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Found 13 results

  1. The 16 million Starbucks customers who use the company’s mobile payment service may want to strengthen their log-in credentials and reconsider using the auto-load feature. Independent journalist and best-selling author Bob Sullivan reported on Monday that hackers recently stole money from several Starbucks customers by gaining access to their credit card information through the Starbucks app and using the auto-load function. Sullivan described how one Starbucks customer had $34.77 stolen from her account last week, another $25 after it was auto-loaded, and another $75 after the hackers changed her auto-load amount. All of this took place in less than ten minutes. Sullivan cites three other Starbucks customers who had their accounts hacked within the past month. This Reddit thread shows a handful of others who had similar issues. Some hackers even used stolen accounts to email gift cards to themselves. “Essentially, any criminal who obtains username and password credentials to Starbucks.com can drain a consumer’s stored value, and attack their linked credit card,” Sullivan noted. Sullivan added that hackers who gain access to a Starbucks card can move balances to a card or account they control by changing a victim’s email address used for a transfer verification code. “Because the crime is so simple, can escalate quickly, and the consumer protections controlling the transaction are unclear, I recommend all Starbucks consumers immediately disable auto-reload on the Starbucks mobile payments and gift cards,” Sullivan wrote. Starbucks spokeswoman Maggie Jantzen told GeekWire that these recent incidents are “not widespread” and noted that “customer security is incredibly important to us.” “We have safeguards in place to constantly monitor for fraudulent activity and, like all major retailers, work closely with financial institutions to make sure our customers are protected,” she said. Jantzen also said that Starbucks encourages customers to “use several best practices to ensure their information is as protected as possible,” like strong passwords. “Customers are not responsible for charges or transfers they did not make and if a customer’s Card is registered, their account balance is protected,” she added. “If a customer sees unauthorized activity on their account, we encourage them to contact us immediately.” This is not the first time hackers have taken advantage of Starbucks’ auto-load feature, with customers noticing similar issues dating back to 2013. Starbucks has placed a big emphasis on mobile transactions over the past few years, with CEO Howard Schultz noting late last year that 16 percent of its U.S. sales came from a smartphone. Starbucks also recently suffered a massive point-of-sale computer outage that struck stores in the U.S. and Canada last month. Source
  2. Xvirus Personal Firewall PRO is a lightweight, easy-to-use firewall for Windows. With features such as blocking untrusted programs, network monitor, ransom checker, and cloud check, Xvirus Personal Firewall PRO provides you with everything you need for additional protection against hackers — without slowing down your computer. Read more at Free Xvirus Personal Firewall PRO (100% discount) - SharewareOnSale Free Xvirus Personal Firewall PRO (100% discount) - SharewareOnSale
  3. MASTERS HACKERS CRYPTER Scan:::... link download:::...kwws=22zzz17vkduhg1frp2udu2:M6t8mXpfh2PdvwhuvbKdfnhuvbFUbE|Urgd1kwpo Hint:::...{??340?405?335?}Scorpio&RudeBoy coaja
  4. "Signup or Login with Facebook" ?? You might think twice before doing that next time. A security researcher has discovered a critical flaw that allows hackers take over Facebook accounts on websites that leverage 'Login with Facebook' feature. The vulnerability doesn't grant hackers access to your actual Facebook password, but it does allow them to access your accounts using Facebook application developed by third-party websites such as Bit.ly, Mashable, Vimeo, About.me, Stumbleupon, Angel.co and possibly many more. FLAW EXPLOITS THREE CSRFs PROTECTION Egor Homakov, a researcher with pentesting company Sakurity, made the social network giant aware of the bug a year ago, but the company refused to fix the vulnerability because doing so would have ruined compatibility of Facebook with a vast number of websites over the Internet. The critical flaw abuses the lack of CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection for three different processes — Facebook log in Facebook log out Third-party account connection The first two issues "can be fixed by Facebook," Homakov said, but have not done yet. However, the third one needs to be fixed by the website owners those who have integrate "Login with Facebook" feature into their websites. TOOL TO HACK FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS Therefore, blaming Facebook for dismal security in 'Login with Facebook' feature, the researcher publicly released a tool, dubbed RECONNECT, that exploits the bug and lets hackers to generate URLs that can be used to hijack accounts on third-party websites that use 'Login with Facebook' button. "Go blackhats, don’t be shy!" Homakov wrote on his Twitter, allegedly encouraging hackers and cyber criminals to take benefit from his ready to use tool. Homakov also published a blog post which gives hackers a step-by-step process for setting up rogue Facebook accounts that victims are redirected to when they tricked into clicking on malicious URLs provided by the attackers. RECONNECT Facebook hacking tool can generate malicious URLs to hijack Facebook accounts on third-party website including Booking.com, Bit.ly, About.me, Stumbleupon, Angel.co, Mashable and Vimeo. However, any website that supports 'Login with Facebook' can be hacked by manually inserting its link into the tool that generates Facebook login requests on behalf of its users. HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF ? One could realize the dangerous consequences of RECONNECT Facebook hacking tool by calculating how many number of websites over Internet use that blue color ' f ' button of Facebook login. And once a hacker makes a way to get into you account, they could access your private information and use them to hack into your other online accounts. So, in order to prevent your accounts from malicious hackers, Do Not click on any suspicious URLs provided to you via online messages, emails or social media accounts. And always be careful while surfing over the Internet. FACEBOOK RESPONDS TO THE ISSUE Facebook says it has been aware of the issue for some time now and that third-party sites can protect their users by utilizing Facebook's best practices when using the Facebook sign-in feature. The company also added that they have also made various changes in order to help prevent login CSRF and are evaluating others while "aiming to preserve necessary functionality for a large number of sites that rely upon Facebook Login." Source
  5. Email servers still compromised after THREE months An attack against US State Department servers is still ongoing three months after the agency spotted miscreants inside its email system, it's reported. In November the State Department was forced to suspend its unclassified email systems after it was successfully infiltrated by hackers unknown. At the time the agency said its classified emails were unaffected by the hack. Now Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal report multiple sources saying that the attack is still ongoing: the bad guys and girls still have remote access to internal computers. Every time sysadmins find and delete a malware infection, installed by the hackers, another variant pops up. The point of failure was, we're told, a user clicking on a link to a dodgy website using an unpatched browser, leading to malicious remote-code execution. Once inside the network, the attackers spread out to the department's computers overseas, many of which now harbor malware. Remote access to email inboxes has been disabled, it's reported. IT staff can't switch off the network to freeze the infection because the computer systems must remain operation for security reasons. Five sources report that the attacks are Russian in origin, with one former US intelligence officer claiming that Putin’s online warriors are just as good as Uncle Sam's. The secure email system is reportedly still safe, but unclassified emails can contain lots of juicy information – and hackers could masquerade as officials on the network to gain access to more sensitive documents. Messages regarding US policy on the Ukraine, and other files, have been swiped from the system, two sources report. The difficulty in blocking further attacks raises worrying possibilities for the rest of the government’s IT managers. The State Department’s servers was compromised as part of large-scale attack against US government systems, with the White House, the US Postal Service, and the National Weather Service all falling prey, albeit briefly. “We deal successfully with thousands of attacks every day,” State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told the Journal in a statement. “We take any possible cyber intrusion very serious - as we did with the one we discussed several months ago — and we deal with them in conjunction with other relevant government agencies.” Given the amount the US spends on information security these days it seems amazing that the NSA can’t rustle up a few of its hackers so adept at attacking and subverting legitimate means of communications and focus on defense for a change. Since 2001 the US has publicaly spent over $500bn on its intelligence services, and documents leaked by Edward Snowden show the NSA and CIA spent over $25bn in 2013 alone. It doesn’t seem as though the American taxpayer is getting value for money. Source
  6. Hackers stole from 100 banks and rigged ATMs to spew cash Hackers have stolen approximately $1 billion in what could be one of the largest bank heists ever, according to a new report from the Internet security firm Kaspersky Lab. Kaspersky said Sunday it has uncovered how hackers surreptitiously installed spying software on bank computers, eventually learned how to mimic bank employee workflows and used the knowledge to make transfers into bank accounts they had created for this theft. More than 100 banks were hit, Kaspersky said, and based on the hackers' practice of stealing between $2.5 million and $10 million from each bank, it estimated "total financial losses could be as a high as $1 billion, making this by far the most successful criminal cyber campaign we have ever seen." Kaspersky did not name the banks but said they are institutions located in 25 countries, including the United States. It also said the "attacks remain active," and provided tips for bank officials to determine if their computers are vulnerable. The thieves were Russian, Ukranian, Chinese and European, Kaspersky said. The individual thefts involved no more than $10 million apiece. Related: Congress wants banks to admit they've been hacked Kaspersky called the malware "Carbanak" and said it provided the hackers the ability to watch bank employees conduct their business. "This allowed them to see and record everything that happened on the screens of staff who serviced the cash transfer systems," Kaspersky said. "In this way the fraudsters got to know every last detail of the bank clerks' work and were able to mimic staff activity in order to transfer money and cash out." After penetrating a bank's computer systems, the hackers lurked for "two to four months" before striking in one of several ways, like changing an account balance, then transferring the excess funds into their own accounts. They also spewed cash out of ATMs when "one of the gang's henchmen was waiting beside the machine" to collect the money. An industry cybersecurity group has "disseminated intelligence on this attack to the members," according to The New York Times, which first covered the report. The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center told the Times that "some briefings were also provided by law enforcement entities." Hackers stole from 100 banks and rigged ATMs to spew cash - Feb. 15, 2015
  7. Hackers are using a zero-day vulnerability in Adobe Flash to infect systems with a dangerous BEDEP malware variant. Trend Micro research engineer Alvin Bacani reported uncovering the campaign in a threat advisory, proving that hackers began targeting the zero-day less than a week after its discovery. "Continuing our analysis of the recent Adobe zero-day exploit, we find that the infection chain does not end with the Flash exploit, detected as SWF_EXPLOIT.MJST. Rather, the exploit downloads and executes malware belonging to the BEDEP family," read the advisory. Trend Micro reported uncovering the Flash flaw on 2 February, warning that attackers could target victims with malvertising attacks. The flaw is originally believed to have been targeted by hackers using the Angler Exploit Kit to send malicious automatic pop-up adverts. Bacani explained that BEDEP employs the same malvertising infection tactic, but uses the Hanjuan exploit kit to connect victim machines to a criminal botnet. "Based on our analysis, the infection chain begins with a site that hosts malvertisements. As the name implies, these are infected online advertisements," read the advisory. "Our recent findings also show that the malware's main purpose is to turn infected systems into botnets for other malicious intentions. "Additionally, BEDEP is known for carrying out advertising fraud routines and downloading additional malware." The full scale of the campaign remains unknown and the nature of the BEDEP malware makes tracking the attacks difficult. "The fact that the payloads are encoded can be seen as one way of evading detection. An encoded payload will be difficult to identify when passing through the network layer, or when scanned in any layer in an encoded state," noted Bacani. "BEDEP initially came undetected and unnoticed due to its heavy encryption and use of Microsoft file properties for its disguise as well as the use of seemingly legitimate export functions." The flaw is one of three recently discovered Flash zero-day vulnerabilities. The first two were uncovered by Adobe in January and are known to have been actively targeted by hackers. Source
  8. Movies Featuring the Nmap Security Scanner For reasons unknown, Hollywood has decided that Nmap is the tool to show whenever hacking scenes are needed. At least it is a lot more realistic than silly 3D animation approach used in many previous movies (e.g. "hacking the Gibson" on Hackers, or the much worse portrayals on Swordfish). We always like to see Nmap in the movies, so we have catalogued known instances here.
  9. Want to hack someone’s Facebook account? or Gmail account? or break into somebody’s network? But don’t have hacking skills to do so. There’s no need to worry at all. A new service is out there for you guys where you can search for professional hackers and hire them to accomplish any hacking task. Dubbed Hacker's List, a new service that offers to connect customers and "professional" hackers for hire. The service would made any tech-illiterate person capable to break into his boss' email address. This really sounds like something that happens mostly in movies. As if I’m hiring a hacker to accomplish crimes for me. Hacker’s List, the three-month old website — launched in November — has received over 500 hacking jobs so far and waiting for successful bidders. There are around 70 anonymous hacker profiles displayed on the website, but many of them are inactive at the moment. The website charges a fee on a project and payment is cleared on completion of the work, just like freelancing sites. Based on hours, prices of hackers range between $28 to $300 and full hacking projects range in prices of $100 to $5000. As you might expect, it's all done anonymously — collection of fees when tasks are completed, nobody knows the identity of those involved in doing the work. Several projects ranging from 'Hacking into Facebook account', 'Hacking into Gmail accounts', 'Hacking into websites' and 'Hacking into business accounts' are listed on the website. Surprisingly, many jobs listed on the website are for the customers pleading for hackers to break into school systems in order to change grades. You can have a look below to see the list of some jobs, together with the price customers are willing to pay: $300-$500: I need a hack for an Android Game called "Iron Force" developed by "Chillingo". It's a dynamic Server game, frequently updated. very hard to hack. I need a hack that give diamonds and cash on this game and if possible a auto-play robot system for my account. $10-$350: Need some info and messages from a Facebook account. Other jobs to come if successful. $300-$600: I need a hacker to change my final grade, it should be done in a week. $200-$300: Hack into a company email account. Copy all emails in that account. Give copies of the emails employer. Send spam emails confessing to lying and defamation of character to everyone in the email list. Hacker’s List, a website registered in New Zealand, has become the first website ever to provide "ethical hacking" services. While the activities listed on the site are clearly illegal in some cases, but the website asks users not to "use the service for any illegal purposes," as laid out in its 10-page long terms and conditions section. Source
  10. Yahoo servers have been infiltrated by Romanian hackers exploiting the Shellshock bug discovered last month, according to cyber security expert Jonathan Hall. In a blog post on his website Future South, Hall detailed the process by which he discovered Yahoo, Lycos and WinZip websites had all been infiltrated by a group of Romanian hackers. Hall had Google-searched a range of codes designed to identify which servers were vulnerable to Shellshock, and found that Romanian hackers had breached two Yahoo servers and were exploring the network in search of access points for Yahoo!Games, which has millions of users. Yahoo’s servers were vulnerable to attack because they were using an old version of server technology Bash. A Yahoo told The Independent: “A security flaw, called Shellshock, that could expose vulnerabilities in many web servers was identified on September 24. As soon as we became aware of the issue, we began patching our systems and have been closely monitoring our network. Last night, we isolated a handful of our impacted servers and at this time we have no evidence of a compromise to user data. We’re focused on providing the most secure experience possible for our users worldwide and are continuously working to protect our users’ data.” Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer was alerted to the Shellshock hacks Before releasing this information, Hall emailed Yahoo and tweeted at its engineering team and CEO Marissa Mayer. It was confirmed to him that its servers had been infiltrated but Yahoo refused to pay him for alerting them as it was not part of the company’s bug bounty programme. Yahoo is notorious for its disregard of bug bounty hunters, having last year rewarded one such hacker who identified three bugs in Yahoo's servers with a $25 voucher for company merchandise. Also in his ethical-hack investigation, Hall found that hackers were using the WinZip domain - for the zip file creator/extractor - to locate other possibly accessible servers. “This breach affects ALL of us in one way or another, and it’s crucial that this problem be resolved with haste,” Hall said. Hall informed the FBI of the hackings. Romania is known as a hub for cyber crime; more than $1 billion stolen in the US by Romanian hackers in 2012, according to the American ambassador in Bucharest. Source: independent.co.uk
  11. Hackers on Monday targeted Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck and an assorted group of other notables, including Vice President Joe Biden and music mega-stars Jay-Z and Beyonce, posting detailed financial information on the Internet. The information, which included home addresses, Social Security numbers and credit reports, was published on a website that appeared to originate in Russia. “We’ll take steps to find out who did this, and if they’re within the boundaries of the United States, we’ll prosecute them,” Beck said. Beck speculated that he was included with the high-profile performers and politicians because of the recent Christopher Dorner saga. Dorner, a fired LAPD officer, killed two police officers and two others last month during a bloody campaign to seek revenge for his firing. Before he died in a standoff with authorities, Dorner in an on-line manifesto praised the network of hackers known as Anonymous. Many people claiming affiliation with the group have voiced support for Dorner on Twitter and in other Web forums. Others who were singled out included former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, singer Britney Spears, actors Mel Gibson and Ashton Kutcher, and U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder. The accuracy of information released on people other than Beck could not be independently verified by The Times. -- Joel Rubin Original source: Hackers target LAPD chief, Jay-Z, Beyonce, many others - latimes.com
  12. *** Hackers Black Book *** Type/Genre..: eBook Format......: PDF Size........: 4-MB LANGUAGE....: English Books : Hacking Into Computer Systems Maximum Security: A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Internet site and network Hackers Survival Guide How to Make Key Generators Tricks Of The Internet Gurus Hacking for Dummies 2 http://www.multiupload.com/42S6A8VNJX
  13. sharkyz


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