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  1. £1,300 pentru un laptop de plastic, cel mai probabil reciclat din capacul de WC aruncat de Gecko anul trecut? Hahahaha Serios man, nu merita banii..
    5 points
  2. Varianta moca cu ads: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.tacit.android.foldersync.lite&hl=en_GB Fara ads cu £2.24 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.tacit.android.foldersync.full&hl=en_GB
    1 point
  3. Ia-ti mac-ul.... Orice laptop de gaming este relativ nasol, se incalzeste, este destul de incomod de jucat (tastatura ingramadita, etc), te tine bateria putin, nu-i poti fute un pumn la tastatura cand te enervezi, nu-l poti upgrada, nu poti schimba placa video, in timp se fut balamalele, flendure ecranul, se vede uzura pe tastatura, pe touchpad, bani stricati aiurea.
    1 point
  4. Arunca o geana pe https://c9.io/ Au varianta gratuita - https://c9.io/pricing/webide
    1 point
  5. Referitor la gaming, asta inseamna doar o ora doua la cateva zile, nu mai am timp cum aveam acum cativa ani. Ceea ce joc eu este pe Steam deci merge si pe MacBook. Tocmai de aia am venit aici, am spus sa mai cer o parere inainte sa dau o galagie de bani pe ceva... De asta ce ziceti? Aici se mai poate negocia un pic cu omul https://www.gumtree.com/p/macs/-amazing-gaming-beast-msi-i7-980m-32gb-1.5tb-hdd/1171810289
    1 point
  6. @Ganjaa, eu imi cumpar de la mine din oras de obicei, caut pe "oleix", ma intalnesc cu vanzatorul, probez, il verific, banii jos si am plecat. Am si un baiat care imi aduce constant. Un display original are pe una din benzile flexibile logo-ul apple (marul muscat, nu intotdeauna!!!), Cum ti display-ul cu benzile flexibile spre tine, in coltul din stanga sus peste codul acela QR are lipita o folie, pe fiecare dintre benzile felx are buretei si la camera si senzorul de proximitate are locasurile acelea de plastic transparente. Cel din stanga este copie, cel din dreapta este original.
    1 point
  7. The Romanian Teen Hacker Who Hunts Bugs to Resist the Dark Side IT’S 3 AM, and his eyes are almost closed. The pack of gummy bears on his desk is empty. So’s the Chinese takeout box. Romanian white hat hacker Alex Coltuneac has had three hours of sleep tonight. And last night. And the night before that. He’s busy trying to find a vulnerability in YouTube live chat, which he plans to report to the company and hopefully get some money in return. None of the bugs he has discovered in the past few days electrifies him, so he keeps digging. In the past four years, Coltuneac has gotten bug bounty payments from Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Adobe, Yahoo, eBay, and PayPal for flaws he reported. Such bounty programs are a chance for Eastern European hackers like him to pursue a legitimate career in cybersecurity. And he’s only 19 years old. In a country better known for cybercrime, the teenager is part of small but growing cohort of hackers who are deciding to play it nice. This is a departure for the hacking community of Romania, known for such hits as the hackers Hackerville and Guccifer, and fraudsters who steal money from American bank accounts, perpetrate eBay frauds, and land themselves on the FBI’s most wanted list. Coltuneac is a freshman at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, where he learns Computer Science taught in English. Raised by a family who emphasized honest values, he started using a computer when his was 6. First, he taught himself how to play games, but as he got older he began to see the computer’s potential as a tool to make money. He spent his early teenage years watching fellow Romanian hackers make astounding sums of money selling exploits on the black market. They were able to rake in thousands of US dollars with just a few clicks, far more than Coltuneac’s parents made in a month. He was a good kid, from a good family. He didn’t want to join them. But he did want to pay for college. The allure of that life was powerful. Which is why he was so grateful to find out about bug bounty programs when he was 15. They pay enough to keep his conscience clear and his bank account full. Bounties cover the cost his education and living expenses, so “there’s no excuse to break the law,” he said. Coltuneac won’t say how much he earns as a vulnerability hunter, yet gifted white hat hackers doing the same kind of job brag about making in a lucky month about $6,000. That’s how much an ordinary Romanian earns in a year. The average take home pay in the country was about $520 a month this March, one of the lowest in the European Union. On the white market, a flaw found and reported legitimately is priced at a few hundred dollars, enough for Coltuneac to pay his rent this month. Sensitive ones are often rewarded with several thousand dollars. In very few cases, the bounty exceeds $100,000. He’s constantly hoping to find one of those. And that sum is still far less than what he would get if he sold the same vulnerabilities on the gray or black markets. (Gray markets sell exploits to nations and corporations to use against their foe; black markets sell to the highest bidder, often criminals.) Zerodium, a gray hat vulnerability broker working with law enforcement and intelligence agencies, awards a hacker up to $500,000 for a high-risk bug with fully functional exploit. Patching Giants Coltuneac started hunting vulnerabilities when he was 15, after visiting a Romanian cybersecurity forum, in his free time after school. Like most Romanian hackers, the teen is self taught. Soon, he got his first few hundred dollars from Google, and used them to buy himself a brand new computer. His desktop was dead slow. “I got lucky. I found a sensitive file. I used brute force,” he said. The tech giant is among the companies he closely monitors for bug bounty programs. He has recently found an LFI vulnerability and several XSS flaws in Google FeedBurner. Last year alone, Google awarded over $2 million to security researchers globally, and since 2010, when it began its bug bounty program, it has paid a total of $6 million. For 2015, Google highlighted Romania as among the top countries bug bounties were paid out to. Coltuneac has also made it to Microsoft’s Bounty Hunters: The Honor Roll. This spring he found an XSS vuln in their OAuth interface. Microsoft is constantly improving its bounty program, and last year, the company included rewards for flaws found in Azure, ASP.NET, .NET Core runtime and the Edge browser. Articol complet: https://www.wired.com/2016/05/romanian-teen-hacker-hunts-bugs-resist-dark-side/
    1 point
  8. Merita investit in ethereum datorita volumului si fluctuatiei sale. Astept cateva zile sa cumperi la 10$ si apoi cateva zile sa vinzi la 12$. Eu fac asta de cateva saptamani si nu mi-e rau.
    1 point
  9. @albastrel, eu imi cumpar display-uri la 190-250 RON de iPhone 5 si 5S. @Xenon123, iti gasesti display original de pe iphone-uri cu icloud, la 190-250 maxim, aici in tara.
    1 point
  10. Inca nu, am facut putin research sa vad daca e viabila investitia in circumstantele mele si am decis sa mai astept sa vad daca va creste in pret peste un anumit prag. De minat cu CPU-ul este mai degeaba, trebuie sa minezi cu GPU (placa video). Gasisem niste servere GPU de inchiriat pe net cu preturi bune care au mai multe Nvidia Titan-x la 6144 cores insa momentan inca nu as face break-even oricat le-as trage de par, si daca as lua SH si face colocare so mai astept Insa daca i-a luat mami si tati cuiva recent o placa video puternica si nu el plateste curentul ci parintii, poate ca se merita sa o bage la minat. Vezi aici de software si alte detalii: https://ethereum.gitbooks.io/frontier-guide/content/gpu.html
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Android-Security-Reference This is a reference guide for all things Android Security. I'm slowly moving my private notes over to this repo as It may help others Others may help me (by correcting / adding to the ref) Feel free to contribute! Tools Nav helper OctoTree TOC gen DocToc Sursa: https://github.com/doridori/Android-Security-Reference
    1 point
  13. Sal,ma intereseaza pe mine daca e din Romania.De asemenea,daca are cineva cont de fb cu multi prieteni,sau pagina,de preferat pe nisa divertisment,va rog sa ma contactati.
    1 point
  14. The Art of Assembly Language The Art of Assembly Language ................................................................. 1 Volume One: .............................................................................................. 1 Data Representation ................................................................................... 1 Chapter One Foreward ................................................................................ 3 Chapter Two Hello, World of Assembly Language ................................... 11 Chapter Three Data Representation ............................................................ 43 Chapter Four More Data Representation .................................................... 77 Chapter Five ............................................................................................... 109 Chapter Five Questions, Projects, and Lab Exercises ................................. 109 Volume Two: ............................................................................................. 129 Machine Architecture ................................................................................. 129 Chapter One System Organization .............................................................. 131 Chapter Two Memory Access and Organization ........................................ 151 Chapter Three Introduction to Digital Design ............................................ 195 Chapter Four CPU Architecture .................................................................. 225 Chapter Five Instruction Set Architecture .................................................. 261 Chapter Six Memory Architecture .............................................................. 293 Chapter Seven The I/O Subsystem ............................................................. 315 Chapter Eight Questions, Projects, and Labs .............................................. 341 Volume Three: ........................................................................................... 375 Basic Assembly Language ......................................................................... 375 Chapter One Constants, Variables, and Data Types .................................. 377 Chapter Two Introduction to Character Strings .......................................... 401 Chapter Three Characters and Character Sets ............................................ 421 Chapter Four Arrays ................................................................................... 445 Chapter Five Records, Unions, and Name Spaces ...................................... 465 Chapter Six Dates and Times ...................................................................... 481 Chapter Seven Files .................................................................................... 497 Chapter Eight Introduction to Procedures ................................................... 521 Chapter Nine Managing Large Programs ................................................... 549 Chapter Ten Integer Arithmetic .................................................................. 567 Chapter Eleven Real Arithmetic ................................................................. 591 Chapter Twelve Calculation Via Table Lookups ........................................ 625 Chapter Thirteen Questions, Projects, and Labs ......................................... 641 Volume Four: ............................................................................................. 703 Intermediate Assembly Language .............................................................. 703 Chapter One Advanced High Level Control Structures ............................. 705 Chapter Two Low-Level Control Structures .............................................. 729 Chapter Three Intermediate Procedures ...................................................... 781 Chapter Four Advanced Arithmetic ............................................................ 827 Chapter Five Bit Manipulation ................................................................... 881 Chapter Six The String Instructions ........................................................... 907 Chapter Seven The HLA Compile-Time Language ................................... 921 Chapter Eight Macros ................................................................................. 941 Chapter Nine Domain Specific Embedded Languages ............................... 975 Chapter Ten Classes and Objects ................................................................ 1029 Chapter Eleven The MMX Instruction Set ................................................. 1083 Chapter Twelve Mixed Language Programming ........................................ 1119 Chapter Thirteen Questions, Projects, and Labs ......................................... 1163 Section Five ............................................................................................... 1245 Section Five Advanced Assembly Language Programming ...................... 1245 Chapter One Thunks ................................................................................... 1247 Chapter Two Iterators ................................................................................. 1271 Chapter Three Coroutines and Generators .................................................. 1293 Chapter Four Low-level Parameter Implementation .................................. 1305 Chapter Five Lexical Nesting ..................................................................... 1337 Chapter Six Questions, Projects, and Labs ................................................. 1359 Appendix A Answers to Selected Exercises ............................................... 1365 Appendix B Console Graphic Characters ................................................... 1367 Appendix D The 80x86 Instruction Set ...................................................... 1409 Appendix E The HLA Language Reference ............................................... 1437 Appendix F The HLA Standard Library Reference .................................... 1439 Appendix G HLA Exceptions ..................................................................... 1441 Appendix H HLA Compile-Time Functions .............................................. 1447 Appendix I Installing HLA on Your System .............................................. 1477 Appendix J Debugging HLA Programs ...................................................... 1501 Appendix K Comparing HLA and MASM ................................................. 1505 Appendix L HLA Code Generation for HLL Statements ........................... 1507 Download: http://portal.aauj.edu/portal_resources/downloads/programming/assembly_language32bit_edition.pdf
    1 point
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