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Firefox 13

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Firefox 13

[h=1]Firefox Has a Redesigned Home Page and New Tab Experience That Make Browsing the Web Faster and Easier[/h] June 5th, 2012 · Firefox

Firefox makes it faster and easier to get where you want to go on the Web with a redesigned Home Page and New Tab experience. The Home Page now includes icons at the bottom of the page to give you easy access to bookmarks, history, settings, add-ons, downloads and sync preferences with one-click shortcuts. When you open a new tab, you’ll see thumbnails of your most recently and frequently visited sites. You can customize the New Tab page by adding or removing thumbnails based on where you go most.

Click the screenshot to learn more!

Firefox loads tabs on demand when restoring a browsing session to more quickly get you to Web pages. Firefox first loads the tab you are currently viewing, then loads background tabs when you click them. It’s an improvement that makes Firefox start faster and use less memory. This is just one of a series of performance improvements to Firefox responsiveness.

Firefox supports SPDY by default to make browsing more secure. SPDY is a protocol designed as a successor to HTTP that reduces the amount of time it takes for websites to load. You will notice faster page load times on sites that support SPDY networking, like Google and Twitter.

With this support, Firefox is available to an estimated 15 million native Khmer speakers around the world, in addition to the millions that already use Firefox in more than 85 languages worldwide.

For more information:

Sursa: Firefox Has a Redesigned Home Page and New Tab Experience That Make Browsing the Web Faster and Easier | The Mozilla Blog

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Discu?ii despre un home page super ?mecher cu 10 de mii de facilit??i au fost ?i acum un an ?i ceva. Au f?cut chiar ?i un poll cu cele mai reu?ite home page-uri (f?cute de persoane ter?e) ?i nu au ajuns la nimic dup? atâta timp. Totu?i ideea era destul de bun?, deoarece home page-ul avea ?i facilit??i utile (rss ?i email reader, notepad etc.)

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De cand au inceput sa copieze Chrome l-au stricat urat de tot.

Eram fan firefox pana pe la versiunea 4. Am fost nevoit sa trec pe chrome din cauza ca FF se misca infect. Porneste greu, incarca pagini greu, foloseste prea multe resurse etc. LA fiecare versiune lansata se misca tot mai rau.

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Folosesc Firefox de cand am pus prima oara mana pe mouse, nu vad de ce as schimba acum, Firefox imi este mult mai familiar decat Chrome, altfel poate as trece si eu la acesta pentru ca este ceva mai rapid mai "light" etc. In prezent foloseste Firefox 13 cu beta ca sursa de actualizare.

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