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https://www.holidayhackchallenge.com/2016/ P.S. SANS Pen Test @SANSPenTest 4h4 hours ago Grand Prize winner of the 2016 #SANSHolidayHack Challenge will receive a SANS OnDemand Training Course at no cost.1 point
SE de sarbatori?!se asigura locuri calde... haide organu poti mai mult...aici nu e hackforums...1 point
Pupy Pupy este un OpenSource , multi-platforma(WIN,Linux,OSX,Android).Este un RAT(instrument de administrare de la distanta) si un instrument de post-exploatare.In principal este scris in Python. Modulele Pupy pot accesa în mod transparent obiecte Python de la distan?ă folosind rpyc pentru a efectua diverse activită?i interactive. Pupy poate genera sarcini utile în mai multe formate, cum ar fi executabilele PE, DLL-uri, fi?iere Python pure, PowerShell, apk, ... -Alege un lansator (connect,bind...), un transport(ssl,http,rsa,obfs3,scramblesuit,...) si un numar de "scriptlets".Scriptlets sun scripturi menite sa fie incorporate pentru a efectua sarcini diverse off-line(fara a necesista o sesiune), cum ar fi adaugarea de persistenta, de a porni un keylogger, detectarea de sandbox. Caracteristici -Pe ferestre, Pupy este compilat ca un DLL si este incarcat in memorie. -Poate migra reflexiv in alte procese. -Poate importa la distanta, din memorie, pachete python pure(PY,.PYC), Pyhton C(.pyd). -Pupy este usor extensibil, foloseste[rpyc]. -Pupy poate comunica folosind si obfsproxy.Toate modulele non interactive pot fi expediate la gazde multiple intr-o singura comanda. -Multi-platforma(testat pe win 7,8,10,kali linux,ubuntu,OSX,Android) -In mai multe formate exe(x86, x64), dll (x86, x64), Python, apk, ... Transport -rsa -Un strat cu autentificare sicriptare folosind RSA si AES256, de multe ori cu alte straturi suprapuse. -Strat folosind o cheie AES256 statica -Ssl(defaut) -http - obfs3 -cu ajutorul stratului rsa pentru o securitate mai buna. -etc. Windows Specific -migreaza -functioneaza foarte bine cu [mimitakz] -screenshot -inregistrare microfon -keylogger -inregistrare tastatura -capturi de ecran la fiecare click -etc Screenshots https://github.com/n1nj4sec/pupy/wiki/Screenshots Install git clone https://github.com/n1nj4sec/pupy.git pupy cd pupy git submodule update --init --depth 1 pupy/payload_templates git submodule init git submodule update pip install -r requirements.txt1 point
1 point
Totusi cred ca e clickbait, nu ai cum sa fii atat de prost, insa, daca chiar esti tu cel din poza..1 point
Salut, oameni. Urasc sa ma prezint, nu aruncati cu pietre. Sunt de 17 ani la lumina, beau cafeaua ca pe apa si vorbesc prea repede. Daca vreti sa stiti de ce cos x, si eu vreau sa stiu,a fost pe moment. Oricat de meta ar suna, am preferat intotdeauna sa imi dezasamblez/ asamblez calculatorul decat sa ies cu oameni, desi sunt deschisa si uneori chiar sociabila, i promise. Programarea e o pasiune de care am ascultat destul de recent, daca trecem peste programarea din liceu care e dezamagitoare. De-aia Google e o minune. Sunt aici pentru ca am in jur de 100 de link-uri salvate despre hacking in principal, malware, toate tipurile de atacuri, terminalul linux, si celelalte tool-uri etc, problema mea fiind ca nu stiu cu ce ar trebui sa incep. Cunosc basic stuff despre cateva limbaje, c++, python, vbscript, sql, dar vreau sa aprofundez si din nou, un pic de ajutor nu suna rau. Am trecut pe Linux destul de recent, pentru ca pusa in fata problemelor e cea mai buna metoda de a invata pentru mine. Invat repede, dont worry. Am invatat sa ma leg la sireturi dupa ce am instalat prima data windows. Am venit aici sperand ca o sa gasesc in sfarsit oameni cu care pot vorbi despre it&c ( & hacking stuff mostly, bineinteles), m-am imprietenit deja prea mult numai cu profa de info. Sper ca nu a sunat prea formal si sper ca e si locul meu pe aici. (:1 point
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1 point
Cerințe: - experiență de o viață în Cozonac++ - experiență vastă a framework-urilor: Pâi.NET, ColacSharp, CozonacNet, Prajituri.JS, Cake.PHP - experiență în configurarea hardware-ului de copt și frământat - să faci față unui volum mare de task-uri - cunoaștere avansată a algoritmilor de coacere - experiență în programarea orientată pe aluat - cunoștințe de programare concentrică a inelelor CSS (cacao, stafide, scorțișoară) în interiorul cozonacilor Constituie un avantaj: - cunoașterea plugin-urilor de Nucă, Rahat, Mac și Stafide - cunoașterea conceptelor de moștenire a rețetelor de la bunica Beneficii: - pupături cu ventuze de la toate neamurile pentru cozonacii de calitate https://www.bestjobs.eu/loc-de-munca/expert-in-programare-orientata-pe-aluat?1 point
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[Complete Sql-Injection Course by Spirit] Hello guys my name is Spirited wolf and here are all my tutorial on most Common type of Sql Injection. You can say A complete Course for every Noob o, Here we go For testing purpose we need to setup some Sqli Labs for testing How things really work. Setup pentesting lab's in kali linux-Tutorial 1 Addon's For Firefox that we need by Spirit-Tutorial 2 Basic's Sql injection from finding column's to dumping database-Part 1-Turorial 3 Explanation for dumping tables and columns-Part 2-Turorial 3 Error Based String With Twist By Spirit-Turorial 4 How to use SqlMap for injecting site by Spirit-Tutorial 5 How to setup Pentesting lab's and SqlMap in Windows Os By spirit-Tutorial 6 Double Quote Based injection tutorial by Spirit-Tutorial 7 Blind Based Injection Basic command's that you should know By spirit-Tutorial 8(Part-1) Blind Based sql injection Tutorial by Spirit-tutorial 9(Part-2) How to Dump database with Blind Sql injection (Manually+SqlMap) method by Spirit-Tutorial 9(Part 3) Introduction To Post Based Sql Injection By Spirit-Tutorial 10 Post Based ::Double Quote Injection (Tricky) by Spirit-Tutorial 11 Important Command's for {Post And Get} based Double Query Injection by Spirit-Tutorial 12 [GET]How to Inject Site if Commas are bloacked By Spirit-Tutorial 13 Cookie Based Sql Injection full explanation by Spirit-Tutorial 14 How to make a simple DIOS by Spirit-Tutorial 15 Base64 String Based Injection by Spirit-Tutorial 16 Inject WebApplication When [OR && ANDFiltered By The web developers by spirit-tutorial 17 Second order injection explanation by Spirit-Tutorial 18 Inject Web Applications when blankspaces are blacklisted by developer-By Spirit-Tutorail 19 Uploading shell with sqli command-By Spirit /* For shelling via sqli query you first have to check if root priv. is On/Off if On then you can upload it Just type this in vulnerable column to check..{ (SELECT+GROUP_CONCAT(user,0x202d3e20,file_priv,0x3c62723e)+FROM+mysql.user) } */ And Please! Please subscribe to my channel and please share if you like So, I hope you Like all my these Amazing Tutorial if you like then please Like My tutorial,Subscribe, comment and let me know my mistake if you found any. Please comment if i done anything wrong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This tutorial is for educational purpose only. I'll not responsible for any harm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use your skills to protect other not to harm kiki emoticon Thanks for watching guys and keep watching pentesting with spirit Our youtube Channel link:: https://www.youtube.com/c/Pentestingwithspirit Facebook page link:: http://facebook.com/Pentest.with.spirit1 Twitter account:: @spirit31131 point
All in .mp4 format here: https://mega.nz/#!1dpGGLaY!rkffKld627xOsIgSAH5pz5fWLXXMcmb1AZaysqR28NU All credits to the author.1 point
1 point
jammer A Bash script to automate the continuous circular deauthentication of all the wifi networks in your reach I am not responsible for any misuses of the script Keep in mind that it is generally illegal to use the script at your neihborhood It is designed for pen-testing purposes It has only been tested on my two machines, so there may still be bugs that can even cause data loss That's why I suggest you take a good look at the code before you execute it There will be updates as soon as I fix something or make a nice improvement Not that anyone will see this Jammer v0.3 Usage: jammer [OPTION] ... Jam Wifi Networks That Your Wireless Card Can Reach. -d, --deauths: Set the number of deauthentications for each station. Default is 10 -y, --yes: Make 'Yes' the answer for everything the script asks -s, --endless: When reaching the end of the list, start again -f, --whitelist: A file with ESSID's to ignore during the attack -k, --keep: Keep the scan files after the script ends -n, --name: Choose the names the scan files are saved as -e, --ethernet: Set the name for the ethernet interface. Default is 'eth0' -w, --wireless: Set the name for the wireless interface. Default is 'wlan0' -h, --help: Show this help message Looking at this help message a suggested way to call the script is $ sudo ./jammer -y -s -d 20 -f whitelist.txt Sursa: https://github.com/billpcs/jammer1 point
Invata mai bine cu ce se mananca linux. Arhitecturi, kernel modules, kernel sysinternals, securitate, daemoni, structura si pe cat posibil instaleaza-ti aplicatiile din surse la inceput. Cel putin, orienteaza-te sa faci lucruri la inceput. Nu iti pierde timpul cu stricatul.1 point
Public penetration testing reports Curated list of public penetration test reports released by several consulting firms and academic security groups. https://github.com/juliocesarfort/public-pentesting-reports1 point
-1 points
Salut ! Ultima data cand am fost in strainatate,un amic de-al meu a cumparat un buletin ptr. sotia lui,nu stiu la ce i-a folosit.Buletinul a ajuns,si arata aproape original,cu exceptia faptului ca era putin mai "blue" . Ideea e ca omu' ( cel care l-a facut ) era tigan,nu stiu sigur daca avea 4 clase.Se exclude din start cunostintele IT. Posibil sa fi avut un psd ptr. asa ceva. Insa ce imprimanta face asta,sa scoata pe acel plastic? Nu exclud faptul ca sunt interesat de asta si c-as vrea sa incerc si eu. Ms.-1 points
Depinde. Poate ai 2 picioare stangi. Ai grija sa nu te impiedici, sa cazi si pe urma sa te lovesti la ceas!-2 points