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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/16 in all areas

  1. Zic să dezbatem postul lui @Gecko că e mai interesant decât articolul.
    4 points
  2. Salutare vin cu un nou tutorial dupa multa inactivitate dar de folos . Am venit cu un tutorial de scoatere a contului Google Dupa un reset sau FRP/Oem unlock aceasta metoda este pentru toate Procesoarele MTK ,titlul este asa deoarece nu am gasit nicaieri fie in romana sau engleza de o modalitate pentru tableta asta momentan nu au pus developeri mana pe ea fiind lansata anul acesta in luna Mai ,o sa incep sa pun eu mana pe ea:)) Dupa o suta de mi de incercari 3 zile de nervi si 6 beri baute am data de metoda asta Bun,sa incepem 1. Instalam driverele MTK de aici: https://www.4shared.com/rar/KjRZvp_Lce/Mediatek_Preloader_USB_VCOM_dr.htm?locale=en 2. Descarcam Miracle box crack :https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B73CdsYiX90zVkhia0dEUVBrTms&export=download (Atentie NU ne trebuie Interfata MIRACLE BOX!) 3.Instalam miracle box apoi copiem fisierul crack si loader in folderul miraclebox/programfiles 4.Deschidem Miracel box Loader selectam sectiunea MTK apoi subsectiunea Unlock/fix si selectam Clear setting/FRP 5.Apasam butonul start si conectam Tableta/device-ul la usb ATENTIE! Device-ul trebuie sa fei stins (Daca nu il recunoaste ca Mediatek preloader VCOM in timp ce il conectam apasam butonul Vol +) 6. Programul isi fa face treaba si ne va aparea mesajul Done! ATENTIE! dupa mesajul done trebuie lasata 5-10 minute conectata apoi sa o pornim! 7.Siii VOILA! avem o tableta fara cont google! P.S O sa revin si cu un UPDATE cu Firmwareul/ROM-ul dupa ce il extrag cumva sa fie compatibil cu SP flash tool SPOR la treaba! br, pHilo UPDATE: Modelul de baza este un TCL ALCATEL OT-9003 alctel pixi 4(7)
    2 points
  3. Sunt sigur ca autorul articolului a trait o buna perioada din viata lui in India.
    2 points
  4. Pe FreeBSD cand dai 'make love' iti "raspunde" cu "Not war." (src: usr/src/usr.bin/make/job.c). Si mai e asta http://shinnok.com/rants/2011/04/14/the-gravy-sucking-pig-dog-in-bsd/ #ifndef WITHOUT_OLD_JOKE if (strcmp(gn->name,"love") == 0) (*abortProc)("Not war."); else #endif
    2 points
  5. A proof-of-concept USB prototype that was designed by a Russian researcher, Dark Purple, last year, to effectively destroy sensitive components of a computer when plugged in. Now, someone has actually created the Killer USB stick that destroys almost anything – such as Laptops, PCs, or televisions – it is plugged into. A Hong Kong-based technology manufacturer is selling a USB thumb drive called USB Kill 2.0 that can fry any unauthorized computer it's plugged into by introducing a power surge via the USB port. It costs $49.95. How does USB Kill 2.0 work? As the company explains, when plugged in, the USB Kill 2.0 stick rapidly charges its capacitors via the USB power supply, and then discharges – all in a matter of seconds. The USB stick discharges 200 volts DC power over the data lines of the host machine and this charge-and-discharge cycle is repeated several numbers of times in just one second, until the USB Kill stick is removed. "When tested on computers, the device isn't designed or intended to erase data," the company says. "However, depending on the hardware configuration (SSD [solid-state drive] vs. platter HDD [hard disk drive]), the drive controllers may be damaged to the point that data retrieval is impractical." "Any public facing USB port should be considered an attack vector," the company says in a news release. "In data security, these ports are often locked down to prevent exfiltration of data or infiltration of malware, but are very often unprotected against electrical attack." When And For Whom USB KILL Would Be Useful? USB Kill stick could be a boon for whistleblowers, journalists, activists, and, not to forget, cyber criminals, who want to keep their sensitive data away from law enforcement as well as cyber thieves. It is like, if you're caught, kill yourself. In the same fashion as terrorists do. Here I mean to kill the data from your laptop if the law enforcement has caught your laptop. And USB Kill stick does the same for you. However, the company claims to have developed USB Kill 2.0 stick for the sole purpose of allowing companies to test their devices against USB Power Surge attacks and to prevent data theft via "Juice Jacking" attacks. Video Demonstration You can watch the video demonstration below by the company that shows USB Kill 2.0 stick in action. The company claims about 95% of all devices available on the market today are vulnerable to power surge attacks introduced via the USB port. However, the only devices not vulnerable to USB kill attacks are recent models of Apple's MacBook, which optically isolate the data lines on USB ports. Juice jacking is a type of cyber attack wherein malware installed on a computer can surreptitiously copy data from a smartphone, tablet or other computers using a USB charging port that doubles as a data connection, typically over USB. While USB Kill 2.0 has been "designed and tested to be safe," the company warns that the USB stick "is a high-voltage device" and is only meant for "responsible adults." Also, the company's website "strongly condemns the malicious use of its products." USB Kill 2.0 also comes with a USB Protection Shield, called Test Shield, sold for additional $15.70, which is designed to allow testing of the USB Killer stick without destroying the host machine. http://thehackernews.com/2016/09/usb-kill-computer.html https://www.usbkill.com/
    1 point
  6. Din lumea boților.
    1 point
  7. A zis baiatu ca toata lumea poate scrie cod; ce pula mea stati si plangeti aici de ban-uri, cand va stau proiectele cacalau la usa? Aaaa, codu ala de cacat nu e platit? Nasol.
    1 point
  8. *#*#4636#*#* on your device and selecting "Phone information" GSM only http://www.speedguide.net/faq/gsmwcdma-auto-or-gsm-only-setting-on-android-phone-408
    1 point
  9. Merita doar ca valoare de revanzare, in rest, same shit, different story. Stabilizarea videoclipurilor e misto la Apple (de la 6 in sus) si sistemul de operare, in rest nu e ca si cum ar fi venit cu cine stie ce imbunatatiri, tot raman la parerea ca e un telefon de si pentru snobi, oamenii nu il cumpara pentru ca are ceva misto, il cumpara pentru ca e Apple si atat, ca si la BMW-uri (exclus pasionatii de masini).
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Postase cineva pe chat video-ul de unde provine imaginea, mi-a ramas in history:
    1 point
  12. Urasca atitudinea asta,tipic romaneasca.Eu sunt cel mai smecher si nimeni nu e ca mine.Daca tu,cel care critici,gasesti ca lucrul pe care il face o persoana nu e bun,fa tu ceva mai bun. Cand am citit inceputul postului tau eram gata sa iti dau "reputation",fiindca nici eu nu sunt de acord cu articolele,cartile motivationale.Fiindca motivatia se gaseste in interior.Dar dupa ce am continuat, am vazut doar un membru plin de sine. Mi-ai dat ban o data fara nici un motiv si atunci mi-am dat seama ca nu esti decat un copilas care se crede cu super puteri.Chiar mi se rupe daca mi-ai dat ban si deabia de mai intru pe forumu asta. Si sunt convins ca si acum suferi fiindca mi-am exprimat parerea contradictorie cu comportamentul tau. Dar sincer?Ma doare in madular!
    0 points
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