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Experimenteaza! Programare/development/webdesign (front-end, back-end, full stack), securitate Tu ai scris HTML, CSS, JS adica front-end La back-end ar intra Python, Java, PHP, baze de date Full stack le include pe ambele. E ca la medicina, nu poti sa fii si medic ortoped si chirurg si oftalmolog si hematolog. Poate sunt subiectiv, dar asta e o boala romaneasca, incercam sa fim buni la toate si tocmai d-asta avem din ce in ce mai putini specialisti. Chestia asta cu "trebuie sa te descurci, trebuie sa stii sa faci de toate" e inteleasa gresit si de multe ori se aplica start-up-urilor romanesti cu un management slab, cu patroni care vindeau haine si telefoane dupa revolutie. Un specialist n-o sa accepte niciodata sa lucreze "pe bete de chibrit". Ori ti-l permiti, ori ba. Patronii ii cauta pe astia buni la toate. Majoritatea managerilor din Romania au abordari de precupeti, trebuie sa fii pregatit pentru dezamagiri. Acum depinde doar de tine, vrei sa fii bun la toate sau vrei sa te axezi pe ceva si sa devii specialist. Singurul sfat pe care pot sa ti-l dau e FAIL BIG. Nu privi esecul ca pe ceva negativ si sa nu-ti fie frica sa gresesti. Si nu alege sa te duci la facultate pentru diploma. La mai toate facultatile, in primii doi ani faci materii de umplutura (la automatica spre exemplu bagi matematici de-ti ies pe nas, am vazut ca este si mecanica? , la facultatea de mecanica studiezi Cazane cu clincher si alte tehnologii care nu mai sunt demult de actualitate, la facultatea de constructii bagi mate la greu in primii doi ani - analiza matematica, matematici speciale, algebra liniara, geometrie...). De ce as invata ceva ce n-o sa-mi foloseasca niciodata? Adica te duci la o facultate ca din 4 ani, doar 2 sa fie de specializare pe bune? In UK stiu ca sunt universitati pe cyber, Coventry spre exemplu, nu stiu foarte multe pentru ca nu m-a interesat si nu vreau sa vorbesc in necunostinta de cauza.3 points
Incearca daca este prezenta o vulnerabilitate in drupal si executa prin functia passthru (php) doua comenzi: - Descarca un script perl care este un bot de IRC utilizat pentru scanning, dos - Executa acel script Vulnerabilitatea despre care este vorba este aici: https://www.drupal.org/sa-core-2018-002 Serverul de IRC ruleaza pe adresa ip / port 8080 # quick test macbook:~$ nc -vvvv 8080 found 0 associations found 1 connections: 1: flags=82<CONNECTED,PREFERRED> outif en0 src port 55610 dst port 8080 rank info not available TCP aux info available Connection to port 8080 [tcp/http-alt] succeeded! :irc.roirc.me NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname... :irc.roirc.me NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname (cached) Botul de irc nu are autentificare si tine cont doar de nick-ul celui ce da comenzile: my @mast3rs = ("darkness","QuaD","AntMiner"); Procesul ce ruleaza in server apare ca "/usr/sbin/sshd". Singura diferenta este ca ruleaza pe userul sub care se executa php/apache my @fakeps = ("/usr/sbin/sshd"); Scriptul perl e facut de portughezi prin 2001. A fost modificat in timp de tot felul de script kiddie.3 points
What is XSS Fuzzer? XSS Fuzzer is a simple application written in plain HTML/JavaScript/CSS which generates XSS payloads based on user-defined vectors using multiple placeholders which are replaced with fuzzing lists. It offers the possibility to just generate the payloads as plain-text or to execute them inside an iframe. Inside iframes, it is possible to send GET or POST requests from the browser to arbitrary URLs using generated payloads. Why? XSS Fuzzer is a generic tool that can be useful for multiple purposes, including: Finding new XSS vectors, for any browser Testing XSS payloads on GET and POST parameters Bypassing XSS Auditors in the browser Bypassing web application firewalls Exploiting HTML whitelist features Example In order to fuzz, it is required to create placeholders, for example: The [TAG] placeholder with fuzzing list img svg. The [EVENT] placeholder with fuzzing list onerror onload. The [ATTR] placeholder with fuzzing list src value. The payloads will use the mentioned placeholders, such as: <[TAG] [ATTR]=Something [EVENT]=[SAVE_PAYLOAD] /> The [SAVE_PAYLOAD] placeholder will be replaced with JavaScript code such as alert(unescape('[PAYLOAD]'));. This code is triggered when an XSS payload is successfully executed. The result for the mentioned fuzzing lists and payload will be the following: <img src=Something onerror=alert(unescape('%3Cimg%20src%3DSomething%20onerror%3D%5BSAVE_PAYLOAD%5D%20/%3E')); /> <img value=Something onerror=alert(unescape('%3Cimg%20value%3DSomething%20onerror%3D%5BSAVE_PAYLOAD%5D%20/%3E')); /> <img src=Something onload=alert(unescape('%3Cimg%20src%3DSomething%20onload%3D%5BSAVE_PAYLOAD%5D%20/%3E')); /> <img value=Something onload=alert(unescape('%3Cimg%20value%3DSomething%20onload%3D%5BSAVE_PAYLOAD%5D%20/%3E')); /> <svg src=Something onerror=alert(unescape('%3Csvg%20src%3DSomething%20onerror%3D%5BSAVE_PAYLOAD%5D%20/%3E')); /> <svg value=Something onerror=alert(unescape('%3Csvg%20value%3DSomething%20onerror%3D%5BSAVE_PAYLOAD%5D%20/%3E')); /> <svg src=Something onload=alert(unescape('%3Csvg%20src%3DSomething%20onload%3D%5BSAVE_PAYLOAD%5D%20/%3E')); /> <svg value=Something onload=alert(unescape('%3Csvg%20value%3DSomething%20onload%3D%5BSAVE_PAYLOAD%5D%20/%3E')); /> When it is executed in a browser such as Mozilla Firefox, it will alert the executed payloads: <svg src=Something onload=[SAVE_PAYLOAD] /> <svg value=Something onload=[SAVE_PAYLOAD] /> <img src=Something onerror=[SAVE_PAYLOAD] /> Sending requests It is possible to use a page vulnerable to XSS for different tests, such as bypasses for the browser XSS Auditor. The page can receive a GET or POST parameter called payload and will just display its unescaped value. Contact The application is in beta state so it might have bugs. If you would like to report a bug or provide a suggestion, you can use the GitHub repository or you can send me an email to contact [a] xssfuzzer.com. Link: https://xssfuzzer.com/2 points
http://m.gutenberg.org https://standardebooks.org/ebooks/ free tech books: http://www.freetechbooks.com/ http://www.sendspace.com/folder/o4wbun http://www.mediafire.com/file/xyliwexm4z629zl/10000_Carti_1.zip - litera A-R https://mega.nz/#!5hBzgYCT!tcRiKvrsesMkE3SzSMYdfxUrqx9kW00Lo39tP-fNrjA - litera R-S 10000 Carti Vol 2 https://mega.nz/#!o1Z1XaYC!c0KSyKgHYyhIDlE9pp_8mna6tXCCDPeYuezw1gK4Bgk - litera T-Z 10000 Carti Vol 3 http://www.ebook777.com - PDF, butonul de download e cel cu rosu, unde este precizata si dimensiunea fisierului Gasesti si pe FL cateva colectii "free".1 point
1 point
Salut si bine ai venit! Ce te intereseaza mai exact? Ethical Hacking e white hat. Grey hat este cumva la granita dintre white si black, o combinatie intre cele doua. Detalii despre white, black, grey, aici. Pe astea le-am gasit cautand pe Google. Pe partea de web security poti sa incerci hacker101 si pwnthecode, cel din urma fiind un proiect RST. Iar mai jos ai carti, resurse/materiale pentru o viata: https://mega.nz/#F!8G4wxSrJ!m7LX9z4a3Zxbpw62q9ZFSQ - infosec PDF https://mega.nz/#F!8EdEmZSI!OHRaksNSZYpSKLMUnrOelQ - Infosec PDF https://mega.nz/#F!VpZSjbbR!T8HXLl20No0LDP8OTIYZAg - old hacking/pentesting courses & books 2003-2012 http://www.ytxmrc3pcbv5464e.onion/files/ https://repo.zenk-security.com http://index-of.es https://github.com/vhf/free-programming-books/blob/master/free-programming-books.md#professional-development - programming books https://github.com/Hack-with-Github/Free-Security-eBooks 500 GB programming resources: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByWO0aO1eI_MN1BEd3VNRUZENkU https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6e-S9ckSvFSdE5MaXRiaWIwbGc https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O2cqrDEdX_1Vag9wWQC6ovBgeoXDk0BB https://mega.nz/#F!NAZwVILa!U15d9WY-uy4bg0tjUYGQEA - programming books http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/ http://books.goalkicker.com1 point
Poti folosi php pentru interfata, C# pentru engine, mysql/postgre pentru baze de date.1 point
1 point
In ultima perioada am citit Dan Brown - Simbolul pierdut si m-am apucat de Machine Learning and Security. Doar fizic, nu imi place sa citesc in format electronic, fie el PC sau Kindle.1 point
1 point
Format fizic. Daca aflu ceva nou ce ma intereseaza la culme si nu o gasesc nicaieri atunci mai arunc un ochi peste vreo 20 pagini de pe PC pe zi si tot asa pana o termin. Nu ma atrage cititul pe pc, laptop, kindle (carti) si ce mai sunt. Este top 10. Recomand si "You are not so smart" de David Mcraney1 point
Chiar daca nu este tehnica, va recomand cartea lui Daniel Kahneman, gandire rapida, gandire lenta. O sa va schimbe opiniile legate de cat de inteligenti sunteti sau mai bine zis, va credeti. Pentru mine personal, este top 10 carti citite.1 point
mie personal imi place sa am cartea in format fizic , daca gasesc ceva pdf destul de important mi-l printez, daca stiu ca merita, daca nu , am mai citit si pdf-uri de pe laptop, dar prefer formatul fizic la carti. Spor la citit tuturor!1 point
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