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  1. Google oferă un VPS gratuit cu Debian Server. 5GB pentru storage, 128MB RAM. Pana la finalul lui 2016. https://t.co/Oj9RLaDOoP
    4 points
  2. Ar fi trebuit sa mearga de la bun inceput pe ideea ca are o problema psihica, o adictie. Daca il extradeaza si ajunge in US, ar fi putut primi o sentinta mai usoara, incadrata la dependente. Acum, daca va fi extradat, va ajunge intr-o inchisoare federala unde nu va supravietui prea mult timp. Ce facea el chiar poate fi considerat dpdv medical o dependenta. Un om prins de doua ori facand acelasi lucru ilegal, fara a avea interese financiare, are o mica problema la bibilica pe care un avocat bun o putea transforma intr-o sentinta mai usoara.
    4 points
  3. Auziti ba: ROOT FREE (for SEO purposes)
    3 points
  4. Ii creste crediblitatea daca are multe vanzari si feedback.
    3 points
  5. Salutare, platesc $6 sa imi cumperi un gig fiverr, pe langa asta primiti si produsul, WhiteBoard Video Doar membri cu minim 300 posturi si un an vechime Add Skype: blk_culay
    2 points
  6. Ati dat de munca la copii. Deja aud FOSNETUL generat de wget something/penis.tgz pe ele :))))))))
    2 points
  7. Building cross platform apps can be a huge savings for your company you are a startup especially because you can hire only one developers for entire mobile suite of applications. You can build native C++ apps for Android and Windows devices, and share code in libraries built for iOS, Android, and Windows, by using Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development. This is an option available in Visual Studio 2015 that installs the SDKs and tools you need for cross-platform development of shared libraries and native apps. When it’s installed, you can use Visual C++ to create code that runs on iOS and Android devices and platforms, in addition to Windows, Windows Phone, and Xbox. Writing code for multiple platforms can be frustrating. The primary development languages and tools for iOS, Android, and Windows are different on each platform. However, all platforms support writing code in C++. This is the common denominator that you can use to enable reuse of core code across platforms. Native code written in C++ can be both more performant and resistant to reverse engineering. Code reuse can save both time and effort when creating apps for multiple platforms. You can use Visual Studio to build shared libraries of standard C++ code for Classic Windows applications, Universal Windows apps, iOS, and Android platforms. You can build native apps for Windows and Android platforms using only Visual C++ and third-party tools integrated into Visual Studio. If you have a Mac computer, you can use Visual Studio to create and debug C++ code for iOS apps that are built and deployed on your Mac. Requirements For installation requirements, see Visual Studio 2015 System Requirements. To build apps for specific device platforms, there are a few additional requirements: The Visual Studio Emulator for Android and Windows Phone emulators require a computer that can run Hyper-V. For more information, see the emulator’s system requirements. The x86 Android emulators that come with the Android SDK work best on computers that can run the Intel HAXM driver. This driver requires an Intel x64 processor with VT-x and Execute Disable Bit support. For more information, see Installation Instructions for Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager – Microsoft Windows. Building apps for iOS requires an iOS Developer Program account and a Mac computer that can run Xcode 6. Get the Tools Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development is an optional component included in Visual Studio 2015. To get Visual Studio, go to the Visual Studio 2015 Downloads page and download Visual Studio 2015. The installer for Visual Studio 2015 includes an option to support cross-platform mobile development. This includes the option to install Visual C++ Mobile Development and the following common tools and software development kits. Most of these options are open-source software required for cross-platform support. Android Native Development Kit (R10E, 32bits) is required for the Android build process. Android SDK, Apache Ant, and Java SE Development Kit are required for the Android build process. Microsoft Visual Studio Emulator for Android is a fast, capable emulator for Android development. For detailed installation instructions, see Install Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development. To build code for iOS, you need to set up and configure a remote build agent on your Mac and connect to it in Visual Studio. For detailed installation and configuration instructions, see Install And Configure Tools to Build using iOS. Create a new Android Native Activity project You can use Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development to create, build, run and debug a complete Android app using C++. Visual Studio includes a template for an Android Native Activity project that can help you get started. In this tutorial, you’ll first create a new project and then build and run the default app. Before you can create a new project, make sure that you’ve met all system requirements and installed the Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development for Visual Studio. For more information, see Install Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development. Take a look at the video to build cross platform apps To create a new project Open Visual Studio. On the menu bar, choose File, New, Project. In the New Project dialog box, under Templates, choose Visual C++, Cross Platform, and then choose the Native-Activity Application (Android) template. Give the app a name like MyAndroidApp, and then choose OK. The new Android Native Activity app solution includes two projects: MyAndroidApp.NativeActivity contains the references and glue code for your app to run as a Native Activity on Android. The implementation of the entry points from the glue code are in main.cpp. Precompiled headers are in pch.h. Your app project is compiled into a shared library (.so) file which is picked up by the Packaging project. MyAndroidApp.Packaging creates the packaging (.apk) file for deployment on an Android device or emulator. This contains the resources and AndroidManifest.xml file where you set manifest properties. It also contains the build.xml file that controls the Ant build process. It’s set as the startup project by default, so that it can be deployed and run directly from Visual Studio. Build and run the Android Native Activity app Build and run the app generated by the template to verify your installation and setup. By default, the template sets the solution configuration to Debug and the solution platform to x86 to run the app on the Microsoft Visual Studio Emulator for Android. If you prefer to test your app on another target, load the target emulator or connect the device to your computer. To build and run the default Native Activity app On the menu bar, choose Build, Build Solution. The Output window displays the output of the build process for the two projects in the solution. Choose one of the VS Emulator profiles as your deployment target. If you have installed other emulators or connected an Android device, you can choose them in the deployment target dropdown list. Press F5 to start debugging, or Shift+F5 to start without debugging. Here’s what the default app looks like in the Visual Studio Emulator for Android. Visual Studio starts the emulator, which takes a few seconds to load and deploy your code. Once your app has started, you can set breakpoints and use the debugger to step through code, examine locals, and watch values. Please take your time to comment on our articles and suggest us some topic you like. Source
    2 points
  8. Buy from: here Author: Juned Ahmed Ansari Free download: aHR0cDovL3dlLnRsL2tlMTdFclhoMFU= Year: 2015 Pages: 312 Juned Ahmed Ansari (@junedlive) is a cyber security researcher based out of Mumbai. He currently leads the penetration testing and offensive security team of a large MNC. Juned has worked as a consultant for large private sector enterprises, guiding them on their cyber security program. He has also worked with start-ups, helping them make their final product secure. Juned has conducted several training sessions on advanced penetration testing, focused on teaching students stealth, and evasion techniques in highly secure environments. His primary focus areas are penetration testing, threat intelligence, and application security research. He holds leading security certifications such as GXPN, CISSP, CCSK, and CISA. Juned enjoys contributing to public groups and forums and occasionally blogs at http://securebits.in.
    1 point
  9. Follow (55) Subscribe Introduction . Background . Screen Shots . Features . Codes . Release History Introduction Multi RDP Client .NET (formerly known as Multi Remote Desktop Client .NET) comes on handy when managing your RDP connections. A simple and friendly user interface for you to work and navigate easily through tabbed RDP remote window. Allows you to Import/Export .RDP files, Disconnect all connection at one click and Connect all your servers at one click as well. You can also change the resolution while working, set the window into fullscreen mode, and as well as enable window stretching and a lot more features! Background Thanks to AxInterop.MSTSCLib (mstscax.dll) an ActiveX COM Component which you can use to connect on Remote Desktop. So, I made a GUI for it for you to connect on your servers via terminal service on multiple window view in one application. How to use MSTSCAX.DLL? You must have the ActiveX file in your system called "mstscax.dll". if not, then you can Google for the file and download it, then make sure you registered it using "RegSvr32 ". I think that's one of the IIS package if you installed the Remote Desktop Web Connection. On the UI Design mode in VS2005 or 8. go to your toolbox and Open Choose Toolbox Items and look for Microsoft RDP Client Control in COM Components tab. I'm guessing you successfully added that control in your toolbar. So I don't think I have to explain how to get that in your Form. https://multirdpc.codeplex.com/downloads/get/306077#
    1 point
  10. Am trimis si eu din putinul meu, sper sa va descurcati si va doresc sanatate, ca e mai buna decat toate...
    1 point
  11. Unity e C#/js din cate stiu si e destinat in principal jocurilor, chiar daca ai posibilitatea sa faci mai multe chestii. Tot in C# pentru aplicatii android/iOS mai exista Xamarin , dar din cate stiu are doar un trial "moca". In C++ pentru aplicatii "all-around" Qt inca e solid (la fel si IDE-ul), iar specific pentru gamedev aveti Unreal (de mentinut ca recent au adaugat suport specific pentru Android din moment ce Unity are o vechime pentru jocuri 2D/lightweight, etc).
    1 point
  12. Powtoon ofera platforma/soft-ul cu care sa realizezi astfel de clipuri. Este foarte usor de folosit. Am facut si eu pentru niste proiecte, mai demult, vreo 3-4 powtoons si la fiecare prezentare participantii radeau, destindea atmosfera.. un bun icebreaker. De acolo e problema ta cat de bine stii sa te vinzi. Uite aici cum functioneaza insa e vechi de 2 ani de zile tutorialul, de atunci probabil au mai adaugat si schimbat lucruri - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFv8L0z-72c
    1 point
  13. @culay - daca te pasioneaza domeniul si vrei sa faci o investitie (caci sunt si bani de facut daca stii sa te vinzi), recomand https://www.powtoon.com pentru astfel de clip-uri.
    1 point
  14. Încă nu, aștept sa îmi termin aplicația mai întâi
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Ma bag si eu si eu si eu Da-mi pm spune mi ce sa fac.
    1 point
  17. EVADING ALL WEB-APPLICATION FIREWALLS XSS FILTERS 1. Abstract Due to the increasing use of Web-Application Firewalls, I conducted a research on all wellknown Web-Application Firewalls to check their efficiency in protecting against cross-site scripting attacks. The motive behind this research was to confirm that there is no effective way to protect against a vulnerability other than fixing its root cause. The tests were conducted against popular Web-Application Firewalls, such as F5 Big IP, Imperva Incapsula, AQTRONIX WebKnight, PHP-IDS, Mod-Security, Sucuri, QuickDefense, Barracuda WAF, and they were all evaded within the research. 2. Introduction A web application firewall (WAF) is an appliance, server plugin, or filter that applies a set of rules to an HTTP conversation. Usually, those rules protect against common threats, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection (SQLI), and other common web-application related vulnerabilities. In my tests, I focused on finding methods to bypass WAFs protection against cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. "Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted web sites. XSS attacks occur when an attacker uses a web application to send malicious code, generally in the form of a browser side script, to a different end user. Flaws that allow these attacks to succeed are quite widespread and occur anywhere a web application uses input from a user within the output it generates without validating or encoding it. An attacker can use XSS to send a malicious script to an unsuspecting user. The end user’s browser has no way to know that the script should not be trusted, and will execute the script. Because it thinks the script came from a trusted source, the malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by the browser and used with that site"[1]. Download: https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/38117.pdf
    1 point
  18. Ia legatura cu cei de la Supportul lor si vorbeste cu ei ca de aia sunt pusi acolo
    1 point
  19. HTML - limbaj de mark-up, nu are absoluti nicio treaba. JavaScript/Flash - client side, deci nu au nicio treaba (doar in cazul care avem node.js sau alta solutie server side pentru JavaScript) PHP - probabil nu exista interpretor PHP daca e storage Cum am zis si mai sus, daca e storage probabil nu exista interpretor PHP. @fLr^: Nu am lucrat cu Azure Blob, dar banuiesc ca fiind solutie de storage nu ai la dispozitie niciun interpretor. In functie de configuratie, e posibil sa iti faca force-download sau sa iti afiseze continutul.
    1 point
  20. Cand mai vedeti un capac de canal pe strada,va rog sudatil,sa nu mai iasa geniile asa brusc.
    1 point
  21. Nu prea am inteles...
    1 point
  22. Monday, March 14, 2016 Bypassing Antivirus With Ten Lines of Code or (Yet Again) Why Antivirus is Largely Useless I had originally set out to write a long winded blog post on different antivirus bypass techniques. I went through what was supposed to be step 1 of my guide and uploaded my resultant binary to virustotal. To my complete and utter shock, the binary got a 0/56 detection rate. I decided to throw out my long winded idea and move forward with this quick, dirty, and unbelievably easy method. I believe that most of my readers would agree with me that bypassing most antivirus based solutions is rather trivial, however I do occasionally bump in to some people who solely rely on tools that generate binaries that can easily be fingerprinted and flagged by antivirus solutions. This article is largely intended for that audience. Before I dive in to this small tidbit of C++ code, I'd like to touch on a tool that is really good at producing binaries that almost always evade detection, Veil-Evasion (part of theVeil-Framework). This tool is awesome (many thanks to @harmj0y and others for creating and contributing to this awesome project) and in almost all instances I have had to use it has not let me down. If it has, I blame people who keep generating binaries and then testing them on virustotal. If you people could stop doing that, that would be great. At any rate, this begs the question, if tools like Veil Evasion are so epic, why should you care about knowing how to slap togother a binary with a shellcode payload yourself? Well there are a number of reasons: People get busy and tools become deprecated The binaries generated by tools become fingerprintable; not the payload necessarily, but the compiled structure of the binary. As a penetration tester, you should really know how to do this. Ups your leet cred.. or so I hear. Before you take a look at the below code, it's worth noting that this is targeting the windows platform; as obviously noted with the reference to windows.h #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> int main(int argc, char **argv) { char b[] = {/* your XORd with key of 'x' shellcode goes here i.e. 0x4C,0x4F, 0x4C */}; char c[sizeof b]; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof b; i++) {c = b ^ 'x';} void *exec = VirtualAlloc(0, sizeof c, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); memcpy(exec, c, sizeof c); ((void(*)())exec)(); } Quite simply, the above code creates a character array with shell code you can add, performs an XOR operation with the incredibly sophisticated key of lowercase 'x', allocates some memory, copies the character array in said allocated memory, and executes it. It may be worth highlighting that you will need to XOR your shellcode with your key of choosing (in this case 'x') before you put it in the above code and compile. So you are probably looking at that and thinking 'really?' - I know how you feel. This is how I felt after I intended this to be step 1 of my tutorial and I ran it through virustotal and it returned 0/56 detection. I'd like to stress that this is an incredible simple and most basic technique, yet its success is still rather astonishing. I originally wrote this example and tested it on virus total a while ago, but I did reanalyze the executable on virustotal at the time of publishing this post and found it still had a 0 detection rate. The binary you generate will very likely not match the SHA256 of the binary I have tested; the binary I uploaded contained shellcode generated with the metasploit framework. Final Comments Alright, so antivirus is dead. We all know that. That being said, we can't argue that over 95% of organizations are still depending on antivirus to protect endpoints. Is there a better way? certainly. A number of vendors, which I shall not name, have launched products that take a new approach to protecting endpoints primarily focusing on identification of known exploit techniques. This is usually performed by way of injecting DLLs in to processes that will monitor for these known techniques and prevent the exploit from working successfully. Is this fool proof technique? I would be inclined to say no. The bar will be raised, but a new type of cat and mouse game will begin. Final note: The above may not work on _all_ antivirus solutions. I figure that was obvious, but thought I would mention it before the pitch forks come after me! Sursa: http://www.attactics.org/2016/03/bypassing-antivirus-with-10-lines-of.html
    1 point
  23. Cum sunt calculate pagubele alea de milioane de dolari ? Au americanii astia in ei numai scoruri de astea de milioane de dolari pentru niste simple emailuri sau fisiere .txt de numa'-numa'. hmmm... Asta are deja vreo 35-40 de ani dupa cum arata, il mai tin astia inca 50 in puscarie, ar trebui sa se bucure ca ii asigura un trai pana la 90 de ani.
    1 point
  24. Pai normal ca il extradeaza, doar Americanii sunt zeii planetei nu isi permit ai nostri sa zica nu FBI-ului.
    1 point
  25. Ne lasi bre cu rahaturile astea? bine ca pui semnatura cu font cat scula calului pentru un link de ref. Sa postezi ceva acatarea nu te duce mintea.
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  30. Salut, am studiat putin niste coduri in ultima vreme si cum poti sa-ti creezi tu propiul tau cod eu am decis sa creez mai multe coduri care spun acelasi lucru si sa vad daca vreunul din voi le poate sparge , de asemenea puteti face acelasi lucru tot aici si o sa incerc si eu sa le sparg ( Trebuie sa-mi spuneti cum am ajuns la rezultatul respectiv deoarece daca aflati la easy veti afla la toate )EXPERT : FFTTTFTFTFFFFFFF FFFFTTFT FFFFFTFTTFFFFFFF FFFFTTTF FFFFFFFTHARD: 384 176 416 112 128 48 NORMAL : ;! ?€£÷EASY : ND <IORMult noroc , daca-l spargeti pe cel de la expert sunteti prea inteligenti pentru tara asta Sincer, nu stiu unde sa pun acest Topic, daca este ceva ziceti-mi.
    -1 points
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