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Clandesto is the place where you can discuss anything, with people within your radius and get awarded with karma points.
So what's Clandesto all about?
Local community
Clandesto is your local community that shows you a live feed from people within your radius.
Share news, events, funny experiences, and jokes easier than ever!
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By voting on posts, you have the power to decide what's your community talking about.
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You can also start your own private or public group.
Find your group
Website: https://clandesto.app/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clandestoapp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clandesto/
Detalii: https://start-up.ro/cand-gdpr-ul-iti-da-o-idee-de-business-clandesto-socializare-anonima/