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Everything posted by albastrel

  1. te invatz eu cum sa ii depistezi: ip hide, ip jumperii dar si nukerii si le dam la coaste o saptamana prv me!
  2. lol ))))))))) hello, daca ti se strica amprenta, iti da erroare 53 vrei sa iti mai spun si altceva?
  3. Pune mana si invatza XCode Have fun 4 all
  4. copy/paste: WarGods Anti Cheat, dupa cum probabil va dati seama din nume este o solutie menita sa detecteze si previna cazurile de codati de pe multele servere de CS. Ce face? Practic urmareste executia cam oricarui program in timp ce clientul de cs ruleaza, WACul cautand niste semnaturi specifice. Procedeul este asemanator solutiilor AntiVirus. Mai mult, el citeste la un interval de timp prestabilit zona de memorie adresata clientului Steam, cautand functiile alterate. Atentie! El citeste zona de memorie, NU se injecteaza in proces. Astfel incat el poate fi folosit fara probleme concomitent cu Steamul. De asemenea pune hookuri pe niste functii ale windowsului de injectare in procesul de HL. Pe scurt, urmareste tot ce misca cat timp CSul este rulat. Acest program poate fi folosit pe Non-Steam, cat si pe Steam fara probleme. Consumul de resurse este minim. Este optimizat in functie de platforma (x86/x64). Detecteaza cam 300 de coduri, folosite atat in competitii cat si publice. Detecteaza ct-uri ce sunt la ora actuala indetectabile de catre VAC/VAC2. De asemenea acest anticheat detecteaza si DERIVATELE acestora datorita sistemelor de hooking puse la nivelul sistemului de operare. Detecteaza si celebrele coduri Ring0(coduri implementate la nivel de kernel/servicii/drivere) Evidenta utilizatorilor/codatilor va fi vizualizata pe un site, sau direct din server printr-un plugin. Acest plugin are rol in evidenta utilizatorilor, are functie pentru obligarea adminilor de folosire a anticheatului si este responsabil cu updatarea SteamIDurilor numerice. Folosirea este simpla: Se instaleaza prin intermediul unui Installer Automat ce necesita .net framework 2, sau direct arhivat. Aplicatia la fiecare deschidere va cauta updateuri, si le va face daca este nevoie.Se trece numele in campul destinat acestui lucru. Numele trebuie sa fie exact ca si numele de joc(spatii,caractere,etc). Se selecteaza unul din butoane(Steam/Non-Steam). In acest moment, toate instantele de HL vor fi inchise automat. Pentru Steam se va alege executabilul Steam.exe(va fi deschis direct councter-strikeul), iar pentru non-steam va fi ales HL.exe/cstrike.exe/cstrike.bin. In acest moment este posibil sa consume pentru cateva secunde mai multe resurse, deoarece el isi initializeaza toate hookurile si sistemele de verificare. Necesita: .Net Framework 4(va fi instalat unde este nevoie prin WAC Install-installerul automat) Conexiune internet. WACul vine si cu un spatiu de reclame. Programul este FREE. Totusi exista si o versiune contra cost(include banner global pentru reclame+reclamele altor servere nu vor fi afisate pentru dumneavoastra). Pentru cine vrea Sursa pluginului aveti e-mail. P.S: Stiu ca multi o sa spuneti ca este ineficient, ca trebuie descarcat,etc. Acest program se adreseaza in special adminilor/sloturilor, pentru a nu exista suspiciuni.
  5. esti un agramat, pripasule, stai calm acolo, ca nu are mama ce sa faca cu putza ta aia minuscula, sa i-o dai lu maicata droghistule chileaza-te!
  6. Vrei droguri nebunule vrei sa tragi pe nas, sa te spargi, hai zine si noua aici ce vrei sa faci tu!
  7. HTC M8, M9 - cele mai bune smartphoane cu camera excelenta 10+
  8. scoate pozele pe PC, contactele salveaza-le tot pe PC si dai un hard reset si aia e si NUMAI LUATI PROSTII GEN ANTIVIRUS 360, BALARIA AIA DE CLEANER NUSHT CUM, APLICATIILE ASTEA NU FAC NIMIC, DOAR VA CONSUMA MULT RAM se misca de toata jena telefonul SI VA MAI si salveaza intr-o baza de date parolele si usernameurile!!! TOT CE E GRATIS VINE CU UN SUPLIMENT!!! GEN NIMIC NU E GRATIS FARA COSTURI (se strica repede sau e fake etc.)! ASA CA SMART BOYS!
  9. Bateria scoasa si repornit iar, daca merge e ok daca nu problema din placa de baza
  10. Mai dar ce rai sunteti voi @aa7670, sincer este o stire daca vrei sa citesti ok daca nu, nu
  11. Poti sa ii dai hard reset din butoane sau si din factory reset nu se codeaza never la loc... el practic l-a rootat si a pus boxul de decodat pe el si i-a citit niste coduri din el, ca sa ti-l deblocheze apoi cu cartela de telekom gen. Deci in concluzie poti sa ii dai ce vrei succes.
  12. Gary McKinnon, who faced a 10-year fight against extradition to the US after breaking into computer databases of NASA, US military and the Pentagon, has made the shock claims. It remains one of the top alien conspiracist theories - that NASA and the US government has known for years we are being regularly monitored by UFOs from far-flung galaxies. But, in the belief Joe Public could not handle the truth, or it would lead to the breakdown of religion and society as we know it, it has been successfully withheld from us by cover up after cover up. It was when former NASA contractor Donna Hare went whistleblower in November 2000 with claims that NASA staff digitally edited out UFOs from satellite pictures before they were released, from Building eight of the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, that Mr McKinnon, 49, decided he had to know more. An avid interest in the so-called alien disclosure movement, which calls on governments worldwide to release all their top-secret files of UFOs and alien visitations, led him to hack into computer databases of NASA, there US military and the Pentagon, from his girlfriend's aunt's home in London. Mr McKinnon said their security was so lapse he was able to regularly gain access to entire databases for between 18 months and two years. But for someone to have gained so much unprecedented access, the disclosures that followed were relatively few and far between. First, while scouring US Navy databases, Mr McKinnon stumbled across a file containing a list of "non-terrestrial officers" with their ranks and names and a separate file of "material transfers between ships". Although, he has no record of any of the officer or ship names now, he claims further research at the time found no trace of any of the ships anywhere or of the use of the term non-terrestrial officer. Mr McKinnon believes he may have found confidential evidence of a secret space base. Non-terrestrial does not just mean not from earth, it can also mean not land based, meaning the term would not be irregular in terms of the navy. When asked if non-terrestrial officers could mean something else such as this or astronauts, Mr McKinnon added: "It could be up to you how you interpret them." The other evidence uncovered by Mr McKinnon was while trawling the 255 computers of building eight at the Johnson Space Center. He said: "There were image databases with roll one: filtered or processed and unprocessed. They were 200-odd megabytes each. I had full remote control of the desktop." He said he started to download an image, but it was extremely slow, and he only got half to 2/3rds of the way down before being rumbled. Mr McKinnon added: "It was the hemisphere of a planet I assume was Earth. It was cloudy, but there was the classic cigar-shape (UFO)." He said there were domes above and below it and one to the right, but he did not feel it was man made. Mr McKinnon said he took a screen grab, but then saw the cursor move separately to his mouse movements, before the connection was lost, and he was unable to retrieve the image from the clipboard. He was arrested soon after before a highly publicised battle against extradition from 2002 to 2012, during which, in 2008, he was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome - a form of autism that may have affected his behaviour. He was accused by the US government of costing it $700,000 and hacking for more sinister reasons than trying to discover if the truth was out there. This was amid claims he deleted critical files, shut down the US Army’s 2,000-computer Washington network for 24 hours and paralysed munitions supplies to the US Navy.
  13. degeaba daca ii faci root iti trebuie si boxul z3x sa il poti decoda
  14. trebuia sa pui intr-o descriere + PLACA VIDEO de peste 1, 2 GB!
  15. 1. Technical Documentation | SAMSUNG Developers Daca tot nu merge... 2. Reinstaleaza Windowsul
  16. Oameni buni... Exista servere de remove icloud... posibilitate de 75% sanse sa ti-l scoata si costa in jurul de 1000 lei, sta cam asa.... Programul din serverul respectiv acasa la "Vasile" din Germania sau Elvetia, prieten cu angajatul din Apple Complex "Lyly chinezoaica (nume fictiv)", ii da share lui Vasile, cu baza de date".. el extrage din baza de date APPLE... mailul si parola contului respectiv... probabil, restu sunt de 25% sanse sa nu il gaseasca in baza de date pentru ca internetul nu este asa bun ... Nu stiu daca ati auzit dar la sediul apple in China.. se sta cu arma la poarta, dar in plus de asta au garduri de 10 metrii cu sarma ghimpata.. ii controleaza pe toti angajatii la intrarea/iesirea din unitate... La TV totul se vede roz dar nu este asa... Acum sa stie tot Romanul cum sta treaba cu aceste "ICLOADE removing servere"! Si probabil de asta este asa scump... pentru ca femeia "Lyly (nume fictiv)" sta cu frica sa nu o prinda, pentru ca pedepsele sunt cu moartea asa ca ...... toata lumea intreaba bai dc este asa scump sa scoti un ICLOAD pentru ca deasta... Chinese worker, 26, making Apple iPhones died after enduring 12 hour shifts, seven days a week, family claim
  17. este laptop sau telefon ? zimi modelul exact.. il ai in setari in about phone sau cand scoti bateria din spate.. ca nu am auzit de samsung m68, este ZEN M68????
  18. Daca ai inceput cu Alo gen bashini in cap de copii flausati si "vreau sa va asigurati ca functioneaza" (cum ar fi ca platesti) ) sigur te ajuta lumea .
  19. albastrel


    Este defecta soneria sau folia de incarcare, ptr ca acolo se aseaza soneria, go la service. Succes.
  20. Cunoaste cineva erroarea 53(dead phone) rezolvare? Fara schimbat amprenta etc... trebuie ce-a originala altfel nu merge... deci o rezolvare?? Am colaborat cu iH8sn0w dar.... mi-a dat mesaj pe private ca este abuzat de cei de la apple sa nu dea bugurile si restul... deci nu a putut sa ma ajute... pentru ca e monitorizat. O rezolvare?
  21. Ca sa il faci sa mearga gen: Semnal, call and call back.. Iti trebuie parola si userul de la icloud a proprietarului, daca vrei sa il faci ipod gasesti solutii in "iphone blocat icloud" succes.
  22. Download BlackWire.rar Download BlackWire.rar | Files.com
  23. Scrie te rog *#06# si spune daca ai IMEI. Din cate stiu se decodeaza pe baza de coduri. Astept raspuns.
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