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  1. About BotMan BotMan is a framework agnostic PHP library that is designed to simplify the task of developing innovative bots for multiple messaging platforms, including Slack, Telegram, Microsoft Bot Framework, Nexmo, HipChat, Facebook Messenger and WeChat. $botman->hears('I want cross-platform bots with PHP!', function (BotMan $bot) { $bot->reply('Look no further!'); }); Documentation You can find the BotMan documentation at http://botman.io Support the development Do you like this project? Support it by donating PayPal: Donate Patreon: Donate Contribuiting Please see CONTRIBUTING for details. Security Vulnerabilities If you discover a security vulnerability within BotMan, please send an e-mail to Marcel Pociot at m.pociot@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. License BotMan is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license. Download botman-master.zip Sources: https://botman.io https://github.com/botman/botman
    2 points
  2. Nu fiți răi, toți am început de undeva.. Conceptul de spaghetti code se referă la cod nearanjat, greu de citit și înțeles. Uite câteva sugestii pentru eliminarea spaghetti code-ului: mută secțiunile de cod care fac ceva anume în metode separate (ex. înregistrarea de useri să fie într-o clasă useri, alături de alte metode precum logare, verificare șamd) adaugă comentarii la cod, la început de clasă, la început de metodă și în metodă unde consideri util (îți zic sigur că după 6 luni de zile nu o să mai înțelegi ce e acolo indiferent dacă scriptul e scris de tine sau nu) aranjează metodele în clasele corespunzătoare verifică ca variabilele și metodele să aibă nume corespunzător (de ex. pentru o metodă care verifică logarea unui utilizator, nu o numești haiCuTata(String[] omulAlaNebun, String[] parolaDacaSioMaiAminteste)) importă doar clasele de care ai nevoie, nu imporți tot java.* dacă nu ai nevoie de toate funcțiile de pe acolo deobfuschează codul prin beautify sau alte funcționalități din IDE-ul pe care îl folosești rescrie metodele care nu fac sens sau care nu sunt optimizate
    1 point
  3. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.webzen.muorigin.global.google&hl=ro A facut deja.spor
    1 point
  4. De unde stii ca te confrunti cu spaghetti code daca nu stii cum arata spaghetti code?!
    1 point
  5. Scanner AI-Bolit is perhaps the most effective tool for webmasters and website administrators to find viruses, malicious code and hacker's scripts. Features: Detects any kind of malware and viruses in scripts and templates Reveals public vulnerabilities in CMS (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, and others) Heuristic analysis and patented way to find malware Actual antivirus database Suitable for any kind of websites Runs under Unix, Windows, Mac OS X Recommended by professional webmasters and Hosting Providers Download: AI-Bolit for Windows: aibolit-for-windows-en.zip AI-Bolit (General version — for hosting, Mac OS X or Unix OS): ai-bolit-en.zip Source: https://revisium.com/aibo/
    1 point
  6. To improve the security of the server, especially web server which exposes to the internet and worldwide hackers, it’s a good way to enable the server to send a notification email automatically to a predefined email address every time someone logs in as “root” to the host. To configure the automatic email alert notification to a default email address on each incident of root login to the server, use the following guide: Step 1 – On Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint # apt-get install mailx Step 1 – On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora # yum install mailx Step 2 – Now login as a root user and go to the root’s home directory by typing cd /root command: # cd /root Step 3 – Open .bashrc file with vi or nano editor. Please remember .bashrc is a hidden file, you won’t see it by doing ls -l command. You have to use -a flag to see the hidden files in Linux. # vi .bashrc Step 4 – Add the following line at the bottom of the file, make sure to replace “ServerName” with a hostname of your server and change “your@yourdomain.com” with your email address: echo 'ALERT - Root Shell Access (ServerName) on:' `date` `who` | mail -s "Alert: Root Access from `who | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1`" your@yourdomain.com Step 5 – Save and close the file and logout and log back in. Once you login via SSH, a .bashrc file by default executes and sends you the root login alert. Source
    1 point
  7. <♫/> Rythm.js - v2.1.1 - A javascript library that makes your page dance. Demo at: https://okazari.github.io/Rythm.js/ Getting started Install with npm npm install rythm.js CDN: https://unpkg.com/rythm.js/ https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rythm.js/2.x.x/rythm.min.js Good old way Import rythm into your page <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/rythm.min.js"></script> Add one of the rythm css classes to indicate which element will dance. <div class="rythm-bass"></div> Create a Rythm object and give it your audio url then use the start function. var rythm = new Rythm(); rythm.setMusic("path/to/sample.mp3"); rythm.start(); ES6 module import Rythm from 'rythm.js' const rythm = new Rythm(); rythm.setMusic("path/to/sample.mp3"); rythm.start(); API Documentation Rythm object var rythm = new Rythm(); /* The starting scale is the minimum scale your elements will take (Scale ratio is startingScale + (pulseRatio * currentPulse)); * Value in percentage between 0-1 * Default 0.75 */ rythm.startingScale = value; /* The pulse ratio is be the maximum additionnal scale your element will take (Scale ratio is startingScale + (pulseRatio * currentPulse)) * Value in percentage between 0-1 * Default 0.30 */ rythm.pulseRatio = value; /* The max value history represent the number of passed value that will be stored to evaluate the current pulse. * Int value, minimum 1 * Default 100 */ rythm.maxValueHistory = value; /* Set the music the page will dance to. * @audioUrl : '../example/mysong.mp3' */ rythm.setMusic(audioUrl); /* Used to collaborate with other players library * You can connect Rythm to an audioElement, and then control the audio with your other player */ rythm.connectExternalAudioElement(audioElement) /* Adjust music's gain. * @value : Number */ rythm.setGain(value); /* Add your own rythm-class * @elementClass: Class that you want to link your rythm to. * @danceType : Use any of the build in effect or give your own function; * @startValue: The starting frequence of your rythm. * @nbValue: The number of frequences of your rythm. * 1024 Frequences, your rythm will react to the average of your selected frequences. * Examples : bass 0-10 ; medium 150-40 ; high 500-100 */ rythm.addRythm(elementClass, danceType, startValue, nbValue); /* Plug your computer microphone to rythm.js * This function return a promise resolved when the microphone is up. * Require your website to be run in HTTPS */ rythm.plugMicrophone().then(function(){...}) //Let's dance rythm.start(); //Stop the party rythm.stop(); Build in classes with "pulse" effect rythm-bass rythm-medium rythm-high Custom-classes You can use the addRythm function to make your own classes listen to specifics frequences. Here is how the basics classes are created : addRythm('rythm-bass','pulse',0,10); addRythm('rythm-medium','pulse',150,40); addRythm('rythm-high','pulse',500,100); Available dance types For more control of theses dance types, you can give a configuration object as last argument to addRythm addRythm('rythm-high', 'shake', 500, 100, { direction:'left', min: 20, max: 300}); Here are the build in dances and their options pulse min : Minimum value given to transform: scale(). Default: 0.75 max : Maximum value given to transform: scale(). Default: 1.25 jump min : Minimum value given to transform: translateY(). Default: 0 max : Maximum value given to transform: translateY(). Default: 30 shake min : Minimum value given to transform: translateX(). Default: -15 max : Maximum value given to transform: translateX(). Default: 15 direction : left for a right to left move, right for a left to right move. Default: right twist min : Minimum value given to transform: rotate(). Default: -20 max : Maximum value given to transform: rotate(). Default: 20 direction : left for a right to left move, right for a left to right move. Default: right vanish min : Minimum value (between 0 and 1) given to opacity. Default: 0 max : Maximum value (between 0 and 1) given to opacity. Default: 1 reverse : Boolean to reverse the effect. Default false (Higher the pulse is, the more visible it will be) color from : Array of integer between 0 and 255 corresponding to a RGB color. Default: [0,0,0] to : Array of integer between 0 and 255 corresponding to a RGB color. Default: [255,255,255] To see each visual effect, you can go to the Demo Custom dance type If you want to use your own dance type, you can give a function as the 2nd argument of addRythm /* The custom function signature is : * @elem: The HTML element target you want to apply your effect to * @value: The current pulse ratio (percentage between 0 and 1) * @options: The option object user can give as last argument of addRythm function */ const pulse = (elem, value, options = {}) => { const max = options.max || 1.25 const min = options.min || 0.75 const scale = (max - min) * value elem.style.transform = `scale(${min + scale})` } addRythm('my-css-class', pulse, 150, 40) Features Your HTML can dance by using any of the available dance types You can use custom functions to build you own dance type (and if it looks awesome ! Feel free to make a PR ) Contribute Any pull request will be apreciated. You can start coding on this project following this steps : Fork the project Clone your repository run npm install run npm start in the main folder to launch a development webserver. Enjoy the rythm. Adding new dance type In v2.0.x adding a new dance type is pretty easy Create a new file in src\dances This file must export your custom dance type function For example, here is the content of jump.js file /* The function signature is : * @elem: The HTML element target you want to apply your effect to * @value: The current pulse ratio (percentage between 0 and 1) * @options: The option object user can give as last argument of addRythm function */ export default (elem, value, options = {}) => { const max = options.max || 30 const min = options.min || 0 const jump = (max - min) * value elem.style.transform = `translateY(${-jump}px)` } Import it and register it into the constructor of Dancer.js file import jump from './dances/jump.js' class Dancer { constructor() { this.registerDance('jump', jump) } } Commit it and create a PR. Then look at everyone enjoying your contribution ! Licence : GNU GPL Author: @OkazariBzh Download: Rythm.js-master.zip or git clone https://github.com/Okazari/Rythm.js.git Source: https://github.com/Okazari/Rythm.js
    1 point
  8. "Gandirea Laterala". Buna carte. http://www.metropolis.ro/books/book.php?product_id=1016
    1 point
  9. Blogul lui aelius, nginx tags: https://www.unixteacher.org/blog/tag/nginx/ Daca vrei raspunsuri mai concrete (aka mura-n-gura), avem nevoie de mai multe detalii legate de ce vrei sa obtii.
    1 point
  10. Demonstration by Shritam Bhowmick Web Application Penetration Tester Independent Consulting Security Evangelist Dated: 22nd August, 2014, Springs, 9:22 PM IST Web Application Exploitation with Shritam Bhowmick Contents: Hack...............................................................................................................................................................3 HTML Injection as Code Injection....................................................................................................................5 Deploying a sample Vulnerable ASP code for HTML Injection...........................................................................6 Injecting HTML Code into ASP based Application – HTML Injection................................................................18 Mitigating HTML Injection Vulnerable ASP code..............................................................................................22 Mitigating Vulnerable ASP Code via Input Sanitization....................................................................................23 Mitigating Vulnerable ASP Code via Output Encoding.....................................................................................27 Input Sanitization and Output Encoding Combined.........................................................................................30 Deploying a sample Vulnerable PHP code for HTML Injection..........................................................................31 Injecting HTML code into PHP based Application – HTML Injection.................................................................34 Mitigating HTML Injection Vulnerable PHP Code.............................................................................................36 Mitigating Vulnerable PHP Code via Input Sanitization....................................................................................37 Mitigating Vulnerable PHP Code via Output Sanitization.................................................................................39 Input Sanitization and Output Sanitization Combined.....................................................................................41 Deploying a Sample Vulnerable Python Code for HTML Injection.....................................................................42 Injecting HTML Code into Python based Application – HTML Injection............................................................48 Mitigating HTML Injection Vulnerable Python Code.........................................................................................51 Mitigating Vulnerable Python Code via Escaping.............................................................................................57 Mitigating Python Vulnerable Code via Websafe on Web Library......................................................................62 HTML Injection Scenario 1 – HTMLi on Attribute Context in Tags....................................................................66 HTML Injection Scenario 2 – HTMLi on Output Data Length Restriction..........................................................71 Contact Information.......................................................................................................................................81 Download: https://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/papers/general/codehtml-injection.pdf Source: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/143995/Code-Injection-HTML-Injection.html
    1 point
  11. ai fail-at: https://github.com/dumbo0 scanageala pe sistem turbo-turbina? iti zice clar acolo: due to RDPSecurityNegoFail try standard security layer "Cum instalez programe in Debian?" Esti o laba de om!
    1 point
  12. Urmatorul tutorial este preluat de pe hackcomm. ================= infectat iStealer 6.0 Legends.exe MD5: 074778c933881ddccd87c0f0ea29d56c cpanel: hxxp://ugamers.ro/index.php
    1 point
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