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Everything posted by QuoVadis

  1. Short description: Considering some of the recent changes brought by Microsoft to the Office365 platform, in particular the "groups" functionality within the emailing system, a user with standard/minimal privileges who is member of an organisation (that has an Office365 EDU/Business license) can create a distribution/mailing list with chosen members and assign an alias to it that can be used for fraudulent/SE/scam/phising purposes. It may be that it is possible for admins to disable such use but so far I have been unable to find one, nor did I find any information about this on the internet. If you do, feel free to share. PoC: Student "Joe Bloggs" is enrolled at Oxford University. The institution uses Office365 for emails. Their website is University of Oxford and their staff and student email addresses are usually username@ox.ac.uk. Joe is able to log in to his Office365 email account, create a distribution(mailing) list and provide an alias for it (must not collude with existing aliases) something like finance.department@ox.ac.uk. Within that group he can add one member with their personal email address: for example joe.bloggs@gmail.com. Thus, all emails sent to finance.department@ox.ac.uk will end up in joe.bloggs@gmail.com. Although emails cannot be sent from this address, it can be used in various ways (depending on how creative you get with it) to help with SE/impersonation/spam/phising/etc. Downside: Student "Joe Bloggs" most likely agrees to a certain IT code of conduct/ AUP / etc and is likely to be dismissed or prosecuted. In other words he cannot cover his tracks. Upside: However, if an attacker gets hold of such an account using various methods, things can turn nasty for the organisation in question. Steps for setting it up: 1. Log in to the Office365 web client 2. On the right hand side click on "Settings" and then "Options" 3. If it displays the newer view, select "Other" from the left hand side 4. Choose the "Go to the earlier version" 5. Select "Groups" from the left hand side 6. On the right hand side look at "distribution groups I own". 7. Click on the + to create a new one and set up the display name, alias and email address accordingly. Finally add the members that you wish Voilà!
  2. Multumim ca ne-ai anuntat! Ar fi bine cand mai intri sa spui ce ai rezolvat si cum caci mai citesc si altii care probabil au probleme asemanatoare.
  3. E totusi interesant faptul ca niciunul din cei ma sus nu a mentionat faptul ca ceea ce intreaba Che este putin tâmp. Nu exista un asemenea consumer PC, ceea ce definesti tu in ipoteza "ce ar fi daca" este un server. Apoi serverele sunt construite dupa anumite nevoi. Lasand la o parte argumentele sociale ale ipotezei (cine iti face cadou un server care nu stii la ce sa-l folosesti, unda sa castigi o config asa utopica/useless, etc.), un server se construieste pe nevoi specifice. Spre exemplu daca ai nevoie de putere mare de procesare GPU, daca bagi vreo 8 placi Tesla K40M aia iti da 23,040 cores si 96GB DDR5. Daca folosesti asemenea resurse procesorul nu trebuie sa aiba capacitate mare si invers. La fel cu HDD-urile - de obicei se foloseste configuratie pe nevoi (RAID, etc.) dar si solutii back-up si de redundancy. Mai bine lasa daydreaming-ul si vorbeste cu aelius sau AGSQ ori caii sa te ia sub aripa, sa te invete ce si cum - daca esti interesat de acest domeniu.
  4. Sfat prost, nu-l urma. Sfat bun, urmeaza-l. Daca vrei sa lucrezi ca angajat intr-o firma, faptul ca vei cunoaste limba engleza la perfectie iti va aduce avantaje foarte multe. Ca si freelancer la fel. Iti spun asta din experienta proprie si din ce am observat in foarte multe cazuri. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu, faptul ca vei fi proficient in the English language va plati dividende bune.
  5. @sandabot Felicitari in primul rand pentru ca incerci sa faci ceva si nu stai la cerseala. Primii mei bani ce i-am facut pe cont propriu a fost cand cumparam anumite lucruri mai ieftin si le vindeam mai scump. However, that being said: - E bine ca ti-ai facut un ltd insa adresa data ori e fictiva ori e intr-un set de locuinte recente. Cert este ca nu poate fi gasita si cineva care face putin research inainte sa dea multi bani online va fi foarte reticent in a finaliza o tranzactie - Gramatica de pe site lasa de dorit si da o imagine nepotrivita. Da-i de un pint la cineva sa ti-l corecteze. - Paginile: About us, Delivery Information, Privacy Policy, T&Cs sunt goale ceea ce nu inspira incredere deloc. Daca nu targetezi cumparatori prosti, recomand sa produci cat mai multe informatii mai ales ca vei avea datele personale si de plata ale unor oameni (DACA iti cumpara cineva ceva..) - La pagina de contact us, ai o adresa momentan fictiva, un numar de mobil de Romania si pe Google Maps e un pinpoint langa Mumbai, India. Trebuie sa ii curga cuiva scuipat din gura sa cumpere de pe site ceva in momentul de fata. - Investeste timp si efort: Un site de bijuterii care se respecta are poze din toate pozitiile nu doar cate una cum ai tu si de asemenae au marimi de selectat la inele, etc. Ti-as mai spune mai multe insa.. nu vreau sa iti dau totul pe tava, omul din greseli invata cel mai bine. Bafta!
  6. Nu e "wireless pentesting" insa conceptul este unul foarte interesant. Harald Haas: A breakthrough new kind of wireless Internet | TED Talk | TED.com
  7. - Daca nu e al tau, propriu, si il folosesti fara acordul detinatorului se numeste furt. De ce ti-ai risca job-ul? Care ar fi beneficiul? - Daca vrei sa faci hosting free pe el nu, nu se merita. Vor fi tot felul de persoane care vor uploada tot felul de rahaturi - In 2 ani nu au fost probleme.. dar dracul are obicei de a isi baga coada tocmai atunci cand te astepti mai putin. Cel mai bine e sa sezi bland si sa iti vezi de meserie - A fost pus cu un scop acolo.. tie ti-ar placea ca angajatii tai sa faca din astea? - Daca tot au iesit in strada tinerii cei frumosi si liberi sa ceara schimbare.. de ce sa nu inceapa schimbarea cu mine? cu tine? chiar e atat de neconceput ideea de a fi cinstiti? Just some food for thought... Bafta!
  8. Exista butonul de edit, nu e nevoie sa faci postari multiple. Nu era nici o fata, doar un copil prost si frustrat. Dati atentie unor bolnavi mintal care sufera de nebagare in seama - mai mult ii incurajati.
  9. Nu neaparat, sunt destule moca. Eu app-urile astea le am pe iPad si nu am cumparat niciuna. http://s2.postimg.org/et5828a95/File_000.png http://s14.postimg.org/enqckcqmp/File_001.png http://s9.postimg.org/ihi0beywv/File_002.png
  10. Fire HD 8 Tablet - Best Value Tablet, Powerful Tablet, Family Tablet, and Entertainment Tablet Am cumparat una cadou pentru o persoana si din cate mi-a spus (dupa 1 luna de folosire) se misca ireprosabil.
  11. SURSA A $1 million prize for hacking iOS 9 has been won, and the method used is about to be sold An anonymous team of hackers has been awarded a million-dollar bounty after successfully hacking Apple’s IOS 9.1 mobile operating system. The money has been paid out by Zerodium, a company that pays for security information and exploits, ready to sell them on to the highest bidder. It announced the competition — which it called The Million Dollar iOS 9 Bug Bounty — in late September, and confirmed it had a winner via its official Twitter account at the beginning of November. According to Zerodium’s founder Chaouki Bekrar, speaking to Wired, there were two teams in the hunt for victory, but only one came up with the real deal. The company was looking for something far beyond the publicly available jailbreak methods, requiring a browser or SMS-based, remotely carried out hack, that would result in the “remote, privileged, and persistent installation of an arbitrary app.” However, while this sounds innocuous, Zerodium will go on to sell the hack to its customers, which apparently include technology companies, finance institutions, and defense corporations. Government agencies are also mentioned as Zerodium clients. Bekrar says he expects to sell the new iOS hack to a U.S. customer. While such exploits could be valuable to companies wanting to ensure their own devices are highly secure, they could also be equally valuable to those interested in illicit surveillance. Here’s little chance of the vulnerabilities being fixed by Apple in the very near future, at least off the back of this competition, because Zerodium has no intention of informing Apple of the methods used at this time. It may do so at a later date, but certainly not before its big payday. If you’re wondering, while ethically questionable, Zerodium and its clients aren’t doing anything illegal. The million-dollar bug hunt bounty competition is therefore unlikely to be the last of its type, given the obvious financial benefit to all involved.
  12. Da, iti va merge cu un WiFi repeater daca nu vrei cabluri. Vezi daca gasesti ceva de la Netgear sau TP-Link. Cateva exemple de modele: NETGEAR EX2700-100UKS, NETGEAR WN3000RP-200UKS, TP-LINK TL-WN822N, TP-LINK TL-WA860RE. Insa ce iti dau eu e irelevant pentru ca tu ajungi la magazin si vei vedea ca au doar anumite modele pe stoc. Cel mai bine e sa mergi acolo si cand ajungi te uiti ce modele au, citesti descrierea lor pe cutie si eventual te uiti de pe telefon rapid sa vezi ce review-uri au primit.
  13. Trebuie sa gasesti asa ceva, depinde de magazinul in care mergi. Daca nu, sunt si WiFi repeatere de diferite calitati si preturi, uita-te la specs si reviews pe internet. Acum 3 saptamani am cumparat un router din asta NETGEAR D6200-100UKS AC1200 Dual Band Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router for Phone Line Connections: Amazon.co.uk: Computers & Accessories ca sa extinda prin ethernet de la router-ul original si apoi sa imi fac o retea separata de WiFi, alte setari, etc. A fost foarte usor de instalat, aproape "plug & play", doar cateva chestii ce le-am vrut diferite in rest a mers brici. Daca vrei ceva ieftin atunci cu niste WiFi repeatere rezolvi insa depinde de calitatea lor, ce frecvente radio mai circula, interferenta, etc. Insa daca vrei ceva mai solid incearca cu router sau ce am recomandat initial.
  14. https://rstforums.com/forum/106465-sfat-antena-wireless.rst#post660991
  15. Recomand folosirea https://localbitcoins.com/ . Sunt multi traderi cu reputatie buna si mii de tranzactii echivaland multe mii de euro, nu si-ar strica reputatia pentru asa sume mici. Este si serviciu de escrow.
  16. Download: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VuZHNwYWNlLmNvbS9maWxlL2NqbTA0NA== Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Automatic-Zero-day-Polymorphic-Communication-Networks/dp/1466557273 [h=3]Summary[/h] Able to propagate quickly and change their payload with each infection, polymorphic worms have been able to evade even the most advanced intrusion detection systems (IDS). And, because zero-day worms require only seconds to launch flooding attacks on your servers, using traditional methods such as manually creating and storing signatures to defend against these threats is just too slow. Bringing together critical knowledge and research on the subject, Automatic Defense Against Zero-day Polymorphic Worms in Communication Networks details a new approach for generating automated signatures for unknown polymorphic worms. It presents experimental results on a new method for polymorphic worm detection and examines experimental implementation of signature-generation algorithms and double-honeynet systems. If you need some background, the book includes an overview of the fundamental terms and concepts in network security, including the various security models. Clearing up the misconceptions about the value of honeypots, it explains how they can be useful in securing your networks, and identifies open-source tools you can use to create your own honeypot. There’s also a chapter with references to helpful reading resources on automated signature generation systems. The authors describe cutting-edge attack detection approaches and detail new algorithms to help you generate your own automated signatures for polymorphic worms. Explaining how to test the quality of your generated signatures, the text will help you develop the understanding required to effectively protect your communication networks. Coverage includes intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), zero-day polymorphic worm collection methods, double-honeynet system configurations, and the implementation of double-honeynet architectures.
  17. Exact acele doua cuvinte sintetizeaza problema si raspunsul la problema actuala, o chintesenta trista: "Evul Mediu"! Daca ar fi sa se mearga pe sistemul direct proportional argumentat de preot, pai BOR-ul ar fi murit pe capete de multa vreme. Indobitocire in masa si subjugarea maselor in diferite forme - the ultimate mindfucking! Si mai spunea un cineva ca africanii nu sunt capabili sa gandeasca mai mult si ca nu sunt in stare biologic sa evolueze dar ce sa zici de ai nostri Rromanasi care pun botul la tot ce le zice popa? (nu numai in astfel de circumstante ci la modul general). Mda...
  18. Daca as fi in tara as merge sa donez insa nu o pot face si de obicei donez regulat unde sunt. Recomand inca odata celor care mai stau pe ganduri sa mearga sa doneze, chiar daca e din motive egoiste: e bine pentru sanatatea voastra sa donati sange! Am decis sa ma implic insa in cateva feluri pe care nu le voi expune aici. Pe mine insa o alta chestie ma macina mai mult, cumva pe plan paralel-secundar acestei tragedii: care este raspunsul BOR la acest lucru? La ce folos atata preotime si predici/liturghii frumoase in fiecare duminica si pe la sarbatori daca atunci cand e nevoie nu esti aproape de cel cazut, bolnav, pe moarte? La ce folos averi, aur si argint, haine cu pietre nestemate cand sufletul iti e chircit de ignoranta, ura, falsa spiritualitate si nepasare? Ma duce cu gandul la doua lucruri: la pilda samariteanului milostiv.. cand un preot si un carturar au trecut pe langa cel cazut dar inamicul pana la urma s-a oprit plin de compasiune. Al doilea: goi iesim din pantecele mamei, goi ne intoarcem in tarana, nu luam nimic cu noi. Vad insa ca mafia BOR nu intelege aceste lucruri care le trambiteaza constant. Doar acumuleaza, aduna, jupeste. Pentru ce? Pentru o "bucurie" temporara.. care pana la urma tot gol te lasa... Un punct de vedere Un alt punct de vedere
  19. Eu donez sange in mod regulat (insa nu in tara). De fiecare data folosesc o chestie din plastic cu un ac sa imi recolteze putin sange (o picatura) din deget pentru a verifica nivelul hemoglobinei din sange. Daca ar fi scazut nu m-ar lasa sa donez. In 30sec-1min ma baga la donat. Insa in timpul acesta trebuie sa completez si un chestionar destul de lung si imi amintesc ca tatuajele recente sa afla printre chestiile care te descalifica. Recomand sa mergeti sa donati sange caci ei fac analizele oricum la fiecare donatie si e posibil sa descopere boli care nu stiti ca le aveti, cu cat mai repede cu atat mai mari sansele de tratament/prevenire/etc. In plus, este sanatos sa iti reinnoiesti sangele in corp.
  20. Daca ai nevoie de propolis brut sau mixat cu alcool dublu rafinat de 90 grade (amestecat timp de minim 6 luni) spune-mi si iti pot face rost gratuit direct de la apicultor. Luam asa ceva pentru raceli/gripa cand eram mic (cu apa bineinteles caci alcoolul era prea tare) sau pentru infectii exterioare. Nu stiu daca mierea ajuta insa iti pot face rost si de miere daca ajuta. Btw.. How to Make Vitamin C with Just One Ingredient - sursa Most store bought Vitamin C supplements are genetically modified. Manufacturers use genetically modified corn as one of the ingredients. Most commercial vitamin C supplements do not contain natural vitamin C. It’s often made from ascorbic acid which is a synthetic chemical derived from glucose. Ascorbic acid has been proven to destroy good bacteria in the gut and suppress the immune system. Health Benefits of Orange Peels - One medium orange contains over 60 flavonoids and 170 different phytonutrients. - Orange peel improves digestion. It helps to releive gas, heartburn, vomiting and acidic eructation. - Orange peel helps with the respiratory system; it helps eliminate cough and even can improve asthma. - Orange peels have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Essential oil, d-limonene, contained in orange peels has ability to promote normal liver function. Making Vitamin C at home is super easy and won’t cost you anything. - Take organic orange peels and cut them into strips - Allow the peels to dry at room temperature for a couple of days until crisp - Once dried, grind the orange strips in any grinder (I use a coffee grinder) - Take one teaspoon daily (I add it into my daily smoothies) - Be sure to store in an airtight container. One teaspoon of powdered orange peels will provide you with more Vitamin C than your body needs.
  21. QuoVadis


    Va e lene in puii mei sa-i dati un mesaj privat direct si sa discutati acolo?
  22. Today we are releasing a new, beta version of Tor Messenger, based on Instantbird, an instant messaging client developed in the Mozilla community. What is it? Tor Messenger is a cross-platform chat program that aims to be secure by default and sends all of its traffic over Tor. It supports a wide variety of transport networks, including Jabber (XMPP), IRC, Google Talk, Facebook Chat, Twitter, Yahoo, and others; enables Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging automatically; and has an easy-to-use graphical user interface localized into multiple languages. What it isn't... Tor Messenger builds on the networks you are familiar with, so that you can continue communicating in a way your contacts are willing and able to do. This has traditionally been in a client-server model, meaning that your metadata (specifically the relationships between contacts) can be logged by the server. However, your route to the server will be hidden because you are communicating over Tor. We are also excited about systems like Pond and Ricochet, which try to solve this problem, and would encourage you to look at their designs and use them too. Why Instantbird? We considered a number of messaging clients: Pidgin, Adam Langley's xmpp-client, and Instantbird. Instantbird was the pragmatic choice -- its transport protocols are written in a memory-safe language (JavaScript); it has a graphical user interface and already supports many natural languages; and it's a XUL application, which means we can leverage both the code (Tor Launcher) and in-house expertise that the Tor Project has developed working on Tor Browser with Firefox. It also has an active and vibrant software developer community that has been very responsive and understanding of our needs. The main feature it lacked was OTR support, which we have implemented and hope to upstream to the main Instantbird repository for the benefit of all Instantbird (and Thunderbird) users. Current Status Today we are releasing a beta version with which we hope to gain both usability and security related feedback. There have been three previous alpha releases to the mailing lists that have already helped smooth out some of the rougher edges. Downloads Linux (32-bit) Linux (64-bit) Windows OS X sha256sums.txt sha256sums.txt.asc The sha256sums.txt file containing hashes of the bundles is signed with the key 0x6887935AB297B391 (fingerprint: 3A0B 3D84 3708 9613 6B84 5E82 6887 935A B297 B391). Instructions On Linux, extract the bundle(s) and then run: ./start-tor-messenger.desktop On OS X, copy the Tor Messenger application from the disk image to your local disk before running it.On all platforms, Tor Messenger sets the profile folder for Firefox/Instantbird to the installation directory. Note that as a policy, unencrypted one-to-one conversations are not allowed and your messages will not be transmitted if the person you are talking with does not have an OTR-enabled client. You can disable this option in the preferences to allow unencrypted communication but doing so is not recommended. Source Code We are doing automated builds of Tor Messenger for all platforms. The Linux builds are reproducible: anyone who builds Tor Messenger for Linux should have byte-for-byte identical binaries compared with other builds from a given source. You can build it yourself and let us know if you encounter any problems or cannot match our build. The Windows and OS X builds are not completely reproducible yet but we are working on it. What's to Come Our current focus is security, robustness and user experience. We will be fixing bugs and releasing updates as appropriate, and in the future, we plan on pairing releases with Mozilla's Extended Support Release (ESR) cycle. We have some ideas on where to take Tor Messenger but we would like to hear what you have to say. Some possibilities include: Reproducible builds for Windows and OS X Sandboxing Automatic updates Improved Tor support OTR over Twitter DMs Produce (and distribute) internationalized builds Secure multi-party communication (np1sec) Encrypted file-transfers Usability study How To Help Give it a try and provide feedback, requests, and file bugs (choose the "Tor Messenger" component). If you are a developer, help us close all our tickets or help us review our design doc. As always, we are idling on IRC in #tor-dev (OFTC) (nicks: arlolra; boklm; sukhe) and subscribed to the tor-talk/dev mailing lists. Please note that this release is for users who would like to help us with testing the product but at the same time who also understand the risks involved in using beta software. Thanks and we hope you enjoy Tor Messenger! SURSA
  23. Daca ai ceva bani, nu te descurci cu CV-ul si vrei sa aplici pentru un high-end job recomand Professional CV Writing Services from The CV Centre M-au ajutat mult acum cativa ani. Am vorbit cu unul din consultantii lor, le-am spus ce experienta am, pentru ce vreau sa aplic, le-a trimis job description si person specification si mi-au facut ceva frumos. Le-am platit sa imi rescrie si profilul de LinkedIn. Diferenta s-a vazut chiar in primele saptamani de la ofertele de interviu si job-uri primite ca raspuns la CV si de la oamenii care m-au contactat pe LinkedIn. Pentru mine personal s-a meritat investitia.
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