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Everything posted by seboo00111

  1. Behold the power of open-source software. After the untimely death of the original Popcorn Time, a so-called Netflix for pirated content, the project was forked several times on GitHub. And guess what? It’s back and more shady than ever before. The torrent site YTS has taken over the project, reports TorrentFreak. YTS developer Jduncanator told TorrentFreak that they are in a better position from a copyright standpoint because it’s built on their API. “It’s as if we have built another interface to our website. We are no worse off managing the project than we would be just supplying the movies. It’s our vision at YTS that we see through projects like these and that just because they create a little stir in the public, it doesn’t mean they are shut down.” The installer and project files are available on GitHub. The new version works just like the previous one. It’s available for Windows, OS X and Linux. As the release notes say, the new version, build 0.2.7, now uses trakt.tv to pull in additional movie metadata meaning it now has cover images, backdrop images, Synopsis’s and runtime data. The project is being headed up by a developer that has worked on several public builds before, lending a bit of credence to this new build. All the files for the original Popcorn Time were available from the start on GitHub. Anyone could access and build out their own version. After the original shut down, a new group of developers backed by YTS picked up the ball and ran with it. It seems in this case the sequel is more interesting than the original. [sursa]
  2. PHP/JS/ETC (Web usage) = Scripting C/C++/Java/C#/Etc = Programming; Sunt 2 lucruri diferite , primul tip e mult mai "usor" ( depinde de proiect ) si se castiga mai putin in comparatie cu al 2-lea tip;( Pentru simplu fapt ca sunt mai multi web developeri decat programatori) Cauta pe google diferentele ... vezi la ce se folosesc fiecare si vezi ce-ti place ... daca aveai interes si erai curios nu mai faceai thread-ul asta.(valabil pentru toti userii care mai intai folosesc havij apoi trec la basic shit)<-(Nu ma refer la tine wiked) Daca vrei ceva mai nou, mai greu , si mai de viitor, incearca haskell
  3. Si ce pana mea faci thread-uri ca pe "ferentariCs"? Trebuia sa raportezi la administratori, moderatori etc, chiar daca erai useri cu reputatie sau/si multe posturi,etc. N-ai antivirus?Dar nici nu-ti trebuie antivirus, foloseste un scanner online;God's sake ... Mie mila ca ai postat aici si ca ti-ai pierdut timpul, limbajul tau te caracterizeaza si nu numai;Have fun
  4. Opinion by Ondrej Vlcek, Chief Operations Officer at AVAST Software The termination of security updates by Microsoft to Windows XP will create severe security issues. The already rather unsafe operating system will face even more risks with the missing security updates, but the question is: Should Windows XP users be the only ones worried? Microsoft recently announced that technical support will no longer be available for Windows XP as of April 8, 2014, ending automatic updates for the operating system. Microsoft will also eventually stop providing anti-malware signature updates to XP users, in 2015. Abandoning Windows XP is a big mistake, especially since Microsoft has not been very successful in transitioning XP users to newer systems. The AVAST database shows that 23.6% of its more than 200 million users is still running Windows XP. XP users more susceptible to attacks than Windows 7 users The abandonment by Microsoft will not only affect Windows XP users, but will create a big security problem for the whole ecosystem. Tens of millions of PCs running XP connected to the Internet, unpatched and without security updates, are just waiting to be exploited. The vulnerable OS will be an easy target for hackers and be seen as a gateway to infect other non-XP operating systems. Our telemetry data shows that XP users are 6 times more likely to get attacked than Windows 7 users and once Microsoft stops issuing patches, this can worsen. The next Target-like attack is brewing Home users are not the only ones who will be affected by the Windows XP support cutoff, according to reports*, 95% of ATMs in the world still run on Windows XP. These ATMs along with businesses still using Windows XP on their PCs need to be updated, or at the very least seek alternative protection. Medical offices that store confidential patient information and stores that keep customer details, such as credit card numbers, on their computers running Windows XP could easily be attacked. The Target data breach last year was conducted through a trojan that attacked the shops’ point of sales system. If businesses don’t keep their systems safe, we will, unfortunately, see more of data breaches like this. The news of the XP support cutoff was published a year ago, which means that IT professionals should be well aware of the change and the consequences it will have. For those who haven’t taken action yet, the time is now. AVAST is devoted to protecting the PC ecosystem by not only supporting Windows XP for at least the next three years, but also by creating protection modules and detections specifically designed to cover Windows XP vulnerabilities and other security problems. We have already taken additional steps in our latest product release, avast! 2014, by making the product lighter, both in terms of speed and resource consumption, tailoring it for older machines still running Windows XP. In addition to the security value, avast! 2014 is offered for free, which is especially important for XP users. Upgrading to a newer version of Windows comes with costs, costs that not everyone can afford and is probably a big reason why many users haven’t upgraded yet. Another reason to ditch Internet Explorer In addition to Windows XP itself being a security risk, Internet Explorer on Windows XP poses an even larger threat. The latest version of the browser available on Windows XP is version 8, making it outdated and lacking a number of security improvements available in its later versions. Of our existing Windows XP user database, 21.5% run Internet Explorer, leaving themselves open to easy attacks. Google Chrome is a good alternative and is fully compatible with Windows XP, updating itself automatically. Windows XP users will not be the only ones affected by the end of updates by Microsoft and should not be the only ones worrying about the end date. Users still running Windows XP need to act both proactively and responsibly to ensure safety for not only their own data and PC, but for that of others as well. [sursa] PS: Stiu ca subiectul a mai fost discutat de N ori, interesante sunt cifrele..
  5. Ce de cancan p'aici... Nytro unde esti tata? Sa fiu on la subiect, nu stiu daca se merita atentie subiectului respectiv din ambele parti, el si asa cred ca are de castigat cativa telespectatori si de pierdut dublu nr. respectiv ( nu ca ar avea sume impresionante);
  6. Teoria lui Newton si cea ai lui Einstein se bateau cap in cap; De aia multi nu inteleg acest fenomen; De ce in microcosmos(atmosfere,etc) gravitatia atrage lucrurile iar in macrocosmos ( gravitatia = energia neagra ) ea respinge sistemele solare (clusterele , etc); Raspunsu vine odata cu elaborarea String Theory; Uitati-va la Michio Kaku pentru acest subiect
  7. Normal ca nu va mai fi gratuit din moment ce a fost cumparat de faceMuie; Pana mea... o sa apara clientu criptat de la baietii "pirati" care sper sa fie mai bun
  8. @DrW sa traiesti mai mult ca timpu' descris in cartile respective; Chiar ma decideam intre un kindle si un mouse nou si mi-ai inclinat balanta; Thx!
  9. Ca o idee dupa ce sa te ghidezi: testezi "coade"; Vezi cum merg, de ce principii se folosesc, si apoi faci o aplicatie cum a spus Syntax ca un antivirus; Poti sa faci un debugging la EAC (nu cred ca te ajuta mai cu nimic anyways)
  10. Ba frate eu nu stiu de ce mereu deviati de la subiectu' omului.. ii raspundeti asta/asta fara sa-l dojeniti sau pula mea alte chestii; Va mirati de ce mai avem satanisti pe forum; Omu daca vrea sa invete o chestie il ajutati... nimeni nu s-a nascut invatat, chiar daca unora le "vine mai firesc"sau mai "logic" anumite chestii. ( Da, stiu ca mereu sunt thread-uri de genul si ca multi se satura de chestii de genul acesta zilnice ... n-ai ce sa "le faci".) Sa fiu ON: C/C++ ; Pentru ca ai mentionat consumul de resurse redus ti-as recomanda Python sau alte limbaje mai light;
  11. Asta ca nu merge FL sau ce?
  12. iOS este si va ramane peste Android, ubuntu va fi peste Android si va concura cu iOS-ul; Sper ca cei de la canonical ( sau cei care mentin acest proiect) sa nu adopte strategia de "colectare anonima a datelor"; Android este peste iOS doar la vanzari , nimic mai mult; (Si nu , nu detin un iOS si nici nu sunt hipstar)
  13. Daca ai gasi Seriile Fundatia/Imperiul/Roboti de Isaac Asimov as fi recunoscator
  14. Cand doresc sa ma loghez pe un acc primesc urmatoarea eroare: The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. The profile cannot be loaded. - Precizez ca daca pun o parola gresita imi da eroarea "clasica" ca parola este incorecta etc..(acc este conectat pe microshit) Cine stie cauza problemei si are buna vointa sa lase un comment ii voi ramane foarte recunoscator. -Mai mentionez ca pe acc. fratelui meu ( care nu are parola ) nu primesc aceasta eroare. Done; mod T/C plox
  15. Stii daca ii trebuie pae-enabled cpu? Vad ca nu le merge site-ul.
  16. @AlMalalah , cred ca vrea un Messenger pe principiul freenet; Ceea ce e posibil doar cu java ( cred ); Anyways, good luck
  17. Referitor la youtube , uita-te la thenewboston - YouTube , cred ca e cel mai bun lucru pentru incepatori
  18. https://app.box.com/s/hu2mee4v39qx49w0svhr Ceva din colectia mea, mai trebuie sa pun niste carti pe care le-am descarcat recent; PS: Scz ca nu sunt ordonate, ai si C si C++ p'acolo
  19. Nu frate nu esti penalizat, plus tinand cont de faptul ca ar trebuii sa ai foarte multi vizitatori sa se "uite" Google la tine
  20. Pune si tu eclipse/itelliJ in loc de netbeans , srsly... Sau mai bine un sublime text 3.. Sunt si eu de acord pentru windows 7 , windows XP deja nu mai e suportat de unele sisteme
  21. Nu se merita datu' in judecata decat daca ai o gramada de timp ( pe pariu ca in acest caz primul raspuns ar veni dupa 2 ani ) Daca vrei sa o faci, fao , nu ai pierde decat banii pe avocat si posibil ceva nervi Bafta
  22. 60 ron e pomana.. Daca tinem cont de accize, ar fi cam dublu; Asta ofc in cazul in care stirea este reala
  23. Prefer Firefox but o'well...
  24. acum 1 zi 2 au facut update-uri.. nu cred ca mai e problema edit: nu am citit tot.. my bad
  25. Daca nu era "partenerul" asta strategic (USA) pun pariu cu oricine ca nu platea omu' atat. La cat de corupt e sistemul judiciar si cat cacat se mananca in Romania la niste "ordine" ( mai mult niste vorbe adresate cu o oarecare "autoritate") te intrebi daca poporul nostru mai are un cuvant de spus inainte sa devina colonie; W/e, ca sa fiu pe subiect: bravo lui, desi ma mir la o pedeapsa atat de mare tinand cont de anul in care s-a produs ilegalitatea, niste ani in care legislatia din state in acest domeniu era cam "stramba" , sa nu mai vorbim de tara noasra...
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