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Everything posted by wvw

  1. k http://rstcenter.com/forum/2148-postati-aici-screenshotu-la-desktopu-vostru-p.rst
  2. http://rstcenter.com/forum/24670-invitatii-filelist-invitatie-demonoid-invitatie-lasttorrents-invitatii-trackere-14.rst
  3. wvw

    Unde pot gasi GOF?

    Eu o am în format electronic... Ai putea încerca pe: Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (APC) : Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vissides : 9780201633610
  4. da?i repede la pagina 30 ?i ve?i afla detalii inedite despre parolele moderatorilor RST $ echo "1337 " | whirlpooldeep | tr -c :alpha 0-1 | cut -b 10-30
  5. Foarte bine c? ai postat. Cine pricepe chiar ?i 30% din ce-i în The Art of Computer Programming e foarte tare. De aia eu recomand încep?torilor ni?te c?r?i la fel de bune/clasice, dar mai u?or de digerat. Cum ar fi: Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science de Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, Oren Patashnik *bump* Romanca la Facebook: Nu conteaza ora la care vii sau pleci, ci doar cum merge proiectul
  6. Vreau s? v?d ?i de unde ai luat statisticile de mai sus. Dubios... eu urm?resc reddit/haskell ?i nu ?tiam de asta. În fine. Câteva cifre pute?i g?si aici: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/778676/what-programming-language-offers-the-best-salaries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2940064/studies-of-relative-costs-for-development-in-different-languages To be strict, programming languages don't pay salaries, companies using them do. I would say that C/C++ are the languages for which companies are willing to pay top dollar because these are the languages normally used to develop real time/embedded/low level programs. And people able to do such type of development are deservedly getting the top pay. E un limbaj func?ional, general purpose, adic? po?i s? faci ce vrei tu cu el. Dar este de ni??. ?i va r?mâne a?a.
  7. S-a discutat mai mult prin alte p?r?i. Iat? rezultatele par?iale Language Pissing Match Haskell?! wat
  8. Sunt situri majore f?cute în PHP. Un exemplu: Facebook (evident, are chestii foarte interesante în back-end, f?cute în diverse alte limbaje, vede?i Thrift). Alt exemplu: Yahoo. Apoi: Wikipedia, Digg, Sourceforge, last.fm, Wordpress, Flickr ?i altele. De acord cu faptul c? sunt o gr?mad? de programatori execrabili în comunitatea PHP. Ideea este simpl?: blame the programmers, not the tool. Iar limbajele de programare asta sunt: ni?te unelte. ?i o leg?tur? a PHP-ului cu C++ HipHop for PHP ?i .NET ;-)
  9. ^ a Knuth book. For most programmers, that means: "It's by this old Comp Sci guy that everyone raves about but nobody has actually read." Am I right, or am I right? Pentru hardcori?ti, zic
  10. *bump* http://rstcenter.com/forum/19473-de-citit.rst ?i Tech Work Love » What schools should be teaching IT students Bonusuri: Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition The Algorithm Design Manual, Second Edition Programming Challanges Programming Pearls The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master The Productive Programmer Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction Land the Tech Job You Love Coders at Work - Reflections on the Craft of Programming
  11. Programmer Competency Matrix ;-)
  12. P?rin?ii, prietenii, societatea... Treab? de educa?ie. Cel mai nasol este c? nu se discut? despre asta. Plusez cu hallucinogens are a value changer, so does marijuana... like it or not. It changes your values...
  13. Interesant un comentariu: mi se pare ca reportajul e putin copiat dupa "Reportaj France 2 Romania are SIDA in vene?" Heh, jurnali?tii ??tia Oricum, Erowid ftw.
  14. Copilul de 10 ani care î?i injecteaz? "legale": "E ca ?i cum a? avea, a?a... mult? ciocolat? în burt?" - Gandul P.S. Erowid Spice Product Vault (Spice, K2, Black Magic, Smoke, JWH-018, JWH-073, etc)
  15. Tutorialele originale sunt deja pe prima pagin?. Iar în rest... merge pus sticky Meta-Tutorialul(*) intitulat Cum s? g?se?ti chestii pe Internet, unde chestii este mul?imea {tutoriale, c?r?i, cod surs?, aplica?ii, ?.c.l.}. Uita?i aici un forum structurat cum trebuie: hackerthreads.org ?tiu, nu exist? înc?, dar ar trebui f?cut
  16. wvw

    User bypass RST

    Will the real Nytro please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?
  17. @Synthesis: *) tutorialele într-o singur loc ? *) Bloguri subcategorie la Linkuri ? *) sec?iunea Webmaster ? *) mi-ar pl?cea o sec?iune special? pentru criptografie, dar n-avem cu cine/ce *) idem pentru Social engineering, de?i ar merita încercat *) în loc de Programe unelte -> Misc tools *) Probleme, nelamuriri...posteaza aici f?r? cerin?? de minim x post?ri. Oricum se face post hunting
  18. Corect. A?tept?m ?i propuneri pentru descrierile (unor) sec?iuni. @Nytro "Bine ai venit (aici te poti prezenta)" merge mutat? la >> General <<
  19. 428837848395566660 792855680530392300 779094220852963500 761289487531402100 728833453703001600 339561637993647170 540478236778105500 765850119700463100 494350400277552500 358435823032672700 320279741186698000 766736892795697300 494140804761906240 442718652828363500 357928855220276300 663017196137579400 475953792178332740 559705211247385300 701450066773574300 643565287481772700 650226624847310700 493714983466426700 482490440993486460 721382521144196000 345211810591067460 339257536473542900 279667393857316860 656383567338793600 493919037268722500 423058633044415170 774029787564849300 765974907210014700 572783060999373060 786135561419673300 519504534052606850 761285034368888400 747884676691739500 501697227792703900 279798514753554530 721284254691392800 631150464148495900 669959379618983300 702512294471849200 643564792685937700 475954682810835500 558568962092215400 539514869287635140 785451555657564300 346094031564620860 370391673749534500 727491171562196500 740211580803082200 579669332551437800 772914121916409500 727237440258080800 338744631128200500 721334921784882300 448902215335761700 494597204439980100 779804846630988000 493915474738711500 572681232016559170 534375325991789000 720602722908458200 520823263911672770 358279071712189300 571560519450603700 779703116607340800 430300266965075650 449002856808572000 533740502935665300 584429664319448000 okto3 -> zong22 -> gila7 -> atom-128 -> aer-256
  20. cplusplus.com - The C++ Resources Network ?i dac? vrei o carte bun?: Thinking in C++ sau Accelerated C++
  21. Interesant. $ wget http://www.gstatic.com/s2/sitemaps/sitemap-7103.txt $ wc -l sitemap-7103.txt 3445 Restul (de la 000 la 7102 inclusiv) au 5000. Din unele profile nu pute?i scoate mare lucru. V? descurca?i voi cu filtrarea. https://profiles.google.com/110969673282779180623 P.S. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/05/25/google_profiles_database_dump/
  22. One link to rule them all Locuri de munc?, angaj?ri, oferte munc? | balaur.ro
  23. A mixed bag: new and old/ attack and defense/ for developers, managers, testers/ PHP, AJAX, Rails, Java, .NET, Oracle etc. Ajax Security [2007] Apache Security [2005] Applied Oracle Security: Developing Secure Database and Middleware Environments [2009] BackTrack 4: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing [2011] Beginning ASP.NET Security [2010] Core Security Patterns: Best Practices and Strategies for J2EE, Web Services, and Identity Management [2005] Cracking Drupal: A Drop in the Bucket [2009] Developer's Guide to Web Application Security [2007] E-Commerce: A Control and Security Guide [2004] Enterprise Web Services Security [2005] Essential PHP Security [2005] Expert Web Services Security in the .NET Platform [2004] request download ticket | ifile.it --- Google Hacking for Penetration Testers [2005] Google Hacking for Penetration Testers, Volume 2 [2007] Hacker Web Exploitation Uncovered [2005] Hacking Exposed Web 2.0 [2007] Hacking Exposed Web Applications, 3rd Edition [2011] HackNotes Web Security Pocket Reference [2003] Hack Proofing ColdFusion [2002] Hack Proofing Your E-Commerce Site [2001] Hack Proofing Your Web Applications [2001] How to Break Web Software: Functional and Security Testing of Web Applications and Web Services [2006] Implementing Database Security and Auditing: Includes Examples for Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 UDB, Sybase [2005] Joomla! Web Security [2008] Mastering Web Services Security [2003] ModSecurity 2.5 [2009] ModSecurity Handbook [2010] Oracle Security [1998] php architect's Guide to PHP Security [2005] Practical Oracle Security: Your Unauthorized Guide to Relational Database Security [2007] request download ticket | ifile.it --- Preventing Web Attacks with Apache [2006] Pro PHP Security: From Application Security Principles to the Implementation of XSS Defenses, Second Edition [2010] Secure E-Government Web Services [2005] Securing PHP Web Applications [2009] Security for Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures [2009] Security Fundamentals for E-Commerce [2002] Security on Rails [2009] Security Technologies for the World Wide Web, Second Edition [2002] Seven Deadliest Web Application Attacks [2010] SQL Injection Attacks and Defense [2009] SQL Server Security Distilled [2004] SSL & TLS Essentials: Securing the Web [2000] The Oracle Hacker's Handbook: Hacking and Defending Oracle [2007] The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws [2007] The Database Hacker's Handbook: Defending Database Servers [2005] Web 2.0 Security - Defending AJAX, RIA, AND SOA [2007] Web Application Vulnerabilities: Detect, Exploit, Prevent [2007] Web Hacking: Attacks and Defense [2002] Web Security, Privacy and Commerce, 2nd Edition [2002] Web Security Testing Cookbook: Systematic Techniques to Find Problems Fast [2008] Web Services Security [2003] XML Security [2002] XSS Exploits and Defense [2007] request download ticket | ifile.it
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