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Posts posted by makav3li

  1. On 4/23/2021 at 2:25 PM, Che said:

    Se poate programa/modifica din hardware un ceas Casio ca sa aprinda beculetul de la display la o ora anume sau sa faca un beep doar la o anumita ora sau sa se sincronizeze automat prin radio control la o anumita ora, asta daca el este doar cu sincronizare manuala de exemplu?

    Stiti ceva despre asta?

    Un tutorial despre asta, va rog?


    Depinde la ce te referi... cum ai vrea sa il manipulezi? daca este rf, atunci el este "programat pe o frecventa anume". vrei sa il faci din 12:00 sa sune la 12:03?da, atunci trebuie "modificat". 

    "sa sincronizeze automat prin radio control la o anumita ora, asta daca el/ este doar cu sincronizare manuala de exemplu" Da.

    exemplu: imi pot organiza ceasul de mana la ora de la alarma de casa, si pe langa poarta de intrare(ele nu sunt in accelasi timp cu noi dar, in accelasi timp sincronizate)

  2. A lucrat cineva cu Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro 110TH/s?

    Am o mica ferma de 14 unitati, din ele imi cad 6 aleatoriu dupa ce temperatura sare de 33/34grade.

    A mai patit cineva asa ceva?

    Nu inteleg de ce cad aleatoriu sincer. Sistem de ventilatie este pus la punct, electric.










    fie: cineva de aici incearca sa faca un nou malware?scrie?

    te-ai panicat cand ai primit linku'ul?

    stai lin., ca nu ii fura nimeni lu mata/tactu 2lei de pe card(sti foarte bine la cine ma refer)

    daca te ducea bila/ poate ajutai cu ceva.

  4. simplu tu devi middle man in this attempt.

    banii pot proveni din mai multe surse/ DNM;urile ragaie de bank drops cu full access + rdp.

    sfatul meu? nu o faca daca este ceva pe numele tau.

    trebuie sa intelegi ca intr.o investigatie daca te prinde si tu ai fost personal de ai ridicat banii inseamna ca ai avut discernamant/deci ai stiu exact ce faci.

    pedepsele sunt destul de mari pentru asa ceva si iar, prea multe capete de acuzare.

    gaseste un cotetar si dai bice :)

    @Dragos XMR no BTC/ they will do this shit properly / cred ca stiu ei destul de bine ce fac acolo :)


    • Thanks 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Nytro said:

    Gata cu insultele, fiecare poate intelege ce vrea atat in legatura cu termenul "hacker" cat si de locurile in care acestia activeaza.

    De exemplu, parerea mea e simpla: nu prea mai exista hackeri. Iar prin hackeri sunt destul de sigur ca inteleg ceva diferit atat fata de voi cat si fata de persoane cu multi ani experienta in "security".


    Mai exact, pentru mine un hacker este o persoana care:

    - face research si descopera lucruri noi, tehnici in principiu

    - nu o face pentru bani (adica lucrand la o firma care il plateste sa faca research si sa il publice pentru reclama)

    - face public ceea ce descopera, gratuit (nu la o conferinta la care biletul costa 2000 de USD)


    Example: AlephOne care ne-a invatat pe toti ce e un buffer overflow, rainforestpuppy care ne-a invatat SQL Injection si multi altii. In prezent, nu prea mai exista, sau exista foarte putini.

    Asadar singurul hacker in viata ramane tot @black_death_c4t supranumit si "Hackerul de narghilea".


    Stiu ca voi va referiti la persoane care fac diverse lucruri, fie ilegale, fie la limita legalitatii pentru a obtine bani din activitatile sale. 

    Eu mi-am spus parerea, voi aveti alte pareri, e normal, e un Internet liber si trebuie sa acceptam ca nu gandim cu totii la fel. Deci nu trebuie sa ii jignim pe cei care au o parere diferita de a noastra, nu e un domeniu in care unul sa aiba dreptate si altul nu, cu totii avem dreptate. 

    Si de ce sa nu ma "aprind" cand vinde unu ca "asta" , care ne povesteste de TOR si alte guțumanii? Pe aici sunt persoane de cand era "isr/ul". 

    De ceva timp (maxim2/3ani) toti stiu de "darweb", tails si etc. 

    Plus( aici iti dau dreptate) nu stiu sa faca diferenta intre hack si crack. Plm. 

    Eu tot am sa "injur".


  6. 23 hours ago, yoyois said:

    De unde atata secretitate? Da-i un PM lu Nytro cu link si invitatie si tot ce trebuie.

    Nu e skid, iti garantez :))


    Bine inteleg ca nu vrei sa postezi public aici pt toata prostimea, dar nici atat circle-jerk-secrecy nu inteleg.

    Cine a zis, ceva de skids? 

    Ai link-uri deja postate. 

    Pune mana și învață. 


  7. 6 hours ago, Nytro said:

    Da, in general cei care isi risca libertatea astfel probabil isi vor lua cat mai multe masuri, atat sa se asigure ca atacul le iese, cat si ca nu sunt prinsi. 


    Ca tot veni vorba, acum X ani am discutat cu cineva de la o banca care se ocupa de partea cu securitatea ATM-urilor, fizica. Si mi-a zis o chestie foarte interesanta legata de skimmere (acele device-uri care iti copiaza datele de pe card, de banda magnetica). Eu cand merg la un ATM trag ca taranul de partea in care se introduce cardul si de tastatura. Iar el a zis asa: "Daca gasesti vreodata un skimmer, il pui la loc si pleci. Apoi daca vrei poti anunta politia. Acel skimmer ii costa pe ei o gramada de bani, pana la 10.000 de $ si pentru el ar fi in stare sa te taie in miezul zilei. Cu siguranta e cineva prin zona, nu pleaca si isi lasa device-ul nesupravegheat".


    Ceea ce fac altii prin afara si se filmeaza cum descopera ei astfel de lucruri poate fi periculos. :) 

    1.Un skimmer la ora actuala îl poți face cu un buget de 500€. Ma refer unu deștept cu sim care sa îți trimită trackurile și o camera bună pt pin. Nu se mai merita cu tastatura. 

    2. Jackpot. urile (aka Blackbox) sunt cele mai eficiente. 

    3. Ce fac ei este o forma foarte agresiva de atac. 

    4. Atm forking dacă nu te duce capul sa programezi un pi. 


    • Upvote 3
  8. :))) si daca revine/ o sa fie cel mai mare hp ever. tinand cont ca a fost cel mai mare DNM.

    toata treaba a fost pregatita din timp.

    simplu sfat daca a.ti folosit marketul/ withdrawal all your money,use pgp for everything, 2fa, schimbati password si pin.
    si fugiti de acolo.

    2 minutes ago, ardu2222 said:

    HP :) 



    • Upvote 1
    1. @ardu2222 pai  ramai cu ei/ sunt tare curios daca ai platit macar o data un fee pt un account./
    2. @0xStrait@tagheuer da. omerta a fost down pt un timp, dupa a revenit si multi cred ca este un honey pot. pentru droguri si alte prostii sunt multe marketuri 100%legit./
    3. pentru restul @Zatarra @Nytro cand prind primele invitatii am sa va trimit cu cea mai mare placere./
    4. dark.fail este tovarasul tau in caz ca nu sti unde sa te uiti prima data dupa marketuri sau alte pagini./
    5. ca sa intri pe un forum 100%legit si fara scammers sunt doar 2posibilitati fee 500$/luna sau invitatie si ai 30de zile demo./
    6. EmpireMarket exited scam azi dimineata 2milioane de users si si un pot de peste 120mil$/ Torum nu o sa mai revin pentru o perioada buna de timp sau posibil nici o data./
      Hash: SHA512

      Its now been over 48 hours of the market being down. The market mod panel has also been down that long. I had hoped it would have returned by now. It is looking very unlikely that it will. The mod panel is down and the admins are not on jabber.

      I don't think the admins ever planned an exit, planned exits usually disable withdrawals and continue accepting deposits for weeks sometimes even much longer. It was only a week ago when BTC on the market temporarily stopped working and the admins fixed it fast allowing BTC withdrawals again. If it was a planned exit i don't think they would have put in any work fixing BTC withdrawals that close to the end. They had frequently told me they wanted Empire to be the longest living market in history and for the most part i do think that was their intentions and is why the market was online for as long as it was. Having said that. It is sad the admins didn't give any notice of the closure and there is no excuse for that.

      I know the admins were getting tired of keeping Empire Market running. The market was on auto-pilot for the last half a year with no new features being added. I had made suggestions, some of the suggestions was getting rid of PINs and only using PGP 2FA or reviewing XMR code to make XMR withdrawals more reliable. Most of my suggestions were ignored. Earlier on in the history of the market they listened to me more. The market launched with allowing weapon purchases, they removed it after i strongly advocated against the market having anything to do with weapons. In the last half a year it wasn't just ignored suggestions. Communication in general between the mod team and the admins was very limited. This was frustrating but i had accepted that this is the way they wanted it.

      Here is why i think the admins closed shop.

      Empire Market started having good uptime again after the EndGame links were added 4 months ago. The market was online because the two admins agreed to make weekly payments to /u/SchwererGustav to keep the market online. Gustav had been holding down the market brutally for a long time and when the EndGame links were added, he took all those down too. That was probably the closest the market came to a breaking point and a deal was made. I wasn't told of the specific details of the arrangement and i never spoke directly to Gustav but i can guess he must have been getting paid at least $10k or $15k a week maybe more.

      The market was already in a complicated spot with Gustav and when new DDOS came from a new DDOSer that could hold down 9 EndGame links. This was probably when the admins decided to call it quits. I doubt they would want to pay multiple DDOSers and at the same time it wouldn't work paying one DDOSer if another is holding the market down.

      Having said all of that, if the Tor staff team had fixed the problems in Tor that makes an attack like this possible, i believe the admins would have stuck around longer. Tor staff know what they need to do to fix this and that is to add PoW to the network. Maybe they are working on this now and its nice to see they are talking about PoW more frequently but they have been stalling on this for years. I'll go one step further and say if Tor staff team added PoW years ago even Dream Market might still be here.

      I never had server access to the market but i did host the new forum. The forum was spared from the start date of the new DDOS but after the admins took the market down completely, even the mod panel. The forum started getting attacked after that. It was up and down for the day after the market was taken down then i took the forum down, waiting for the market or mod panel to return. In my point of view, putting in the cost and time to fight the DDOS and keep the forum online was a thankless task if the admins have stopped communicating with me and stopped paying me. This is why the forum was online for a short time after the market was taken down but was taken down later. They were not hosted together. I started at Empire as a volunteer forum moderator on the old forum and never thought i would come this far. This is a sour conclusion but i am proud of the work i put in.

      I'm disappointed the admins ended the market like this. I apologize to anyone that had money in escrow. I can only advise that you use markets with MultiSig and only use that for big orders.

      Much love. Se7en.
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  9. 4 hours ago, Nytro said:

    Da-ne si noua niste link-uri atunci. Chiar as vrea sa gasesc lucruri interesante.

    Imi poti da pe PM daca consideri ca nu ar trebui sa fie publice.

    o sa iti trimit o invitatie cand am/ cu prima ocazie.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Multi din "voi" stiti deja ce se petrece/

    EM este de 48h down.

    Dread este suspus la un DDOS foarte agresiv.

    Alte forumuri si.au inchis activitatea ex: Torum.

    Exit scam in ultimi 2ani a fost "paranormal".

    Ce parere aveti de ce se intampla in "ultima perioada"?

    DOX si altele? nu se mai ajunge lumea de la bani si se mananca intrei ei?

    Nu vb daca nu sti despre ce e vb te rog.




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