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Everything posted by sandabot

  1. Bine blegilor asta-i mai mult o metoda decat un tutorial cu care o sa puteti sa aveti like-uri reale (100-300/zi) din Romania. Ideea e sa fiti primul care o aplica . Ok prima data va va trebui o nisa din ramura niselor de muzica . Practic o melodie populara in Romania caruia sa-i faceti o pagina care arata destul de oficial. Puteti sa fiti la curent cu cele mai noi 'hituri' pe youtube la Populare in Romania -> Muzica . 1.Ii puneti o poza de profil si o poza dinaia de spate (pula mea am uitat cum se cheama). 2.Invitati toti prietenii sa dea like (prima suta de like-uri e cel mai greu pas, dupa aia totul e pe pilot automat) 3.Ca sa aveti reach daily spamati cu linkul de pe youtube al melodiei. 4.Dupa aia rezultatele vorbesc singure. Nu incercati sa faceti o melodie internationala, metoda asta functioneaza doar pentru ca romanu' ar da like la orice pagina ii vine prin reach. Si uitati ce se intampla cand o piesa devine hit :
  2. Mai multe informatii aici Jules and Gedeon Naudet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Asta e varianta needitata, luata direct din camera aceea. https://mega.co.nz/#!mdBHhBrJ!6Pfpy3fmWvsK3ID64cI3JZoo274g5v29mVAILQSfbOM
  3. Se intampla lucruri mai rele care daca nu sunt sharuite pe facebook sunt ignorate. Si chiar daca ti-as da dreptate n-ar conta, m-as consuma fara niciun rost. Ce s-a intamplat in mintea ta: ai vazut videoclipul pe facebook, te-ai consumat asupra faptului si singurul mod in care sa-ti reumplii rezervele de butoiase emotionale ar fi sa ni-l bagi pe gat in speranta ca feedback-ul nostru cum ca iti intelegem trairile ti le-ar umple si te-ar face sa te simti mai bine. Videoclipul e tragic doar pentru ca copilul nu are (inca) nimic pentru care sa-l uram el e pur din punct de vedere al mentalitatii insa are genele si va creste in imprejurarea parintilor . Si dupa principiul maimuta vede maimuta face asa va face si el cand va fi mai mare asa ca daca nu-l urati acum o sa-l urati cand va invata totul de la societatea in care traieste. Morala povestii : va doare inima cand vedeti un foaie cum este trasa la imprimanta dar va doare pula de imprimanta.
  4. Bine ai venit ceva cunostinte ? Si spune-mi daca din intamplare esti neam cu @Oust
  5. 18 centi pentru 3 clickuri este mult prea putin chiar si pentru Romania . Nu-i nicio retea mai buna decat adsense .
  6. Se poate sa fie si o problema de la google bot, am avut si eu problema cu DNS vara trecuta insa nu-mi afecta pozitia/vizibilitatea in google .
  7. bump ! oferta inca este valabila !
  8. Google announced in January that it was developing a smart contact lens that could continually monitor blood glucose levels of Type 2 diabetics. It has been announced that Google is also working to create a contact lens with an integrated camera that would help people with visual disabilities. The lens is meant to work like this: a small camera will be embedded out of the way of the pupil so it will not obstruct vision. Blinking activates the sensor for the camera. An advantage to using this lens instead of something like Google Glass is that the camera is able to follow the eye’s precise movement. Even the smallest sideways glance will still allow the camera to face the point of interest. The data collected by the camera can be processed to recognize a variety of properties including faces, motion, color, light, and certain objects. If someone with a visual impairment is wearing the lenses and is, say, about to step off the curb while there is traffic present. The lens, which can be linked to a smartphone, will give an auditory warning for the wearer to stop, and then let the user know when it is safe to cross. The facial recognition could help the wearer identify friends and family by connecting to a database. There is also the potential for law enforcement to use the technology to spot persons of interest or those with outstanding warrants. Of course, the lens isn’t only for those who need help visually navigating their surroundings. It will also be able to take regular pictures hands free. The developers also hope to be able to zoom the camera in, reducing the need for binoculars. While this does seem pretty handy in some circumstances, it seems fairly creepy for others. Keep your blinds closed, guys. At this stage, the lens is still theoretical, but a patent application was filed on the design back in 2012. There is no telling when or if this product will be available on the open market.
  9. Cea mai buna decizie de la infiintare.
  10. Uhm.... threadu asta a luat o alta intorsatura Baaa identitatea mea e afectata Ma jur n-am fumat nimic sandaception
  11. Cu atatea clicks scoteam de 30 de ori mai mult, dreamcash nu are conversie buna si tu primesti doar 60% din oferta .
  12. Micro nise Competitie mare Conversie mica Would not waste time with this method/10 Cea mai buna metoda inca e un site bazat pe o nisa non-gaming .
  13. Cum am zis vand site-ul Cosplay Girls - Hot Girls Cosplay . Are 458 Posturi (o imagine/post) http://s2.postimg.org/myj170m9l/image.png Site-ul are potential si stiu ca poate fi monetizat foarte bine de cineva care are cunostinte si timp liber . Pret : 150$ PayPal .
  14. Nu se merita sa te folosesti de yt sa-ti aduci trafic pe un site apoi sa monetizezi traficul prin adsense . Youtube functioneaza cel mai bine pentru CPA/PPD/Marketing afiliat . (Youtube -> Website -> Lead)
  15. Cum se poate ranka cel mai bine un landing page unic din punct de vedere al content/nisa/design ? Subsciu ne-ar interesa ceva tutoriale .
  16. Aparent un RFID reader, m-am interesat si eu si se vand pentru 200$-750$ de inalta frecventa.
  17. As we reported earlier, Microsoft will stop supporting the Windows XP operating system after 8th April, apparently 95% of the world’s 3 million ATM machines are run on it. Microsoft's decision to withdraw support for Windows XP poses critical security threat to the economic infrastructure worldwide. MORE REASONS TO UPGRADE Security researchers at Antivirus firm Symantec claimed that hackers can exploit a weakness in Windows XP based ATMs, that allow them to withdraw cash simply by sending an SMS to compromised ATMs. "What was interesting about this variant of Ploutus was that it allowed cybercriminals to simply send an SMS to the compromised ATM, then walk up and collect the dispensed cash. It may seem incredible, but this technique is being used in a number of places across the world at this time." researchers said. HARDWIRED Malware for ATMs According to researchers - In 2013, they detected a malware named Backdoor.Ploutus, installed on ATMs in Mexico, which is designed to rob a certain type of standalone ATM with just the text messages. To install the malware into ATMs machines, hacker must connect the ATM to a mobile phone via USB tethering and then to initiate a shared Internet connection, which then can be used to send specific SMS commands to the phone attached or hardwired inside the ATM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53vjNDV4RAY "Since the phone is connected to the ATM through the USB port, the phone also draws power from the connection, which charges the phone battery. As a result, the phone will remain powered up indefinitely." HOW-TO HACK ATMs Connect a mobile phone to the machine with a USB cable and install Ploutus Malware. The attacker sends two SMS messages to the mobile phone inside the ATM. -SMS 1 contains a valid activation ID to activate the malware -SMS 2 contains a valid dispense command to get the money out Mobile attached inside the ATM detects valid incoming SMS messages and forwards them to the ATM as a TCP or UDP packet. Network packet monitor (NPM) module coded in the malware receives the TCP/UDP packet and if it contains a valid command, it will execute Ploutus Amount for Cash withdrawal is pre-configured inside the malware Finally, the hacker can collect cash from the hacked ATM machine. Researchers have detected few more advanced variants of this malware, some attempts to steal customer card and PIN data, while others attempt man-in-the-middle attacks. This malware is now spreading to other countries, so you are recommended to pay extra attention and remain cautious while using an ATM. Sauce
  18. Daca ati ratat giveaway-ul de acum cateva zile de la bitdefender internet security si vreti un antivirus decent luati licenta mea pe care am luat-o (expira peste cateva zile si nu vreau sa sa nu fie activata) UMWUC76 BitDefender IS : http://download.bitdefender.com/windows/installer/en/bitdefender_isecurity.exe
  19. Romania are probleme mai grave decat lipsa de imagini cu vecina si frecventa cu care se pisa cainii pe strazi chiar daca nu o vedeti asa, ea este o tara destul de linistita in materie de criminalitate, motiv pentru care politistii au nevoie doar de antrenament cu shaorma sa blocheze usile masinilor pe care le opresc. Sunt proiecte care ar schimba complet fata tarii insa sunt inlocuite cu prostii dinastea si sa nu va aud de cazuri izolate in care domnu' X a furat geanta doamnei Y si daca un politist ar fi alertat instant, ridicatul de pe scaun i-ar consuma 75% din energie . E exact scenariul in care imi ia casa foc dar sunt ingrijorat de zgarietura de pe perete .
  20. Sunt dispus sa-ti fac o oferta daca postezi o dovada de cat impact poate avea o postare .
  21. Pe principiul 'build your own dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs' cartea asta va arata totul despre monetizarea traficului din facebook de la alegerea nisei paginii la metode de monetizare . $100k FB Formula
  22. Probabil black hat seo pe acele subdomenii ca sa nu-l penalizeze pe domeniul principal la care le-a pus 301 .
  23. The Internet is becoming a dangerous place day-by-day and especially for those innocent web users who rely on 3rd party services. The latest bad news is that the World's largest and most widely used Google's free public DNS (Domain name system) resolvers raised security red flags yesterday. DNS is the master address list for the Internet, which translates IP addresses into human readable form and vice versa. According to Internet monitoring firm BGPmon, Google's DNS server was hijacked yesterday for 22 minutes. The Google's DNS server handles around 150 billion queries a day and during the 22 minutes of hijacking, millions of Internet users, including Financial institutions, Governments were redirected to BT’s (British multinational telecommunications services company) Latin America division in Venezuela and Brazil. It is suspected that Hackers exploited a well-known vulnerability in the so-called Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is used to exchange data between large service providers, and hijacking could allow the attackers to simply re-route the traffic to a router they controlled. BGP attack is the man-in-the-middle attack at large scale and harder to detect, as the traffic still reaches its legitimate destination and which was first demonstrated in 2008 by two security researchers - Tony Kapela and Alex Pilosov. It's not the first time when Google Public DNS service has been hijacked. In 2010, DNS server traffic was hijacked and redirected to Romania and Austria. Source
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  24. Nu se merita, mai bine am sta in banca noastra ca pe orice parte ne intoarcem tot o fim fututi in cur. Jucati-va si voi sa vedeti cum e: NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein
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