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Vand o masina si am fost contactat de un strain !!!!

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Salutare, am o masina la vanzare pe autovit si azi am fost contact de unu prin modalitatea de contact prin email de la autovit.

Una este alta, omu vrea sa ii trimit datele bancare ca sa imi trimita banii pe masina si eu cica sa ii trimit masina prin transport maritim in franta.

Si sincer nu prea stiu ce sa fac ... ceva ceva tot e ca ma gadesc cum plm din toate masinile din frata numai pe opel-ul meu a pus asta ochii ...

Omul vrea sa ii dau datele bancare ca cica imi trimite banii, dar mie sa nu trimita niste banii apoi sa faca niste plangeri pe la politie sau mai stiu eu ce .... dracu stie ce are ala in cap ....

Stimate domn/doamna

Pentru anuntul nr. xxxxxx (Opel Astra ) v-a fost trimis un mesaj.

Link catre acest anunt: http://autovit.ro/show?id=xxxxxxxxx

Nume / Nume Firma:

Adresa e-mail: ericsergeboussi@gmail.com

Telefon: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATENTIE: Acest e-mail a fost generat automat, nu dati reply! Pentru a raspunde intrebarii trimiteti un e-mail catre adresa de contact sus-mentionata sau contactati aceasta persoana prin intermediul telefonului.



Hi A? dori s? ?tiu dac? ma?ina este înc? disponibil


Cu stima,

eu am raspuns ca este, apoi am primit urmatorul mesaj


ok foarte bene.il tors deteriorat muta accidental pe aproapele nostru ?i el m? vrea înapoi circula?ie. ai avut acela?i model ?i acela?i set de interesul meu sau pentru mutarea ta

dar problema este c? eu nu tr?iesc în România. mai mult de medicul meu ma sf?tuit insistent s? nu c?l?toreasc? din cauza s?n?t??ii mele. A? vrea s? pl?teasc? prin transfer bancar ?i atunci când banii se afl? în contul dvs., pute?i începe de transport maritim.

nave, transferul de mi?c?ri de proprietate ?i de transport va implementa un e-mail s? se specializeze în acest tip de tranzac?ii.



i-am zis sa imi trimita mesaje in engleza ca in romana nu le inteleg :)))

si am primit asta

I acknowledge receipt of your letter, I wish to inform you that I am very interested to buy your vehicle to do so I would like you made me know the final price of the vehicle and recent photos so that I can have an idea of the transaction and I also would like you made me know your method of payment because I am now a professional for foreign Affairs.

I am still waiting for your new

Thank you in advance


i-am zis care e ultimul pret si pozele bla bla bla ....

si am primit asta.


Thank you for your reply I wish to inform you that I am beautiful, and many agreed to buy the vehicle price is the price going much to me then for the settlement of cross I will like to give you a transfer to your bank account for as I you're stressed in my previous email I'm currently has overseas so I can not go to the scene then it will be better that I make you a transfer to your bank account so you can have the sub. And I want you to know that the vehicle will go to France after the transfer of funds to and after that I'm mâterai in contact with you a transport company who are based in France that will pick the vehicle and sign all documents my name. so do made no worries because everything will be in order. I am still waiting for the banking information for you to transfer your account.

Waiting to hear from you

Ce parere aveti .... ii dau datele bancare sau nu ? Ce poate sa se intample ?

am gasit asta despre el pe net,

Romance Scam • Eric Serge Boussi, Skype: ericserge.boussi


ce plm sa mai ceara daca a zis ca imi trimite banii :)), faza e ca eu chiar nu vreau sa ii trag teapa ... daca trimite banii eu ii trimit masina, problema e ca el ar putea sa imi trimita o suma de banii apoi sa mearga la politie si sa dau de alte belele ....


Iti poate face o plangere penala pentru inselaciune de exemplu in franta. El trimite banii. Tu ii trimiti masina. El ii rupe bara din fata si gata TU l-ai dat teapa.

Sau poate iti pune banii in cont de pe cardu lu' vecinu' :)


Daca as fi in locul tau, nu as face tranzactia. Acum, ramane la latitudinea ta.

P.S: Fii sigur ca nu e francez, pentru ca aia se tem de tepe, fiind ca esti roman. Pe-aici, Romanii nu sunt vazuti prea bine.



Deci nu il lasa doctorul sa calatoreasca, dar isi ia masina din Romania, pentru caaaaa...? Stiu ca vrei sa vinzi masina, dar eu zic ca e duma. Cand un lucru e prea frumos sa fie adevarat, probabil ca asa este.


Mmda aveti dreptate, oricum i-am zis ca nu ma intereseaza oferta lui si ca nu am nevoie de probleme si daca vrea sa cumpere masina sa vina in romania daca nu sa isi vada fiecare de treaba lui. Oricum nu ma grabesc sa vand masina,


nu stiu cum mama dracu se face ca azi am primit mesaj si pe auto.ro de la alt strain :)))


I am interested in buying the car you posted online. I will like to know the current state of the vehicle if there would be any work to be done on it and your last price for the car.

Telefon: 8968678678

E-mail: nizar.halil@yahoo.com


Corect. Fa pe prostul si fa le jocul. Vezi ce urmaresc si inveti ceva din asta. Apoi daca ai blog, preferabil in engleza, expune povestea cap coada, cu detalii, etc si vei avea mii de vizitatori si te imbogatesti din adwords.

e acelasi scamer, asta e diversiune

Omu e chiar idiot ... i-am zis ca nu ma intereseaza oferta lui si el tot insista :)

I recognize the receipt of your mail. I offered to return the money to the company that will take the movement to have paid in cash, but unfortunately

the company refuses to make payment to customers because it is contrary to the regulations of the company. I wish to pay by bank transfer, because it is more reliable and reassuring for the price .. no worries. the transfer of ownership of the traffic and transport will be at my expense.

the company that will take the movement is to specialize in this kind of transazione.verrà with a notary who has my social security number, my identity card and an authorization signed by myself to do the transfer of ownership my name.

I'm going to need additional information to complete the transfer.

your first and last name of the account holder

IBAN number and the name of your bank

address, zip code via e Romania


Au inebunit astia in plm ....

Mesaj primit pe auto#ro

My dear friend,

Thank you for the provided information about your car. The car is just a minor objective of contacting you but I will buy it at your own asking price. I will appreciate, if you will reserve the car for at least two weeks and remove the advert on the site. I know that this is certainly not the right approach to start a relationship, but i pray for your understanding towards my action. Please read thoroughly and get back to me but you have the obligation to decline if you are not interested.

I am a Syrian industrialist and a member of Syrian business men council In Damascus. My family is under the threat of President Bashar al-Assad for our resolute support for a true democratic Government in Syria. Many families are running for their dear lives as soldiers and militants are killing civilians, women and children. I want you to help me out in my present condition. I have in my possession the sum of (Seventeen Million five hundred thousand dollars) $17,500,000 in my possession. This is the money I have saved for my entire life as an industrialist and I have it stored in my house because putting money in a bank could be a very big risk in a country like ours.

I have secured this money in a box and have consulted an envoy here in Damascus who will help me in moving my box out of Syria for safe keeping and possible investment. This is why am in keen need of a Reliable and trust worthy person who will receive the box, secure and protect it till my arrival which should be soon. I have to take this chance because, I have no other alternative but to find someone to trust. Am an orphan with no brother or sister so I cannot risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage.

All I have is my wife, my daughter and son. They deserve a decent life since I want them to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to your country with my family and invest the money in accordance with law, your advice and assistance. We can work together and achieve a better future for our families. Please you will have to take note that the envoy is not aware that my box contains money and this is for security reasons.

All I ask is permit me to register the box in your name as family treasure and you are expected to retrieve it once it's in Europe and then to your country. There will be no risk in this deal; I have made the necessary arrangement for the safe delivery of the box to your referred location. I will assume you are capable of handling a deal of this magnitude and also trust you to maintain absolute secrecy and confidentiality to protect this great achievement. In less than 4 days the box should be in your possession if you are swift on your part .Beware, I have taken precautionary measures to secure the money. The box is coded with high security gadget and I am the only one that has the right combination to unlock it. You will be entitled to 20% of the total sum of $17,500,000 while 80% will be mine. I will give you 20% of the money and 80% for me. I believe this is a fair deal. Write me back now for more details.

I will need your Full name, Full address, Direct phone number, Occupation and a Scanned copy of your identity card for the registration of the box.

I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details. We don't have the luxury to waste time so kindly respond ASAP.

Best regards

Nizar Halil

ma doare mintea, pana acum vroiau datele bancare, acum vor si buletinu si cu ce ma ocup :))


Vezi de treaba...am cateva anunturi pe olx cu ceva produse. La unul,cu un aparat foto de colectie, unde pretul este mai mare decat pe ebay(cca.65%) am primit gramada de astfel de cereri(oferte). Toti vroiau datele bancare sa-mi plateasca,nici tu negociere,cat e transportul,nimic din astea.

Am zis ca vreau prin paypal...a zis ok. Mai sa-mi bag:D

Apoi am zis ca nu mai am contul activ si ca vreau prin W.Union si au disparut ca prin ceata.

Stai linistit,masinile se vand tete a tete .

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