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Salut tuturor ! Am inteles de la un amic ca aici gasesti toti specialistii din Romania in domeniul IT. Am un proiect pe termen lung, de fapt sunt doua, dar o sa incepem cu primul. Am nevoie de cineva care se pricepe foarte bine la e-mail marketing, spam, colectare date, baze de date, creare fake pages etc. Sper sa ma contactati pentru a va explica proiectul in detaliu si pentru a discuta nivelul la care puteti participa. Nu vreau nimic gratis, nu vreau sa ma invatatati, sa creati softuri sau lucruri de genul. Caut o colaborare concreta si corecta ! Astept mesajele voastre. Va multumesc anticipat !
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Salut ma puteti ajuta cu o sugestie sau un program prin care pot sparge o adresa de Multumesc .
- 1
<?php /* RST Visit Mail Sorter by sclipici Use: rst_sort('file_name.extension'); */ function rst_sort($n){ $mails = file_get_contents($n); $mails = array_filter(explode("\n", $mails)); foreach ($mails as $key => $value) { $e = explode("@", $value); $a[][$e[1]] = $e[0]; } foreach ($a as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { file_put_contents($k.'.txt', $v.'@'.$k. PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); } } echo 'Visit'; }
L-am gasit de ceva vreme. Am raportat direct pe fb nu am mai stat sa dau mail. "Reward" : 1 pix, 1 agenda, 1 stick (4GB), felicitare...
Caut pe cineva care sa imi transforme niste pdf-uri editabile in html forms, sau daca se poate acele fisiere pdf sa fie editate online si dupa ce s-au completat campurile sa se trimita la o adresa de mail fisierul completat. Totul se plateste asa ca va rog veniti si cu o oferta. Daca aveti neclaritati lasati-mi un pm.
Au aparut anunturi pt imprumuturi mai peste tot de la aceasta adresa de e-mail: Pt detalii puteti cauta pe google respectiva casuta de mail. Am incercat sa le dau un mail sa vad despre ce este vorba si am primit instant: V? mul?umim pentru r?spunsul dumneavoastr?, Dorim s? în?elege?i c? suntem dispu?i s? v? oferim acest împrumut, dar în primul rând înainte de a putea fi capabili s? continue, în primul rând e?ti sfat s? completa?i formularul de cerere de mai jos împrumut, ?i s? se întoarc? la noi, astfel încât s? putem fi în m?sur? s? v? trimit? planul de rambursare de suma de împrumut necesar .. CREDIT formularul de cerere: Numele Aplicantului: ............... Adresa: ................ Ora?: ..................... .. De stat: ........................ ?ara: .................. .. Sex: ...................... Starea Civil?: ................ Varsta: ........................ .. Ocupatia: ................... Rata Venituri: ................... Spune-i: ........................ ... Num?rul de birou: ................ Mobil: ..................... .. Suma solicitat?: ............... Împrumut Durata: .................. Scopul împrumut ..................... Salutari. D-na Nora. PS: treaba asta functioneaza si pe alte adrese de e-mail total diferite insa puse tot la anunturi/imprumuturi. EDIT: Mi-a raspuns si personal dupa ce am cerut nr de telefon. Este de Nigeria prefixul: +234-81598-56402
Intrati aici va puneti mail-ul si dupa ve-ti primi un mail.
Am cautat si tot cautat pe internet dar nu gasesc detalii si explicatii clare.Vreau sa lucrez la un server mail si intrebarea mea e de unde sa incep ? In mintea mea stau lucrarule cam asa : Website-ul propriu-zis unde userul isi face cont si primeste adresa de email -> socket sau ceva de genu -> server mail.Pentru serverul de mail cum ii atribui domeniul ca userul inregistrat sa aiba adresa de email user@domeniul.tld si cum se inregistreaza un email pe serverul propriu? Ce limbaj de programare ar fi mai indicat C# / C++ ?
Many of us probably think that what is the benefit of tracking a mail, so why should I care, right? Wrong! Everyone is stealing or trying to steal as much data as possible. Today, information is worth everything. Companies send you emails they’ve already got vetted. The one who do such activities can see when you open a mail, what you click after that and what is your location. They track emails by adding small images or pixels that inform them about your data. These tracking tools work once you click the mail, so the only method to stop being tracked by anyone is not by opening that mail. The question here is how one can know if the mail is the safe one or the tracked one before opening it. Today I came across a tool called “Ugly Email” which will do this job for you. Ugly email checks all your emails and exposes the ones being tracked. Each tracked mail is shown with an “evil eye” to easily recognize such emails. Currently, this works by detecting pixels from Yesware, Streak, MailChimp, Mandrill, Bananatag and Postmark. They are actively working on adding more. Here are the simple steps to make it work: Step 1: Open your Google Chrome browser on your PC. Step 2: Click this link to install Ugly Email to save yourself from tracked emails. Step 3: Click “Add to Chrome” in the new tab and you are good to go. Step 4: The next time you receive an e-mail, a tiny eye symbol will be there. It is an indication if it is vetted by any tracking tool. Note: This tool only works with Gmail and is currently available as a Chrome extension. They are working to add Firefox support very soon. Some of you might not see eye symbol on any of your e-mail, that’s because you got no vetted mails. Source
WHILE YOU’VE LIKELY never heard of companies like Yeswear, Bananatag, and Streak, they almost certainly know a good deal about you. Specifically, they know when you’ve opened an email sent by one of their clients, where you are, what sort of device you’re on, and whether you’ve clicked a link, all without your awareness or consent. That sort of email tracking is more common than you might think. A Chrome extension called Ugly Mail shows you who’s guilty of doing it to your inbox. Sonny Tulyaganov, Ugly Mail’s creator, says he was inspired to write the “tiny script” when a friend told him about Streak, an email-tracking service whose Chrome extension has upwards of 300,000 users. Tulyaganov was appalled. “[streak] allowed users track emails, see when, where and what device were used to view email,” he recalled to WIRED. “I tried it out and found it very disturbing, so decided to see who is actually tracking emails in my inbox.” Once the idea for Ugly Mail was born, it only took a few hours to make it a reality. The reason it was so easy to create is that the kind of tracking it monitors is itself a simple procedure. Marketers—or anyone who’s inspired to snoop—simply insert a transparent 1×1 image into an email. When that email is opened, the image pings the server it originated from with information like the time, your location, and the device you’re using. It’s a read receipt on steroids that you never signed up for. Pixel tracking is a long-established practice, and there’s nothing remotely illegal or even particularly discouraged about it; Google even has a support page dedicated to guiding advertisers through the process. That doesn’t make it any less unsettling to see just how closely your inbox activity is being monitored. Using Ugly Mail is as simple as the service is effective. Once you’ve installed it, the code identifies emails that include tracking pixels from any of the three services mentioned above. Those messages will appear in your inbox with an eye icon next to the subject heading, letting you know that once clicked, it will alert the sender. Tulyaganov also confirmed to WIRED that Ugly Mail also doesn’t store, save, or transmit any data from your Gmail account or computer; everything takes place on the user’s end. Ugly Mail appears to work as advertised in our test, but it has its limitations. It’s only built for Gmail (sorry… Outlookers?) and is only available for Chrome, although Tulyaganov says that Firefox and Safari versions are in the works. And while it’s effective against Yeswear, Bananatag, and Streak, those are just three pixel-tracking providers in a sea of sneaking marketers. Tulyaganov has indicated that Ugly Mail will continue to add more tracking services to its list, but it’s not clear yet how long that might take. The onrush of users after receiving top billing on Product Hunt may help speed up the process. If you’d like take take the extra step of just blocking pixel tracking altogether, another Chrome extension called PixelBlock—also referenced on Product Hunt—automatically prevents all attempts, instead of Ugly Mail’s more passive strategy of simply informing you that they’re happening. Pixel tracking isn’t going away any time soon, and Ugly Mail is an imperfect way to prevent it. But it still offers a valuable glimpse at the marketing machinations we’re all exposed to every day, whether we’re aware of them or not. Source
pm me if u have canada mail,, thanks
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Am nevoie de un plugin WP basic de notificare: 1. Atunci cand cineva lasa un comentariu unui post, autorul postului sa primeasca notificare prin mail 2. Atunci cand cineva lasa un reply unui comentariu, autorul comentariului care a primit reply sa primeasca notificare prin mail 3. Adresele de mail folosite pentru mail sunt cele din profilul fiecarui user 4. Sa fie compatibil cu 3.9+ up 5. Nu se da access FTP sau admin, trebuie testat pe localhost-ul (lamp) vostru inainte de livrare Buget: 100-150 ron
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Salutare ! Astazi as dorii sa va prezint un mail boomber foarte bun. Este testat de mine ,functioneaza 100 %. In caz ca intampinati vre-o problema cu el si nu se connecteaza din prima ,optiti programul si dupa reporniti ! +1 Rep OFF : Nu luati in considerare mesajul de pe fundal Video : Download: //Removed
Salut de cateva zile primes in notificarile de pe mail link incorect de exemplu care ma duce intr-o zona unde imi cere user si parola din htaccess linkul corect in mail ar trebui sa fie nu stiu de ce apare vb5_test ala, probabil ati facut voi modificari si ati uitat de ele...
Salutare ! Astazi as dorii sa va prezint un mail boomber foarte bun. Este testat de mine ,functioneaza 100 %. In caz ca intampinati vre-o problema cu el si nu se connecteaza din prima ,optiti programul si dupa reporniti ! +1 Rep OFF : Nu luati in considerare mesajul de pe fundal Video : Download ! GirlShare - Download Craptastic SMTP Bomber v1.0beta.exe
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Salutare. Mai jos puteti gasii o lista cu 300k adrese de mail din romania. Eu am dat 4e pe ea ... si vreau sa o ofer gratis acuma ... Sper sa va fie de ajutor. GirlShare - Download Adrese mail - 300000.rar Nu am nevoie de + sau mai stiu eu ce, dar un simplu MS e bine venit!
Salutare tuturor... Cum pot s?-mi protejez contul Facebook ?i YouTube, precum ?i de Yahoo ?i Gmail, pentru a nu fi depistat? loca?ia abonatului de net, sau loca?ia de la care expediez mesaje? V? rog s? m? ajuta?i cu set?rile ?i recomand?rile necesare. Toate cele bune.
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Vand baza de date cu 5 milioane de adrese de e-mail romanesti. NU contine adrese de e-mail false, alterate, generate sau incomplete. 93% din ele sunt din,,, sau Toate adresele sunt extrase de pe un site foarte mare (romanesc) deci validate. Ofer (si separat, contracost) o lista de 10.000-15.000 adrese de e-mail NUMAI de femei si un soft (pt Windows) pentru trimiterea de mail-uri. Pentru mai multe detalii sau oferte astept mesaj (PM)!
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- baza de date
- baza de date emailuri
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