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Everything posted by SynTAX

  1. Imi este jena de faptul ca esti roman. PS: propun sa nu inchideti topicul. Propun sa ne batem joc de el pana ne zice adevarul.
  2. Pune Debian. Si eu ziceam la fel pana mi-a explicat @aelius cum este cu Debian si restul.(el are mac:)))
  3. SynTAX

    Heyah :-)

    Bine ai venit.
  4. De când e bitdefender antivirus? Mai bun si gratis este avira.
  5. Daca ai degete fine, ti-l poti face tu microsim. Ce vrei sa-ti deblocheze?
  6. Rectific. 0.01 PS: asta nu este tutorial, cel mult guide.
  7. Nu stiu de unde tot apar programatorii lui peste prajit dar odata in viata asta de 2 lei a mea m-am intalnit cu cineva si mi-a spus ca sunt cel mai prost daca invat sa programez doar intr-un anumte limbaj. Invata sa programezi in general, invata sa scrii cod, invata sa gandesti. Nu stiu de ce tot apareti cu sfaturi pentru ca oricum cei care vor sa invete programare, nu vor citi cum sa devina un programator de renume. Daca cauti cum sa devii un programator bun, nu vei deveni. Ia intreaba-i tu pe Nytro, Aelius daca au cautat pe forumuri cum sa devina programatori sau cum sa invete linux. PS: de cativa ani duc o lupta cu c++ si in ultimul an parca n-am avansat deloc, dar tot nu caut pe forumuri cum sa ma angajez la Microsoft. PS2: mai lipseste: "cum sa inveti programare in 24 de ore".
  8. Cum adica tutoriale cu ce os e mai bun? Orice sistem de operare este bun, acum depinde ce vrei sa faci. Poti sa vizitezi https://rstforums.com/forum/tutoriale.rst si sa te documentezi. Daca ai nevoie de ajutor iti sta la dispozitie chatul si desigur un forum intreg care te poate ajuta. Nu cred ca sta nimeni sa faca tutoriale care pentru 99% sunt useless. PS: Trebuia sa te prezinti inainte, sa vedem ce abilitati ai ca sa primesti ajutor si unde te pricepi cel mai bine, ca sa ne ajuti. PS2: Bine ai venit.
  9. Pai da dar in alea 25 de zile mai faci iar 50 de dolari, daca nu mai mult. PS: Incercati sa scrieti cat mai mult de la voi, adica sa va folositi cuvintele voastre, nu copy-paste pentru ca va prinde.
  10. Eu deja am facut 1,30 de euro din 3 articole scrise pe genunchi in 15 minute. O sa fac pana la 50 sa vad daca sunt cu adevarat seriosi.
  11. Multumesc de postare. La inceput este greu, apoi va fi mai usor cu vizitatorii si mai greu cu originalitatea.
  12. Daca te apuci sa inveti programare pentru bani, nu o sa inveti niciodata. Si nu o sa faci bani, evident. Daca vrei sa inveti programare sfatul meu este sa inveti programare in general. Nu invata ceva tipic, un anumit limbaj ci programare generala. Invata sa scrii cod, sa gandesti. Primii bani pe care o sa ii faci in programare sunt dupa minim 2 ani. Asta daca esti bun si ai talent.
  13. Facebook today launched a new feature for advertisers: cross-device reporting for ads. In short, marketers can now see where users saw an ad and where they converted, across mobile apps and the Web. To view cross-device conversions for campaigns, go to Facebook Ad Reports, click Edit Columns, and select Cross-Device in the left-hand menu: You might be wondering which part is new here. While Facebook targeting, delivery, and conversion tracking has always worked across devices, this new reporting shows how users are moving across devices before they convert. Let Facebook paint you a picture: "Imagine seeing an ad for a product on your mobile phone while in line at the bank. Do you immediately make a purchase on your phone? Probably not. But perhaps you go back to your office later that day and buy on your desktop computer. Such cross-device conversions are becoming increasingly common as people move between their phones, tablets and desktop computers to interact with businesses." People are increasingly using multiple devices throughout the day. It thus follows that some are starting activities (like shopping) on one device and finishing it on another. Users might be tapping ads on their smartphone and then buying a given product on their desktop, or clicking ads on their laptop and then making a purchase on their tablet. In a recent analysis, Facebook found that of the US users that were interested in a mobile Facebook ad, over 32 percent converted on desktop with 28 days. That’s definitely something brands want to be able to track, because it means their mobile ads are leading to conversions even if it’s not happening on mobile. Sursa: Facebook Launches Cross-Device Reporting for Ads
  14. Microsoft Virtual Academy offers hundreds of free courses for anyone interested in improving their computer or IT skills. Many of the courses, as you might expect, are geared towards Microsoft products: developing Windows apps, migrating from Windows Server, Office 365 training, and so on. There are also some that are more universal, like learning JavaScript and C#. Anyone is eligible for the courses, which you can pause and resume at any time, and once you sign in with your Microsoft Live ID, the site will keep track of your courses for you. Sessions include videos, PowerPoint presentations, and a short quiz at the end. Get started with your free training at the link below. Get Free IT Training with Microsoft Virtual Academy Sursa: Stirea este prealuata de pe Twitter.
  15. SynTAX


    Nu vrea sa fac off-topic. Minte. Adica cum, lucreaza ca programator C++ de 5 ani? De la 12 ani? Programeaza de la 12 ani? Iti trebuie 2-3 ani C++ studiat intens sa lucrezi in domeniu. Invata de la 9 ani C++? Si php cand mai invata? Astea sunt povesti. Sa dea Dumnezeu sa fie asa, sa fie urmatoru la Microsoft, dar tare mi-e ca-l pun baietii in situatii grele. Eu de 3 ani cochetez cu C++ si mi-e frica sa aplic pentru job sa nu cad de prost.
  16. SynTAX


    Bine ai venit. PS: Mi se pare imposibil sa activezi in domeniul C++ si sa stii extrem de bine php la 17 ani.
  17. Eu am auzit cum ca teparii, unii dintre ei, sunt mai slabi de inger dar totusi ata de idiot sa fie sa isi dea numarul de telefon de zi cu zi? Sincer, ii e greu sa ia o cartela? Nu stiu de unde va vin sugestiile astea dar eu ma gandesc de 5 ori cand vreau sa fac un topic aici si mereu ma razgandesc. Propuneti ceva cu adevarat util,altfel nu propuneti.
  18. Iti dau privat cu nr cand ajung acasa. Am un coleg de facultate peste drum de zara, langa gang.
  19. Este disponibil deja la pretul de 350 de dolari. Mi se pare foarte tare. Ce parere aveti? https://www.oculusvr.com/order/ Se poate folosi in multe, foarte multe moduri, daca vreti chiar si la jocuri.
  20. A classic remote administration tool (RAT) dubbed IcoScript has been discovered, after going undetected since 2012. What makes this malware unique is the fact that it connects to a Yahoo Mail account controlled by its authors to receive instructions - which are stored in specially crafted emails in the inbox. Virus Bulletin has published a paper by Paul Rascagneres, a researcher from G Data, in which he describes IcoScript as a malware that uses the Component Object Model technology in Microsoft Windows to control Internet Explorer, and from there make HTTP requests to remote services. It also uses its own kind of scripting language to perform tasks. To optimize the manipulation of the browser and achieve a modular communication channel, the malware developers created a kind of scripting language. The script is encrypted and concealed in an additional file, used as a configuration file. This is appended to a legitimate ‘.ico’ (icon) file (containing an Adobe Reader logo). The use of Yahoo! mailboxes is a stroke of genius, the researcher noted, and is a key reason the malware was able to fly under the radar for so long. The attackers can use hundreds of different email accounts with names that are very similar to those of real users. It is very difficult to distinguish fake accounts from real ones. So, this kind of communication can be hard for incident response teams to detect during the containment phase. “Access to webmail services is rarely blocked in corporate environments and the traffic is very unlikely to be considered suspicious,” Rascagneres said. “Moreover, the modular nature of the malware makes it very easy for the attackers to switch to another webmail service, such as Gmail, or even to use services like Facebook or LinkedIn to control the malware while running a low risk of the communication being blocked. This shows that the attackers understand how incident response teams work, and have used this knowledge to make detection and containment of the malware both complicated and expensive.” Overall, the technique used by the IcoScript remote administration tool is clever, because it is modular, easy to adapt and the flow of traffic is overlooked among the large number of legitimate web requests. “Malware developers constantly work to improve the communication between the infected machines and the command and control servers,” he added. “For incident response teams, containment is usually restricted to blocking the URL on the proxy. In this case, the URL cannot easily be blocked and a lot of legitimate requests must not be blocked.” Furthermore, the attacker can configure each sample to use multiple legitimate websites such as social networks, webmail sites, cloud services and so on. “The containment must be performed on the network flow in real time,” noted Rascagneres. “This approach is harder to realize and to maintain. It demonstrates both that attackers know how incident response teams work, and that they can adapt their communication to make detection and containment both complicated and expensive.” Sursa: IcoScript RAT Hides for Months Behind Yahoo! Email Addresses - Infosecurity Magazine
  21. Firefox maker Mozilla has admitted it accidentally exposed the email addresses of almost 80,000 members of its Developer Network, along with thousands of encrypted passwords. A Mozilla developer discovered the incident around two weeks ago, according to a new blog post by operations security manager Joe Stevensen and developer relations director Stormy Peters. “Starting on about June 23, for a period of 30 days, a data sanitization process of the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) site database had been failing, resulting in the accidental disclosure of MDN email addresses of about 76,000 users and encrypted passwords of about 4,000 users on a publicly accessible server,” they explained. “As soon as we learned of it, the database dump file was removed from the server immediately, and the process that generates the dump was disabled to prevent further disclosure. While we have not been able to detect malicious activity on that server, we cannot be sure there wasn’t any such access.” The encrypted passwords were salted hashes and they can’t be used on their own in the event that attackers have got hold of them to log-in to the site, Mozilla said. However, MDN users re-using their passwords on other sites were warned to change these credentials immediately. "We’ve sent notices to the users who were affected. For those that had both email and encrypted passwords disclosed, we recommended that they change any similar passwords they may be using,” Peters and Stevensen added. This isn’t the first time Mozilla has accidentally exposed user data. Back in 2010 a third party contacted it to warn that the developer had posted sensitive information about users of its addons.mozilla.org site to a public web server. The database in question apparently contained user email addresses, first and last names, and MD5 password hashes relating to 44,000 inactive accounts. Sursa: http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/mozilla-fesses-up-to-accidental/
  22. Da, e slab. E foarte slab si foarte instabil. Ce faci cu octa core? Niciodata, nici un telefon din lumea asta nu are nevoie de mai mult de un dual core. La fel ca la calculatoare, va luati octa core sa va jucati jocuri.
  23. Nu se va descarca. Fiecare user are un t... nu stiu cum. Eu de exemplu, pot sa-ti "iau" acel t.... si sa downlodez la mine in pc, folosindu-ma de ratia ta. Deci din ce stiu eu, nu prea mai poti. Mai intreaba. PS: Am lapsus foarte mare la 4 dimineata, daca nu te lamureste nimeni pana maine, iti zic exact cum se numeste.
  24. News that two Carnegie-Mellon CERT researchers have developed an inexpensive way to breach the Tor network has the project, privacy advocates, and probably criminals who use the network equally concerned. The Tor Project posted has advised relays to upgrade to Tor 0.2.r.23e or to close the protocol vulnerability used by the researchers, but It warned that preventing traffic confirmation in general "remains an open research problem." Hidden service operators should consider changing the location of their service, the Tor Project said. "So much for being secure," remarked Jim McGregor, principal analyst at TIrias Research. "If you were using Tor for classified communications and data, this could be very serious," he told TechNewsWorld. What the Tor Project Found On July 4, the Tor Project found a group of relays that were trying to deanonymize people who operate or access Tor hidden services by modifying Tor protocol headers to conduct traffic confirmation attacks. The attack also probably tried to learn who9 published hidden service descriptors, Tor said. This would let the attackers learn the location of hidden services and, in theory, link users to their destinations on normal Tor circuits, although this was unlikely because the operators did not operate any exit relays. The attack might aid other attackers in deanonymizing Tor users, the project cautioned. Technical Details of the Attack The attackers are believed to have used a combination of a traffic confirmation attack and a Sybil attack. In a traffic confirmation attack, the attacker controls or observes the relays on both ends of a Tor circuit and compares traffic timing, volume or other characteristics to discover whether the two relays are on the same circuit. If the first relay in the circuit, also known as the "entry guard," knows a user's IP address and the last relay knows the resource or destination being accessed, the user can be deanonymized. There are several varieties of confirmation attacks; the one used consisted of the attackers injecting a signal into the Tor protocol headers at the relay on one end and having the relay on the other end read the signal. That let the attackers obtain the HSDir ("suitable for hidden service directory") and Guard ("suitable for being an entry guard"). The attackers then injected the signal whenever it was used as a hidden service directory and looked for an injected signal whenever it was used as an entry guard. The Sybil attack was standard. The attackers signed up 115 fast non-exit relays running on either of two IP addresses: or These added up to about 6.4 percent of the Tor network's Guard capacity, and they became entry guards for "a significant chunk" of Tor users over the five months they were in operation, Tor said. Was the NSA Involved? The attackers were Carnegie-Mellon CERT researchers Alexander Volynkin and Michael McCord. They were scheduled to present their findings at the Black Hat security conference, to be held in Las Vegas in August, but they canceled the presentation. Richard Lynch of the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, which runs CERT, demurred when approached for comment. "Sorry, but we're not able to comment on Tor," he told TechNewsWorld. Carnegie-Mellon CERT boasts of partnering regularly with government and law enforcement, which has given rise to speculation that the NSA or U.S. law enforcement agencies may have been behind the attack on Tor. "That was the first thing that came to mind," McGregor said. "Who better than the government to attack Tor?" On the other hand, disclosure of the attack would have worked against the interests of law enforcement and the NSA, Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. Announcing the breach "leads to people putting resources into monitoring this kind of attack," he said, "improving the response time, and moving to something that could be more difficult to penetrate or that's less well known." Sursa: http://www.technewsworld.com/story/80834.html
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  25. Third-party markets in Asia are the main culprits. The number of Android viruses continues to rise steadily; roughly one in ten apps are now fully or partially malware. According to its half-year 2014 report, Cheetah Mobile collected 24.4 million sample files during the first six months of 2014. Of those samples, 2.2 million turned out to be viruses, or roughly 9% of the total. In the first half of 2014, the number of samples that contained viruses also grew rapidly. Cheetah Mobile’s collection of 2.2 million virus samples constitutes an increase of 20.5 times over 2012’s numbers and an increase of 2.5 times over the total from 2013. The firm also found that payment-based viruses are becoming more prevalent, endangering the finances of users. In fact, they accounted for more than two thirds of the aforementioned viruses, while consumption viruses occupy a distant second place at 16%. These two types of viruses mainly result in financial losses for the user. “Since 2013, payment viruses have swept the globe and the growth rate in 2014 has reached new heights,” Cheetah noted in a blog. “In all current virus samples, payment viruses account for 68% of the total. It is theorized that their growth is concomitant with the growth of mobile payment systems worldwide. Hacking SMS or app payment methods is easier for hackers compared to hacking online banking systems.” An analysis of the spread of payment viruses over the past year shows that in June 2013 there were on average 1,500 new virus variations popping up each month. However, in May 2014, this number increased to 6,500, increasing fourfold. Payment viruses are also prominent worldwide. In the first half of 2014, Russia and southern Asia were the most widely infected areas, as shown below. “2014 is destined to be the year in which mobile payment viruses become the primary threat to Android devices, both in terms of absolute number and proportion of infections,” the firm said. Cheetah Mobile also found that Asia and select parts of Western Europe have undoubtedly had the highest rates of overall infection during the past six months. This is due in part to the prevalence of third-party app stores in these regions, which the firm said “have very lax checks to ensure that applications do not contain viruses. Malware, the primary vector for the spread of viruses, is often rife on these sites.” The main Android markets are found in Korea (Samsung, T-store); the US (Amazon); Russia (Yandex store); and in China, there are countless markets. In contrast, infection rates in the US, Australia and most other parts of Europe are low (except for France and Russia at 2.97% and 1.88% respectively). In all, the probability of a device in Asia being infected is two to three times greater than one in Europe or the Americas. Sursa: Infosecurity - 1 in 10 Android Apps Are Virus-Infected
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