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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/17 in all areas

  1. Bundle complet de la Humble Bundle - https://www.humblebundle.com/books/python-book-bundle https://mega.nz/#!Y5F2AChA!iUCTpd6hyZJnk-nzsjuQulmGxhk_rU4O8tEnqSuK040
    3 points
  2. I-am ajutat pe toti :))) Merci
    2 points
  3. sa va fut in gura te ajuta @aelius
    2 points
  4. Nu mai mancati cacat cu C++ / C#. Pentru embedded systems folosesti C. Punct. Cu asta incepi. Daca vei incepe cu orice altceva vei ajunge la concluzia ca trebuie sa interfatezi oricum cu C (sau ASM dupa caz) pentru a duce la bun sfarsit anumite taskuri. Dupa ce stapanesti C, te poti duce mai departe catre C++ / Python(raspberry Pi) / Go / Java (Android) si altele. Spun asta de fiecare data: Sunt cel putin 5 useri / month care deschid un astfel de topic si nu fac nimic. Pun intrebari doar de dragul de a o face si atat. Faptul ca nu ai gasit informatii nu ma duce cu gandul decat la: 1. Nu ai stiut sa dai un search pe google. (pentru ca nu stii engleza) 2. Esti lenes din cauza motivului de mai sus 3. Ignorant pentru ca nu te-ai straduit sa faci research pentru ceva ce zici tu ca-i o pasiune. Sper din nou sa ma insel. Is multe de zis si nu am timpu' necesar de a face asta cu fiecare user. Cand o sa vad ca te intereseaza subiectul cu adevarat si incepi cu adevarat sa studiezi problema, iti voi da (eu si alti membrii) informatii referitoare la orice.
    2 points
  5. Salut, ma numesc Stoica Razvan, sunt din Galati, am 20 de ani , in August fac 21. Ma ocup cu programarea WEB in principal dar fac si aplicatii desktop in Python la nevoie insa nu la un nivel ce ar merita remunerat, e strict pentru mine. Am completat acel interviu interesant pe google docs recomandat, am lasat si o sugestie, mi-a placut Sunt aici sa impartasesc experienta si sa ma dezvolt ca programator. Cunosc oarecum comunitatea de mult timp, de pe cand rula pe platforma gratuita dar nu am fost membru activ niciodata deoarece informatiile necesare le deprindeam si fara cont.
    1 point
  6. Eeeeeee...exista solutii , dar sa nu amestecam lucrurile . Ai ridicat o problema si concluzia este ca nu e eroare ceea ce iti apare la pornirea serverului. Linset si Fluxion sunt doua aplicatii aproape identice in modul de lucru. Le ai pe amandoua in wifislax , asa ca mai forjeaza si din Fluxion . Rabdare si tutun si incearca mai ales seara , cand sunt sanse mai mari
    1 point
  7. Pai , si cu linset si cu Fluxion e ca la pescuit Daca musca cleanul , bine ...daca nu , nu ! Un client care vede ca are probleme cu netul , ar trebui sa incerce sa se reconecteze la AP (care e un fake) tastand parola wireless... In general , cei cu telefoane nu prea fac acest lucru , le e lene si asteapta sa te plictisesti tu cu bruiajul mdk3 Sau nu o fac pentru ca sunt chiar suspiciosi cand vad o interfata aiurea in care li se cere parola...unii ezita sa faca asta.
    1 point
  8. Interesant de citit. Articolul complet aici: https://threatpost.com/details-around-romanian-phishing-kit-creator-campaign-revealed/124777/
    1 point
  9. Bai! De unde veniti cu prostiile astea? @dandrei279 Presupun ca ai verificat hardul inainte sa incerci sa instalezi Windows pe el? Daca totul e in regula cu hardul nou atunci poate sa fie o problema cu kitul de Windows. Ai spus ca i inlocuit unitatea optica cu hardul vechi, deci presupun ca incerci sa instalezi OSul de pe un stick USB. Incearca sa rescrii stickul si daca tot nu merge as pune unitatea optica inapoi si as incerca sa instalez de pe un DVD.
    1 point
  10. ASICBoost, the reason why Bitmain blocked Segwit Is a Mining Manufacturer Blocking SegWit to Benefit from ASICBOOST? https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2017-April/013996.html Well, well, well, now we know what Jihan Wu’s been up to.
    1 point
  11. nu e eroare. e doar fereastra MDK3 cu care se intrerupe legatura intre altre devices cu AP original
    1 point
  12. are dreptate aelius. dar daca nu te multumeste un linux poti lua un windows si la 60-80 de lei. Cauta aici: https://twed.com/product/microsoft-windows-10-home-oem/
    1 point
  13. Apropos de thread-ul tau mi-am mai amintit de cartea Pragmatic Programmer. Si un link util: http://rion.io/2017/01/07/my-developer-resolutions-for-2017/ Plus cartile mentionate in link: https://ufile.io/0e16c1
    1 point
  14. Flexibilitatea. https://github.com/yuanhui-yang/Cracking-the-Coding-Interview/blob/master/Cracking the Coding Interview - 4th Edition.pdf Pasaj din carte: "Pop Divas Need Not Apply Leonard was a very promising C++ coder, three years out of college, with a solid work history and an impressive skill set He proved on the phone screen that he was above-average technically, and so he was invited in for an interview We needed a savvy C++ person to work on a piece of middleware that interfaced with our database, and Leonard seemed like a sure fit However, once we started talking to him, things went south in a hurry He spent most of the interview criticizing every tool and platform that we questioned him on We used SQL Server as our database? Puhleease We were planning to switch to Oracle soon, right? What’s that? Our team used Tool A to do all our coding in? Unacceptable He used Tool B, and only Tool B, and after he was hired, we'd all have to switch to Tool B And we'd have to switch to Java, because he really wanted to work with Java, despite the fact that 75 percent of the codebase would have to be rewritten We'd thank him later And oh, by the way, he wouldn’t be making any meetings before ten o'clock Needless to say, we encouraged Leonard to seek opportunities elsewhere It wasn’t that his ideas were bad – in fact, he was “technically” right about many things, and his (strong) opinions were all backed with solid fact and sound reason (except for the ten o'clock thing – we think he may have just been making a “power play” ) But it was obvious that, if hired, Leonard wasn’t going to play well with others – he would have been toxic kryptonite for team chemistry He actually managed to offend two of the team members during the forty-five minutes of his interview Leonard also made the mistake of assuming that Code Purity and Algorithm Beauty were always more important than a business deadline In the real world, there are always compromises to be made, and knowing how to work with the business analysts is just as important as knowing how to refactor a blob of code If Leonard would not have gotten along with other IT people, he definitely wouldn’t have gotten along with the business folks Maybe you can get away with hiring a Leonard if he’s one of the best ten coders in the world (he wasn’t) But he was the classic failure example for the “Would you have a beer with this guy?” test "
    1 point
  15. Pasul 1: Iti cauti un loc de munca Pasul 2: Te imbraci si te porti ca un om Pasul 3: Te bagi si tu intr-un anturaj de oameni,nu de calculatoare. Pasul 4: O sa iti gasesti o femeie. S-a mutat tony poptamas sau cum ii zice pe rst ? ... tutorial despre cum sa te bagi in seama cu o femeie ... fereasca Dumnezeu.
    1 point
  16. cand ai anlocuit hardul vechi cu cel nou trebuie sa resetezi placa de baza stii cum se face asta?
    -1 points
  17. Ma ajuta si pe mine careva / Il pot folosi sa faca brute la port 25 ptr smtp-uri/
    -2 points
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