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Everything posted by daatdraqq

  1. Furaciune de la samsung s4 .Exact asta face samsung s4(si note cred) cand il setezi sa-ti scoata oamenii din fundal . O sa vedeti iar un proces cat de curand .
  2. M-am trezit cu-n caine muscat de picior. M-am trezit cu-n caine muscat de picior - Suceveanul si maidanezii - YouTube
  3. Nu a mai fost postata chestia asta de cateva ori ? E ceva de genul asta ?
  4. Ba esti nebun ? Cine crezi coaie ca iti spune asa ceva ?
  5. E grav ce se intampla cu tine .
  6. Sunt multe magazine de genul asta in Ro si au marfa pe stoc ,nu trebuie sa astepti . Daca tot astept ,de ce sa cumpar de la tine si nu direct de la chinez ?
  7. Praf
  8. [RST]Folosire XSS pentru a trece de protectia CSRF [MADE BY NYTRO] | Sympleboy22's Blog
  9. Teoretic si eu pot face foarte multe lucruri de care probabil nici nu sunt constient ca le pot face .Practic insa , beau doar bere .
  10. Cuvinte : bijuterii swarovski originale Rezultat Senuke Niche Research : Rezultat Google Keyword Planner : # Rezultate in urma cautarii : Senuke 99 , Google 210 Arabu suge .
  11. Am un stick de 16 gb plin ochi cu filme xxx .Il formatez si il scriu ochi cu filme politiste. Il formatez si il scriu ochi cu filme cu prosti . Daca tu mai gasesti o urma de film xxx care sa si fie plauzibila ca proba ,eu imi tai pula si o arunc la gaste. Ca asa ceva sa fie posibil ar inseamna ca stick-ul meu sa aiba o marime incomensurabila .
  12. Bucharest Tech Hub District 2 39-41 Nicolae Filipescu Bucharest Romania Friday, 6 September 2013 from 09:30 to 17:30 (BST) The CentOS Project would like to invite you to attend our next Dojo being held on Sept 6th, 2013 in Bucharest, Romania. The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organised around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practices in linux centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios. http://www.centos.org/ Register Here : https://centosbucharest2013.eventbrite.co.uk/
  13. http://wwwb.search.billmelater.com/query.php?query=test voi cum il considerati ,e subdomeniu billmelater sau nu ?
  14. Il apasau .
  15. Taxa de inmatriculare ti-o calculezi aici . http://static.anaf.ro/static/10/Anaf/AsitentaContribuabili_r/calculator_taxe/taxa_timbru_2013.html
  16. Sirienii spun ca il sustin pe Bashar al-Assad si totul e o manevra Al-Qaeda pentru a instaura haosul in Siria . E protest la bucuresti chiar acum .
  17. Cod numeric personal - Wikipedia
  18. Mie nu mi-au trimis niciodata nimic in email . Poate e mai noua treaba ,n-am mai umblat la ns-uri de 1 an .
  19. Am patit si eu asa acum 2 saptamani ,pana nu i-am dat resetare parola nu a mers . Cred ca au un sistem care te obliga sa schimbi parola la o perioada si uita sa te anunte .
  20. Toate raspunsurile de la ei vin cu UID-ul respectiv ,cum sa se faca confuzie ?
  21. Clickjacking is a term first introduced by Jeremiah Grossman and Robert Hansen in 2008 to describe a technique whereby an attacker tricks a user into performing certain actions on a website by hiding clickable elements inside an invisible iframe. Although it has been two years since the concept was first introduced, most websites still have not implemented effective protection against clickjacking. In part, this may be because of the difficulty of visualising how the technique works in practice. This new browser-based tool allows a user to experiment with clickjacking techniques by using point-and-click to visually select different elements within a webpage to be targeted. The tool also allows several 'next-generation' clickjacking techniques to be used, as introduced in Paul Stone's Blackhat Europe 2010 talk. Among the features of the new tool are: Use point-and-click to select the areas of a page to be targeted Supports the new 'text-field injection' technique Supports the new 'content extraction' technique 'Visible mode' replay allowing a user to see how the technique works behind the science 'Hidden mode' replay allows the same steps to be replayed in a hidden manner, simulating a real clickjacking attack. The tool is currently in an early beta stage, and works best in Firefox 3.6. Full support for other browsers will follow shortly. For further information, please see the Readme.txt file in the downloadable tool. http://www.contextis.com/research/tools/clickjacking-tool
  22. Trage lumea ca musca la cacat .
  23. Bitdefender suge.
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