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  1. Test de creativitate SRI. Cât de greu este s? treci de probele de angajare în Serviciul Român de Informa?ii Test de creativitate SRI. Tinerii interesa?i de o carier? în Serviciul Român de Informa?ii trebuie s? treac? o serie de teste, care le vor verifica atât nivelul de cuno?tin?e, cât mai ales aptitudinile specifice. Care sunt cerin?ele ?i ce teste trebuie s? sus?inute pentru a deveni ofi?er SRI. În general, aspiran?ii la o carier? în Serviciul Român de Informa?ii sunt îndruma?i s? urmeze cursurile de licen?? ?i de master organizate de Academia Na?ional? de Informa?ii „Mihai Viteazul”. Varianta cea mai u?oar? este s? accezi în aceast? structur? doar pe baza studiilor superioare ?i a experien?ei în domenii de interes pentru securitatea na?ional?. Atât unii dintre candida?i, cât ?i al?ii vor trece îns? prin test?ri riguroase, care le vor verifica nu numai nivelul de cuno?tin?e, dar ?i aptitudinile necesare unui ofi?er de informa?ii. Testele de angajare la SRI la care sunt supu?i candida?ii sunt diverse, mergând de la cunoa?terea unei limbi str?ine, probe sportive ?i medicale, pân? la test?ri psihologice complexe. Test de creativitate SRI: ce implic? Una dintre cele mai dificile probe, care cerne foarte mul?i candida?i, const? în testele de creativitate. Acestea vizeaz? transpunerea candida?ilor în scenarii contextuale diverse, posibil a fi întâlnite în via?a cotidian?, care au scopul de a descoperi ce abilit??i de rela?ionare au viitorii SRI-i?ti ?i dac? se pot adapta situa?ional-emo?ional. Aceast? prob? nu necesit? o preg?tire de specialitate, iar rezultatul ob?inut nu poate fi contestat. Calit??i de „spion” la SRI Cei care vor s? verifice dac? au aptitudini pentru a deveni ofi?eri de informa?ii trebuie s? ?tie c? pe site-ul Serviciului Român de Informa?ii exist? o sec?iune cu dou? teste. Acestea v? pot ar?ta dac? ave?i sau nu stof? de „spion”. SRI precizeaz? c? parcurgerea lor nu implic? angajarea în institu?ie. Acestea sunt doar simple instrumente de evaluare general? care v? pot ajuta s? identifica?i anumite aptitudini de care SRI are nevoie. Test de angajare la SRI: exemple Iat? câteva din întreb?rile care apar în primul test de angajare la SRI, la care trebuie s? bifa?i una sau mai multe variante: În ce domenii de?ine?i experien?? profesional?? ?tiin?e militare, informa?ii / ?tiin?e socio-umane / Filologie - limbi str?ine / IT&C / Juridic / Educa?ie / Tehnic / Economic / Antreprenoriat / Resurse umane / Medical / Altele / Nu am. Ce v? place cel mai mult s? face?i în timpul liber? S? experimenta?i lucruri noi / S? v? petrece?i timpul singur / S? ie?i?i cu prietenii. În timpul unei c?l?torii cu trenul prefera?i: O discu?ie cu al?i pasageri / C??tile pe urechi, o carte sau navigarea pe Internet. Care sunt cei mai importan?i doi factori care v-ar motiva s? lucra?i în SRI? Un salariu bun / Recunoa?tere în societate / Apartenen?a la o institu?ie de elit? / Un loc de munc? stabil / Oportunit??i de carier? / Un mediu de lucru profesionist / Posibilitatea de a înv??a ?i a face lucruri speciale. Care dintre descrierile de mai jos vi se potrivesc cel mai bine? S? în?eleg, s? interpretez, s? gândesc / S? interac?ionez, s? rela?ionez, s? ac?ionez / S? creez, s? perfec?ionez, s? inovez. Dac? ve?i completa corect cea mai mare parte a întreb?rilor, primul test de angajare la SRI va afi?a urm?torul mesaj: „Studiile absolvite, preg?tirea profesional?, precum ?i tr?s?turile de personalitate relevate de r?spunsurile dumneavoastr? v-ar putea recomanda pentru o carier? de ofi?er operativ de intelligence în SRI. Ave?i posibilitatea de a v? folosi abilit??ile ?i cuno?tin?ele în slujba unei organiza?ii discrete ?i eficiente, care utilizeaz? mijloacele puse la dispozi?ie de lege pentru a proteja ?i promova interesele de securitate ale României”. Al doilea test la SRI: evaluarea aten?iei distributive Al doilea test de angajare la SRI v? va solicita la maximul aten?ia. Vi se va prezenta o secven?? video, din care trebuie s? re?ine?i cât mai multe detalii. Ulterior, vi se va cere s? reproduce?i din memorie: cu ce era îmbr?cat personajul principal, denumit „spionul”, ce or? ar?ta ceasul stradal aflat într-un plan îndep?rtat, care crede?i c? este omul de leg?tur? al „spionului” dintre personajele cu care acesta a intrat în contact, ce reclame erau vizibile în film, ce vi s-a p?rut ie?it din comun pe parcursul scenei etc. La finalul testului ve?i primi feedback în func?ie de r?spunsurile date. Astfel, ve?i afla dac? ave?i reflexul de a observa aspecte care par mai pu?in relevante sau dac? sunte?i înzestrat cu o aten?ie distributiv? dezvoltat?. În caz afirmativ, testul pentru angajare la SRI v? va da verdictul: „Se pare c? pute?i fi concentrat pe mai multe direc?ii, f?r? a pierde din vedere elementele de context. Este un am?nunt foarte important în munca de ofi?er de informa?ii”. Condi?ii de admitere la academia SRI Academia Na?ional? de Informa?ii „Mihai Viteazul” este unitatea superioar? de înv???mânt care preg?te?ti viitorii ofi?eri de informa?ii, prin cursuri de licen?? (3 ani) ?i de master. Pentru a putea participa la testele de admitere la academia SRI, candida?ii trebuie s? îndeplineasc? mai multe condi?ii. Iat? doar câteva dintre cerin?e: - au vârsta de pân? la 23 de ani împlini?i - sunt absolven?i de liceu, cu diplom? de bacalaureat - cunosc foarte bine ?i au capacitatea de a se exprima clar ?i corect în limba român?. - nu au repetat, în timpul liceului, unul sau mai mul?i ani de studiu, din motive imputabile. - sunt „ap?i medical” conform baremelor stabilite de Serviciul Român de Informa?ii - sunt ap?i psihologic. - au o conduit? civic? ?i moral? corespunz?toare. - nu au fost condamna?i penal printr-o hot?râre judec?toreasc? r?mas? definitiv? pentru o infrac?iune s?vâr?it? cu inten?ie ?i nu au executat o pedeaps? cu închisoarea ca urmare a s?vâr?irii unei infrac?iuni din culp?; nu sunt în curs de cercetare sau judecat?. - în situa?ia în care fac parte din partide, forma?iuni sau organiza?ii politice, s? declare în scris c? dup? admitere renun?? la calitatea de membru al acestora. - accept?, în situa?ia în care vor fi declara?i „Admi?i”, interzicerea ori restrângerea exercit?rii unor drepturi ?i libert??i cet??ene?ti prev?zute de legisla?ia în vigoare. - accept? efectuarea de verific?ri asupra activit??ii ?i comportamentului lor, precum ?i verific?rile de securitate. Nu se pot înscrie la concursul de admitere SRI: - tinerii care fac parte din organiza?ii aflate în afara legii. - adep?ii unor culte sau organiza?ii religioase ale c?ror precepte contravin normelor de p?strare a ordinii publice, încalc? bunele moravuri sau nu sunt compatibili cu exercitarea profesiei de militar. - cei cunoscu?i ca având tr?s?turi negative de caracter, incompatibile cu profilul moral al unui ofi?er de informa?ii. Test de creativitate SRI. Cât de greu este s? treci de probele de angajare în Serviciul Român de Informa?ii | adevarul.ro
  2. Qubes TorVM->whonix (or VM tails)=unfuckintraceble
  3. Tex and gay Aerosol(1488) fac parte din forumul neonazishit al lui @wirtz ,cei atat de greu de priceput cine e
  4. Care parte din logica elementara nu ai inteles si cat de neimportant ca e titlul de can-can?!Sa-ti dau exemplu: @copchilusalbatec e moderator si are o gramada de lingai(sheeps brainless).Fiind moderator la un forum de big hackeri vei fi pus sub observatie de "protectorii" nostri si cum acasa ai o conexiune comuna cu toata familia,pe timp indelungat vor sti ca sor-ta face sex anal mai mult decat faci tu laba.
  5. Un agent special al FBI, care a fost dat afara in anul 2008, a povestit cum au reusit teroristii din spatele catastrofei din septembrie 2001 sa comita atentatele, marturisind ca CIA l-a impiedicat sa faca ceva pentru a le impiedica. Mark Rossini a declarat, intr-un interviu acordat Newsweek, ca, acum mai bine de un deceniu, aflase o informatie esentiala: ca doi teroristi cunoscuti, cei care mai tarziu au comis atacurile asupra World Trade Center, au intrat pe teritoriul Statelor Unite, potrivit Business Insider. Atunci, CIA l-a impiedicat sa mearga la conducerea centrala a FBI cu aceasta informatie. Povestea unui fost agent FBI, impiedicat sa opreasca atentatele de la 11 septembrie
  6. Doar logica elementara,numai unul care lucreaza pt gives a fuck
  7. Snowden: NSA employees routinely pass around intercepted nude photos "These are seen as the fringe benefits of surveillance positions," Snowden says. Edward Snowden has revealed that he witnessed “numerous instances” of National Security Agency (NSA) employees passing around nude photos that were intercepted “in the course of their daily work.” In a 17-minute interview with The Guardian filmed at a Moscow hotel and published on Thursday, the NSA whistleblower addressed numerous points, noting that he could “live with” being sent to the US prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He also again dismissed any notion that he was a Russian spy or agent—calling those allegations “bullshit.” If Snowden’s allegations of sexual photo distribution are true, they would be consistent with what the NSA has already reported. In September 2013, in a letter from the NSA’s Inspector General Dr. George Ellard to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the agency outlined a handful of instances during which NSA agents admitted that they had spied on their former love interests. This even spawned a nickname within the agency, LOVEINT—a riff on HUMINT (human intelligence) or SIGINT (signals intelligence). “You've got young enlisted guys, 18 to 22 years old,” Snowden said. “They've suddenly been thrust into a position of extraordinary responsibility where they now have access to all of your private records. In the course of their daily work they stumble across something that is completely unrelated to their work in any sort of necessary sense. For example, an intimate nude photo of someone in a sexually compromising position. But they're extremely attractive. “So what do they do? They turn around in their chair and show their co-worker. The co-worker says: ‘Hey that's great. Send that to Bill down the way.’ And then Bill sends it to George and George sends it to Tom. And sooner or later this person's whole life has been seen by all of these other people. It's never reported. Nobody ever knows about it because the auditing of these systems is incredibly weak. The fact that your private images, records of your private lives, records of your intimate moments have been taken from your private communications stream from the intended recipient and given to the government without any specific authorization without any specific need is itself a violation of your rights. Why is that in a government database?” Then Alan Rusbridger, The Guardian’s editor-in-chief, asked: “You saw instances of that happening?” “Yeah,” Snowden responded. “Numerous?” “It's routine enough, depending on the company that you keep, it could be more or less frequent. These are seen as the fringe benefits of surveillance positions." Update 5:27pm CT: In an e-mail sent to Ars, NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines wrote: "NSA is a professional foreign-intelligence organization with a highly trained workforce, including brave and dedicated men and women from our armed forces. As we have said before, the agency has zero tolerance for willful violations of the agency’s authorities or professional standards, and would respond as appropriate to any credible allegations of misconduct." However, she declined to respond to direct questions as to the veracity of Snowden's allegations or if anyone at NSA had ever been terminated or otherwise punished for engaging in such behavior. Snowden: NSA employees routinely pass around intercepted nude photos | Ars Technica
  8. “There are three employers out there: the police, the tech companies and the bad guys. They are all after the same style of graduates,” says Mr Wainwright. ““We do pretty well because we can pay very well. We have some Romanian cyber analysts here who are fantastic at what they do. But some of the guys that arrived with them at university took a left turn coming out of the building instead of a right turn.” The Director of the European police agency Europol, Rob Wainwright Cybercrime, a dangerous and attractive lifestyle | Security Affairs
  9. Obama’s proposed hacking law could unwittingly make you a criminal Next week, Obama is expected to unveil an update to the US’ CFAA law against hacking in a State of the Union address, hot on the tail of Sony’s massive hacking attack that unfolded in late 2014. A draft version of the new law has been published on the White House website and gives us a look into a scary future in which clicking a single link could make you complicit in committing a hacking crime. A letter accompanying the proposal dated January 13 introduces the new law to Congress for discussion. Remember when Sony wanted to sue Twitter (and individual users) who posted screenshots or links to its stolen data? According to Errata Security, these new laws could pin you as a “racketeer” who willingly participated in hacking if you were one of those users (or if you clicked one of those links); punishable by up to 10 years in jail. Didn’t click a link? There are plenty of other ways you could be in legal trouble; Errata points out that something as trivial as being in an IRC channel where others are discussing a hack or having an online conversation with a “hacker” could make you a member of a “criminal enterprise,” which would allow the FBI to confiscate all your electronics. The piece of legislation also could cover data like email address and password dumps that might be found on services like Pastebin. If you accessed one of those knowingly, you could be punishable for the complete hacking offense under the draft legislation. This is to say, that if you accessed a data leak from inside a company that was shared online by another party, the language in the updated proposal says that you would now be punishable to the same extent as those who performed the hacking themselves. That’s up to 20 years in prison, along with other potential penalties. The proposed legislation is also worrisome for those in the penetration testing industry. I talked with Dan Tentler, a prominent computer security researcher on Twitter, who is worried that his job itself could become legally sketchy. Dan Tentler @vIss so the whitehouse thinks that by disarming the good guys, it'll stop bad guys. Good job, fellas. *slow clap* Obama’s proposal — which is expected to be made next week — has a few major hurdles to make it into actual law, but it’s cause for concern that even a draft is so broad about the definition of hacking itself and who can be held accountable for it. Tentler expressed concerns that the definition of “protected computer” is so vague that it could be stretched to almost anything. Is a “protected computer” one that is wide open to the internet with minimal security? Or does simply having a basic firewall enabled imply protection? The Washington Post expressed similar concerns, citing that it’s hard to define when a computer is protected if information is available online, without hindrance. The wording could make almost anyone who found themselves stumbling over data they shouldn’t — let alone those that make a living searching for and reporting security flaws — liable for a crime they didn’t commit. Errata Security also pointed out in its blog that “most hacking is international and anonymous” and says the government “can’t catch the perpetrators no matter how much they criminalize the activities.” He believes that instead, “while Obama’s new laws will dramatically increase hacking prosecutions, they’ll be of largely innocent people rather than the real hackers that matter.” The story of Weev’s imprisonment in 2013 for accessing and sharing data that wasn’t properly protected shows how vague laws can be a problem in a world where companies often aren’t being held responsible for customer data. Since it’s still early days for the law, it’s hard to say what the implications truly could be, but if it’s as broad as it appears, it could put people in danger unwittingly. Cyber security legislation is important in the wake of the Sony hack, but this doesn’t appear to be the right way to go about it. Obama's Proposed Hacking Law Could Make You a Criminal
  10. fed


    Nu am. Auto kill hidden processes doar pe var linux/unix ( for P in `unhide sys | grep -v “\*” | grep -i HIDEEN | cut -f2 -d':’ | awk ‘{print $1}’`; do kill -9 $P; done; ) , pacat pe win for ramane hidden in continuare plm rootkiturile
  11. fed


    Programul scaneaza si afiseaza Found Hidden port si Found HIDDEN PID:
  12. fed


    Cum opresc hidden pid-urile? Am incercat cu Process Explorer si TcpView de la Sysinternals inclusiv taskkill /f /pid ... : error the process ... not found
  13. Personal prefer adrese nefolosite generate offline din brainwallets. PS: cam usor se pune botul la povesti cu shemale&feds pe forumul asta muhahahaha
  14. Blackmail with tranny/shemale ewhoring
  15. Mai rau de altii ca mine cu o suma destul de mare de btc intr-un hard encriptat sigilat ca proba la dosar din perioada cand erau 1000$
  16. Next phase: cu banii castigati online cumpara aur(valoarea lui nu oscileaza atat de mult) si ingroapa-l in padure retine coordonatele GPS
  17. E si normal,de asta s-au retras si cei mai "grei" ai forumului,locul acesta a devenit un honeypot,si cum mentalitatea organelor in domeniu este: daca ai un iq mai mare sigur esti vinovat de ceva 'big' Vayas con Dios!
  18. Unii isi striga,alinta animalele rasfatate pe nume,deci poti auzi la microfon,nu ma refeream pt locker.
  19. Viorel are microfon la pc?atunci e simplu,il poti auzi cand il cheama,alinta... Daca nu are microfon.un locker cu mesajul :Sunt cineva care te cunoaste,ti-am incuiat calculatorul,il poti deschide doar tastand corect numele hamsterului!(va scrie bazaconii dar si de mai multe ori numele hamsterului)
  20. Poate stiu ruseste...da-mi-l pe pm atunci Schimbam si pe forumul ala ca sa nu fie mare tam-tam,ai dracului corecti de rusi. Cripteza-le bine si se vor pastra mai mult
  21. Care e forumul cu pricina?
  22. fed

    Nologine SUA

    Ban?ce s-a intamplat cu @FearDotCom ?
  23. fed

    bomb a money

    Lasa si tu cateva din conturile youtube aici sau pe pm si-ti spunem
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