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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/19 in all areas

  1. Salut, Am vazut ca sunt printre noi multi care investesc sau tin crypto monede. Eu recent am inceput sa lucrez la un cold wallet mazat pe arduino zero. Costul prototipului e undeva la 90 lei. Daca ar fi produs in masa costul ar fi undeva la 50. (comparativ cu un trezor sau ledger care sunt +400 lei ) V-ati increde sa construiti sau sa utilizati un asemenea device, daca proiectul ar fi matur? (codul si instructiunile vor fi facute open source) Ce vulnerabilitati sau probleme in securitate si functionalitate vedeti? Ce ati adauga pt a imbunatati produsul? Daca nu unde va tineti monedele?
    3 points
  2. E site Moodle (moodle.org), open source. Tot codul este disponibil: https://github.com/moodle/moodle deci poti cauta vulnerabilitati cat si cum ai chef. Daca ar exista o vulnerabilitate de genul ai putea sa o vinzi pe bani buni. Lasa laba si pune mana pe invatat.
    3 points
  3. Solutia este veche, am vazut ca nu a postat-o nimeni asa ca am hotarat sa o postez eu macar pt arhiva. Este prima solutie gratuita si publica pentru decodarea HTC Desire bazata pe niste instructiuni din kernel incomplet documentate descoperita si implementata de catre un compatriot. Solutie este functionala am testat-o la sfarsitul lui 2010 cu desire-ul meu. SIM-Unlock Utility v0.9.5 As being pointed out by more and more users regarding scamms, I have to clarify: THIS APP IS FREEWARE! DO NOT TRUST ANY EBAY/WHATEVER-SITE SELLER! If you've been asked money and you paid for it, try to get a refund by mailing both Ebay/Paypal/middleman and get them shut down. This is the only site I endorse! Commercial use is forbidden! The summer holiday brought me some more time, so I decided to update the tool. The latest version works on Windows, takes ~30 seconds and the rate of success is greatly improved (we'll see about that.. [img=https://rstcenter.com/secimg.php?url=https://rstcenter.com/secimg.php?url=http://media.xda-developers.com/images/smilies/tongue.gif]). Forget about iso and burning. This is still only for Desire (HTC Bravo),though.. Please note! By using the windows version of the app, you ar not required to boot your phone into HBOOT, it will take care of it by itself. Old stuff (previous versions, linux only):Burn the iso, boot it, power up your phone into HBOOT by pressing both Vol-Down and Power and follow the instructions. Post your experiences here for further development. The app doesn't require root or s-off and should work on any hboot and radio version. (it has been tested so far with HBOOT up to 0.93.1000 and RADIO up to It's based on some vulnerabilities and undocumented features, so disclosing them would mean the greater the chance of them being corrected. I've only tested it on Desire GSM and I do not recommend using it on CDMA devices; doing otherwise could lead to unpredictable results. Download link: Windows version: [URL="http://www.sieempi.eu/data/download.php?id=11"]HTC_Desire_Unlock_v0.9.5.rar[/URL] Bootable linux cd (obsolete!): [URL="http://www.sieempi.eu/data/download.php?id=1"]HTC_Desire_Unlock_v0.2a.iso[/URL] sursa: HTC Desire SIM-Unlock Utility - xda-developers
    1 point
  4. Daca afla Craciun ca tu vrei sa fii "hecar" s-ar putea sa stai cu restanta cativa ani.
    1 point
  5. Blackarch https://www.blackarch.org Use https://sdrausty.github.io/TermuxArch/setupTermuxArch.shto install, update and configure Arch Linux on device first. Then edit your /etc/pacman.conf by adding: [blackarch] Server = http://blackarch.org/blackarch/$repo/os/$arch Next run pacman -Syu to update your repository listing. Then to install either distribution, run one of these commands: pacman -S blackarch --needed There are 1602 members in group blackarch: ~5G download (~16G on device) That's a lot of pentesting. If you don't desire this much pentesting, don't install everything that will be available. The recommended minimum free space allotment for this install is approximately 1G of free space in userspace, not on external SD. Enjoy 😀 More Information https://sdrausty.github.io/TermuxArch/ Sursa: https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Blackarch
    1 point
  6. Scanner for Simple Indicators of Compromise Detection is based on four detection methods: File Name IOC Regex match on full file path/name Yara Rule Check Yara signature match on file data and process memory Hash check Compares known malicious hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA256) with scanned files C2 Back Connect Check Compares process connection endpoints with C2 IOCs (new since version v.10) Additional Checks: Regin filesystem check (via --reginfs) Process anomaly check (based on Sysforensics) SWF decompressed scan (new since version v0.8) SAM dump check DoublePulsar check - tries to detect DoublePulsar backdoor on port 445/tcp and 3389/tcp PE-Sieve process check The Windows binary is compiled with PyInstaller 2.1 and should run as x86 application on both x86 and x64 based systems. Download Download the latest version of LOKI from the releases section. Source: https://github.com/Neo23x0/Loki/blob/master/README.md
    1 point
  7. Nu sunt "combinatii", sunt contracte cu operatorii pentru custom sender id. Si sunt limitari legale (multe, nu poti lasa la liber pentru utilizatori)
    1 point
  8. Pai e simplu ... dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/populare.txt count=1024 bs=1024
    -1 points
  9. -1 points
  10. Pai cauta in pula mea, ca nu plateste ma-ta factura la intretinere
    -1 points
  11. Na de unde ma spama omul
    -1 points
  12. Cu patru negri de 20inchi
    -1 points
  13. Tinfoil Chat (TFC) is a FOSS+FHD messaging system that relies on high assurance hardware architecture to protect users from passive eavesdropping, active MITM attacks and remote exfiltration (=hacking) practised by organized crime and nation state actors. Source: https://github.com/maqp/tfc
    -1 points
  14. Salut , am si eu o curiozitate foarte mare si in acelasi timp ar fi o provocare imensa Site-ul facultatii mele ( https://edu.csed.ugal.ro/ ) este locul unde sunt afisate foarte multe materiale, si foarte multe teste, si noi primim " cu portia " adica nu avem acces pana nu ne dau profesorii acces de le conturile lor. Intrebarea mea este daca as putea face cumva sa am acces la tot ce e pe site , credeti ca s-ar putea asa ceva ? Rog sa se abtina cei cu comentarii rautacioase si nefolositoare PS : Am 0 experienta in ceea ce priveste hacking-ul PSS : Sunt foarte curios si as aprecia daca sunt persoane foarte pricepute ce m-ar putea sfatui Multam si numai bine !
    -1 points
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