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NordVPN, a virtual private network provider that promises to “protect your privacy online,” has confirmed it was hacked. The admission comes following rumors that the company had been breached. It first emerged that NordVPN had an expired internal private key exposed, potentially allowing anyone to spin out their own servers imitating NordVPN. VPN providers are increasingly popular as they ostensibly provide privacy from your internet provider and visiting sites about your internet browsing traffic. That’s why journalists and activists often use these services, particularly when they’re working in hostile states. These providers channel all of your internet traffic through one encrypted pipe, making it more difficult for anyone on the internet to see which sites you are visiting or which apps you are using. But often that means displacing your browsing history from your internet provider to your VPN provider. That’s left many providers open to scrutiny, as often it’s not clear if each provider is logging every site a user visits. For its part, NordVPN has claimed a “zero logs” policy. “We don’t track, collect, or share your private data,” the company says. But the breach is likely to cause alarm that hackers may have been in a position to access some user data. NordVPN told TechCrunch that one of its data centers was accessed in March 2018. “One of the data centers in Finland we are renting our servers from was accessed with no authorization,” said NordVPN spokesperson Laura Tyrell. The attacker gained access to the server — which had been active for about a month — by exploiting an insecure remote management system left by the data center provider; NordVPN said it was unaware that such a system existed. NordVPN did not name the data center provider. “The server itself did not contain any user activity logs; none of our applications send user-created credentials for authentication, so usernames and passwords couldn’t have been intercepted either,” said the spokesperson. “On the same note, the only possible way to abuse the website traffic was by performing a personalized and complicated man-in-the-middle attack to intercept a single connection that tried to access NordVPN.” According to the spokesperson, the expired private key could not have been used to decrypt the VPN traffic on any other server. NordVPN said it found out about the breach a “few months ago,” but the spokesperson said the breach was not disclosed until today because the company wanted to be “100% sure that each component within our infrastructure is secure.” A senior security researcher we spoke to who reviewed the statement and other evidence of the breach, but asked not to be named as they work for a company that requires authorization to speak to the press, called these findings “troubling.” “While this is unconfirmed and we await further forensic evidence, this is an indication of a full remote compromise of this provider’s systems,” the security researcher said. “That should be deeply concerning to anyone who uses or promotes these particular services.” NordVPN said “no other server on our network has been affected.” But the security researcher warned that NordVPN was ignoring the larger issue of the attacker’s possible access across the network. “Your car was just stolen and taken on a joy ride and you’re quibbling about which buttons were pushed on the radio?” the researcher said. The company confirmed it had installed intrusion detection systems, a popular technology that companies use to detect early breaches, but “no-one could know about an undisclosed remote management system left by the [data center] provider,” said the spokesperson. “They spent millions on ads, but apparently nothing on effective defensive security,” the researcher said. NordVPN was recently recommended by TechRadar and PCMag. CNET described it as its “favorite” VPN provider. It’s also believed several other VPN providers may have been breached around the same time. Similar records posted online — and seen by TechCrunch — suggest that TorGuard and VikingVPN may have also been compromised. A spokesperson for TorGuard told TechCrunch that a “single server” was compromised in 2017 but denied that any VPN traffic was accessed. TorGuard also put out an extensive statement following a May blog post, which first revealed the breach. Updated with comment from TorGuard. Sursa: https://techcrunch.com/2019/10/21/nordvpn-confirms-it-was-hacked/2 points
Ni altu care vrea sa faca bani da n-are habar cu ce se mananca viata, ia si plateste pe unu sa iti faca2 points
Salutare, am facut ceva prezentare pentru Bluekeep. Daca doriti sa o vedeti va las linkul aici: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VfZGrB70rzcGJmZGkRUmAQs854qVoZoV2 points
Am facut grup de Slack in weekend dar n-am avut timp sa postez. Cine vrea sa intre sa-mi dea PM cu mail. https://join.slack.com/t/romaniansecurityteam/shared_invite/enQtODAzNTY0Mzg4NDgwLTdjYjk4NTJjOTk2NjcxMjEzYjM5OTU0ODAyNGE5NzE2YjlkZDUxNTE2MjgyM2ZiMmJkMDQzZmJjMjQyMzM5MTE Il moderez eu dupaia.2 points
International Hacking & Information Security Conference 7th-8th NOV 2019 BUY TICKETS Bucharest Romania About DefCamp DefCamp is the most important annual conference on Hacking & Information Security in Central Eastern Europe. Every year brings together the world’s leading cyber security doers to share latest researches and knowledge. Over 2,000 decision makers, security specialists, entrepreneurs, developers, academic, private and public sectors will meet under the same roof in Bucharest, Romania every fall, in November. Worldwide recognized speakers will showcase the naked truth about sensitive topics like infrastructure (in)security, GDPR, cyber warfare, ransomware, malware, social engineering, offensive & defensive security measurements etc. Yet, the most active part of the conference is Hacking Village , the special designed playground for all hacking activities happening at DefCamp. Site: https://def.camp/1 point
Salut, Prietenii mă strigă sim. Nu prea (mai) sunt pasionat de programare de la o vreme, dar din asta-mi câștig pâinea. Mai citesc una alta pe partea de psihologie (mai mult partea de luare a deciziilor, cum funcționează memoria) și medicină. Mă mai amuz cu filosofeală în genul AI breaks simulated physics și mă gândesc la how to find a buffer overflow in the (real?) universe. Nu prea mai am prieteni apropriați, doar o mână de ei, restul au cam plecat din țară / ne-am distanțat (in real life). În prezent mă bat cu mine să-mi termin de luat ultimele 5 examene la facultate plus licența, după două reînmatriculări și niște probleme de sănătate. N-am realizat nimic deosebit în mediul online, niciun blog post de 100k vizualizari, niciun site bine vizitat, nu că aș fi încercat prea tare. Nici în mediul real n-am prea realizat mare lucru, poate doar că am trecut peste niște hopuri mai mari cu ajutorul terapiei. Cinefil - multe seriale și filme. Îmi e dor de un site gen fostul jinni.com . Motivul pentru care am venit pe aici e ca în trecut mă amuzam teribil cu metasploit-ul și cu reverse shell. Poate mai dau de ceva amuzant, iar, pe cât posibil o încerc să vă ajut, să vă mai rezolv din problemele de informatică pe care le întâmpinați.1 point
Bine ai venit. Daca te mai joci cu metasploitu sau mai "hackuit" cate ceva let us know1 point
1 point
Ca sa ai acces la informatia aia gratis, trebuie sa stii cum sa o cauti. O abilitate din ce in ce mai rara in zilele astea.1 point
1 point
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Daca folosesti masini virtuale in Azure, poti sa folosesti API-ul de la Azure ca sa creezi masini virtuale si nu e dificil. Insa nu stiu cum sta treaca cu costurile. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/create-vm-rest-api1 point
Foarte interesanta stirea. Va recomand sa cititi ceva si despre asta inainte sa va decideti ce vpn folositi.1 point
Incepe cu ce ti se preda mai intai la facultate. Ce materii ai anul 1 ? Poti sa le inveti singur acasa, sau macar sa te uiti pe limbajele respectiva, sa fii pregatit in momentul in care ti le preda.1 point
Eu am inceput cu asta dar de mine nu s-a lipit nimic insa cartea e destul de ok sa stii. Nu stiu pe unde o mai gasesti pe stoc. iar programarea nu se invata citind ci facand. Exista un site HackerRank destul de ok de unde poti invata multe. La fel mai este si Project Euler dar cred ca cel din urma este pentru cei mai avansati. Cat depsre indrumare, nu te va indruma nimeni. Nimeni nu isi pierde timpul cu tine.1 point
In ultimele 2 saptamani am facut putin research in zona quantum computing si singura aplicatie la care m-am putut gandi avand in vedere statutul experimental al tehnologiei a fost un RNG. Proiectul este la nivel de hobby, scopul nu a fost sa treaca testele statistice NIST, ci doar "for fun" https://github.com/cionutmihai/tigon Aveti acolo si jurnalul in format PDF, are 57 pag, contine repo-uri, link-uri cu resurse si bibliografia completa (70 titluri). Evident ca nu poti sa reinventezi informatica la tine in sufragerie (cu 200 EUR, cateva carti si niste cursuri pe Youtube sau Coursera) deci subliniez din nou ca e la nivel de amator. In plus, mare parte din librariile disponibile fie sunt in alpha, fie sunt abandonate sau sunt axate strict pe mediul academic si simulari. Take care1 point