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Armed with a woolly hat, this former Facebook exec says telepathy will be possible by 2025

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Mary Lou Jepsen wants to create a wooly ski hat containing a miniature MRI machine.



Openwater believes telepathy is possible within the next 10 years (iStock)


When a teacher asks her children to put their thinking caps on in the middle of the next decade, it could mean far more than merely encouraging them to be creative.

This, around the 2025 mark, is when a former Facebook executive believes telepathy, communicating via thoughts transmitted through a simple wooly hat, could become a reality.


Mary Lou Jepsen, who was formerly an engineering executive at Facebook's Oculus virtual reality division, and worked at Google and Intel before that, wants to make telepathy a reality through her startup company, Openwater.


Although she doesn't have a working prototype yet, Jepsen believes a lightweight ski hat could house a scaled-down MRI machine, normally used in hospitals and the size of an entire room. The hardware would track the flow of oxygen through the wearer's body, illuminating it with benign, infrared light and acting like a literal "thinking cap".


While telepathy is the ultimate goal, Jepsen's plans for now are focused on using the hat to read a person's thoughts. "If I threw you into an MRI machine right now... I can tell you what words you're about to say, what images are in your head. I can tell you what music you're thinking of," she told CNBC. "That's today, and I'm talking about just shrinking it down."


But the company's future is about sharing thoughts without speaking or typing. "The really big moonshot idea here is communication with thought," Jepsen says. "Right now our output is basically moving our jaws and our tongues or typing [with] our fingers. We're... limited to this very low output rate from our brains, and what if we could up that through telepathy?"

As for a time span, Jepsen says: "I don't think this is going to take decades. I think we're talking about less than a decade, maybe eight years until telepathy."


This approach is similar to that of Elon Musk, the billionaire boss of electric car company Tesla and rocket manufacturer SpaceX.

Through his new company Neuralink, launched in 2016, Musk wants to dramatically speed up humanity's output speed; input (through the eyes and ears) is very fast, but output (through fingers and mouths) is far slower, Musk also reasons.



Openwater believes a scaled-down MRI machine can be fitted to a lightweight woolly hat (Openwater)


But where Musk plans to create real-life cyborgs by asking participants to take injections of nanoparticles pulsing through their bloodstream, Jepsen is taking a non-invasive approach.


Ethics will play a big part in our telepathic future - if indeed the technology ever becomes a reality in the way Jepsen and Musk hope it will. Jepsen says: "We have to answer these questions, so we're trying to make the hat only work if the individual wants it to work, and then filtering out parts that the person wearing it doesn't feel it's appropriate to share."

In Jepsen's absence, Facebook is hiring neuroscientists to help build brain-computer interfaces of its own, following founder Mark Zuckeberg's desire to develop means for telepathy.




Edited by Fi8sVrs

Interesanta idee (cea a lui Jepsen), insa n-as folosi niciodata asa ceva. "Casca" aia cred ca ar putea fi folosita, la fel de bine, si pentru scriere, nu doar read-only.

Astept mai de graba telepatia nativa, fara tehnologie, dar din pacate nu cred ca se vor mai naste genii care sa o poata descoperi.

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5 hours ago, Wav3 said:

Interesanta idee (cea a lui Jepsen), insa n-as folosi niciodata asa ceva. "Casca" aia cred ca ar putea fi folosita, la fel de bine, si pentru scriere, nu doar read-only.

Astept mai de graba telepatia nativa, fara tehnologie, dar din pacate nu cred ca se vor mai naste genii care sa o poata descoperi.

Eu sunt mai prost dar nu pot decat sa inteleg ca:

1. S-au nascut genii care au descoperit-o dar din pacate nu mai se vor naste genii care sa o poata descoperi. Si daca s-a descoperit telepatia nativa la ce bun sa mai se descopere odata?S-au s-a descoperit si s-a acoperit inapoi ca civilizatia extrapamanteana mayasa la care nu mai avem acces?Ori poate au descoperit-o geniile si au impartit-o doar in cercul lor select gen masonii de grad superior sau illuminati?


2. Nu s-a descoperit cat au fost genii high quality iar acum cu genii low quality nu avem nici o sansa.Si geniile de prima mana ca Eminescu Mozart Socrate etc nu mai se vor naste.Ever


3. Nu s-a descoperit inca telepatia,dar nici nu mai se va descoperi deoarece nu mai se vor naste genii.De nici o culoare.Deloc.E radiatie mare schimbare climatica etc deci creierul uman e imposibil sa mai dezvolte un geniu.


De ce nu explici mai bine cand spui ceva am ramas blocat dupa ce-am citit postul tau.

Si mai imi explici ceva?Vrei sa zici ca acea caciula va putea fi folosita si pentru scriere?Adica o sa-mi scrie mie ganduri gen fa asa sau pe dincolo deci o sa ma controleze cumva?Si poate va fi nevoie sa mai se faca o caciula gen antivirus ca sa blochez malware-ul telepatic.Sa umblu vara cu 2 caciuli una trasa peste alta nu mi-ar mai conveni iti spun sincer .As arata ca Axinte din Vacanta Mare.

  • Upvote 2
Posted (edited)

Ti-ai facut cont nou ca sa-mi iei la puricat exprimarea?

Varianta corecta este 2, evident.

Si nu m-am referit neaparat la scriere de ganduri sau ordine, cum le-ai definit tu, ci la "a amesteca visele".


Acum te poti debloca.


Edit: vezi ca 3 e tot cam 2, dar intelegi tu

Edited by Wav3

pornind cu logica din 2017, daca e posibil, IMHO o sa fie o chestie la care vor avea acces doar guvernele. un fel de masina a adevarului la interogatorii. deci, le urez insucces :)


Invetiile de genul aduc lucruri bune cat si lucruri rele, parerea mea. Cum spune @fbob daca cineva va fii prins pentru niste chestii foarte grave se va putea folosii asta impotriva lui sau impotriva noastra, a populatiei doar pentru scopuri stiute doar de guvern. Totusi, daca aceasta tehnologie ar merge exact cum se spune in teorie si ar si putea trimite nu doar citi, ar fii o era a unei noi caii de comunicatie. Gen, de ce sa il mai sun pe acel tovars cand ii pot trimite un "gand" cu ceea ce doresc si stiu ca il receptioneaza imediat.(bineinteles, daca el poarta acel aparat) S-ar putea dezvolta destul de mult pana sa ajunga un microcip care ar putea fii implantat in capul nostru sau doar in pielea noastra de pe cap, gen, cum sunt acum acele microcipuri care iti permit sa stochezi cartelele de la bloc, sa iti deblochezi telefonul, etc.


Mama ce fumati? Trimiteti-mi si mie nr dealerui.

Hai ca ma bag si eu in ezoterism:


Tehnologia actuala in materie de citit ganduri e slaba. Problema e rezolutia. Pana si cel mai smecher MRI medical nu poate scana un creier suficient de repede si precis.


1. La ora actuala in loc sa citesti ganduri poti sa citesti "emotii" sau "intentii/dorinte". Alta problema e ca 2 creiere umane sunt destul de diferite. O masina de genul necesita calibrare + antrenament ca sa funcioneze.

2.Pana acum umanitatea stie doar sa "citeasca ganduri". Scrierea de ganduri intrun creier nu a fost nici teoretizata; Deci va mai dura min 20-40 ani.

3. Pentru o astfel de caciula/jucarie nu prea exista piata. Nu vad prea multi bani aruncati in domeniu deci progresul va fi foarte slab.


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