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Everything posted by Technetium

  1. sariti pe ele! https://mega.nz/#F!IhFg2ZbI!9DgoYtpyPTPhw6b1veuTkg!F10ERSZK
  2. https://twitter.com/makassarhack repository: http://repo.meh.or.id/ while dorking gasit, postat: https://blkbx.info/Downloads/MEGA/CyberSec/
  3. DNS requests tracking. Da, te pot urmari, pot vedea ce domenii rezolvi. Apoi, pot asocia request-urile DNS cu IP-ul tau. O adresa IP face request-urile catre server, nu? Google Public DNS stores two sets of logs: temporary and permanent. The temporary logs store the full IP address of the machine you're using. We have to do this so that we can spot potentially bad things like DDoS attacks and so we can fix problems, such as particular domains not showing up for specific users. We delete these temporary logs within 24 to 48 hours. citeste mai multe aici. De ce ai folosi si, canceru' Google? Nu colecteaza suficiente date? Nu stiu suficient de multe despre noi? Mai da-i in pula cu goagalu' lor. Recomand Unbound DNS.
  4. old memories: https://archive.fo/eQI3R trojanforge, sait da toale: http://www.trojanforge.co/ Pai ce-am facut, nene?
  5. @Che https://brainly.ro/tema/714802 gasesti exact ce te intereseaza pe forumul asta: http://www.cplusplus.com Mi-ati editat postul. Ba, ce oameni! Mno, ti-ai incordat muschii. mi-ai aratat cine e sefu'. Ceva noutati?
  6. Anonymous domain registration: https://njal.la/ pentru domenii, altii: http://www.gandi.net http://nic.ru http://prq.se Hosting: https://masterhost.ru/ http://abusehosting.net/ http://www.2x4.ru/index.php https://www.shinjiru.com/ https://sweb.ru/ http://zservers.ru/ https://jino.ru/ Recomand sollhost: Sales Jabber: webhost@jabberim.org hostmgr@pubchat.im Jabber: sollhost@jabbix.ru o lectura interesanta: https://www.informatics.indiana.edu/xw7/papers/alrwais2017under.pdf
  7. Stati linistiti ca n-a picat nevinovat.
  8. Chiar daca e vechi. https://vxlab.info/files/tv_release.tar.gz Tutoriale: https://vxlab.info/tag/teamviewer/
  9. Cica non-resident loader...AppData\Roaming\RND.exe http://dropmefiles.com/NspkA
  10. http://www59.zippyshare.com/v/p16jEWb8/file.html http://dropmefiles.com/1qxEp https://userscloud.com/lx8i9doqslf1
  11. It would be exceptionally helpful if @troyhunt could share anonymized passwords for this purpose. :))))
  12. Interesant, era activitate si forumul mai blackhat orientated.
  13. Cumperi rooturi ieftine de la baieti. on: rollback de la acadea la napolitana si apoi o sa-l poti root-a. Il flash-uiesti cu Flash Tool.
  14. si l-a schimbat, are o zdipa acum...bautura, bautura si manele...si femei de 7*
  15. 2 pagini...e mult pentru un Ajutor in Bine ai venit. Sau e Bine ai venit in Ajutor? Plm.
  16. Citeste mai sus, descarca si arhiva si vezi singur. Cu acest program ma radeam eu la coaie in trecut, acum mi-am facut epilare definitiva si nu mai este nevoie. Thanks for sharing! Great! PA!
  17. Baietilor cu BTC de pe aici li se invart rotitele si n-o sa se complice nimeni cu tine, sunt sigur de asta. Eu sunt calm, toata lumea e calma. Speri sa ne agitam?
  18. @michael776 @BestAlexandru @Tuckle https://www.sendspace.com/file/pmfcfr
  19. https://www.sendspace.com/file/y90z9p
  20. Si pe mine "m-au scos". Sunt haini. Da' ce-am facut sefu?
  21. Bine ai venit si sedere placuta! Nu prea e activitate la rubrica RE, poate daca ai timpul si placerea....
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