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Everything posted by sandabot

  1. Pentru un brand ca RST cunoscut doar de persoanele ce lucreaza in domeniu nu s-ar merita, gandeste-te ca oamenii le-ar purta doar sa primeasca feedback de la cunoscatori iar cum cunoscatorii brandului nu sunt multi nu cred ca s-ar complica nimeni sa le poarte. Daca era cu nenea Gutza era alta chestie.
  2. http://www.mediafire.com/view/61ugl7z8kqkuxbs/Free%20Crypto%20Coins.pdf
  3. Cred ca e o tema ce n-ar trebui sa aiba exceptie in sectiunea de discutii non-it , dar ca fiecare topic trebuie sa aiba o baza solida si sa fie peste gradul de prostie. Ce s-a intamplat e un caz izolat, mai e mult pana la generalizare.
  4. Android platform is becoming vulnerable day by day and hackers always try to manipulate android by applying novel techniques. In this regard, Symantec researchers have found a new android malware toolkit named “Dendroid”. Previously Symantec found an Android Remote admin tool named AndroRAT is believed to be the first malware APK binder. However, Dendroid runs on HTTP with many malicious features. Dendroid toolkit is able to generate a malicious apk file that offers amazing features like: -Can delete call logs -Open web pages -Dial any number -Record calls -SMS intercepting -Upload images, video -Open an application -Able to perform DoS attack -Can change the command and control server The author of Dendroid also offers 24/7 customer support for this RAT and Android users can buy this toolkit at $300 by paying Bitcoin, Lifecoin. Experts at Symantec said that Dendroid has some connection with the previous AndroRAT toolkit. Dendroid being an HTTP RAT offers PHP panel, firmware interface, and an APK binder package. The official seller of Dendroid is identified as “Soccer” and it endow with amazing features that have never been offered before this. Symantec believes that there is a strong marketplace for such malicious tools. Even on PC platform, many crimeware toolkits like Zeus (Trojan.Zbot) and SpyEye (Trojan.Spyeye) performed high profile crimes. Such toolkits became popular due to ease of use. Symantec is also observing over Dendroid and advice users to install Norton Mobile Security to detect this threat. According to a well-known report, Android is a dominant player in spreading mobile malware. Due to open source platform, Android is on the target of cyber criminals. Many experts have also predicted that the year of 2014 will be of malware attacks and data theft. It is believed that these attacks will happen on major OS, including Android, iOS, and Blackberry, etc. It is sensible to download apps from trusted source (Google Play). If you download application from an unknown source, you may fall victim of a cyber attack. Source
  5. Am vazut ca multi vreti un domeniu cu o oarecare istorie , o sa va arat cum sa luati domenii expirate doar la pretul unei inregistrari normale. 1. Faceti-va cont pe Expired Domains with PR, Backlinks and more completely FREE , e gratis si aveti mai multe detalli asupra domeniilor. 2. Duceti-va la sectiunea de "Deleted .com" Login 3. Ca filtre cele mai bune pe care vi le recomand sunt "only new last 24 hours/no Numbers/no Hyphens " Ca sa vedeti cam cat valoreaza domeniul puteti folosi http://www.valuate.com/ , https://www.archive.org/ si in cazul in care domeniul are ranking alexa va puteti uita si pe Alexa - The Web Information Company (cele cu un rank mai mic de 4mil ) Intr-un final, cele mai bune domenii sunt cele care chiar inseamna ceva, scurte ca lungime si poate cele cu un PR gata facut . Happy hunting !
  6. M-am oprit la 5 pagini in momentul in care am aflat ca trebuia sa le rescriu pe toate din cauza unui semn de pe prima pagina . Sunt multumit de subectul 2 insa la 3 n-am apucat sa scriu tot ce voiam (Ion-Liviu Rebreanu)
  7. Numele trebuie sa fie subiectiv, sa insemne ceva si sa fie usor memorabil , daca ai o nisa supra-saturata precum pokerul incearca sa formezi un domeniu din nisa originala+un cuvant . Daca acel cuvant este in combinatie cu nisa originala si formeaza un keyword cautat in google (verifica cu keyword planner) e si mai bine . INSA , iti zic din experienta ca domeniul nu are importanta atat de mare precum continutul asa ca daca ai pus mana pe un domeniu bun , nu te astepta sa fie pe primul loc pe keywordul acela.
  8. O sa intelegeti ca RST e o comunitate nu prea formala pentru cei obisnuiti cu regulile scrise pe forumurile de CS, daca vreti sa stati sa invatati va asumati comportamentul !
  9. Sunt multe alternative mai simple pentru infectare decat metasplit cu reverse_tcp , singurul flaw aici e ca trebuie sa trimiti shellul la victima , cand cu un rat cryptat e mai simplu .
  10. La ce te referi prin REMOTES ? Daca vrei sa dai brute la RDP-uri foloseste DUBrute (am folosit si altele insa el e cel mai bun)
  11. Probabil ca o sa-i foloseasca cuiva . 75656.13596491229+72319.46140350877+78021.7061403509+78920.4109649123+76988.07807017546 E armon-64 + descrierea mamei voastre.
  12. Merge si cu IP de RO, am luat si eu 3 domenii (poate si mai multe) Ceva pentru mine: sandabot.eu
  13. https://rstforums.com/forum/79227-tut-darkcomet-rat-5-3-1-a.rst
  14. In the era of Smart devices, we have Smartphones, Smart TVs, Smart Fridges, and even the Smart cars! We have made our life very easy and comfortable by providing the master control of every task to such smart devices. But imagine if an attacker wants to take revenge or hurt someone, now they can just hack cars, rather than failing their breaks in the traditional way. Sounds Horrible ! WELL, Two Security researchers - Javier Vazquez-Vidal and Alberto Garcia Illera have developed a homemade gadget called 'CAN Hacking Tools (CHT)', made up of a tiny device smaller than your Smartphone, which is enough to hack the Cars. The Kit costs less than $20, but is far capable to take away car's entire control from windows and headlights to its steering and brakes. The device uses the Controller Area Network (CAN) ports that are built into cars for computer-system checks, and draws power from the car’s electrical system. Injecting a malicious code to CAN ports allows an attacker to send wireless commands remotely from a computer. Once hackers take hold of this network they can control lights, locks, steering and even brakes. They have already tested their CHT device on four different vehicles and successfully did tricks, including applying Emergency brakes while the car was in motion that could potentially cause a sudden stop in traffic, switching off headlights, setting off alarms, and affecting the steering. Till now their device is capable to communicate via Bluetooth only, which is limited to minor range, but by soon they will upgrade it to use a GSM cellular radio that would make their device possible to control from miles away. “All the ingredients of their tool are off-the-shelf components, so that even if the device is discovered, it wouldn’t necessarily provide clues as to who planted it. It’s totally untraceable”, says Vazquez Vidal. “A car is a mini network,” says his second partner Garcia Illera adding, “And right now there’s no security implemented.” Source: Hacking a Car remotely with $20 iPhone sized Device - The Hacker News
  15. Ceva care sa ia uid dintr-o lista de prieteni/pagina incarcata nu ai ?
  16. Pe vremurile alea securitatea informatica nu erau o prioritate, nu existau programe bug-bounty, acum te temi sa dai share la un exploit sa nu ti-l raporteze altul.
  17. Vreau sa inregistrez un numar maricel de domenii asa ca vreau s-o fac cat mai ieftin (max 3$/.com) Asa ca vreau daca se poate site-uri/cupoane pentru domenii .com plata paypal/card (mi-e indiferent) Exclus GoDaddy !!!
  18. Dar daca pagina este un simplu landing page fara mai mult de 2 pagini ? Cum va afecta asta pozitia ?
  19. Ma gandeam daca inca este o nisa profitabila in 2014 si daca s-ar merita efortul . Daca da sa ma axez pe o categorie de jocuri sau un site cu mai multe categorii ?
  20. Ala nu face nimic comparabil cu MustangWanted : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6divyNPlzo Si daca sunteti slabi de inima , ganditi-va ca este un exemplu al selectiei naturale.
  21. sandabot


    >Your monthly earnings = $ 8.33 >Your Yearly earnings = $ 101.29 The above example is based only on 35 referrals and the current number of ads. What if you had more referrals? Decat sa muncesc zilnic un an pentru o suta de dolari mai bine as dezapezi masinile. Nici programul de ads nu-i convenabil. >"Pare prea frumos sa fie real, voi ce ziceti ?" O sa-ti moara copii de foame daca te multumesti cu atat.
  22. Il detii legal ? Daca da ce pret ai vrea ?
  23. 2 conturi acelasi raspuns , nu pot sa-mi creez VPS-ul pe pagina .
  24. Defineste backdoor in cuvintele tale . Ce credeai ca era "lipit" de executabilul pe care l-ai luat ? Esti constient ca, desi unele programe sunt detectate de AV, pot fi sigure da ?
  25. Te conectezi la routerul lui si ii prinzi pachetele cu Wireshark .
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