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Customer: “Hi, my son says that I have spartans on my laptop and I should bring it to you guys.”

Me: “…Ma’am? Spartans?”

Customer: “Yes, I called my son at school and told him that screens keep popping up all the time, and he said that I have spartans.”

Me: “Oh! You mean trojans! That’s a possibility; let me run this analyzer on your laptop real quick and we’ll see what’s going on.”

Customer: “Young man, my son is in college and he says it has spartans. You just stand here in a little uniform and make minimum wage. I think my son knows what he is talking about.”

Me: “You’re right ma’am. I was hoping to run a diagnostic and find out that it wasn’t spartans, but just by looking at the login screen, I can tell that you probably have about 300 of the little guys running around.”

Customer: “300?! Is that bad?”

Me: “It’s horrible. They cram themselves into a bottleneck and kill wave after wave of data, until there is a wall of dead programs blocking any more traffic through your computer.”

Customer: “Oh, that just figures. I’m going to go buy a new computer.”

Me: “Ok, ma’am, I think that would be best.”


Mailul unei doamne catre o firma de calculatoare :

Buna ziua!

Daca vreau sa copiez pe floppy un film, apas butonul “paste” si atunci imi apare un text care-mi spune ca nu este loc destul pe floppy. Dupa asta apas “paste shortcut”, si astfel filmul deja incape.

Problema este atunci cand vreau sa vad filmul pe un alt calculator, fiind avertizata ca nu gaseste filmul, totusi de pe calculatorul meu pot sa pornesc filmul de pe floppy. Care poate fi problema?


Raspunsul celor de la firma:

Stimata doamna!

In poseta dumneavoastra nu puteti baga o blana. Un biletel insa, pe care e scris “blana se afla in dulap”, incape lejer in poseta.

Asadar daca sunteti acasa si cititi biletelul “blana se afla in dulap”, atunci sigur o gasiti acolo.

Situatia e nasoala atunci cind sunteti la prietena dumneavoastra si cititi biletelul. In dulapul prietenei puteti cauta la nesfarsit blana, nu o veti gasi niciodata.


Poseta - floppy

Blana - filmul

Biletel - “shortcut”

Dulap - calculator

Molia din dulap - virus

Vecinul in dulap - hacker


Eu am 4 vecini, care cumpara saptamanal revista "Mari corabii". Cea mai mare prostie s-a cumparati acesta revista. Sunt 100 de numere. Un numar costa 15 RON. 100×15=1.500 RON. De 1.500 RON iti cumperi o barca.


What would happen if some of the greatest companies would produce condoms?

NIKE CONDOMS: just do it.

PRINGLES CONDOMS: once u pop, u cant stop.

FLINTSTONES VITAMINS CONDOM PACK: Ten million strong and growing.

MACINTOSH CONDOMS: It does more, it costs less, its that simple.

FORD CONDOMS: The best never rest.

CHEVY CONDOMS: Like a rock.

NEW YORK LOTTO CONDOMS: Cause hey-- you never know.


AVIS CONDOMS: Trying harder than ever.

KFC CONDOMS: Finger-Licking Good.

COCA-COLA CONDOMS: Always a Real Thing.

LAYS CONDOMS: Betcha can't have just one.


AT&T CONDOM: 'Reach out and touch someone.'

ENERGIZER CONDOM: It keeps going and going and going....

M&M CONDOM: 'It melts in your mouth, not in your hands!'

TACO BELL CONDOM: get some; make a run for the border

DOUBLE MINT CONDOM: Double your pleasure, double your fun!

SEARS LATEX CONDOM: One coat is good for the entire winter

DELTA AIRLINES TRAVEL PACK CONDOMS: Delta's ready when you are

THE STAR TREK CONDOM: To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

DENNY'S CONDOMS: $1.99 Grand Slam

MAZDA CONDOMS: It Just Feels Right!

MAXWELL HOUSE CONDOM: Good to the last drop!

MCDONALDS CONDOM: Over 99 billion served

BURGER KING CONDOMS: Have it your way

DAIRY QUEEN CONDOMS: We treat you right

AOL CONDOMS: So easy to use, no wonder it's #1



Pentru cei care se trezesc greu dimineata exista acum ceasul Time is money. Il incarci cu bancnote, programezi alarma si la un minut dupa ce aceasta a sunat, ceasul incepe sa toace bancnotele, una cate una.

Sa vedem cine isi permite sa doarma dupa ce a sunat alarma!?

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