si instalare). Sistemul este astfel conceput pentru ca nimeni sa nu poata intercepta traficul decat doar de la coordonatele de instalare a echipamentului de receptie specificate in contract. Partea proasta este ca tehnologia este una identica cu cea satelitara de pana acum care nu merge sau merge prost atunci cand ninge sau ploua abundent, cand sunt nori de furtuna ori copaci la locatia receptorului (antenei satelit). Si lipsa mobilitatii este un punct minus dar poate compensa viteza internetului cuprinsa intre 50 si 150 Mb/s cu latenta intre 40 si 20 ms si ccare va ajunge in viitor undeva la 19-16 ms. Pretul pentru U.S este unul decent in special pentru zonele fara acoperire unde serviciile actuale ajung si la 500$ - 800$ pe luna pentru 150 Mb/s bandwith. Inregistrare : Termeni:
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Salut, folosesc Windows 10 Home si am uitat parola de la contul de administrator si m-am logat pe guest dar pe guest nu ma lasa sa folosesc comanda net user si nici sa instalez sau descarc programe pe el. Precizez ca am si K9 instalat pe el si am uitat parola si de la ala si nu ma lasa sa sterg sau mut bckd.sys din system32 ca sa fac bypass. Este vreo metoda sa reusesc sa fac bypass la K9 sau sa ma loghez in Contul de administrator ? (fara a avea nevoie de un Cd de reinstalare sau chestii dinastea, doar din cmd sau eu stiu..)
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Pe blogul de mai jos aveti cateva metode de a accesa gratuit reteaua UPC datorita nivelului ridicat de securizare a echipamentelor pe care esti obligat sa le utilizezi cand te abonezi la ei. Mult succes si testati doar pe dispozitivele voastre. Edit: pe langa securitatea precara a routerelor folosesc si dispozitive ce au la baza kernel linux in modul closed system ce incalca licenta linux. Nici un producator nu a fost deacord sa ofere credentialele pentru conectarea la UART.
Buna seara, De aproximativ 2 luni am lucrat la o platforma proprie pentru crearea unei comunitati impreuna cu un forum pe nisa de Internet Marketing. Vreau sa il lansez cat de curand insa as vrea sa stiu cum as putea sa fac un start-up de succes si prin ce metode sa il promovez. Nu ma pricep la promovare/SEO si de aceea intreb. Momentan am 25$ credit pentru Bing Ads, domeniu si hosting. Multumesc.
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Hello RST : Exploit Development Course 2015 --> Free Preface Hi and welcome to this website! I know people don’t like to read prefaces, so I’ll make it short and right to the point. This is the preface to a course about Modern Windows Exploit Development. I chose Windows because I’m very familiar with it and also because it’s very popular. In particular, I chose Windows 7 SP1 64-bit. Enough with Windows XP: it’s time to move on! There are a few full-fledged courses about Exploit Development but they’re all very expensive. If you can’t afford such courses, you can scour the Internet for papers, articles and some videos. Unfortunately, the information is scattered all around the web and most resources are definitely not for beginners. If you always wanted to learn Exploit Development but either you couldn’t afford it or you had a hard time with it, you’ve come to the right place! This is an introductory course but please don’t expect it to be child’s play. Exploit Development is hard and no one can change this fact, no matter how good he/she is at explaining things. I’ll try very hard to be as clear as possible. If there’s something you don’t understand or if you think I made a mistake, you can leave a brief comment or create a thread in the forum for a longer discussion. I must admit that I’m not an expert. I did a lot of research to write this course and I also learned a lot by writing it. The fact that I’m an old-time reverse engineer helped a lot, though. In this course I won’t just present facts, but I’ll show you how to deduce them by yourself. I’ll try to motivate everything we do. I’ll never tell you to do something without giving you a technical reason for it. In the last part of the course we’ll attack Internet Explorer 10 and 11. My main objective is not just to show you how to attack Internet Explorer, but to show you how a complex attack is first researched and then carried out. Instead of presenting you with facts about Internet Explorer, we’re going to reverse engineer part of Internet Explorer and learn by ourselves how objects are laid out in memory and how we can exploit what we’ve learned. This thoroughness requires that you understand every single step of the process or you’ll get lost in the details. As you’ve probably realized by now, English is not my first language (I’m Italian). This means that reading this course has advantages (learning Exploit Development) and disadvantages (unlearning some of your English). Do you still want to read it? Choose wisely To benefit from this course you need to know and be comfortable with X86 assembly. This is not negotiable! I didn’t even try to include an assembly primer in this course because you can certainly learn it on your own. Internet is full of resources for learning assembly. Also, this course is very hands-on so you should follow along and replicate what I do. I suggest that you create at least two virtual machines with Windows 7 SP1 64-bit: one with Internet Explorer 10 and the other with Internet Explorer 11. I hope you enjoy the ride! Contents WinDbg Mona 2 Structure Exception Handling (SEH) Heap Windows Basics Shellcode Exploitme1 (ret eip overwrite) Exploitme2 (Stack cookies & SEH) Exploitme3 (DEP) Exploitme4 (ASLR) Exploitme5 (Heap Spraying & UAF) EMET 5.2 Internet Explorer 10 Reverse Engineering IE From one-byte-write to full process space read/write God Mode (1) God Mode (2) Use-After-Free bug Internet Explorer 11 Part 1 Part 2 Regards NO-MERCY PDF'S Soooooooon Source :
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Image via Flickr For a few moments, Sanmay Ved owned one of the most recognizable names on the Internet and he only paid $12 for it. In a detailed post on LinkedIn, the web enthusiast was testing out Google’s domain search tool when its own domain showed up as available. According to the Daily Dot, the going rate was only $12. After making the purchase, he began receiving notifications that confirmed his status as the new owner. However, a new notification quickly informed him that the order had been canceled and that his credit card was not charged in the process. Except, it was. Check out the proof below: Sursa: This Guy Purchased the Google Domain for $12, Owned It For a Minute | Complex
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Salut, acesta este un tutorial destinat celor ce doresc sa se apuce de networking dar si celor cu experienta pentru o scurta reamintire a unor lucruri foarte importante. Packet: un pachet este o unitate de date ce este rutata intre o regiune si o destinate de pe internet. Network Interface: O interfata de internet se refera la interfata programului pentru placa de retea(SOFTWARE->HARDWARE). Ca exemplu(luat dupa alt website): daca ai 2 placi de retea in unitatea ta fiecare poate fi controlata si configurata cu programul asociat ei. LAN(Local Area Network): LAN-ul se refera la o portiune mica din internet care nu poate fi accesata de majoritatea celor ce navigheaza pe internet. De exemplu la calculatoarele din laboratorul de informatica din facultatea mea toate calculatoarele sunt legate in retea(LAN). WAN(Wide Area Network): WAN-ul este o retea mult mai raspandita decat LAN-ul Protocol: Un protocol este un set de reguli care defineste un limbag prin care dispozitivele pot comunica. Niste exemple de protocoale sunt: TCP,UDP,IP,ICMP. Prin aceste protocoale functioneaza: HTTP, SSH, TLS/SSL, FTP si multe altele. Port: Un port este o adresa pornita pe un singur calculator care este legata catre un anumit software. Exemplu: HTTP are portul 80 Firewall: Este un program care decide ce trafic sa primeasca sau sa iasa dintr-un anumit calculator NAT: Este o cale de a "traduce" request-urile care intra intr-un server catre un server sau o piesa. VPN(VIrtual private network): el creeaza o cale sigura prin care poti naviga printr-o retea publica, mai precis iti ascunde ip-ul tau real inlocuindu-l cu cel de la capatul la care te conectezi. Daca am gresit cu ceva, va rog frumos sa ma corectati! O sa revin in scurt timp(cateva zile) cu un tutorial despre protocoale(ce fac cele, tipuri de protocoale, cum ne ajuta, cum functioneaza)
Trei IT-i?ti clujeni, Vlad Iuhas, Radu Iuhas ?i Sebastian Presecan, au l?sat o lume întreag? cu gura c?scat?, dup? ce ?i-au prezentat proiectul pe o scen? din New York. Cei trei ardeleni au g?sit o solu?ie prin care pot s? îi conecteze la internet pe cei aproximativ 4 miliarde de oameni care nu au, deocamdat?, acces la aceast? tehnologie. Ideea lor i-a luat prin surprindere ?i pe cei de la Google ?i Facebook, care î?i doresc acela?i lucru, dar nu s-au gândit la aceast? solu?ie inedit?. O solu?ie tehnologic? prin care îi pot conecta pe cele patru miliarde de oameni care nu au conexiuni la internet la reteaua www folosind sunetul in loc de trafic de date. Mai multe aici: LINK
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New Snowden documents reveal secret memos expanding spying
socket posted a topic in Stiri securitate
Without public notice or debate, the Obama administration has expanded the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance of Americans' international Internet traffic to search for evidence of malicious computer hacking, according to classified NSA documents. In mid-2012, Justice Department lawyers wrote two secret memos permitting the spy agency to begin hunting on Internet cables, without a warrant and on American soil, for data linked to computer intrusions originating abroad—including traffic that flows to suspicious Internet addresses or contains malware, the documents show. The Justice Department allowed the agency to monitor only addresses and "cybersignatures"—patterns associated with computer intrusions—that it could tie to foreign governments. But the documents also note that the NSA sought to target hackers even when it could not establish any links to foreign powers. The disclosures, based on documents provided by Edward J. Snowden, the former NSA contractor, and shared with the New York Times and ProPublica, come at a time of unprecedented cyberattacks on American financial institutions, businesses, and government agencies, but also of greater scrutiny of secret legal justifications for broader government surveillance. While the Senate passed legislation this week limiting some of the NSA's authority, it involved provisions in the USA Patriot Act and did not apply to the warrantless wiretapping program. Government officials defended the NSA's monitoring of suspected hackers as necessary to shield Americans from the increasingly aggressive activities of foreign governments. But critics say it raises difficult trade-offs that should be subject to public debate. The NSA's activities run "smack into law enforcement land," said Jonathan Mayer, a cybersecurity scholar at Stanford Law School who has researched privacy issues and who reviewed several of the documents. "That's a major policy decision about how to structure cybersecurity in the US and not a conversation that has been had in public." It is not clear what standards the agency is using to select targets. It can be hard to know for sure who is behind a particular intrusion—a foreign government or a criminal gang—and the NSA is supposed to focus on foreign intelligence, not law enforcement. The government can also gather significant volumes of Americans' information—anything from private e-mails to trade secrets and business dealings—through Internet surveillance because monitoring the data flowing to a hacker involves copying that information as the hacker steals it. One internal NSA document notes that agency surveillance activities through "hacker signatures pull in a lot." Brian Hale, the spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, said, "It should come as no surprise that the US government gathers intelligence on foreign powers that attempt to penetrate US networks and steal the private information of US citizens and companies." He added that "targeting overseas individuals engaging in hostile cyberactivities on behalf of a foreign power is a lawful foreign intelligence purpose." The effort is the latest known expansion of the NSA's warrantless surveillance program, which allows the government to intercept Americans' cross-border communications if the target is a foreigner abroad. While the NSA has long searched for specific e-mail addresses and phone numbers of foreign intelligence targets, the Obama administration three years ago started allowing the agency to search its communications streams for less-identifying Internet protocol addresses or strings of harmful computer code. The surveillance activity traces to changes that began after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The government tore down a so-called wall that prevented intelligence and criminal investigators from sharing information about suspected spies and terrorists. The barrier had been erected to protect Americans' rights because intelligence investigations use lower legal standards than criminal inquiries, but policy makers decided it was too much of an obstacle to terrorism investigations. The NSA also started the warrantless wiretapping program, which caused an outcry when it was disclosed in 2005. In 2008, under the FISA Amendments Act, Congress legalized the surveillance program so long as the agency targeted only noncitizens abroad. A year later, the new Obama administration began crafting a new cybersecurity policy—including weighing whether the Internet had made the distinction between a spy and a criminal obsolete. "Reliance on legal authorities that make theoretical distinctions between armed attacks, terrorism and criminal activity may prove impractical," the White House National Security Council wrote in a classified annex to a policy report in May 2009, which was included in the NSA's internal files. About that time, the documents show, the NSA—whose mission includes protecting military and intelligence networks against intruders—proposed using the warrantless surveillance program for cybersecurity purposes. The agency received "guidance on targeting using the signatures" from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, according to an internal newsletter. In May and July 2012, according to an internal timeline, the Justice Department granted its secret approval for the searches of cybersignatures and Internet addresses. The Justice Department tied that authority to a pre-existing approval by the secret surveillance court permitting the government to use the program to monitor foreign governments. That limit meant the NSA had to have some evidence for believing that the hackers were working for a specific foreign power. That rule, the NSA soon complained, left a "huge collection gap against cyberthreats to the nation" because it is often hard to know exactly who is behind an intrusion, according to an agency newsletter. Different computer intruders can use the same piece of malware, take steps to hide their location, or pretend to be someone else. So the NSA, in 2012, began pressing to go back to the surveillance court and seek permission to use the program explicitly for cybersecurity purposes. That way, it could monitor international communications for any "malicious cyberactivity," even if it did not yet know who was behind the attack. The newsletter described the further expansion as one of "highest priorities" of the NSA director, Gen. Keith B. Alexander. However, a former senior intelligence official said that the government never asked the court to grant that authority. Meanwhile, the FBI in 2011 had obtained a new kind of wiretap order from the secret surveillance court for cybersecurity investigations, permitting it to target Internet data flowing to or from specific Internet addresses linked to certain governments. To carry out the orders, the FBI negotiated in 2012 to use the NSA's system for monitoring Internet traffic crossing "chokepoints operated by US providers through which international communications enter and leave the United States," according to a 2012 NSA document. The NSA would send the intercepted traffic to the bureau's "cyberdata repository" in Quantico, Virginia. The disclosure that the NSA and the FBI have expanded their cybersurveillance adds a dimension to a recurring debate over the post-Sept. 11 expansion of government spying powers: Information about Americans sometimes gets swept up incidentally when foreigners are targeted, and prosecutors can use that information in criminal cases. Citing the potential for a copy of data "exfiltrated" by a hacker to contain "so much" information about Americans, one NSA lawyer suggested keeping the stolen data out of the agency's regular repository for information collected by surveillance so that analysts working on unrelated issues could not query it, a 2010 training document showed. But it is not clear whether the agency or the FBI has imposed any additional limits on the data of hacking victims. In a response to questions for this article, the FBI pointed to its existing procedures for protecting victims' data acquired during investigations but also said it continually reviewed its policies "to adapt to these changing threats while protecting civil liberties and the interests of victims of cybercrimes." None of these actions or proposals had been disclosed to the public. As recently as February, when President Obama spoke about cybersecurity at an event at Stanford University, he lauded the importance of transparency but did not mention this change. "The technology so often outstrips whatever rules and structures and standards have been put in place, which means that government has to be constantly self-critical and we have to be able to have an open debate about it," Obama said. source-
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Nu tine asa mult de pc ci mai mult de routere , stie careva cum pot limita viteza celor care sunt pe telefon ? Deci am router si am 4-5 telefoane conectate deodata la internet este cand si 6-7 poti sa spun ca merge binisor netul insa cand dau sa descarc ceva injur de toti sfintii pentru ca mananca urat banda astia cu telefonul odata ce isi opresc mobilele netu merge lejer , deci vreau sa le limitez banda cum fac asta am tp-TL-WR841ND - Si caii multumesc de firmware-ul aratat , am uptime de 5 zile deja
Stub: Filename: PT.exe Type: File Filesize: 76288 bytes Date: 06/05/2015 - 03:37 GMT+2 MD5: b147db0e17e6bae978bb309be1daefd8 SHA1: 61e75e18761f9eeacc2a430578b1ea49e424e4a0 Status: Infected Result: 1/35 AVG Free - OK Avast - OK AntiVir (Avira) - TR/Dropper.MSIL.Gen8 BitDefender - OK Clam Antivirus - OK COMODO Internet Security - OK Dr.Web - OK eTrust-Vet - OK F-PROT Antivirus - OK F-Secure Internet Security - OK G Data - OK IKARUS Security - OK Kaspersky Antivirus - OK McAfee - OK MS Security Essentials - OK ESET NOD32 - OK Norman - OK Norton Antivirus - OK Panda Security - OK A-Squared - OK Quick Heal Antivirus - OK Solo Antivirus - OK Sophos - OK Trend Micro Internet Security - OK VBA32 Antivirus - OK Zoner AntiVirus - OK Ad-Aware - OK BullGuard - OK FortiClient - OK K7 Ultimate - OK NANO Antivirus - OK Panda CommandLine - OK SUPERAntiSpyware - OK Twister Antivirus - OK VIPRE - OK Scan Result: MaJyx Scanner | Results Scan by MaJyx Scanner Encriptado: Filename: server.exe Type: File Filesize: 107318 bytes Date: 06/05/2015 - 03:41 GMT+2 MD5: 152a6a33274143add9e2154b4bb4ce0f SHA1: 3a97654140b6faf5987366cc2d0edfa390ebbbd0 Status: Infected Result: 1/35 AVG Free - OK Avast - OK AntiVir (Avira) - TR/Dropper.Gen BitDefender - OK Clam Antivirus - OK COMODO Internet Security - OK Dr.Web - OK eTrust-Vet - OK F-PROT Antivirus - OK F-Secure Internet Security - OK G Data - OK IKARUS Security - OK Kaspersky Antivirus - OK McAfee - OK MS Security Essentials - OK ESET NOD32 - OK Norman - OK Norton Antivirus - OK Panda Security - OK A-Squared - OK Quick Heal Antivirus - OK Solo Antivirus - OK Sophos - OK Trend Micro Internet Security - OK VBA32 Antivirus - OK Zoner AntiVirus - OK Ad-Aware - OK BullGuard - OK FortiClient - OK K7 Ultimate - OK NANO Antivirus - OK Panda CommandLine - OK SUPERAntiSpyware - OK Twister Antivirus - OK VIPRE - OK Arhiva este cryptata in rar DES.
Here's an outline: 1. Anonymizing Your Internet Usage 2. Securing Your Browser 3. PGP Encryption 4. Changing Your Mac Address 5. Anonymous IM 6. Anti-virus 1. Anonymizing Your Internet Usage The easiest way to anonymize your internet usage is to use TOR or a VPN RELIGIOUSLY. NON-STOP 24/7 FUCKING TOR ACTION NOT EVEN A SINGLE GOOGLE OUTSIDE TOR/VPN VPN A Virtual Private Network helps to ensure privacy by creating an encrypted tunnel between your computer and a remote VPN server. Example setup without VPN: Home PC -> ISP -> Internet Example setup with VPN: Home PC => ISP => VPN server -> Internet Once data has entered the VPN tunnel (=…=) it is hidden from view by encryption protocols so that no-one, not even your Internet Service Provider (ISP), can ‘see’ it. The only computers that can see the data are the ones at each end of the VPN tunnel. Because the VPN server can see all data going into and out-of the tunnel (and trace it back to you), it is vital to choose a VPN provider you trust, and who keeps no logs of your internet activity. If you are concerned about privacy then you should never pick a VPN provider who keeps logs, and the comments below assume a no logs service. Providers we particularly like that are good for keeping no logs are Mullvad, AirVPN and Private Internet Access (although the fact that PIA is US based has introduced considerable uncertainty to this recommendation). Pros: As long as your VPN provider is trustworthy and keeps no logs, VPN is a very secure and anonymous means of surfing the internet It is also good for securing connections at public WiFi hotspots, and for evading firewalls used to censor the internet It is a lot faster than Tor (although there will be a small hit to your internet speeds) It is very good for P2P filesharing, and ‘spoofing’ IPs in order to stream geo-restricted media content (e.g. Hulu). Cons: It relies on trusting your VPN provider, and is therefore not as secure as Tor It costs money (typically between $7 to $10 per month, with substantial discounts for bulk purchases). Many VPN providers accept Bitcoin payments. It is obvious to observers that you are using VPN. TOR (You should be familiar with TOR, but I'll throw it in here for educational purposes.) Tor is an anonymity network that supplies free software which lets you use the internet anonymously. Basically you connect though a number of randomly selected nodes (at least three), with the data being re-encrypted each time. This means that although each node knows who is connecting to it, and who it connects to, no node knows the whole route (circuit). The final link in the chain, the one that connects you to the internet, is known as an exit node, and is one of the biggest weaknesses of the system. See a Sybil attack for more information on this. My favorite motto is: "You're only as safe as the exit node you're connected to." Also, don't run exist nodes because if anyone watches CP through it, you're responsible and they will take you down. This has led to a fairly small number of public exit nodes being available, and has meant that restrictive governments such as China, who monitor these nodes, have been able to block access to many of them. There are still plenty of nodes around however, but it does mean that Tor users in some countries my need to reconnect to a number of different nodes before they find one that has not been blocked. Pros: Very secure and anonymous (in fact it is generally considered the most secure and anonymous way to access the internet available, and is therefore suitable for political dissidents and the like) It is also good for securing connections at public WiFi hotspots and for evading firewalls used to censor the internet (although see comments blocked exit nodes above) Free Cons: Slow (often very) Restrictive countries can make finding unblocked public exit nodes a pain Not good for P2P downloading and streaming from spoofed IPs – not only are network speeds too slow for this to be practical, but doing so slows down the system even more for other users. In addition to this, volunteers running the exit nodes may be held accountable for your copyright violations, so it is considered very rude It is obvious to observers that you are using Tor, and some websites (such as PayPal) may refuse to play ball Other services which may be of interest include JonDonym, Lahana, I2P and Psiphon. === 2. Securing Your Browser By now you're probably using the Tor Browser Bundle or TBB for short. This is the easiest way to go about things. a. Ensure NoScript is disabling scripts globally. b. Click the 3 bars/settings menu, then click HTTPS and finally enable "Block All HTTP Requests". This makes it so that you can't get ARP poisoned for cleartext passwords. Never hurts to make all your connections HTTPS, right? c. Click again on the 3 bars. Now select 'Options' and navigate to the Privacy tab. Select 'Do not tell sites...' and under "History" choose 'Never Remember History'. FLUSH YER DNS! Computers automatically cache the hostname of the websites you have visited to make reloading the pages faster than if there was no cache. This is clearly not wanted. ipconfig /flushdns CCleaner CLEARNET LINK: CCleaner cleans out pesky Flash cookies and also a host other rubbish that is slowing your computer down and leaving traces of your internet activity behind. Flash cookies or ‘zombie cookies’ are bits of persistent Flash code which respawn regular cookies when they are modified or deleted. To configure CCleaner to work properly and delete these, 1. Open CCleaner, then navigating to Options -> Include -> Add: C:\ -> Users -> User name -> AppData -> Roaming > Macromedia > Flash Player -> #SharedObjects and C:\ ->Users -> User name -> AppData -> Roaming -> Macromedia -> Flash Player > -> support -> flashplayer -> sys 2. Then go to ‘Exclude’ and ‘Add’: C:\ -> Users -> User name -> AppData -> Roaming -> Macromedia -> Flash Player -> -> support -> flashplayer -> sys -> settings.sol Windows XP users should: 1. Include: C\: -> Documents and Settings -> User name -> Application Data -> Roaming -> Macromedia -> Flash Player -> -> support -> flashplayer -> sys and C -> Documents and Settings -> User name -> Application Data -> Roaming -> Macromedia -> Flash Player -> #SharedObjects 2. Exclude: C\: -> Documents and Settings -> User name -> Application Data -> Roaming -> Macromedia -> Flash Player -> -> support -> flashplayer -> sys -> settings.sol HTML web storage CLEARNET LINK: This extension is said to remove web storage automatically on a regular basis. Privacy Badger CLEARNET LINK: Privacy Badger is a browser add-on that stops advertisers and other third-party trackers from secretly tracking where you go and what pages you look at on the web. If an advertiser seems to be tracking you across multiple websites without your permission, Privacy Badger automatically blocks that advertiser from loading any more content in your browser. To the advertiser, it's like you suddenly disappeared. Red means Privacy Badger believes this domain is a tracker, and has blocked it. Yellow means the domain is believed to be both a tracker and necessary for the functioning of the page, so Privacy Badger is allowing it but blocking its cookies. Green means that Privacy Badger believes this is not tracker. Other very useful Browser Extensions are: Lastly use Duck Duck Go or Startpage INSTEAD of Google. Google = bad bad bad! === 3. PGP Encryption If you aren't using PGP Encryption when sending messages you might as well off yourself right now. It is extremely vital to use it. As Ping once said 'The longer the better '. Download GPG4Win Here: CLEARNET LINK: Gpg4win - Secure email and file encryption with GnuPG for Windows Run the downloaded file and select to install only Kleopatra and GPA. Open GPA Keys > New Key Fill in the information with whatever you want people to see your public key as. NOTE: DO NOT USE YOUR REAL NAME! After selecting your alias it asks for an e-mail adress. This e-mail should be non existent, and be linked to a website that also doesn’t exist. Take the example below: Then make a backup of your key. Find where you put the back up of your key. It will be an .asc file. Open it with Notepad. When sharing your key with others, you wan’t to copy and paste from the beginning dashes to the end dashes. To import other people's keys into GPA, create a blank text document. Paste their key in. Open GPA. Import Keys. Select File. Confirm. Done. SENDING AN ENCRYPTED MESSAGE: 1. Open GPA. 2. Open up clipboard. 3. Write your message. 4. Encrypt. Choose the receiver's key. 5. You'll now have an encrypted message. 6. Just email/message that to them. To decrypt a message sent to you: 1. Open GPA. 2. Open Clipboard. 3. Paste funky looking message. 4. Decrypt - enter password. === 4. Changing Your Mac Address CLEARNET LINK: Very easy. Download, open cmd, run macshift -r -i "Wireless" #If you're using Wireless macshift -r -i "Ethernet" #If you're using Ethernet 5. Anonymous IM CLEARNET LINKS: + Run both installers - pidgin with the default settings. Set it up how you want, currently I only have it set up for Google Hangouts which kind of defeats the purpose. If I can get it set up later, I'll edit this. ONLY USE XMPP If you want to connect to a hidden service, for example the hidden service I use the following configuration: 6. Anti-virus 10/10 would recommend the AVG + Malwarebytes combo. If someone lands malware on your machine, you're 110% fucked. Nuff said. === Lastly, if you want to be the safest, run it in a virtual machine. To Hackerjon - I wrote this following your restrictions (no VM, no Tails, no Linux). Having all three of those is by far your safest bet, but whatever. === Source: hell
- anonymizing windows
- badger
(and 3 more)
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Product Description Advanced SystemCare 8 PRO. Ultimate Performance Booster Boosts the speed of startup, Internet connection and the whole PC Protects you against spyware and adware in real time Optimizes, cleans, and fixes a variety of PC problems with just 1 click Protects your privacy by cleaning surfing traces automatically Advanced SystemCare 8 PRO provides automated and all-in-one PC care service with Malware Removal, Registry Fix, Privacy Protection, Performance Tune-up, and System Cleaning capabilities. It also creates superior and safer online experience with the latest Browser Anti-Tracking and Internet Boost technology, to ensure your top online security and maximum PC performance. Features: Basic System Clean, Fix and Optimization Ultimate System Tuneup for Top Performance Up to 300% Internet Speedup with Internet Booster Real-time Optimization with Active Optimize Deep Windows Registry Clean Maximum Hard Drive Performance Basic Protection from Security Threats Full Detection against Security Threats Safe Online Experience with Surfing Protection Auto Clean for Privacy Security Whenever You Log on Auto Update to the Latest Version Runs in the Background – Install and Forget It Fantastic New Skins & Themes Free 24/7 Technical Support on demand -> Download <-Deal Expire in:
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