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  1. Totul este relativ. Cand faceti calcule de genul acesta, incercati sa luati in considerare multe alte chestii, incadrate la "calitatea vietii". Astfel, variabile ar fi calitatea aerului respirat, a produselor din market, a serviciilor medicale, a interactiunii cu institutiile statului, calitatea transportului in comun, serviciilor, amabilitatii chelnerilor, prestatia curvelor, si alte variabile.Deasemenea, nu va ganditi ca programator este doar ala de face pagini web, sau scrappere cu pitonul, ci programator este si ala de lucreaza cu masini cu comanda numerica, printere 3d, aplicatii SCADA, etc. Cati dintre voi au habar de programarea robotilor industriali sau au auzit de TOSMAP?Plm, poti trai bine si sa fi fericit si cu 500 euro si cu 5000 euro, sau poti fi nefericit cu un venit de 15k euro lunar. Astea sunt discutii care pot fi incadrate la filozofie.
    6 points
  2. sincer m-am tot mutat din tara in tara ca programator , am avut salarii caer au variat dintre toate sincer in germania este cel mai ok din toate punctele de vedere ...
    2 points
  3. Abonament de tren in Romania ? Care e faza, vrei sa ajungi peste doua zile la munca ?
    2 points
  4. Arhiva care contine cursuri java, explicate in limba romana pe intelesul oricui. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-IYIin_KvNDVnd1cDVheTRxcHM
    1 point
  5. Sondaj "Chestionar eMAG" Vă mulțumesc pentru răspunsuri și vă recomand acest site - este foarte ușor să creați sondaje cu Done.
    1 point
  6. Firmele mari/magazinele online folosesc procesatoare de plati BTC care convertesc automat BTC in eur/usd. Din punctul lor de vedere ei primesc euro/lei si contabilitatea e facuta cu asta. Nu multa lume se risca sa tina monede virtuale pt ca pretul lor variaza foarte mult. Azi un telefon costa 1BTC maine 0.5 poimaine 3. DPDV Legal bitcoin nu prea exista (din cate stiu eu) E mai mult un asset, ca o bijuterie sau o licenta software si nu o moneda in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.
    1 point
  7. Buna, am programat un comment și email grabber in Python, sper sa va placa Aici e link-ul: https://ghostbin.com/paste/k436w Daca ma puteti ajuta cu un invite la un site invite only unde gasesc torenturi va rog sa imi lasati mesaj multumesc
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Cât câştigă un programator şi cum ne raportăm la salariile programatorilor din alte țări? Marti, 23 Mai 2017 7594 vizualizari Sursa foto Potrivit datelor despre salarii provenite din contribuțiile utilizatorilor Undelucram.ro, postate în ultimii 4 ani, am identificat un salariu minim net care pornește de la 1.000 RON (o pozitie entry level, aferentă unei experiențe reduse), şi care ajunge până la un maxim de 16.000 RON. Excluzând extremele, puține la număr, utilizatorii noștri, care au împărtășit comunității date despre venitul lor salarial, câştigă în medie 4.418 RON sau aprox. 1000 EUR. Sursa: Undelucram.ro Cum arată aceasta medie în raport cu datele colectate de institutul de statistică? Ultima valoare înregistrată, aferentă lunii martie 2017, arată o medie a caştigului unui angajat in “Activitati de servicii în tehnologia informatiei; Activitati de servicii informatice”, egală cu 5.880 RON (aprox. 1.292 EUR). Facem totuși precizarea că datele colectate de INS se referă la un domeniu de activitate mai larg, în consecință putem avea incluse în medie şi salarii care nu au legătură directă cu activitatea de programare. În 2016, salariile angajaților din IT au crescut cu 22% față de anul precedent, în timp ce în primele 3 luni ale lui 2017 se înregistrează o creștere de 9% an vs. an. Cum ne raportam la salariile țărilor din regiune, Europa de Vest, dar si America de Nord? Sursa: Undelucram.ro, INS, Eurostat, Institute de Statistica Nationale – Europa de Vest si America de Nord Așa cum am precizat, datele provenite de la unele instituții de statistică naționale nu oferă valori exclusive activității de programare. În schimb se realizeaza o medie, pe baza tuturor salariilor din domeniul IT. În graficul de mai sus, avem această situație pentru datele oferite de INS, dar si pentru cele oferite de instituțiile de statistica din unele țări ale Europei Centrale. Per ansamblu, valorile în regiune sunt destul de apropiate, mai mult chiar, România se află în fața Europei Centrale pe aceasta medie agregata din sectorul IT: 1.251 EUR vs. 1.154 EUR in regiune. Situația se schimbă radical în comparație cu țări considerate dezvoltate, iar aici valorile sunt direct comparabile cu datele de pe Undelucram, pentru că se refera strict la activitățile de programare. Un programator din Europa de Vest câstigă în medie 3.155 EUR, iar unul din America de Nord 4.547 EUR, de aproximativ 3, respectiv 4 ori mai mult decât salariul din România. Cum arată datele în contextul unei comparații cu Indicele Cheltuielilor de zi cu zi, aferent locațiilor geografice respective? Sursa: Numbeo.com În Europa Centrală, indicele cheltuielilor curente este doar cu aprox. 15% mai mare decat in România. În schimb, în țările din Europa de Vest, precum si peste ocean, costul vieții este mai mult sau mai puțin DUBLU. Cum arată salariul programatorilor, ajustat la puterea de cumpărare aferentă regiunilor comparate? Sursa: Calcule Undelucram.ro, Numbeo.com Chiar si ajustate la puterea de cumpărare, în comparație cu țara noastră, salariile programatorilor sunt cu 60% mai mari in Europa de Vest si mai mult decât duble in America de Nord. Pe lângă salarii, ce alte beneficii mai primesc angajații care lucrează în PROGRAMARE? Asigurare medicala şi Program flexibil, marea majoritate: 61%, respectiv 67% Tichete de masă: mai puțin de jumatate, 42% Al 13-lea salariu şi pensie facultativă: foarte puțini: 30%,respectiv 10%. Spune comunității cât câştigi. Postarea ta este şi va rămâne anonimă. Sursa: https://www.undelucram.ro/stire/cat-castiga-un-programator-si-cum-ne-raportam-la-alte-tari-1105
    1 point
  10. So many readers in the Null Byte community have been asking me questions about evading detection and hacking undetected that I decided to start a new series on digital forensics. I applaud each of you for your concern, as the last thing I want to see is one of you getting caught and spending years locked up in a 8 x 8 concrete room with a violent and lascivious cellmate. You can never be too cautious in this field of endeavor. The best way to evade detection is to understand what the other side is doing and using. So, this series will focus on the tools and techniques that law enforcement and the security engineers are using to detect and prosecute hackers around the world. What Is Digital Forensics? Digital forensics is the field of determining who was responsible for a digital intrusion or other computer crime. It uses a wide-range of techniques to gain attribution to the perpetrator. It relies upon the fundamental concept that whenever a digital intrusion or crime is committed, the perpetrator inadvertently leaves a bit of themselves behind for the investigator to find. These "bits" could be entries in log files, changes to the registry, hacking software, malware, remnants of deleted files, etc. All of these can provide clues and evidence to determine their identity and lead to the capture and arrest of the hacker. As a hacker, the more you know and understand about digital forensics, the better you can evade the standard forensic techniques and even implement anti-forensic measures to throw off the investigator. The Digital Forensic Tools Just like in hacking, there are a number of software tools for doing digital forensics. For the hacker, becoming familiar with these tools and how they work is crucial to evading them. Most digital forensic investigators rely upon three major commercial digital forensic suites. Guidance Software's EnCase Forensic Access Data's Forensic Tool Kit (FTK) Prodiscover These three suites are comprised of multiple tools and reporting features and can be fairly expensive. While these suites are widely used by law enforcement, they use the same or similar techniques as the free open-source suites without the fancy interfaces. By using the open source and free suites, we can come to understand how such tools as EnCase work without the expense. EnCase is the most widely used tool by law enforcement, but not necessarily the most effective and sophisticated. These tools are designed for user-friendliness, efficiency, certification, good training, and reporting. There are a number of the free, open-source forensic suites, including the following three. The Sleuthkit Kit (TSK) Helix Knoppix We will look at each of these suites to better understand what digital forensic investigators can see and find about an intrusion and the perpetrator. The Forensic Tools Available in BackTrack In addition, there are a large number of individual tools that are available for digital forensics, some of which are available in our BackTrack and Kali distributions. Some of the better tools in BackTrack include the following, among many others. sleuthkit truecrypt hexedit autopsy iphoneanalyzer rifiuti2 ptk exiftool evtparse.pl fatback scalpel dc3dd driftnet timestomp What Can Digital Forensics Do? Digital forensics can do many things, all of which the aspiring hacker should be aware of. Below is a list of just some of the things. Recovering deleted files, including emails Determine what computer, device, and/or software created the malicious file, software, and/or attack Trail the source IP and/or MAC address of the attack Track the source of malware by its signature and components Determine the time, place, and device that took a picture Track the location of a cell phone enabled device (with or without GPS enabled) Determine the time a file was modified, accessed or created (MAC) Crack passwords on encrypted hard drives, files, or communication Determine which websites the perpetrator visited and what files he downloaded Determine what commands and software the suspect has utilized Extract critical information from volatile memory Determine who hacked the wireless network and who the unauthorized users are And that' just some of the things you can do with digital forensics! What Is Anti-Forensics? Anti-forensics are techniques that can be used to obfuscate information and evade the tools and techniques of the forensic investigator. Some of these techniques include the following. Hiding Data: Hiding data can include such things as encryption and stegonography. Artifact wiping: Every attack leaves a signature or artifact behind. Sometimes it's wise to attempt to wipe these artifacts from the victim machine so as to leave no tell-tale trail for the investigator. Trail Obfuscation: A decent forensic investigator can trail nearly any remote attack to a IP address and/or MAC address. Trail obfuscation is a technique that leads them to another source of the attack, rather than the actual attack. Change the timestamp: Change the file timestamp (modify, access, and change) to evade detection by forensic tools. Stay Tuned for More on Digital Forensics We will spend some of my future Null Byte tutorials looking at the most widely-used techniques in digital forensics, using both commercial and open-source tools, and then advance to anti-forensics, or ways to evade detection from these tools and the forensic investigator. So, to learn the techniques law enforcement and security engineers are using to track hackers, along with how to avoid and evade, keep coming back here! Sursa: https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-1-tools-techniques-0149732/ part x: https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-2-network-forensics-0149958/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-3-recovering-deleted-files-0149868/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-4-evading-detection-while-dosing-0150445/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-5-windows-registry-forensics-0160561/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-6-using-ida-pro-0161643/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-7-windows-sysinternals-0162080/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-8-more-windows-registry-forensics-0162609/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-9-finding-storage-device-artifacts-registry-0164221/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-10-identifying-signatures-port-scan-dos-attack-0164805/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-11-using-splunk-0167012/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-12-windows-prefetch-files-0167643/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-13-browser-forensics-0168280/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-14-live-memory-forensics-0168337/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-15-parsing-out-key-info-from-memory-0169435/ https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-digital-forensics-for-aspiring-hacker-part-16-extracting-exif-data-from-image-files-0170128/
    1 point
  11. Vezi ca zborul cu avioanele si mersul cu masina este pilotat de calculator. Alea la randul lor sunt facute de programatori. La o simpla troaca de masina cu ecu ai calcule complexe, actuatori, abs, esp, franare, debit de aer calculat, injectie si sute de parametrii ce functioneaza si iti salveaza curul. Toate sunt facute de programatori. Cand spui programare te referi cumva la javascript, php si python pentru elevi ? :)))) Studiile alea despre salarii sunt trase de par oricum. In NL ajungi si la 8000 /lunar. In CH ajungi la 12000 chiar. In DE sari cu mult de 3000. Depinde de ce experienta ai si unde lucrezi.
    1 point
  12. PASSIVE GSM SNIFFING WITH SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO 02/06/2017 0 Comments in Blog by Rashid Feroze I have been working on Telecom Security and Software defined radio since a few months and I noticed that there are very limited resources on the internet for beginners who want to get into telecom security. Not many people from security industry are into this and very less information has been shared online. I would be sharing here whatever I have gained in past few months in a series of blog posts. Now, before getting into active security analysis of GSM networks, let’s first see what we can do by just passively sniffing the airwaves around us. To sniff RF waves around us, the best way is get your hands on a SDR. WHAT IS A SDR? According to Wikipedia, Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been typically implemented in hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system. In simple terms, It refers to a technique in which all the processing is done in software. The processing mentioned include mixing, filtering, demodulation etc. We can use a SDR to capture airwaves when tuned to a particular frequency. The range of frequency it can capture and the bandwidth differs with different SDR devices. Here, we would be using RTL-SDR, the cheapest one available, to sniff over GSM. GSM FREQUENCY BANDS Before getting into details, let’s first have a look on different GSM frequency bands. GSM operates on a set of pre-defined frequencies designated by International Telecommunication union for the operation of GSM mobile phones. GSM frequency bands In India, we use two bands which are shaded in yellow in the above picture. A dual-band 900/1800 phone is required to be compatible with most networks around the world. For sniffing, first we need to identify the GSM downlink channels. Here we would be sniffing GSM data for our own phone so we would need to know upon what frequency it is operating on. We can do this by getting the ARFCN no. from our phone. In GSM cellular networks, an absolute radio-frequency channel number (ARFCN) is a code that specifies a pair of physical radio carriers used for transmission and reception in a land mobile radio system, one for the uplink signal and one for the downlink signal. I am using Motorola G4 and in this phone we can get to the service mode by dialing *#*#4636#*#* on our phone keypad. I have switched the phone to 2G mode as analysis of 2G is much easier than 3G/4G. They are using different encoding and encryption schemes and we can cover them later. Our ARFCN no. is 672. We can calculate exact frequency on which this phone is operating by using the ARFCN number. By using a simple ARFCN calculator we got to know the frequency our phone is operating in. ARFCN Calculator Now. Let’s tune our RTL-SDR to that particular frequency and find out what we can see. Gqrx tool We can clearly see the GSM Stream bits on that frequency. Let’s also scan for all the GSM channels around us. This will give us confirmation about our downlink channel. We can use kalibrate-rtl tool to scan GSM frequencies around us. kalibrate-rtl Here also we can see our downlink channel and it also gives us the offset value which will help us calibrate our SDR better. Whatever data which the SDR is receiving is just raw data which makes no sense. We can use GR-GSM to decode this raw data and process this into meaningful information. grgsm_livemon running Now start wireshark simultaneously and we would start seeing the GSM data packets in the wireshark. We can also filter out Gsmtap packets. This is a system Information type 3 packet. Information needed by the MS for cell selection and reselection is broadcasted with the help of this. Location Update message CAN WE LISTEN TO VOICE CALLS THEN? All the data channels are almost always encrypted using a stream cipher (A5) used to provide over-the-air communication privacy in the GSM cellular telephone standard. We can only see some of the control channels above which were not encrypted. All the calls and messages are encrypted using an encryption key (Kc) which is generated after an authentication mechanism by Authentication Center (AUC) which follows a challenge-response authentication model. The SIM card stores an encryption key called as Ki which is also stored by AUC/HLR. The Ki or Kc is never exchanged over network, therefore making it impossible to sniff encryption keys over the air. Moreover, the Kc changes before each call is setup. It means for every call, there would be a different encryption key. However, older version of A5 can be cracked if we have enough computation power. Researches have cracked A5/1 encryption by setting up the entire process in cloud which has huge computation power. Kraken is the tool that can be used for this. We cannot capture voice data with RTL-SDR because during a call, channel hopping takes place and the bandwidth of the RTL-SDR is not enough to capture the whole range at a time. We would need a better SDR with more bandwidth like a HackRF or any SDR device above that. HOW DOES INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES INTERCEPT OUR CALLS THEN? 1. DOWNGRADING THE ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM USED Even if the operator is using new and strong encryption algorithm, sometimes It is possible to force the operator to switch to a weaker encryption algorithm. Operators have to enable support for older encryption algorithms because many older phones doesn’t have enough computation power to use new encryption algorithms. 2. SOME OF THE OPERATORS DOESN’T USE ANY ENCRYPTION AT ALL During telecom security vulnerability assessments, it was found that, sometimes operators turn off encryption schemes completely when the load on the network increases so that they can reduce overhead traffic and can accommodate more users easily. 3. MITM ATTACK This is the most common attack vector that have been used since years by different hacker groups and Intelligence agencies. One can create fake cell towers and fool a mobile station in the vicinity to connect to that fake cell tower. All the mobile station data now would be going through that fake cell tower and the person in control could force the MS to use no encryption at all. 4. GETTING THE SIM CARD ENCRYPTION KEYS In 2015, It was in the news that some spies hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world, stealing encryption keys (Ki) used to protect the privacy of cellphone communications across the globe. This key could be used to decrypt the GSM data. WHAT NEXT? We will talk more about security analysis of GSM networks using Osmocom-BB, we will setup our own GSM Network using OpenBTS and discuss about the attacks possible over Um and Abis interfaces in the upcoming blogposts related to telecom security. Stay Tuned. Sursa: http://payatu.com/passive-gsm-sniffing-software-defined-radio/
    1 point
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  15. Tu ai facut postul asta pentru program sau pentru invitatie ? da-mi un mesaj cu email si iti trimit eu invite pe un tracker.
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  16. Arta Programarii in Java (vol 1 si vol2) - Limba romana ArtaProgramarii_inJava_1_2 Java A Beginner's Guide Sixth Edition - Limba engleza Java A Beginner's Guide Sixth Edition Succes.
    1 point
  17. Salut. Am nevoie de un web developer (php/html/css/js/mysql) pentru niste proiecte destul de basic. Vreau pe cineva serios il mai pot invata eu cate ceva dar macar sa stie chestile basic. Bani se iau pe proiect.
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