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DarkComet-RAT v4.2 fwb (Firewall bypass)

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DarkComet-RAT v4.2 fwb (Firewall bypass)


This version is firewall bypass it will inject to web browsers and bypass firewall rules.

Targets are in this order : Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Explorer if all fails (normally never) then it runs normally. Notice now you can use remote computers as SOCKS5 proxies


- Now server module doesn't melt each times

- SOCKS5 Server added – Multithread.

- Camera streaming is now more stable

- Camera capture interval added

- Camera disable streatch enabled/disabled added

- File Manager doesn’t crash on transfer anymore

- Sound capture more stable and a bit faster

- New process manager GUI and more user friendly

- Process Dump added to the new process manager

- Screen capture totally recoded, faster in Vista and Seven than before

- Screen capture control more stable

- No more black screen in screen capture on resize (avoid using 16bit colors in some systems) Most performant is 8Bit.

- New password recovery using nirsoft tools (plugins like)



Sursa: http://thehackernews.com/2011/10/darkcomet-rat-v42-fwb-firewall-bypass.html

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abea ce am terminat de testat anumite functii din versiunea asta

- se misca mai greu fata de versiunea anterioara (sclavul)

- acum vad ca merge optiunea 'Stored Passwords' (in versiunea anterioara nu mergea chiar deloc)

- HTML scripting inca nu merge (se deschide pagina dar e goala)

- Batch scripting inca nu merge (am incercat @echo off

taskkill /f /im firefox.exe si nu merge)

- in File Manager am dat search *.txt si merge dar daca bifez 'Include Sub Dirs' nu arata fisierele din 'Sub Dirs'. am cautat .exe cu 'Include Sub Dirs' in C:\Windows\

- Remote Desktop este inbunatatit

- Webcam Capture .... fail (nu stiu daca e de la comp sau nu, se aprinde ledu dar nu primesc nici o imagine)

- Hosts File - I wasn't able to open the hosts file, maybe because UAC is enabled in remote computer! . In versiunea anterioara mergea

- Fun Functions : Hide Desktop - nu mai merge

(testul e facut pe XP)

nu e batut in cuie ce e scris mai sus, mai bine faceti si voi o proba (recomandat)


@echo off
taskkill /f /im firefox.exe

dar nu il executa

Edited by Maximus
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