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Oare e posibil ?

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Este posibil, asa cum a demonstrat si matematic. Eu am mers mai departe, am aplicat acelasi principiu si la wireless-ul laptopului, acum pot sa vad retele si din Etiopia!

Fuckin' trolllllllllll!

I explain how to double your internet speed using a little bit of physics. This video is a bit long, but you can skip the math part if you want.

Check out my website ThioJoe - Blog

This is a satirical video. I didn't expect many people to actually believe it, so I'm making this disclaimer. Sorry, but simply taping two wires together will not make your internet faster. Now that you know, you can send this video to all your friends and make fun of them for believing it.

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/thiojoe

There is your answer (partea ingrosata si subliniata).

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