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Everything posted by QuoVadis

  1. Cum crezi tu. Sunt mai multi factori care influenteaza lipsa de interes: thread-ul e la off-topic unde se posteaza fel si fel si nu apare in feed, nu e foarte vizibil; media de varsta scazuta, multi sunt sub limita de varsta; frica (sunt destui care sunt speriati); locatia (altii care ar vrea sa doneze o pot face doar intr-un loc anume), etc. etc. Multi nu stiu ca e sanatos sa dai drumul la "robinet" la anumite intervale.
  2. (Pentru cei iesiti de pe bancile facultatii...) https://recruitmentservices.applicationtrack.com/vx/lang-en-GB/mobile-0/appcentre-1/brand-2/xf-7d498049a583/candidate/so/pm/1/pl/4/opp/465-Technology-Graduate-Development-Programme-Technology-and-Specialist-Roles-Ref-465/en-GB Department: IT, Science & Technical Location(s): London Salary: £30,316 Job description Our Technology Graduate Development Programme (TGDP) isn’t a fast stream initiative or management development scheme. It is a structured programme that gives you the experience, knowledge and skills you need to be an effective technology professional in our pioneering IT function. On joining the programme you will be assigned to one of the following capability areas: • IT Security & Cyber • Business Analysis • Software Development • Project and Programme Management • IT Service Management Over the course of two years you will be deployed in roles within your capability area which will give you the opportunity to develop skills and experience across the breath of the capability. This means you could be working with technical architects or business analysts to understand a business challenge and apply technology, people or process to meet our needs. Alternatively, you could be involved in building and testing applications to support our data collections, investigations, agent running or corporate systems. At the end of two years you will transition out of the programme continuing to develop your technical expertise in your current area or within the wider IT community. Capability Areas IT Security and Cyber As a member of an IT Security or Cyber team you will be working in a unique technical security environment supporting MI5’s effort to ensure national security. You will have opportunities to work on protecting our IT systems, analyse complex data and forensic artefacts, and provide design and protective security input for MI5 systems To be successful in this capability area you will need excellent communication skills, an enquiring mind, a good base knowledge of IT security principles and methodologies, and a willingness to learn this complex yet vital area of IT. Strong foundation knowledge in networking, operating systems and programming are beneficial for Cyber Security roles. Software Development As one of our Software Developers within MI5 you will be involved in helping to develop complex software applications to meet demanding architectural standards. Working closely with Business Analysts you will help core investigative and operational sections to work more efficiently and innovatively. You will support the whole software delivery cycle, develop expertise in best practice development methodologies and techniques, and work closely with stakeholders and end users. To be effective in this capability area you will have a demonstrable desire to seek out and exploit new technology in IT. A willingness to learn and adapt is essential, as well as the ability to work independently in sometimes highly pressurised environments. Business Analysis As a Trainee Business Analyst in MI5 you will be liaising with stakeholders across the organisation to understand business problems, needs, and establish requirements. You will work closely with IT professionals to translate these requirements into viable technical and non-technical solutions. You willl utilise your highly analytical and creative mind, and effective communication skills, to translate technical information into a language the business users understand. An ability to make clear plans and evaluate progress to completion, great attention to detail and strong team working skills are crucial for this role. In this capability area you will enhance your ability to manage risk, and understand developments in technology whilst gaining a unique experience in business change and improvement. You will have the opportunity to work with technology architects and business users to solve complex business problems. If you are interested in applying in the above area, please click here IT Service Management In this capability area you will be working on IT projects and improvement initiatives to support the IT services that we provide our customers. You could be solving problems under pressure during an unplanned outage, analysing the solution and response in order to reduce the impact of subsequent faults, negotiating with suppliers and customers in service delivery, or working closely with partners across the organisation to implement business change. The opportunities are vast, and there are a broad range of roles available for you to develop your skills in providing quality services, risk management and problem analysis. You will learn a broad range of management techniques such as strategic planning, service improvement, decision making and stakeholder management. A role in this area will enable you to fully appreciate how IT underpins organisation outcomes, and that in order to succeed team work is absolutely essential. If you are interested in applying in the above area, please click here Project and Programme Management As a Trainee Project Support Officer you will be working alongside experienced Project Managers, helping them to administer and deliver a wide range of technology projects across MI5. With a high degree of coaching you will build your project management skills, manage stakeholders, implement project plans, and apply structure processes and methodologies to help drive projects to completion. You will be an excellent team player and a clear communicator with a strong analytical background. In this capability area you will develop your skills of managing risk, budgets and report writing, whilst gaining experience of working to demanding deadlines and overcoming business challenges. If you are interested in applying in the above area, please click here Developing your Career During the Technology Graduate Development Programme you will be mentored by a Development Partner - an experienced MI5 colleague, outside of your line management structure. Your Development Partner will be a vital part of your on-going personal and professional development. They will offer impartial, professional advice to help build your expertise and guide you through the initial stages of your new career. They will be on-hand to discuss learning points and feedback you have received, or ideas on how to resolve technical issues you are facing. Training Opportunities In addition to the work with your Development Partner, there will be a core skills training path to follow. You will be training with other members of the Development Programme, and a majority of the courses take place in our Academy in central London. Examples of training courses include: • Business Skills and Awareness Training • Stakeholder Management Workshop • Strategic Thinking and Emotional Intelligence courses • Influencing with Integrity • Change Management • A Business Challenge Project MI5 is a unique and intellectually challenging environment to work in, with different working practices to absorb and understand. To help consolidate your learning there is extensive on-the-job training. Our training programme is designed to enable you to meet your potential as an innovative IT Professional, and equip you with the skills and ability to manage and lead in different areas of the IT department in the future. Upon completion of the Development Programme, you will have a review meeting with your line manager and Development Partner to decide which of the five key areas of IT you would like to pursue a career in. Once a decision has been made, further accredited external training and qualifications will be funded by the organisation to support your future career with us: Examples of funded training include: • ITIL • Oracle / Java Certified Associate C# .Net MSP developer • BCS Certificates • CESG IA skills framework • Security Operations Centre foundation • APM Introductory or PRINCE 2 (Foundation and Practitioner) Recruitment Process The recruitment process has been specifically designed to test skills and competencies which are vital to be effective in the Technology Graduate Development Programme. The process is as follows: Online Tests All applicants have to pass the verbal reasoning test and the competency questionnaire in order to progress on to a full application form. Application form The application form consists of basic eligibility questions, sections for candidates to list their qualifications and work experience, as well as competency questions. Telephone Interview Candidates who pass the application form stage of the process will then be scheduled in for a telephone interview. This interview will primarily be competency based and will require the candidate to give specific examples of when they have demonstrated abilities required to be effective in the Development Programme. Candidates who are applying for Software Development and IT Security & Cyber roles will be required to pass an online computer programming skills test before progressing onto their telephone interview. Assessment Centre Successful candidates applying to the Business Analyst, Project & Programme Management and IT Service Management roles will progress to the Assessment Centre which will be held in central London. Candidates are requested to keep the whole day free for the Assessment Centre. The day will consist of fictional scenarios, role-plays and interviews which test the candidate’s competence. Successful candidates applying to the IT Security & Cyber and Software development roles will progress to an in-depth technical and competency interview held in central London. Final Selection Board This final interview explores the candidate’s ability for the first posting on the Technology Graduate Development Programme. Senior Managers will be conducting the interview. If a candidate successfully passes, they will be made a conditional offer of employment. This offer is made on the condition that candidates pass the Developed Vetting (DV) stages of the process. Security Interview This interview takes place in central London at MI5 Head Quarters and candidates are requested to keep a whole day free for the interview. There is more information about the DV process available here. Final Stages of Vetting This is the stage where we contact your referees, Vetting Officers may want to speak to some of these over the phone or face to face. There is more information about the DV process here. Final offer and Joining Once all vetting enquiries have been complete and once DV clearance has been granted, we will be in a position to make final offers of employment to candidates and agree start dates. Candidates will be joining in Autumn 2016.
  3. Oferta inca valabila. Am nevoie de un "pod" compatibil cu Adobe Connect 9.5. Buget 1000-1500 EUR. Exemple: +
  4. If it sounds too good to be true.. it fucking is! Roag-o pe doamna Henrietta sa iti imprumute niste bani sa poti da pe la niste cursuri de gramatica limbii Romane.
  5. Ofer cate 25 EUR (Bitcoin sau PayPal) pentru osteneala la primele 4 persoane care doneaza sange pentru aceasta cauza cu dovada postata aici.
  6. https://localbitcoins.com/ E cu serviciu de escrow, sunt useri cu rep, etc. Altfel parca te vad si pe tine peste cateva zile facand plangere ca ai fost tepuit..
  7. @justashadow mata-i atat de grasa, atunci cand se machiaza isi pune rujul cu bidineaua
  8. Daca folosesti acelasi circuit electric, ai putea iesi mai ieftin si cu viteza mai buna folosind HomePlug si cablurile de curent pentru a te conecta la net. Cumperi un bad boy de genul asta si unul il conectezi la router iar celalalt in priza unde vrei internetul si apoi ai punct de ethernet. Am ceva asemanator acasa unde peretii dintre etaje sunt prea grosi (granit) pentru semnalul de WiFi de la router si folosesc acest set-up.
  9. Depinde si care eBay folosesti: sunt vreo 26 de variante, fiecare avand Terms & Conditions proprii. Mai depinde si de tipul produsului, cine iti trimite si unde si valoare. Daca spune "free shipping" (sau free P&P - packing and postage) inseamna ca tu vei plati celui ce vinde produsul pretul final al licitatiei (sau de "buy it now") fara ceva aditional acelei persoane/firme. Cei care nu ofera free shipping, atunci cand castigi o licitatie spre exemplu cu 500 usd, iti mai adauga P&P sa zicem de 15 usd si pretul final care il platesti prin PayPal e 515 care intra in contul respectivului. Oricum comisioanele sunt uriase caci s-au lacomit si nu mai e la fel de rentabil de vandut ca inainte iar vanzatorul probabil va primi un 450 usd dar e alta poveste. Free shipping insa nu mai adauga nimic la pretul final. Insa depinzand de cele enumerate mai sus, e posibil sa platesti taxe aditionale unor firme/institutii terte dupa cum au spus si restul mai sus.
  10. A man who briefly bought and owned the Google.com web domain has been rewarded by the search giant. An administration oversight allowed US student Sanmay Ved to buy the right to control the domain on 29 September. The oversight left him in charge of Google.com for about a minute until Google caught on and cancelled the transaction. Now Mr Ved has been given a cash reward for spotting the error, which he has decided to donate to charity. Google declined to comment on the story. Mr Ved detailed his experience in a post on the LinkedIn site saying that he had been keeping an eye on Google-related web domains for some time because he used to work at the search giant. Mr Ved is currently an MBA student at a US college. In the early hours of 29 September he noticed a for sale sign next to the Google.com name while browsing sites on Google's own website-buying service. He used a credit card to pay the $12 (£8) fee to grab google.com and got emails confirming he was the owner. Almost immediately he started getting messages intended for Google's own web administration team. This was followed by a cancellation message sent by the website buying service which said he could not take over Google.com because someone else had already registered it and his $12 payment was refunded. Now it has emerged that Mr Ved has been given a "bug bounty" by Google's security team for revealing the weakness in the domain buying system. The internal emails Mr Ved received while in charge of google.com have been passed to this team. Mr Ved decided to give the cash to an Indian educational foundation and in response, Google doubled the reward. SURSA
  11. Daca vreti sa dati ceva prin Turnitin.com (Our database contains 45+ billion web pages, 337+ million student papers and 130+ million articles from academic books and publications) am un cont de admin, PM si pot scana fara sa adaug la baza lor de date.
  12. Chiar incurajez pe toti sa doneze sange in mod regulat. Am inceput sa o fac acum cativa ani din motive un pic mai egoiste: este bine pentru sanatatea mea. Si aici inca nu se da nimic in schimb, doar niste biscuiti de halit si suc pentru a avea putin zahar in sange. 5 Health Benefits of Donating Blood 4 Unexpected Benefits of Donating Blood - Health News and Views - Health.com Donating blood is as good for YOUR health as it is for the receiver | Daily Mail Online @alexu - nu te ingrijora, totul va fi ok ingrijorandu-te iti strici doar sanatatea si nu poti schimba nimic.
  13. Daca ai cont la godaddy x.co
  14. Salutare Gabriel, Citind ce ai scris mai sus, observ faptul ca anumite greseli le recunosti tu singur (subliniate) insa sunt cateva care nu le realizezi probabil (galben). La varsta ta e oarecum acceptabil sa faci greseli insa de acum inainte trebuie sa a) nu le mai repeti si inveti din ele. A gresi e omeneste.. a starui in greseli e prostie iar prostia este tolerata pe alocuri, in special in Romania, insa nu te va duce sus in viata. Ar fi cateva vorbe de spus despre rolul parintilor insa nu voi intra in detalii. Daca vrei sa lucrezi in domeniul IT in viata, este imperativ sa ai o fire perseverenta si un spirit analitic dar va trebui si sa inveti rapid din greseli si sa nu le tot repeti. Bafta!
  15. ¬ In memoriam ¬ "12 ani de la moartea Elisabetei Rizea, femeia care a r?mas în picioare când milioane de b?rba?i au c?zut în genunchi" Zece ani de la moartea Elisabetei Rizea, femeia care a r?mas în picioare când milioane de b?rba?i au c?zut în genunchi | Historia Astfel de persoane merita deplanse.. nu jigodiile gen CVT.
  16. Nu, e vorba doar de intelect, al tau. Nu scuz in nici un fel acele fapte, nici nu m-am uitat peste video. Ma refeream doar la intelectul tau: daca vrei sa il dezvolti, sa il pastrezi sanatos gandeste-te "la rece" la faptul ca: a) audienta nu este una potrivita (multi sunt copii la varsta si la minte pe aici iar restul care sunt maturi nu te vor baga in seama) locul nu este unul potrivit (este forum de security.. nu Facebook de varsat frustrari) si nu in ultimul rand c) scopul nu este unul potrivit: crezi ca schimbi ceva daca iti versi frustrarile aici? Crezi ca daca sunt asemenea bezmetici pe aici vor face altfel dupa ce citesc mesajul tau? Sunt multe fapte ce se intampla in Ro si nu numai, mult mai "fucked up" multe despre care nu stii, altele care se intampla sa le cunosti. Daca te nimeresti sa fii live langa ele cand se intampla atunci ai libertatea sa actionezi. Altfel insa, dupa cum spuneam, trebuie sa ai metode, un buffer zone pentru a face fata si a nu iti strica sanatatea, libertatea, spiritul pentru ca we live in a fucked up world si nu o vom putea schimba prea curand. Unii recurg la alcool, altii droguri, altii violenta, altii facebook, insa totul intr-un mod ce escaladeaza. So.. sfatul meu ramane acelasi. Eu.. ma rezum la a ramane cinic..
  17. Daca nu ai persoane apropiate si metode bune care sa asigure mediul necesar pentru a iti varsa frustrarile si nu recurgi la Facebook cum fac altii, vezi ca sunt persoane avizate (psihologi) care te pot ajuta. E bine totusi ca nu iti versi frustrarile (deocamdata) in mod violent ci prin scris, insa as recomanda sa o faci in alta parte, eventual in fata unei persoane avizate cum recomandam mai sus.
  18. (Postez pentru un amic insa ma voi asigura personal ca totul decurge in regula) De vanzare un pachet cu 10 bucati x Card de memorie SanDisk Ultra microSDXC 128GB, UHS-I, Class 10 + Adaptor (toate noi, sigilate, vandute impreuna, nu pe bucata). Pe eMag sunt cu 405 ron bucata versiunea de 48mb/s speed. Cele care sunt de vanzare sunt modelul SDSQUNC-128G-GN6MA care ofera 80mb/s. Pret 305 ron / bucata x 10 + 50 ron curier, pret total 3100 ron nenegociabil - PayPal sau bitcoin inainte de livrare.
  19. QuoVadis


    Se merita sa iti futi telefonul si bateria (curentul) pentru 10 roni pe luna? (asta presupunand prin absurd ca ai 0 comision in a schimba coinul in cash) Adevarul e ca telefonul nu-i cine stie ce smartphone dar totusi...
  20. - Daca tranzactionezi bitcoin nu inseamna automat ca si intelegi conceptul. Parerea mea ramane la fel. - 2 milioane de ce? Satoshi? 2 milioane de lei vechi?
  21. - Daca se uita aelius pe aici sper sa mute aceasta mizerie la gunoi caci e sectiunea gresita, apartine de gunoi. - Hosting gratuit pentru niste frustrati sa isi exprime frustrarile nu rezolva nici o problema, nu ajuta cu nimic "identitatea nationala" si nici patriotismul. - De atata vreme te dai patriot si nationalist.. insa daca vrei sa promovezi astfel de lucruri sunt moduri mult mai inteligente, subtile si eficiente de a face acest lucru fata de ceea ce incerci tu. In mod ironic, de multe ori are un efect contrar. - Ceea ce propui tu denota ceva egoist, ceva ce iti foloseste tie, nu voi intra in detalii. Nu cred ca ai demonstrat pana acum ca ti-ar pasa de altii. - Daca ai bani de irosit spune-ne si iti putem da idei despre cum sa ii folosesti si investesti intr-un mod benefic.
  22. That's what a fed would say That's all the proof and evidence one needs - you stating "I'm not a fed" It seems to be something illegal the way you put it. Who in their right mind would get in bed with some unknown dude for something illegal? Just some immature kids. If you didn't think about this and you've chosen to post here it means you're one too. Good luck in finding boys who are wet behind their ears!
  23. Vrajeala.. am efectuat cateva tranzactii aseara si imi spunea ca mai exista o tranzactie identica, potential frauda, bla-bla.. dar in cateva ore a revenit totul la normal. Pierdere de vreme si de satoshi @AerosoI dovada ca habar nu ai cum functioneaza bitcoinul
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