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2 points
Am avut mai multe produse salvate ca favorite încă din luna Iunie și văd ca acum prețul lor s-a dublat. Un televizor Horizon care costa in vara 600 lei acum la începutul lunii Octombrie a ajuns la 1000 lei, probabil ca de Black Friday sa fie la 700 lei iar la anul in 2021 sa ajungă iar la 600 lei. Ăștia de la eMAG umfla prețurile fix când ar trebui sa scadă iar lumea se bucura de reduceri ca prostii. Ce părere aveți de astfel de campanii de marketing, sunt fiabile pentru cumpărători sau pentru patroni?1 point
Eu te cred daca imi dai un link pe web archive dintr-o data de dinainte de 2020. Nu ma intereseaza ce zice OMS sau oricine altcineva. Un document DIN DATA de 2017-2018-2019 ma poate convinge. Haideti sa va spun un secret, eu va zisesem din 2010 de Covid dar nimeni nu m-a crezut1 point
The screenshots show web pages entitled “COVID-19 Test kits (382200) imports by country in 2017” or “COVID-19 Test kits (300215) exports by country in 2018” with a detailed list broken down by country where the product description is “COVID-19 Test kits” and the year is listed as 2018 or 2017. Archives of these webpages from Sept. 4-6, 2020, show that the WITS website did have “COVID-19” in the product description for three product codes for imports and exports dated to 2017 and 2018. The HS codes 300215 and 382200 were classified as “COVID-19 Test kits” ( see tinyurl.com/y4t5ncbs , tinyurl.com/y5tpy72b , tinyurl.com/yyyqeh7e , tinyurl.com/y292cadw ) and the product code 902780 was described as “COVID-19 Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus” ( see tinyurl.com/y3z82p2m , tinyurl.com/yy5yfeqz ). The World Bank told Reuters that these products and product codes predate COVID. They have been used since 2017 - not in relation to COVID-19 but labelled “in much more technical terms that did not mention COVID”. In April 2020, the products were relabelled amid the pandemic and the WITS updated its product descriptions accordingly, including those attached to the data from 2017 and 2018, even if the products had not been used in relation to COVID-19 at the time. The World Bank said, “In April, given the newfound importance of these products in diagnosing and treating COVID-19, the WHO and the World Customs issued a list ( here , here ) of these key products to make it easier to track them—assigning COVID-related descriptions/labels to each of them. For the same reason (to facilitate easier tracking), the WITS team created a special section using this list (as well as the new WHO/WCO labels/descriptions).” However, as of Sept. 7, 2020, the COVID-related product descriptions no longer appear on the WITS website pages screenshotted in the Facebook posts. The World Bank told Reuters that in light of misinterpretations, they decided to change the labels again “to make it clear that these were products that predated COVID-19.” As of Sept. 7, on the WITS website 382200 and 382200 now have the product description “Medical Test kits”( here , here ) and 902780 is “Medical Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus”(here). To help avoid the misunderstanding, a disclaimer has been added to the WITS site that says: “The data here track previously existing medical devices that are now classified (here) by the World Customs Organization as critical to tackling COVID-19.”1 point
Sunt facturi si documente de transport care atesta faptul cum ca 70% din tarile de pe glob au primit in secret zeci de milioane de teste PCR si RT pentru COVID-19 inca din anul 2017. Aceste teste se fabrica greu si nu aveau cum sa fie acum fabricate sute de milioane. World Trade Center si Banca Mondiala care au intermediat aceste aprovizionari cu kituri de testare pentru COVID-19 inca din 2017 si care incearca acum sa stearga dovezile dar Google inca le pastreaza in cache: Google Dork 1 Covid-19 scam: "covid-19 diagnostic test" site:.wits.worldbank.org se verifica pagina din cache-ul Google deoarece datele au fost sterse sau restrictionate. 2017 Malaiezia 2018 Brunei 2018 Bulgaria 2018 Belarus 2018 Israel Aceste dovezi pot fi totusi o eroare de sistem informatic si nu dovedeste ca virusul nu exista dar dovedeste o premeditare in cazul in care datele sunt reale. Nu este opinia mea am tradus cat am putut de pe surse externe.1 point
@archeriseRaonic e cam obosit. A venit de la Sankt Petersburg .... Nu stiu cat o sa mai poata castiga ... Young Boys joaca bine acasa, si Roma nu prea impresioneaza .... M-as abtine. Sau nu as merge pe X2. > 2.5 CFR ... X2 si peste 1.5 Milan tre sa bata ... Goffin e si el obosit. Nu mai joaca 100%. Apropo de Milan tre sa bata, ce PLM au facut aia de la REAL .... !? Am zis eu ca dau doua goluri dar in ambele reprize. Doamne. Ce surpriza a facut Sahtior. Bershiva are 2.24 la 1X. Gata pe azi. Ma retrag.1 point
1 point
Din ce am vazut eu la un moment dat la o prezentare la romexpo, astia de la kambi https://www.kambi.com/ ofereau api caselor de pariuri. Si casele de pariuri mai scadeau adaugau. cel mai bine pentru a scrapui sa folositi apiul aplicatiei de mobil si nu pe website. Designul se schimba frecvent si ramaneti cu scapperul umflat. Succes!1 point
@archeriseapropo de asta .. adu-ti aminte ca la o Cupa Mondiala era un pariu daca jucatorii nush carei echipe de fotbal isi vopsesc parul. F me. Si discutam cu un amic in seara asta si am ajuns la Martingale: daca ai norocul sa ajungi la 8 meciuri fara egal ... si ai inceput cu 100 de lei ... Iti mai vine sa pariezi al 9-lea? Pentru @Kev: la al 9lea pariu cu metoda Martingale tre sa pui pe X ( adica egal ) suma de 25.600 lei. Aiurea. Stiu. Revin mai tarziu in acelasi post ( nu caut sa fac POSTS ca si @Kev ) cu ponturile pt maine. LE: 22 . 10 Fritz - Harris -> Fritz -2.5 Macabi - Quarabag -> 0-0 pana in min. 30. Zvezda - CSKA Moskova -> CSK -6.51 point
If you have Chromium versions of Nano Adblocker or Nano Defender, pay attention. Adblocking extensions with more than 300,000 active users have been surreptitiously uploading user browsing data and tampering with users’ social media accounts thanks to malware its new owner introduced a few weeks ago, according to technical analyses and posts on Github. Hugo Xu, developer of the Nano Adblocker and Nano Defender extensions, said 17 days ago that he no longer had the time to maintain the project and had sold the rights to the versions available in Google’s Chrome Web Store. Xu told me that Nano Adblocker and Nano Defender, which often are installed together, have about 300,000 installations total. Four days ago, Raymond Hill, maker of the uBlock Origin extension upon which Nano Adblocker is based, revealed that the new developers had rolled out updates that added malicious code. The first thing Hill noticed the new extension doing was checking if the user had opened the developer console. If it was opened, the extension sent a file titled "report" to a server at https://def.dev-nano.com/. “In simple words, the extension remotely checks whether you are using the extension dev tools—which is what you would do if you wanted to find out what the extension is doing,” he wrote. The most obvious change end users noticed was that infected browsers were automatically issuing likes for large numbers of Instagram posts, with no input from users. Cyril Gorlla, an artificial intelligence and machine learning researcher at the University of California in San Diego, told me that his browser liked more than 200 images from an Instagram account that didn’t follow anyone. The screenshot to the right shows some of the photos involved. Nano Adblocker and Nano Defender aren’t the only extensions that have been reported to tamper with Instagram accounts. User Agent Switcher, an extension that had more than 100,000 active users until Google removed it earlier this month is reported to have done the same thing. Many Nano extension users in this forum reported that their infected browsers were also accessing user accounts that weren’t already open in their browsers. This has led to speculation that the updated extensions are accessing authentication cookies and using them to gain access to the user accounts. Hill said he reviewed some of the added code and found that it was uploading data. Other users reported that sites other than Instagram were also being accessed and tampered with, in some cases, even when the user hadn’t accessed the site, but these claims couldn’t immediately be verified. Alexei, an Electronic Frontier Foundation senior staff technologist who works on the Privacy Badger extension, has been following the discussions and provided me with the following synopsis: Evidence collected to date shows that the extensions are covertly uploading user data and gaining unauthorized access to at least one website, in violation of Google terms of service and quite possibly applicable laws. Google has already removed the extensions from the Chrome Web Store and issued a warning that they aren’t safe. Anyone who had either of these extensions installed should remove them from their machines immediately. Nano Adblocker and Nano Defender are available in the extension stores hosted by both Firefox and Microsoft Edge. Xu and others say that neither of the extensions available in these other locations are affected. The caveat is that Edge can install extensions from the Chrome Web Store. Any Edge users who used this source are infected and should remove the extensions. The possibility that the extensions may have uploaded session cookies means that anyone who was infected should at a minimum fully log out of all sites. In most cases this should invalidate the session cookies and prevent anyone from using them to gain unauthorized access. Truly paranoid users will want to change passwords just to be on the safe side. The incident is the latest example of someone acquiring an established browser extension or Android app and using it to infect the large user base that already has it installed. It’s hard to provide actionable advice for preventing this kind of abuse. The Nano extensions weren’t some fly-by-night operation. Users had every reason to believe they were safe until, of course, that was no longer the case. The best advice is to routinely review the extensions that are installed. Any that are no longer of use should be removed. Via arstechnica.com1 point
Presupun ca sunt variabile externe / optiuni care se aplica ocazional gen unde se joaca, daca joaca cineva sau daca nu joaca cineva, importanta meciului - miza, accidentari anterioare, etc. Pe urma trebuie facut data sorting si extras pattern-urile de gradul 1 (depth 1), aici intra toate rezultatele unei echipe asta in cazul in care faci algoritmul pe echipe si pleci pe urma cu variatii de corelare la care suprapui pattern-ul extras din depth 1, variatii cu meci in deplasare, cu pattern-ul echipei adverse si cu diversi factori. Regresia lineara, Stochastic, Kalman, ndf, etc., nu se pot aplica intr-un mediu variabil si dinamic. Nu cred ca este chiar asa simplu de realizat pe nisa ML, daca gasesti tu o abordare mai simplista de integrare a datelor dar care sa acopere tot spectrul variatiilor poate iese ceva Schema bloc/diagrama trebuie realizata mai intai si pe urma vazut cum se trece la implementare, colectarea datelor, sortarea etc.1 point
@Nytro Suna bine chestia ce o zici tu. Un fel de Moneyball. M-am gandit si la asta doar ca exista doua probleme mari: Cand vine vorba de programare is ca si @Kev - nu stiu nici sa ma leg la sireturi. Maxim as putea sa incerc sa fac ceva in Excel sau Access. Indiferent de statistici cam tre sa stii ce se intampla pe la cluburi: daca i-a murit pisica, daca l-a inselat nevasta, daca urmeaza sa plece, daca daca daca. Factorul X. @archerise de obicei merg pe un meci un bilet. Par example azi am jucat Bayern 1 bilet cu 200 de lei, Tenis un bilet cu 200 de lei si restu imi aleg maxim 3 meciuri cu 50 sau 100 de lei. Ultimul bilet se numeste "o bombitza" : tre sa ai putin noroc sa nimeresti 3 variante ( ma refer la variante peste 1.5 fiecare ). @edutu20 te pot sustine financiar in aceasta aventura a ta. Daca gasesti pe cineva dispus sa ... I`ll chip in.1 point
Buna, sunt un tanar baiat ce vrea sa se duca pe drumul cel bun , de-asta a venit si aici. In urma cu 2 lunii am facut o frauda informatica care mi-a adus DIICOTUL si DIC-ul pe cap. Aceasta urmare ca am fost saltat la 6 dimineata mi-a adus un mandat de perchezitie si un an jumate cu suspendare. Ce pot invata sa fiu mai bun( sa nu fiu sanctionat sa ajung dupa gratii). MUltumesc. Ce categorii imi sugerati sau de ce lucruri sa ma apuc sa invat ceva util si benefic pe viitor.0 points
0 points