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INTERZIS MINORILOR - Politicianul corupt care si-a ZBURAT creierii in direct la TV!

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Daca ar face asa toti 'politicienii' romani,bine ar fi.Toti is niste hoti.Totusi e destul de trist sa vezi cum un om moare,oricum ar fi el bun sau rau.

Asa este, din pacate eu am vazut pe cineva dupa 2-5 min dupa ce a murit, tot la fel ii curgea sange pe gura pe nas....(nu am dormit in seara aia decat 6 ore) Dumnezeu sa il ierte!


Foarte aiurea si socant in primul rand :( Sunt curios totusi daca in final sa aflat adevarul despre acea persoana...daca intradevar a fost vinovat sau nu. La modul cum se fac afacerile in america tind sa cred ca avea dreptate cu inscenarea si omul a cedat nervos stiind ca va sta atatia ani in inchisoare


Dumnezeu sa-l ierte ca si coruptii sunt oameni.

Nu stiu daca e socant dar ma rog asta e. Eu zic ca mai bine fugea in Thailanda si statea toata viata cu femei din banii furati dar in fine.

wtf dar mult sange mai avem in noi O_O

@oust, ce usor se omoara un om :|

Asa e, ce usor se omoara dar ce grea este despartirea pe care o sufera familia.


Adevarat nu e o solutie si nici curaj cum vad altii, e doar un gest de lasitate. Esti om cand raspunzi pentru faptele tale.

Eu ma gandesc la altceva, daca cumva o organizatie gen Al Qaeda detoneaza o bomba in parlamentul nostru in plina sesiune? (cand isi maresc singuri salariile ca atunci e prezenta de 100%)

Va dati seama ca a doua zi ar fi sarbatoare nationala, ar aprinde lumea lumanari in cinstea lui Bin Laden si l-am trece in cartile de istorie intre haiducul Pintea si Esca.

Cred ca ar fi singura solutie sa scapam de majoritatea mafiotilor.

Adevarat nu e o solutie si nici curaj cum vad altii, e doar un gest de lasitate. Esti om cand raspunzi pentru faptele tale.

Eu ma gandesc la altceva, daca cumva o organizatie gen Al Qaeda detoneaza o bomba in parlamentul nostru in plina sesiune? (cand isi maresc singuri salariile ca atunci e prezenta de 100%)

Va dati seama ca a doua zi ar fi sarbatoare nationala, ar aprinde lumea lumanari in cinstea lui Bin Laden si l-am trece in cartile de istorie intre haiducul Pintea si Esca.

Cred ca ar fi singura solutie sa scapam de majoritatea mafiotilor.


In the early 1980s, Pennsylvania discovered its state workers had overpaid federal taxes due to errors in state withholding. Many accounting firms competed for a multimillion-dollar contract to determine compensation to each employee. In 1986, Dwyer was convicted of receiving a bribe from a California firm trying to gain the contract. He maintained throughout his trial and after his conviction that he was innocent of the charge and had been framed.

On the morning of January 22, 1987, he committed suicide with a revolver during a televised press conference at his office in Harrisburg, the state capital

Si iar:

"Now my life has changed, for no apparent reason. People who call and write are exasperated and feel helpless. They know I'm innocent and want to help. But in this nation, the world's greatest democracy, there is nothing they can do to prevent me from being punished for a crime they know I did not commit. Some who have called have said that I am a modern-day Job."

"Judge Muir is also noted for his medieval sentences. I face a maximum sentence of 55 years in prison and a $300,000 fine for being innocent. Judge Demiria has already told the press that he, quote, 'felt invigorated' when we were found guilty, and that he plans to imprison me as a deterrent to other public officials. But it wouldn't be a deterrent because every public official who knows me knows that I am innocent; it wouldn't be a legitimate punishment because I've done nothing wrong. Since I'm a victim of political persecution, my prison would simply be an American gulag."

R. Budd Dwyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

R. Budd Dwyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

R. Budd Dwyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

R. Budd Dwyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Acum, care o fi adevarul, ramane la latitudinea fiecaruia sa creada ce si cum.

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