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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/20 in all areas

  1. Ba, voi glumiti si ne amuzam, dar tocmai mi-a povestit cineva ca l-a sunat altcineva ca sa-i spuna ce a patit la intrare in Lidl. Cica au vrut aia sa-i ia temperatura si a refuzat si a plecat acasa. Pe drum l-a sunat pe cunostinta asta a mea si i-a dat linkuri fix cu postarea pusa de alexuzu2000, partea de pana in "PAMFLET". Era cu de-alea "ba, sa nu te lasi scanat ca am citit eu ca iti baga microcip in cap sa te urmareasca...baa, si daca totusi o comiti, tre' sa te speli pe cap cu urzica si anihileaza microcipu" Am zis ca e ireal, ca visez. Credeam ca prostii astia sunt doar "la ei acolo", nu ca exista in realitatea noastra. E de ras daca n-ar fi de plans.
    2 points
  2. Acele ajutoare:cateva pungi cu faina,orez,un sampon si dezinfectant sunt distribuite de primariile care au primar PNL si intr-adevar lumea semneaza fara sa stie ca vor fi numarate ca persoane cu Covid. Multe familii instarite,au primit "ajutoare" Am vazut s-a pus si link de donare pe acest forum pt acest hoax planetar denumit Covid, sunt multi visatori care inca cred ca guvernele vor binele populatiei. Cand toti influencerii si media repeta acelasi mesaj, e ceva necurat la mijloc, ati ajuns sa acceptati sa traiti ca sobolanii inchisi in case sau cu masti pe bot din cauza unei gripe. Soldati cu arme automate, controlul cartelelor, a temperaturii, dictatura acceptata de iepuroi fricosi.
    1 point
  3. ATENTIE!!!! DISTRIBUITI MASIV, SA AFLE TOATA LUMEA!!! (procedura copy-paste, ca altfel n-are valoare) Nu permiteti paznicilor de la magazine sa va "masoare temperatura". E o capcana! In realitate, prin tehnologie laser 5G, vi se implanteaza in cutia craniana un microcip care va va controla creierul. Daca, totusi, ati fost supus deja unei astfel de proceduri, mergeti acasa si spalati-va pe cap cu ceai de urzica si spanac. Fierul continut de aceste plante va scurtcircuita microcipul si veti fi liberi din nou. [PAMFLET...sper ca nu ia cineva in serios asta...] Ce este HIPERCAPNIA sau HIPERCARBIA? (Va rog să citiți cu mare atenție) Oameni buni, vi se spune că trebuie să purtati mască. Ceea ce nu vi se spune însă este ce efecte secundare are asupra organismui uman purtarea măştii pentru timp indelungat. Unul dintre efectele secundare imediate este CREŞTEREA CANTITĂȚII DE DIOXID DE CARBON din sãnge, căci, datorită măştii pe față, nu veți mai respira un aer bogat în OXIGEN, ci un aer bogat în DIOXID DE CARBON. Practic, sunteti obligati prin lege sa va otraviti cu DIOXID DE CARBON. Unele masti sunt mai mult sau mai puțin ermetice, deci cantitatea de dioxid de carbon respirata va fi mai mica sau mai mare. Un lucru e cert: Efectele expunerii prelungite la dioxidul de carbon asupra creierului sunt devastatoare. 1. Distrugerea neuronilor. 2. Amețeală. 3. Stari de confuzie si incapacitatea de a gandi coerent. 4. Stari de depresie si de paranoia. 5. Atacuri de panica. 6. Aritmie cardiaca. 7. Slabirea voinței. 8. Stari de letargie severă. 9. Distrugerea centrilor memoriei din creier. 10. Afectarea capacitatii de a lua decizii rationale. 11. Tensiune intracraniana. 12. Acidificarea extrema a sangelui. Dupa ce veti purta măşti vreo 6 luni veți fi cu totul altfel. Veti fi incomparabil mai slabi. Capacitatile voastre intelectuale si emotionale vor fi devastate. Asta inseamna ca nu veti mai.avea puterea de a rezista la PRIGOANA ce urmeaza si la DICTATURA CARE VINE, pentru ca nu veti mai fi capabili de gândire critică. SUNTETI OBLIGATI PRIN LEGE SA VA OTRAVITI! (Tot pamflet, dar am ras)
    1 point
  4. Dupa 14 zile cica pot da claim si la astea pe moca: "... claim a ‘Gift Bundle’ containing 1x Huawei Mouse 1x Huawei Backpack 1x Huawei Mediapad (64GB) T5 10 Please note that this offer is promoted by Huawei Technologies (UK) Co., Ltd, so Amazon has no responsibility for, or control over, the offer..." Pe site la ei mouse-ul e £39, rucsacul £39 si tableta £209.
    1 point
  5. Windows 10 gets DNS over HTTPS support, how to test By Sergiu Gatlan May 13, 2020 02:06 PM Microsoft announced that initial support for DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is now available in Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19628 for Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. The DoH protocol addition in a future Windows 10 release was advertised by Redmond in November 2018, with the inclusion of DNS over TLS (DoT) to also stay on the table. DoH enables DNS resolution over encrypted HTTPS connections, while DoT is designed to encrypt DNS queries via the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, instead of using clear text DNS lookups. Thorugh the inclusion of DoH support to the Windows 10 Core Networking, Microsoft boosts its customers' security and privacy on the Internet by encrypting their DNS queries and automatically removing the plain-text domain names normally present in unsecured web traffic. "If you haven’t been waiting for it, and are wondering what DoH is all about, then be aware this feature will change how your device connects to the Internet and is in an early testing stage so only proceed if you’re sure you’re ready," Microsoft explains. How to test DoH right now Although DoH support is included in the Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 19628 release, the feature is not enabled by default, and Insiders who want Windows to use encryption when making DNS queries will have to opt-in. If you are a Windows Insider and you want to start testing DoH on your Windows 10 device right away, you will first have to make sure that you are in the Fast ring and that you are running Windows 10 Build 19628 or higher. To activate the built-in DoH client, you will have to follow the following procedure: • Open the Registry Editor • Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache\Parameters registry key • Create a new DWORD value named “EnableAutoDoh” • Set its value to 2 Adding the EnableAutoDoh reg key (Microsoft) After you activate the Windows 10 DoH client, Windows will automatically start encrypting your DNS queries if you are using one of this DoH-enabled DNS servers: Server Owner Server IP addresses Cloudflare 2606:4700:4700::1111 2606:4700:4700::1001 Google 2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844 Quad9 2620:fe::fe 2620:fe::fe:9 "You can configure Windows to use any of these IP addresses as a DNS server through the Control Panel or the Settings app," Microsoft further explains. "The next time the DNS service restarts, we’ll start using DoH to talk to these servers instead of classic DNS over port 53. The easiest way to trigger a DNS service restart is by rebooting the computer." To add your own custom DNS servers using the Windows Control Panel, use the following steps: • Go to Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings. • Right click on the connection you want to add a DNS server to and select Properties. • Select either “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” or “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” and click Properties. • Ensure the “Use the following DNS server addresses” radio button is selected and add the DNS server address into the fields below. How to test if DoH is working To check if the Windows DoH client is doing its job, you can use the PacketMon utility to check the traffic going out to the web over port 53 — once DoH is enabled, there should be little to no traffic. To do that, open a Command Prompt or a PowerShell window and run the following commands to reset PacketMon network traffic filters, add a traffic filter for port 53 (the port used for unencrypted DNS queries), and to start real-time traffic logging: pktmon filter remove pktmon filter add -p 53 pktmon start --etw -m real-time Microsoft also provides instructions on how to test the DoH client by manually adding DNS servers with DoH support that aren't in the default auto-promotion list. DoH adoption, trials, and future plans Mozilla already rolled out DNS-over-HTTPS by default to all US-based Firefox users starting February 25, 2020, by enabling Cloudflare's DNS provider and allowing users to switch to NextDNS or another custom provider from the browser's network options. Google is also currently running a limited DoH trial on all platforms (besides Linux and iOS) starting with the release of Chrome 79. However, unlike Mozilla, Google will not automatically change the DNS provider but, instead, they will only upgrade Chrome's DNS resolution protocol only when the default DNS provider has DoH support. US government agencies' CIOs were also advised last month to disable third-party encrypted DNS services until an official federal DNS resolution service with DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT) support is ready. Sursa: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-10-gets-dns-over-https-support-how-to-test/
    1 point
  6. Da, dar e inutil atat timp cat exista NetRipper!
    1 point
  7. Am dat comanda de Huawei pana la urma, pe Vineri ajunge. Daca apar probleme va zic (printre blesteme).
    1 point
  8. Smecherie cu pktmon.exe Since October 2018 Update, Windows 10 comes with a “Packet Monitor” tool called pktmon.exe. With the upcoming release of the Windows 10 May 2020 Update, Microsoft will update the pktmon tool to allow real-time visualization of monitored packets.
    1 point
  9. Imprumuta te, scote l si baga l la alt amanet, poate nu se prind aia :))) si dupaia iti dai imprumutu inapoi. Pai e simplu, degaba ne intrebi aici, nu mai bine mergi personal la patron, i explici si il rogi sa te amane cu banii? sau ca il ajuti cumva fizic de banii aia, poate are nevoie de zugravit sau ceva munci destea...
    1 point
  10. Telefonul fara fir. Fiecare aude ce vrea, fiecare intelege ce vrea, toata lumea interpreteaza ce vrea iar restu urmaresc si unii fac bani sa ii puna pe piept langa lumanare.
    1 point
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