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Vreau sa cumpar un laptop pentru ai mei. Va rula probabil FreeBSD cu Gnome si cateva soft-uri precum Chrome, Skype, Thunderbird. Nu vreau OLX si site-uri de refurbished. Buget maxim: 550 RON. Nu ma intereseaza replici off-topic sau pareri ce nu au legatura strict cu subiectul. Multumesc!
Allview e un mare rahat chinezesc invelit in ambalaj romanesc. Terminalele sunt facute desigur in China, cea ce nu ar fi ceva rau daca nu ar fi de foarte proasta calitate din toate punctele de vedere. Recomand Huawei sau ceva cat de cat branded din pricina faptului ca nu isi permit asa usor sa isi faca o imagine de rahat, aruncand pe piata device-uri de toata jena.
Chit c? nu sunt eu fan Fuego & co, merge s? facem o pauz? de ?orici ?i vin fiert printre b?t?i de taste. S?rb?tori fericite! PS:Am considerat inutil? deschiderea unui nou topic pe tema asta, a?a c? fie scuzabil? reînvierea, chit c? nu e Pa?tele. PS2: Nu func?ioneaz? tag-ul "size".
What would require crashing the wildly popular WhatsApp messaging application? Nearly 4000 Smileys. Yes, you can crash your friends' WhatsApp, both WhatsApp Web and mobile application, by sending them not any specially crafted messages, but just Smileys. Indrajeet Bhuyan, an independent researcher, has reported The Hacker News a new bug in WhatsApp that could allow anyone to remotely crash most popular messaging app just by sending nearly 4000 emojis to the target user, thereby affecting up to 1 Billion users. Bhuyan is the same researcher who reported a very popular WhatsApp crash bug last year that required 2000 words (2kb in size) message in the special character set to remotely crash Whatsapp messenger app. After this discovery, the company patched the bug by setting up the limits of characters in WhatsApp text messages, but unfortunately, it failed to set up limits for smileys send via WhatsApp. The recent bug tested on Android devices by multiple brands and successfully crashed: WhatsApp for Android devices including Marshmallow, Lollipop and Kitkat WhatsApp Web for Chrome, Opera and Firefox web browsers. It is sure that the latest version of WhatsApp is affected by this bug. Video Demonstration You can also watch the Proof-of-Concept (PoC) video that shows the attack in work. How to Protect Yourself Bhuyan told The Hacker News that he had reported the WhatsApp crash bug to Facebook. However, before the company patches the issue, there is a simple way out. If you become a victim of such message on WhatsApp, just open your messenger and delete the whole conversation with the sender. However, remember, if you have kept some records of your chat with that particular friend, you’ll end up losing them all. At the beginning of this year, Bhuyan also reported two separate bugs — WhatsApp Photo Privacy bug and WhatsApp Web Photo Sync Bug — in the WhatsApp web client that in some way exposes its users’ privacy. sursa @Gecko p?rea foarte fericit c? am testat asta pe el
Merci pentru inten?ie, dar nu e nimic relevant acolo. G?sisem ?i eu clipul pân? s? postez pe forum ?i ni?te articole. Am contactat oamenii, chiar ?i pe cel ce a f?cut clipul ?i mi-a spus c? nu mai merge scriptul pentru c? au f?cut modific?ri cei de la mobilpay.
Pentru ca informatiile nu sunt actualizate in timp real. Daca ai facut cautarea din acelasi browser sau de pe acelasi IP si ti-ai si accesat site-ul in urma cautarii, e posibil sa ai rezultate false in legatura cu pozitia reala a site-ului pe Google. Incearca sa folosesti un serp checker cum ar fi asta.
Eu cred ca a fost doar un spike de moment, pana s-a "stabilizat" rankingul real al site-ului.
Meet an all-new Hacker’s Search Engine similar to Shodan – Censys. At the end of last month, security researchers from SEC Consult found that the lazy manufacturers of home routers and Internet of Things (IoT) devices have been re-using the same set of hard-coded cryptographic keys, leaving around 3 millions of IoT devices open to mass hijacking. But how did the researchers get this number? Researchers uncovered these devices with the help of Censys – a new search engine that daily scans the whole Internet for all the vulnerable devices. Censys Maintains Complete Database of Everything on The Internet Censys is similar to hacker's search engine Shodan, which is designed specifically to locate any devices that have been carelessly plugged into the Internet without much attempt at preventing unauthorized access. However, Censys employs a more advanced method to find vulnerabilities in the devices and make the Internet a safer place. Censys is a free search engine that was originally released in October by researchers from the University of Michigan and is powered by the world's biggest search engine Google. Censys is part of an open source project that aims at maintaining a "complete database of everything on the Internet," helping researchers and companies unearth Online security mishaps and vulnerabilities in products and services. How Does Censys Work? Censys collects information on hosts and websites via daily scans of the IPv4 address space – the internet protocol version 4 that routes the majority of the Internet traffic today. In order to do so, the new search engine uses two companion tools: ZMap – an open-source network scanner ZGrab – an application layer scanner Censys then maintains a database of how hosts and websites are configured, allowing researchers to query the data through a search interface, report builder, and SQL engine. ZMap scans over 4 Billion IP addresses on the Internet and collects new data every day. It also helps determine whether the machines on the internet have security vulnerabilities that should be fixed before being exploited by the hackers. "We have found everything from ATMs and bank safes to industrial control systems for power plants. It's kind of scary," said Zakir Durumeric, the researcher leading the Censys project at the University of Michigan. Obvious flaws in addition to issues caused by IT administrator failures can also be found. Here's the MIT Technology Review on Censys, titled "A Search Engine for the Internet’s Dirty Secrets." More details on the Censys architecture and functionalities are available in the team's research paper. If you would like to give Censys a try, you can follow the step-by-step tutorial offered by the developers. Sursa
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Atunci, ca o gluma sadica pentru tine - cred ca are un backdoor scris in bios, special pentru tine.
Pentru tine nu.
La mul?i ani, bre! S? ne vedem ?i la anul cu bine la DefCamp ?i s? ne cump?r?m ?osete ?i pl?ci video de black friday, având în fundal rusnaci care ?in prezent?ri!
Te po?i duce la orice banc? cu sigla western union sau unitate western union cu datele alea. Nu trebuiesc imprimate, doar le dictezi.
Remember the world's tiniest computer that goes by the name of C.H.I.P.? Of course you do, it is the world's cheapest single-board computer (SBC) ever made, available for purchase for only $9 (€8.4). Well, now that the Black Friday shopping spree has started, the guys over Next Thing Co. have announced today that they will run a promotion campaign, making C.H.I.P. the world's first $8 (€7.5) computer. The campaign will start in four days from the moment of writing this article, and we have no idea how long it will last, probably during the entire day of Monday, November 30, 2015, which means for approximately 24 hours or until the stock lasts. The occasion? Well, you can blame the Black Friday shopping season or the awesome Thanksgiving holiday, but the C.H.I.P. developers have decided to lower the price of the tiny computer to $8 (€7.5) on Cyber Monday. "This Cyber Monday, the world's first $9 computer is $8," write the developers behind the C.H.I.P. project on a special web page created specifically for the sale. "Quantities are LIMITED." Oh, yeah, we forgot to tell you that the offer is a limited-time one. The end of the campaign will be announced separately, but it looks like you can reserve your $8 (€7.5) C.H.I.P. computer right now by entering your email address in the link above. A few words about C.H.I.P.? Launched on May 7, 2015, C.H.I.P. became the world's tiniest single-board computer (SBC) that runs Linux and it's powered by a 1Ghz processor and 512MB DDRAM3. Check out the promo video below to see what C.H.I.P. can do for you! sursa Tocmai ce am comandat si eu acum unul pentru tata pentru ca face mai mult browsing si nu are nevoie de putere mare de calcul. A costat 14 dolari, cu transport cu tot ($8 - $1 [cu cuponul getchip], plus $6 transportul). Sper sa merite.
Cred c? ar trebui s? d?m un avans sau chiar to?i banii unui admin sau ?ie, ca s? ?tii clar câte s? comanzi.
Lasa asa un link de curiozitate pentru ca cel putin eu sunt cam sceptic.
Si eu m? bag dac? mai e nevoie s? o spun. Bucure?ti.
Ideea e ca poate cineva a mai lucrat la un proiect de o asemenea anvergura sau chiar la ceva asemanator si are deja baza scrisa sau macar logica platformei. Eu am zis sa intreb. Vedem apoi ce si cum.
Sincer, n-am inteles decat 15% din ce ai vrut sa transmiti. Rescrie cand ai timp.
M-a contactat azi un client care ar dori o aplicatie gen Viber, cu aceleasi feature-uri. Fiind un proiect destul de mare, nu am timp de el. Asa ca, daca vreti sa va bagati, trimiteti-mi o estimare timp/pret pe PM, pana in ora 23:00 si va pun in contact.
Am vrut ?i eu s? îmi comand, dar aparent s-au cam dus stocurile.