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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/20 in all areas

  1. Interesant! Am creeat si eu un tool asemanator, dar mai complex. Cei care practicati BB sau sunteti interesati si aveti idei noi putem sa automatizam tot procesul de recon. Ca sa incurajam tinerii il vom face public. Cine este interesat?
    3 points
  2. De multe ori autoritatile nu primesc nicio cheie si cauta solutii alternative. Ca in cazul parolei unui iPhone a unuia pe care il arestasera, au facut NAND mirroring ca sa crackuiasca PIN-ul. Si nu o sa se ajunga niciodata (in tarile civilizate) ca autoritatile sa aiba acces la astfel de "chei" (Root CA-uri ma refer) deoarece ar fi o incalcare grava a dreptului la intimitate si s-ar putea abuza foarte usor. De aceea exista persoane si ONG-uri ca EFF sa ne apere de astfel de lucruri.
    1 point
  3. Over the past few days, news of CVE-2019-14287 — a newly discovered open source vulnerability in Sudo, Linux’s popular command tool has been grabbing quite a few headlines. Since vulnerabilities in widespread and established open source projects can often cause a stir, we decided to present you with a quick cheat sheet to let you know exactly what the fuss is about. Here is everything you need to know about the Sudo vulnerability, how it works, and how to handle the vulnerable Sudo component, if you find that you are currently at risk. Why Is The New Sudo Security Vulnerability (CVE-2019-14287) Making Waves? Let’s start with the basics. Sudo is a program dedicated to the Linux operating system, or any other Unix-like operating system, and is used to delegate privileges. For example, it can be used by a local user who wants to run commands as root — the windows equivalent of admin user. On October 14, the Sudo team published a security alert about CVE-2019-14287, a new security issue discovered by Joe Vennix of Apple Information Security, in all Sudo versions prior to version 1.8.28. The security flaw could enable a malicious user to execute arbitrary commands as root user even in cases where the root access is disallowed. Considering how widespread Sudo usage is among Linux users, it’s no surprise that everybody’s talking about the security vulnerability. The Sudo Vulnerability Explained That’s the scary version, and when we think about how powerful and popular Sudo is, CVE-2019-14287 should not be ignored. That said, it’s also important to note that the vulnerability is relevant in a specific configuration in the Sudo security policy, called “sudoers”, which helps ensure that privileges are limited only to specific users. The issue occurs when a sysadmin inserts an entry into the sudoers file, for example: jacob myhost = (ALL, !root) /usr/bin/chmod This entry means that user jacob is allowed to run “chmod” as any user except the root user, meaning a security policy is in place in order to limit access — sounds good, right? Unfortunately, Joe Vennix from Apple Information Security found that the function fails to parse all values correctly and when giving the parameter user id “-1” or its unsigned number “4294967295”, the command will run as root, bypassing the security policy entry we set in the example above. In the example below, when we run the “-1” user ID, we get the id number “0” which is the root user value: Stay Secure: Keep Calm And Update Your Sudo Version And now for some good news: the Sudo team has already released a secure version, so If you are using this particular security configuration, make sure to update to version 1.8.28 or over. In addition, as you can see, the Sudo vulnerability only occurs in a very specific configuration. As is often the case when newly disclosed security vulnerabilities in popular open source projects make a splash, there’s no need to panic. While Sudo is an extremely popular and widely used project, the vulnerability is only relevant in a specific scenario, and it has already been fixed in the updated version. Our best advice is to keep calm, and make sure you update your open source software components. Via whitesourcesoftware.com
    1 point
  4. Va stresati prea rau cu atacurile astea pe protocoale de encriptie. Cam toate sunt bine implementate de persoane care stiu ce fac si daca sunt atacuri disponibile, ca cele de prin TLS, acestea se pot exploata DOAR in cine stie ce conditii sau se pot obtine date cu cine stie ce supercomputer. Cat despre clasicul TLS si clasicul PKI, unde exista multe Root CA-uri, aici se pot face lucruri mai simple si eficiente. Adica daca cineva chiar vrea sa targeteze pe cineva, nu o sa se complice pe atacuri de WhatsApp, Signal sau Telegram cand poate incerca cel putin atacuri simple pe TLS care necesita acces la un Root CA. Dar victimele se pot prinde de asta, au fost firme "suspecte" care au vrut sa devina Root CA si atacul necesita acces la un Root CA... Dar rezultatul poate fi acces la toate aplicatiile, in principal browsere, care nu implementeaza SSL/TLS pinning. Si pana si aplicatiile bancare fac asta. Si nu are niciun rezultat cand e vorba de end to end encryption. Pentru tinte "high profile" se cumpara pe milioane de dolari exploit-uri de iOS/Android.
    1 point
  5. Mare grija la one time pad, ca te prind americanii. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venona_project " DecryptionEdit This message traffic, which was encrypted with a one-time pad system, was stored and analyzed in relative secrecy by hundreds of cryptanalysts over a 40-year period starting in the early 1940s. When used correctly, the one-time pad encryption system, which has been used for all the most-secret military and diplomatic communication since the 1930s, is unbreakable. However, due to a serious blunder on the part of the Soviets, some of this traffic was vulnerable to cryptanalysis. The Soviet company that manufactured the one-time pads produced around 35,000 pages of duplicate key numbers, as a result of pressures brought about by the German advance on Moscow during World War II. The duplication—which undermines the security of a one-time system—was discovered and attempts to lessen its impact were made by sending the duplicates to widely separated users.[17] Despite this, the reuse was detected by cryptanalysts in the US."
    1 point
  6. Poti utiliza 2 canale de comunicare unul pe care circula mesajele chat si unul pe care circula cheile salt pentru decriptare, sau trimite cheia prin SMS
    1 point
  7. Uite: https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/09/29/wintego-whatsapp-encryption-surveillance-exploits/#5c70188f1aa9 E cam trasa de par, totusi. Forum: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21411312 in alta ordine de idei, isp-ul e un fel de man in the middle.
    1 point
  8. Sevilla bate la un gol diferența... Ruud cu sinner peste 20. 5
    1 point
  9. Sigur, daca ii dai telefonul cu mesajele. Tot ce trebuie sa faca e sa gaseasca aplicatia WhatsApp si sa o deschida.
    1 point
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